What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance

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What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 3

by Krista Wolf

  “Do you find many women?”

  “More or less,” Corey chimed in. “Does that surprise you?”

  “I… I’m not sure.”

  “You have to understand,” Brody went on, “this is Vegas. People come here to let loose. To shed their inhibitions, and do things. Secret things.”

  “To misbehave,” Corey said over his beer.

  Brody nodded. “Some of them act like entirely different people, and that’s all part of the allure. They can be someone else for a few days. Or they can be themselves for once, and do whatever it is they’ve been holding back on doing.”

  I considered his words for a moment, wondering if this wasn’t something I’d always wanted. Certainly I’d fantasized about it enough times. Hadn’t everyone?

  “Many of them come by themselves too,” Brody continued. “They’re alone here on business, like you were. Or lonely. Thousands of miles from—”

  “Do you think I’m lonely?” I jumped in.

  “I think you’re beautiful,” he replied smoothly, adding a smile. “And if I had to guess? Yes, you’re probably here alone. You had a few glasses of this last night,” he pointed to my wine, “and your inhibitions started to lower. So much that you took one our flyers. Enough that you snapped those photos.”

  I blushed a little, remembering the sexy pics. I’d been brave, that was for sure. And he was definitely right about my inhibitions.

  “So you provide… a service?”

  “We provide a fantasy,” explained Corey. “An opportunity most women will never have, but secretly wish they did. The chance to do something totally wild. To act on lust and instinct, rather than logic and reason.”

  My eyes crawled over the dark-haired stranger, lingering on his tight jeans before working their way up to his handsome face. He was talking faster now, his expressions more animated. And I could sense an underlying excitement too. Like he was reliving certain moments in his mind.

  “All women dream about being with two guys at once,” said Brody. “Not many of them act on it when the chance arises, but a few are strong enough, and brave enough, to admit what they really want.”

  He leaned closer into me, his voice going confidential. Before I even knew it was happening, his hand slid from his knee to mine.


  Every inch of my exposed skin exploded in goosebumps.

  Oh wow.

  “Isn’t this why you contacted us last night, Lauren?”

  He breathed my name more than said it, his full lips practically brushing my ear. I gasped as electric shivers rocketed up and down that side of my body.

  Though it was Brody who spoke, it was Corey’s eyes that were locked on mine. They required a response, demanded an answer. I knew right then and there, how much of a team they really were.

  “Yes,” I said softly.

  There was no reason to lie. No way I could lie, not here, not now. Not sandwiched between them.

  “Good,” Brody whispered. He smiled warmly, and gave me knee a suggestive squeeze. “It’s normal to be nervous, Lauren. In the end though, it’s only sex. We get what we want… you get to live out a fantasy most girls only dream of fulfilling.” He settled back into the booth, looking cool and comfortable. “Everybody wins.”

  The guys grabbed their beer, and worked on their drinks. I worked on breathing again.

  Is this really happening?

  It was. It really, really was.

  But could I actually go through with it?

  That part I didn’t know. I was still flushed and flustered. Still in a mixed state of denial and semi-shock. Then again…

  Then again, the guys looked and felt and smelled magnificent. All muscle and musk and masculinity. And they were right out of college! Young and smooth and strong and—

  “So how exactly would this work?” I blurted without thinking. “If I decided I wanted to… well…”

  Holy shit, Lauren!

  “Well we’re squeaky clean, totally healthy,” said Brody. “We can provide recent paperwork—”

  “I mean… when you meet these other women together, what exactly do you do with them?” I swallowed, hard. “How does it usually go, once they’ve… once they’ve…”

  “Agreed to go to bed with us?”

  Those seven simple words hammered the whole thing home. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a huge gulp.

  “You want to know the specific details?” asked Brody.

  The burgundy liquid slid like fire down my throat. Emboldened by the warmth flowing through me, I nodded.

  The two friends looked at each other before sharing a secret smile. They shifted just a little bit closer, until each of them had a thigh resting warmly against mine.

  “We’ve done everything, Lauren.” Brody’s voice was even lower. Huskier. His breath was hot on my neck as he nosed his way in, just past my hair. “Anything and everything you could possibly image...”



  I sat utterly still, sandwiched between them. My whole body tingled from the feel of Brody’s hot breath on my skin, as he continued to talk.

  “Some women want us both at the same time,” he told me softly. “Simultaneously. From each end.”

  I gasped inwardly, as my whole body stiffened. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Other women just want us to take turns…”

  “T—Take turns?”

  “Fucking her,” said Corey, whispering into my other ear.

  The word was so raw. So filthy. I’d heard it a million times, but never like this. Never like—

  “Spreading her legs for the both of us, so we could take turns on her,” Corey went on. “Over and over again. Tag-teaming her. Screwing her into the bed, one right after the other...”

  I melted, almost immediately. The warmth gathering in my belly sank lower, stoking the furnace between my legs.

  “Of course,” Brody countered, “everyone’s different. We’ve had women who wanted only one of us, or the other. We even had one who wanted to sleep with us — just sleep, mind you. I think she was lonely, and just looking to drift off between two warm bodies.”

  She’s crazy, I thought, looking back at their bodies. Totally nuts.

  “And of course, the pendulum swings in the opposite direction too,” Brody smirked wryly. His hand slid an inch or two higher on my thigh. “Some girls aren’t afraid to ask for anything. And with some of those, we’ve taken them to some pretty wild places…”

  My imagination spun off in all kinds of crazy directions. I could envision these women, in the same position I was. Mulling over the same seemingly crazy ideas. Feeling that same forbidden excitement. And then pushing past all that, to take that final step. To go upstairs, and fall into bed with these two beautiful men. To pull out the keycard to their hotel rooms… and actually do it.

  “I have a question,” I said hesitantly.


  “What do you guys get out of this?”

  The guys looked at each other again, then back at me strangely.

  “I mean, besides the obvious,” I blushed again. “But seriously, look at you. You’re both so young. So unbelievably good-looking. You could have your pick of any girlfriends you wanted. Girls your own age…”

  I rolled the stem of my wine glass between my fingers. For courage, I took another quick sip.

  “I guess what I’m asking is… why do this with someone like me? I’ve got to be eight or ten years older than you.”

  Brody squeezed my leg again, reassuringly. “Well for starters, we’re not afraid of older women. Not that we consider you older, really.” His eyes wandered my body. “Whatever age you are, you look fantastic.”

  My whole face went red, and not just from the wine. “Thanks.”

  “Girls our age can be silly,” Corey interjected. “Immature. Especially when it comes to this.”

  “By contrast, older women know more about exactly what they want,” said Brody. “They’ve be
en around the block a few times, so they’re not afraid to ask for it.”

  I laughed into my wine glass. Freely.


  “I got married at nineteen,” I explained. “I’ve been with the same lame asshole for the last ten years.”

  I saw their expressions change. They seemed to be listening with even more interest now, if that were possible.

  “Trust me,” I laughed some more. “I have not been around the block.”

  “Oh we can show you the block,” Corey promised suggestively. He clasped my hand, which happened to be resting on my other thigh. “But it’s more than that, too.”

  Brody nodded in agreement. “There’s something… carnal about sharing a girl,” he said, looking pleased with his choice of words. “Something uniquely intimate about doubling up on her. It’s a huge turn-on for us, making someone like you the center of our attention. To be driving an all-new lover so incredibly, ridiculously crazy.”

  Everything tingled now, inside and out. I could feel my heart pounding, drumming away in my chest.

  “Also,” added Corey with a wink, “there are some things a woman just can’t get from a single man. Things only two people can accomplish, working together.”

  My hand holding the wine glass trembled a little. I took another swallow of wine.

  “Hey…” Brody said, and suddenly he was touching my face. His fingertips were soft, his movements gentle. His handsome mouth had cracked into a smile. “You okay?”

  I nodded quickly, returning his smile. “Better than I thought I’d be. In fact, I—”

  His leaned in, and our faces glided slowly together. And then just like that he kissed me…

  … and a whole mountain of heat crashed over me in one glorious, euphoric wave.


  I melted into his rock-hard arms as Brody’s jaw rotated slowly against mine. The kiss was explosively hot. The sum total of everything that had built up between us so far.

  I got lost in the intoxicating scent of him. Swept away by the heat of his lips. By the faint taste of beer lingering in his mouth, as our tongues glided sweetly and sensuously together.

  It was everything they’d been promising all night. Unapologetic and raw — sex and fire and passion. Levels of eroticism I hadn’t felt in so impossibly long, if ever before in my life.

  I— I can’t believe this is—

  Our kiss broke all too soon, as another hand pulled my chin in the opposite direction.


  And then Corey was kissing me too.

  Oh… holy fuck.

  His kiss was more forceful, more insistent, but no less smoldering hot. Our tongues danced as his hands slid to my body. They settled over the curve of my waist and pulled me even tighter against him, so he could kiss me more fiercely and with greater longing.


  It was like being vied for. Fought over by two perfect men, each hellbent on having me for his own. Corey’s kisses were slow. Thunderous. His grip on my body, firm and possessive.

  On the other side I could feel Brody’s fingers, inching their way further up the inside of my thigh. He was beneath my skirt now. He had to be. Just by the feel of his skin against mine, I could tell he—

  All of sudden the two of them pulled back, just as abruptly as they’d come together. I was left breathless and gasping. My eyes half-lidded with pure, unadulterated lust.


  I shook my head to clear it. It was like coming out of a trance, or maybe a dream. “Yes?”

  “It looks like you’ve had your drink.”

  I followed Brody’s pointing finger. The only thing left in my wine glass was a small splotch of red, clinging to the bottom.

  Apparently my time was up.

  “We like you, Lauren,” he said simply. “You’re laid back, you’re funny, you’re beautiful. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you’re sexy as fuck.”

  I could still taste them in my mouth. Still feel the touch of their hands… the strength of their fingers, roaming to claim my body.

  “We want you,” said Corey. “Every part of you.” His brown eyes flashed dangerously in the lounge’s dim light. “But the next step is up to you.”

  All around us people were laughing, drinking, talking. Doing just about anything except paying attention to what had just happened in our booth.

  They rose on either side of me, bringing me up along with them. My heart was still hammering away, only now that I’d made my decision it seemed to be stuck in my throat.

  “Let’s go then,” I said, pulling them each by one hand. “We’re wasting time.”



  It wasn’t enough that she was drop-dead gorgeous, but she had this innocence about her too. An inherent sexiness that came from secretly wanting something this taboo, and wanting it so very badly.

  She was alone, I could tell. Alone and lonely in a big, bright, far away city. We’d seen that often enough, with most of the others. Even the ones who turned out to be wildly enthusiastic still had inhibitions that needed to be stripped away.

  But this one…

  This one was different. I knew it right away. She was walking the knife’s edge between living out her fantasy and slipping away for good, only to run home and regret for the rest of her life what she never got to do.

  Plus, I really liked this one. Much more than I even wanted to admit.

  Hell, I liked her a lot.

  Physically, she was an absolute knockout — everything I’d ever looked for in a woman. She was lithe and beautiful. Womanly curves, in all the right places. We’d known all this last night, from the photos. They’d gotten us more than a little excited.

  But then we’d seen her in person, and she was even more gorgeous. Full pink lips on a pretty face, with emerald green eyes over a strong Italian nose. Her long ringlets of curly blonde hair cascaded all the way down to the sexy little depression in the small of her back. And when she smiled…

  Well, when she smiled that adorable girl-next-door smile, I’d just about melted. I knew right then I was in trouble. The funny part was, I could see it in Corey’s eyes too. He was in just as deep as I was.

  We decided as she sat at the bar that we had to have her. That no matter what we did, we couldn’t screw this one up.

  You’re out of your mind though, kissing her right there in the lounge like that.

  It was a rule we’d kept unbroken… at least until now. No action until we got upstairs. Doing stuff in public could be very intimidating, and the last thing we wanted to do was scare her away.

  And yet, for some reason I didn’t think Lauren would scare easily. She was braver than most. Certainly wittier, and sharper when it came to telling us exactly what she wanted.

  But I just had to kiss her. I couldn’t help myself…

  And man. Oh man…

  She’d kissed like a long-lost lover. Like someone I’d had and possessed before, and couldn’t wait another second to taste again. The heat had been off the charts. She’d smelled like raspberries and wine, with a delicious a hint of vanilla.

  And her body…

  We kissed her again in the elevator, the second the doors closed. I slid my arms around her from behind, clasping them gently over her quivering belly. I could feel her shaking as I lowered my lips to her neck. Heard her let out a whimper, as I began planting a string of electric kisses up and down her bare shoulder.

  Corey stepped in, taking her from the front. Sandwiching her between us, as he tilted her chin upward with a single finger. His hands slid to her waist as he drank from her lips again, kissing her deeply as we rose through the floors.

  I was jealous... but only because I wasn’t the one in front.

  At some point she opened her eyes. She looked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrored doors, trapped between our two hard bodies. I could see the lust in her eyes now. It was raw. Primal. Second by second, I watched as the last of her inhi
bitions melted away.

  I pressed more firmly against her from behind. To my delight she arched backward, grinding her ass into me. She was testing me out. Trying to feel the growing knot between my legs with the small of her back, rubbing those two rounded globes against my upper thighs as she moaned into my friend’s mouth.

  “You feel incredible,” I whispered, gliding my hands up along her ribs. I slid forward, cupping her breasts. Felt the delicious weight of them in my hands, while dragging my thumbs over the two nipples which were now stiffening through her blouse.

  Eventually the elevator stopped. The doors opened… and a group of young people got in, all happy and laughing.


  Corey had to let go, but I held Lauren against me while pulling her backward. Against the back wall of the car I let my hands slide down, settling over her thighs.

  Nobody noticed. Nobody cared. This was Las Vegas, and everyone was on vacation. Everyone was too busy having the time of their lives to care what was going on in the back of a now-crowded elevator… where a nervous proselyte was five minutes from taking two perfect strangers into her equally strange hotel bed.

  I pinned Lauren tightly against me, this time grinding myself into her body without making it too obvious. I was achingly hard now. Rock solid and ready for anything…

  A hand shot back, fumbling against my thigh. I took it and placed it over my bulge, where she gave me a gentle but tentative squeeze.

  “You can squeeze harder,” I growled into her ear. “I promise, you won’t break it.”

  She giggled and squeezed again, this time wrapping her palm around most of my girth. I couldn’t wait to get naked with her. To feel the intense rush of heat as we finally went skin on skin…

  The doors opened again, and this time Lauren stepped forward. For a split second she led me along by my cock, but then her hand fell away and we were in the plush, carpeted hallway.

  Holy shit.

  I was so hard it was difficult to walk. I’d never felt like this — not this level of excitement anyway — with any of the others. I could see it in Corey too. His smooth, tan skin was uncharacteristically flushed. He walked with the same halting, slightly wide-stanced gait I did, and I knew it was because we had the exact same problem.


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