The Unconventional Bride: The Ladies Club of Laramie

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The Unconventional Bride: The Ladies Club of Laramie Page 8

by West, Everly

  "When did you take up gambling as your occupation? This isn't coming home to your family. This is going out and not getting home until after your wife is in bed. Don't think I don't know when you come home."

  So angry, she was shaking, and he couldn't blame her in many ways. Before he married her, he should have been honest with her. But he'd been desperate. That also didn't make him think highly about himself.

  Attracted to his wife, he wanted to bed her in the worst way, but tried to protect her.

  "If I had known this was how our marriage would be, I would have chosen the convent. Because there is not much difference in my life. Neither place am I experiencing marital relations. Why did you marry me? You knew I liked to gamble, to drink, and have fun. Did you just want to end my wild ways?"

  What could he say? If she learned the reason why he married her, she would leave, and yet he did enjoy being with Jennie. He admired her spunk, her vitality, the way she let you know her feelings, though at the moment, he wished she would focus on something besides himself.

  "Jennie," he said, wiping his hand across his face. Could he use the same old excuse, work. "Running a mine takes a lot of time. Occasionally, I sneak away to the gambling hall and tonight was such a night."

  "So I'm right, you'd rather spend time with men than come home to your wife who spends the entire day watching your sons. The boys need their father more than me and you're not giving them your time and attention. And your wife receives nothing from you."

  "I've given them more since we've been married. I'm trying, Jennie, I am."

  It was clear, she was about to give up on their marriage. Somehow he would need to spend time with his wife to save this union and yet not bed her. Was that even possible?

  "Milton, it's not too late. Let's annul this marriage," she said softly. "You don't want me, so let's end this farce now."

  Oh, if she only realized how much he wanted her and that his actions were the result of him trying to stay away from her.

  In the buggy, he reached out and pulled her to him. His lips covered hers in a way that expressed all the pent-up emotions, he tried to keep from her.

  All the hunger exploded inside him and if they had been anywhere but on Main Street, he would have taken her right there in the buggy. Right there he would have claimed her virginity and sealed her fate as his wife.

  Finally, she pushed back. "Then you kiss me like that and the circle of doubt continues. Sometimes I think you want me and the next moment, you push me away. Whatever game you're playing, needs to end soon, because I can't continue this way. Now, take me home."

  In the darkness, tears lay on her cheeks and a sense of anguish filled him. Was he doing the right thing? Or was he being selfish? What did he do now, because he feared Jennie would tire of his shenanigans and pack her bags and leave?

  And he didn't want her to go. But he didn't want to harm her either.

  Chapter Seven

  The next evening, Jennie took the boys to have supper with their father. Once again, Milton stayed at the office, working late. Even after their discussion the night before, he had not given up trying to leave her alone.

  Whatever love had been brewing between them since their marriage, the emotion seemed to be dying on the vine. Even last night when she confronted him, he didn't seem to care she was lonely.

  Before dinner, he took the boys outside to see the latest equipment that had just arrived for the mine. Not wanting to go with them, she moved about his office. His secretary, Mr. Sanford, disappeared into the back, and she walked over to his desk and peered at his calendar. Curious.

  With a quick glance she looked at Milton's work schedule. Maybe she was being nosy, but she didn't care. Was he really that busy a man or was this just an excuse to avoid his wife and children?

  On Tuesday, tomorrow night, a notation showed for Mrs. Savanah Jones. Could she be the same woman he introduced her to in the bar?

  "What are you doing?" Mr. Sanford said, walking back into the room.

  "I'm looking at my husband's calendar," she said like nothing was wrong. "Who is Mrs. Savanah Jones."

  The man tensed and his eyes narrowed. "Nothing in there is your business. If you want to know, ask your husband, not me."

  Jennie was at the end of her rope and tired of being told anything to do with Milton was none of her business. No one gave her the proper respect a wife deserved, including her husband. But this man was an employee and at this moment, she was the wife.

  "Look, Sanford," she said, leaning up close to him, "you tell me who she is and what he's doing with her or I'm going to bring the twins over here and leave them. Then I'm getting on the first train out of town and you will be forced to deal with them for days on end."

  His eyes grew large and all the color drained from his face. He glanced around the office. "When he learns I told you, he'll fire me."

  "If you don't tell me, you get the twins," she said. "It will be our secret."

  Shaking his head, he sighed. "She's a lady he sees to manage manly things. He used to see her once a month, but this is the first time since he married you."

  A cold rush of anger filled her. "Like a mistress or a prostitute? Tell me the truth or I promise, you will be seeing the boys every day, all day."

  As he glanced down the hall, he whispered. "She runs the most elegant, whorehouse in town. Her girls are high priced and only the richest men can afford them. She herself only takes a very few wealthy clients."

  Rage unlike anything she'd ever felt consumed her. Somehow she needed to keep this to herself. Somehow Jennie had to hide her hurt and fury and save that for tomorrow, when much to her husband's surprise, his high-classed whore would not be seeing him.

  "Thank you, Mr. Sanford. No matter what, if my plans change, I'll find someone to watch the boys besides yourself," she said, turning from the man trying to conceal the tears that threatened to fall. Hurt and anguish raged through her like a spring storm racing across the plains.

  Milton Wardell had no idea what was about to befall him.

  The twins and Milton came back from outside, and she swiped her cheeks free of the painful evidence and hurried out of his secretary's office back into the dining area.

  "Jennie, there is a huge iron pot where they cook the silver. It's bigger than any cooking pot," George said so excited.

  "Yeah, and Papa is going to take us to the mine next week and show us how it works," Paul said. "I can't wait."

  How could she act like nothing was wrong? Yet she must. "That sounds like a lot of fun."

  "Come with us," Paul said.

  Reaching out she ruffled the boy’s hair. "No, this is father and son time. You will have a great trip with your father."

  When she turned to Milton, she saw him watching her and part of her wanted to scream at him. But instead, she let her rage and hurt build like a smoldering flame. This could be the end of their short marriage.

  As much as she didn't want to marry Milton, she was beginning to fall in love with him, but wondered what held him back. Did he still love his wife? But she had been dead for five, going on six, years.

  Standing in the doorway he stared at her, and she gazed at him, feeling like a wall separated them. "Are you ready to eat."

  "Yes," he said. "Tomorrow night I'm meeting a business colleague for dinner."

  It took everything she had to keep from retorting something hateful, but her plans must remain a secret. "Of course. Who are you meeting?"

  "The director of the mining department in the territory," he said.

  The urge to pick up the nearest object and beam him was strong. A prostitute was the wrong kind of miner for a married man.

  With a forced smile, she said, "I'm sure you'll have an enjoyable dinner talking prospecting and digging for silver."

  Tomorrow night would be one he would never forget.

  * * *

  Early the next evening, Jennie took the boys to her mother's to spend the night.

  "Thank you, Mot
her," she told her.

  Her mother eyed her strangely. "Are you all right."

  If her mother understood her grit and determination right now, she wouldn't be asking that question. "I'm great."

  "Usually, when you say something that way, trouble is on the horizon."

  "Well, at least this time the trouble is not directed at you," Jennie said.

  "Oh dear," her mother said.

  The boys stood there listening to the grownups conversation. She knelt beside them. "Be good for my mother and father, and tomorrow, we will do whatever you want. If you misbehave, you will spend the day locked in your room with no toys. Do you understand?"

  "But I don't want to stay in my room," George said frowning.

  "Then don't misbehave," Jennie said, giving him a hug and Paul one as well. Standing, she hugged her mother. "I'll come by early tomorrow and pick them up."

  "Jennie, everything is all right between you and Milton," her mother asked.

  What could she tell her? That she was about to confront her husband's mistress? That her husband had not slept with her? That their marriage wasn't consummated?

  Later, they would talk, but not with the children around. They didn't need to know their father was a cheater. "Everything is peachy, Mother."

  Turning, she hurried down the steps and climbed into the wagon. Waving goodbye to the boys and her mother, she turned and headed back to town. Next stop, Mrs. Savanah Jones house of ill repute.

  In less than an hour, she'd taken the wagon home, dropped it off and walked to where Mrs. Jones ran her business. As she neared the door, a stylish man hurried out and tipped his hat at her. "Evening, ma'am."

  She nodded, trying not to draw attention to herself.

  Standing on the doorstep, she longed to back out, but rapidly knocked before she lost her courage. Milton would not get away with cheating.

  A servant came to the door. "Yes, may I help you?"

  "I need to speak with Mrs. Jones."

  "Who is calling?"

  "Mrs. Wardell."

  The door opened, and she led Jennie into a richly furnished parlor. Running a brothel must pay well.

  "Wait here," the lady said.

  A few minutes later, the woman appeared in the door. Dressed in the latest fashionable gown with a fitted bodice and a bustle in the back. "Last I saw you, you were Jennie O'Brian."

  "Yes, ma'am," she said, willing to be polite, her own dress seemed plain next to the woman's silk dress that clung to her every curve. Inside, she wanted to scream and yell at the woman, but this was her job. How could it be the prostitute's fault Jennie's husband wanted to cheat on her.

  "What can I do for you," the woman said, sinking down into a chair.

  "Don't sleep with my husband," she said, wanting to shout at her, but determined to surprise Milton. "Milton is coming here tonight to see you. Let me wait for him in the room."

  Yes, Jennie was asking for a lot, but why would the woman care as long as she received her money.

  She frowned. "What do you mean wait for him? Do you want to take my place in bed? Or are you planning on hurting the man?"

  All Jennie wanted was to learn why Milton would sleep with a prostitute rather than his own wife. Because if he didn't give her an excellent reason, their marriage was over before it ever begun.

  "I want him to find me, not you in that bed," she said.

  "And what do you hope to gain from doing this? Does he know you're going to be here?"

  "Of course not," she sighed as tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried to hold onto her anger and not let the hurt overwhelm her. "We've been married for over a month and I don't understand why he doesn't want to have sex with me. Am I that ugly? Am I so repulsive, he would rather sleep with you, not me?"

  Stunned, the lady gazed at her and handed her a handkerchief. "Wipe your eyes."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  The woman shook her head and sighed. "Honey, men are strange creatures. You are beautiful and if you ever decide to leave Milton and need a job, I would hire you in a minute.

  “Your husband has a reason he doesn't have relations with you. Don't ask me, that's for him to tell you. Since your marriage, this is the first time he's had an appointment. He's not a man to cheat on his wife."

  What was this reason Milton kept secret from her? Didn't he realize she would eventually need to know? And now more than ever, she was determined to find out what held him back from making their marriage real.

  "So you'll let me take your place?"

  "On a couple of conditions. No weapons will be allowed in the room. There will be no killing or maiming in my establishment. Are we clear?"

  The thought crossed her mind, but she could never murder someone, especially a man she was falling in love with.

  "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill him, yet."

  The woman shook her head. "You'd be surprised at what I've seen. Second you'll pay the house fee."

  "The what?"

  "My fee. You're taking my client, using my bedroom in a situation that I'm a little uncomfortable with. So you're going to pay the fee."

  "How much?" Jennie asked, shocked she was discussing this with Milton's whore.

  The woman gave her a figure and her mouth dropped.

  "No wonder you live so nice," Jennie said, opening her reticule and handing her the cash. All her gambling money just went to this woman, but if this saved her marriage, the cost would be worth it.

  "What are your plans," Savanah asked.

  What were her plans other than to surprise her husband with the fact that she knew he was going to cheat on her? "Mainly to shock Milton. To help him realize how hurt and angry I am he would sleep with you and not with me. To see if we can go forward or if I should have this marriage annulled."

  Annulment was a last resort, but if she needed to, she would. Though her developing feelings for Milton didn't want to give up on their union. At this point, it would be hard to walk away from her husband and the children.

  "Are you a virgin?" the woman asked.

  Stunned, Jennie stared at the woman shocked anyone would ask such a question. "Yes," she said, indignant she would doubt.

  The woman smiled. "You're new to this. So let me give you some pointers. All of my girls are trained in specific areas of shall we say making a man have a wonderful time. Each girl will show you her specialty. First, I want to find something for you to wear."

  "Follow me," Savanah said, rising and going down a hall. Jumping up, Jennie followed the woman through the house. As she walked, she glimpsed a sitting room where women gathered doing needlepoint and talking. They passed by the room and went into a back area that served as a wardrobe. There were hundreds of outfits.

  Savanah gazed at her and then held up a gown. "No, too much for a virgin."

  She kept going through the gowns, some quite daring, some were outright outrageous and some so shear you could see right through them. Her mother would have called them scandalous, and even for wild Jennie, they were too risqué.

  "Oh, this is the one I was searching for."

  The gown was still outrageous but covered more than most of the outfits.

  "This is a nightgown. Put it on and wait for Milton in bed. Don't let him realize he's not in bed with me until he's undressed."

  The madam wanted her to seduce her own husband? Was she crazy? All Jennie wanted was to shock him into telling her why she remained a virgin a month into their marriage.

  Clenching her fists, Jennie frowned at the woman. "Don't you understand, I'm furious with him. I'm so mad that he would come to you, instead of me. Frankly, I want to take a skillet and beam him across the head rather than..."

  All the rage she kept bottled inside her since yesterday, consumed her.

  "Honey, do you want this marriage to work? Do you love him?"

  Ripples of pain and anguish gripped her chest. "Yes," she said as tears threatened to fall once again. It was true, she loved Milton and wanted their union to be everything she
ever dreamed of.

  "When he realizes it's you, tell him how hurt you feel. Tell him you want your marriage to work. If you start yelling, that man will be out the door before you can say I'm sorry," Savanah said. "Use your woman power and seduce your man. Make him realize he will be giving up heaven if he screws up and you end this union."

  This would be so hard. Would she be able to keep from losing her temper and throwing a fit? Could she keep from punching him at first sight?

  "Why aren't you married?" Jennie asked, taking the gown from the woman. Wondering about this lady who knew so much about men.

  "Maybe I am," she said, being very coy. "Now, I want you to speak to the girls and let them tell you how they make the experience of being with a man special."

  "But I'm not training to be a..."

  Savanah smiled. "Every man likes his woman to be a whore in the bedroom and a lady in public. Don't ever forget that."

  * * *

  Milton felt so torn. All day he thought of cancelling his appointment with Mrs. Jones. Then he would remember Jennie, and he needed relief, or he would soon find himself between his wife's legs. His days were numbered before he would have to tell her his reasoning for not sleeping with her and that would be a difficult day.

  When he walked up to the old home where Savanah lived, guilt overwhelmed him. He would be cheating on Jennie. Breaking his wedding vows, and yet he would be saving her life.

  The maid let him in, and he was surprised Savanah didn't meet him in the parlor. Usually, she would wait on him. But months had passed since he'd seen her. Before he ever married Jennie.

  The image of his wife swam before his eyes and the urge to turn and run all but overcame him.

  "Follow me," the servant said as she led him up the stairs to Savanah's room. "She's waiting for you."

  When he opened the door, darkness greeted him. "Savanah?"

  "Yes, Milton, I'm here," she said.

  Why did her voice sound different?

  Quickly he shed his shirt, his shoes, socks and his pants, laying them over a chair. In the dim light, he could see the outline of her body. As he sank down on the bed, that's when the guilt overwhelmed him.


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