What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance

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What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Krista Wolf


  “You have a good night tonight Lauren,” Corey said, his voice going cheery again. “Do something fun.”


  The call disconnected. I sank backward, into a comfortable leather chair.

  Yeah… okay.

  A thousand delicious images flashed through my mind. Most, of course, were from last night. But there were some from tomorrow too, if I chose to go down that path.

  Could you really, though?

  I thought I could. In fact, I was pretty sure of it. My stomach might not have agreed at the moment, and my heart was still pounding out of my chest. But when it really came down to it? I trusted them. The both of them.

  They were two nearly-perfect strangers, but I trusted them anyway.

  I sank into the softness of the chair, relaxing even further. Corey would be in the shower by now. I could picture the hot water, running down his beautiful chest. Streaming over his abs. Little rivulets forming beneath the steam, rolling over his skin, moving ever downward…

  They share an apartment together.

  I could picture Brody standing there naked, a little white towel wrapped around his waist. Brushing his teeth. Staring into the mirror with those ice-blue eyes and shaving that gorgeous, blond-stubbled face.

  Hell, maybe they work together, too.

  The two of them getting dressed. Going off to work, wherever that was.

  They share everything… like they shared you.

  I glanced over to the television, where the credits were now rolling on my unwatched movie. I decided I could restart it. My nachos were cold, but the kitchen had two different ovens.

  Screw it.

  I grabbed my phone and hammered out a single text-message. Two quick lines, before pushing my phone away for the rest of the night.

  I don’t need to sleep on anything.

  I’M IN.



  “Lauren I swear, I didn’t tell her anything like that!”

  Noelle’s voice was panicked, maybe even more than usual. Seemed these days she was always on edge. Having an overbearing husband who was always home, always breathing down your neck tended to do that.

  “All I did was tell her we came back early,” she said. “I mean, I showed up for work right smack in the middle of my vacation. Lilith’s obviously going to know something’s up.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “But you didn’t have to tell her everyone came back,” I pointed out. “And that I was ‘stranded’ here alone.”

  She hesitated, realizing my point. I could tell she was struggling. I felt a little guilty.

  “I’m sorry,” she sighed finally. “You’re right of course. I should’ve known with her.”

  “Yeah yeah,” I conceded. “It’s all water under the bridge now anyway.”

  “So she asked you to come back?”

  “She practically sent a cab to take me to the airport.”

  Noelle didn’t know whether or not it was okay to chuckle. She decided against it.

  “Well things here are hairy without you,” she allowed. “I mean, you handle so much. For example, Harris called, and he demanded only to speak to you. It made Lilith totally flip out.”

  The brief vision brought a smile to my face. “I’ll bet it did.”

  “And you know the venue fell through on the—”

  “Look, it’s okay,” I said. “I was just taken off guard, that’s all. And I’m sorry you had to cut your vacation short. You missed out on…” I paused, halfway to bringing a spoonful of grapefruit to my mouth. “You missed out on a lot of fun.”

  I looked out over the elongated, crystal-blue line of water that made up the Bellagio’s swimming pool. Lounge chairs like mine lined both sides, flanked by tall Cypress trees that loomed beautifully.

  “I can take care of Harris if you want,” said Noelle.

  “Sure,” I shrugged.

  “And I’ll see if I can do damage control with Lilith. That’s total bullshit, her asking you to come home. Breathing down your neck like that, while you’re trying to enjoy your vacation.”

  I couldn’t ignore the funny parallel to her own life, where Noelle’s husband was doing pretty much the same to her. He’d lost his job nearly two years ago, and in all that time had barely looked for another. Since then his job had become watching over his wife. Trying to control every aspect of her life, including bringing her home early rather than letting her finish out her own vacation.

  “So the place is really falling apart without me, eh?” I asked, feeling smugly good about it.


  “I like it.”

  “Well I don’t,” said Noelle. “It makes everyone here nervous. You handle a lot of accounts. Almost enough to make Lilith…” She paused, then stopped herself.

  “Make Lilith what?”

  “Nevermind,” Noelle sighed. “Just rest and relax. Enjoy the last day of your vacation.”

  There was something there, no doubt. Something either she didn’t want to, or was afraid to tell me. Probably the latter. I’d pry it out of her over lunch or something, as soon as I returned.

  If there was one thing I didn’t need in my life, it was more work-drama.

  We said our goodbyes and hung up, as I debated going for another swim. The sun felt too good on my skin. I leaned back in my chair, tipping my elongated hat low, over my face.

  Noelle had a been a good distraction. So had my phone calls to Victoria and Heather too. All three of them would be eager to see me when I got back. They’d want to hear stories — try to live vicariously through me. Know what I did with the rest of my week in the City of Sin.

  Oh, if only I could tell them.

  Nothing though, could keep my attention very long. Not breakfast, not lunch, not any of the other stuff I was occupying my day with. All I could do was watch the sun as it crawled through the sky. Feel the pleasant little knot in my stomach twist itself tighter, as the day wound itself out and it got closer to night.

  Closer to them.

  Corey’s description of our soon-to-be second date had put me in a tailspin. It had put me through a full emotional gamut of excitement, wonder, nervousness, anticipation…

  I couldn’t wait to see them, my two gorgeous lovers. Couldn’t wait to melt into their bodies again, feeling their big arms go around me as they crushed me against them.

  Only tonight would be a little different. Whereas the first night they were there to take care of me, tonight I was for their pleasure.

  And that was just fine with me.

  Though I’d slept late, I decided to get out of the sun for a while, before it sapped all of my energy. I gathered my things. Walked back inside. Took the elevator up to my suite, only to find a note on my door asking me to call the front desk.

  My brow wrinkled as I grabbed the phone and pushed ‘0’.

  “Hi this is—”

  “Ms. Hansen?”

  Adamo, I thought bitterly to myself. After almost a year, it really was time to change my name back.


  “There’s a package for you here, at the front desk,” the clerk said politely.

  I blinked in confusion. “A package? What sort of—”

  “Shall I have it brought up to you?”

  “Unless it’s a bomb,” I laughed, realizing too late it probably wasn’t that good a joke. “Uh… sure.”

  “Very well.”

  Three minutes later I was tipping a smiling young girl with a jet-black ponytail. It swung left and right as she bounced back down the hallway, leaving me with a wide, elongated box.

  Who the hell would leave me a package…

  The girls, probably. Maybe they felt guilty about flying out. Probably pitched in on something together, like—

  Halfway through tearing it open on the kitchen counter I stopped.

  There was a dress inside. A shimmering, silvery-grey, velvety dress. I gasped as I picked it up. It looked elegant and beautiful�
�� but at the same time, sleek and sexy.

  Beneath the dress was a whole different outfit. A pair of pure white, high-waisted thong panties. A matching lace bra with invisible straps, very delicate and beautiful.


  As I lifted everything out of the box, a handwritten note fell out. It landed face-up, right there on the granite:

  Can’t wait for tonight. 8pm.

  Be ready.

  It was the last two words that put the lump back in my throat. As I took the dress into the bedroom to try it on, I had to swallow three or four times before it went down.



  They arrived exactly at eight, with three quick knocks on my door. I smoothed my dress for the fifteenth time, pushed the butterflies down again, and opened up for them.


  Brody’s smile was approving, and so was Corey’s. They greeted me with warm smiles and lingering hugs as they stepped into the sprawling suite.

  “I knew you’d look amazing in that dress,” Corey said.

  I smoothed it again, this time for effect. No matter how many times I did it, the dress still ended at mid-thigh.

  “You don’t think it’s too short?” I teased.

  “Fuck no.”

  Brody shook his head as well. “For once Corey and I are in total agreement.”

  I thought it would be weird, seeing them again after all we’d done. Sort of like I imagined it would be seeing a one-night stand, although I hadn’t had any of those for comparison.

  But then Brody pulled me against his body… and all strangeness and nervousness just melted away.


  His lips forced mine apart, his mouth churning hungrily as his tongue sought mine. The passion was back in an instant — fiery and hot — totally overwhelming my senses, turning my legs to jelly as I felt Corey’s arms slide to my hips, as he pressed against me from behind.

  Shit, it was like they’d never even left.

  I melted into a puddle, going limp as they took turns on me. They were kissing my lips, my neck, my shoulder… passing me back and forth between them, holding me steady while their fingertips reconnected with the already-explored terrain of my writhing, willing body.

  After a minute or two they stepped back again. I was left standing there in stunned silence. Reeling on two wobbly legs.

  “D—Did you want to have a drink first?” I breathed, pointing weakly at the bar.


  Brody grabbed some glasses, and fixed us three identical cocktails from whatever the girls had stocked the room with. A quick trip to the liquor store had been our first stop upon landing.

  “So are there any… rules for tonight?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Why, did you want some?” Brody asked.

  “No, not necessarily.”

  “Then don’t worry about it,” he smiled. “Look Lauren, we’re not gonna bite you.” He looked up at the ceiling for a moment in mock-thought. “Not too much anyway,” he teased.


  “We’re just gonna have some fun with you tonight.” He winked. “Lots of fun.”

  God he looked good. No, he looked amazing. He was wearing black dress slacks and what had to be expensive designer shoes. A white dress shirt tailored so perfectly to his body it showed off the impressive ‘V’ of his magnificent back.

  Then I looked to Corey… and realized he was wearing the exact same thing.

  “You might even have some fun with us,” Corey added slyly. “That is, if you’re still willing to follow instructions.”

  I sipped my drink slowly, savoring every inch of it. The last thing I wanted to do was rush this night.

  “I can follow instructions,” I said sweetly.

  “And by that,” Corey continued, “you mean you’ll do whatever we ask?”

  There it was again; that familiar warmth, spreading out from somewhere down in my lower belly. Slowly I nodded.

  “Whenever we ask?” Brody added, raising an eyebrow. “No matter where we might be?”

  “Yes,” I said again, laughing nervously into my glass. “Why? Is… there some kind of safeword or something I should know about?”

  “Do you want a safeword?” asked Corey. His tone was jovial, but it also seemed to tell me he might not be kidding.

  I looked him square in his tawny brown eyes, past the fire that was already burning there. I saw reflections of last night. The way they handled me, the way they took care of me…

  “I don’t think I’ll need one,” I said, almost in challenge.

  Triumphantly, one corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk. “I don’t think you’ll need one either,” he said, and drained half his glass.

  We laughed and talked some more, with me chatting about some of things I’d done with my day. Everything was so comfortable with them. Like we’d known each other for months, instead of hours. Like we were old friends instead of new lovers, catching up on what we’d missed.

  Eventually our drinks were dry. The guys placed their glasses back on the bar, and I took it as a sign we were leaving.

  “You all ready to go?” asked Corey, stepping into me.

  One strong arm slid around my waist. He pulled me against him, until we were face to face, our lips touching.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “One more thing then,” he murmured into my mouth. Our eyes locked and his brown irises flared again, this time with some unknown, devilish intent. “Turn around.”



  I was hesitant to move, for fear of breaking the spell we had. Besides, I wanted him to kiss me first. Or maybe I’d kiss him, planting my mouth on his, to drink from his lips…



  “I said turn around.”

  Two hands spun me at the shoulders. It happened gently enough, but also with a certain firm insistence. All of a sudden I was facing Brody. Corey was behind me now, cradling me, his hard body pressed up against mine.

  “Now lift your dress.”

  I looked at Brody. He nodded. Slowly I reached down, pulling the hem of my dress up over the curve of my thighs. And then higher still, until my panties were exposed.

  “Keep going.”

  I lifted it further, all the way up to my waist. Corey was touching me now, sliding his hands over my naked ass. Running the flat of one hand though my legs from behind.


  I was wet in no time flat. He started rubbing his palm up and down, along the rapidly-dampening silk of my white thong. It felt incredible, being touched like this. Being intimate with someone for the first time in so, so long. And here I was, doing it with two someones. A pair of beautiful young strangers, who happened to be in the perfect place, at the perfect time…

  It was as if, for once in my life, all my stars were finally in alignment.

  “If you’re trying to skip dinner and stay in,” I practically moaned, “I’m all for—”

  A hand shot out, clamping itself over my mouth. Brody’s hand. He held a finger against his own lips with the other, shushing me.

  As I breathed out into his palm, my pussy flooded.

  The whole thing was unspeakably hot.

  “Now bend over,” Corey growled, somewhere close behind me.

  I couldn’t believe how fast I was getting turned on. I found myself tingling all over. But totally eager to obey.

  “Good,” he said. “Now, Lauren… hand me those.”

  My confusion lasted less than a second. When I glanced up again, Brody was holding something out to me. What looked to be a long string of jade green beads.

  Holy shit.

  Very large beads.

  “Lauren? Did you hear what I just said?”

  Somehow I broke out of the trance I’d fallen into. I took the string of beads mechanically, then passed it back to Corey without thinking.

  “Thank you.”

  The butterflies in my stoma
ch were full grown birds now. I felt two hands, spreading me gently. Pulling my thong aside. Opening me up…

  “W—Where do you think you’re putting thos—”

  Then I felt it, and relief flowed through me.

  Thank God.

  One by one I felt the beads being inserted into my wet, willing channel. Corey’s touch was exceptionally gentle. He rubbed each one up and down a few times through my wetness, getting it all slick before pushing it in.

  There were five beads in all, from what I could feel. When the fifth one was inside me, he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

  “Okay, good. Now stand up.”

  I did, and my thong snapped back into place. Slowly, gingerly, I stood upright again.

  “How does it feel?” asked Brody.

  I shifted my weight before answering. “Full.”

  “Not uncomfortable?”

  I shook my head.


  It was the weirdest feeling; almost like I had to pee, but also not like that at all. It was a steady, pleasant pressure. A feeling of contentment in an unusual place.

  “Now we’re ready to go,” said Corey, stepping forward and smoothing my dress down.

  We are? I wanted to say. I was somewhat confused, and maybe a little bit frightened.

  But I was a lot turned on.

  “C’mon,” said Brody, as each of them took one of my hands. “We’ve got a cab to catch.”



  We took her for drinks first, then to Tao, so we could watch her dance. That idea had been Brody’s. And it had been a damned good one.

  If there was anything sexier than watching her body writhe and undulate amongst the fevered crowd, I don’t know what it was. The best part was she was ours. She was mine, as I scooped her into my arms and crushed her against my chest. She was Brody’s, as he plucked her from my grasp and did the same.


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