Screens Apart

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Screens Apart Page 2

by Charlie Novak

  “Oh please,” I said. “Like you’d say no to him.”

  I definitely wouldn’t. He was tall, dark, and handsome and looked as if he could easily bend me over the desk in his office and fuck me hard. I was a big guy, but that didn’t mean I wanted to be in charge. I loved it when other guys told me what they wanted, and I loved it when they pounded me so hard I saw stars.

  Unfortunately, guys like that were incredibly few and far between. Most men took one look at me and saw an alpha top who they could use to live out their Daddy fantasies. I’d been called Daddy by one too many eighteen-year-olds in the past year, so I’d stopped going to bars.

  I was only twenty-seven for God’s sake!

  All I wanted was a boyfriend who wouldn’t make me top all the time and was a decent human being. I didn’t think I was asking for much, but apparently, that was like trying to find an actual unicorn.

  “I would,” Taylor said, and my thoughts skidded to a halt. “Say no that is. He’s not my type.”

  Well, that was interesting.

  “And, um, what is your type?” I swallowed hard. I’d always imagined Taylor would be like most of the twinky guys I’d met—firmly on the bottom end of things—but maybe I was wrong.

  Holy fuck, please let me be wrong.

  Taylor looked at me, and I wasn’t sure if I was imagining the hungry look in his eyes. “Let’s just say, I don’t really go for the dominant type.” He smirked at me.

  “Oh…” My mouth had gone dry, and my chest was tight. I had no idea if that meant what I thought it meant, but apparently I was tipsy enough to ask, because the next words out of my mouth were, “Aren’t you a bottom?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I couldn’t believe I’d asked that. That was so rude of me.

  It wasn’t like we were dating or even hooking up.


  But Taylor just laughed, throwing his head back, the sparkling sound sending a hurricane of butterflies through me.

  “Not really,” he said. “I mean, I’ll do it occasionally, but it’s not my personal preference.” I could feel my face heating, and I was pretty sure I was now the colour of a tomato. “I’d much prefer to have a strong, sexy man underneath me and at my mercy.”

  “Fuck.” The word fell from my lips before I could stop it. This was so perfect and so dangerous. The man I had a crush on, who I’d deliberately locked my feelings away for, was the sort of man I desperately wanted.

  I needed to get out of there before I did something monumentally stupid.

  Thankfully, the episode had just finished, the credits scrolling across the screen, which gave me the perfect opportunity to escape.

  “I’m, um, I’m gonna head to bed,” I said, practically falling over myself as I tried to climb off the sofa. “Yeah… this was really fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight.” Taylor’s voice was soft and silken, ringing in my ears as I stumbled down the corridor.

  As soon as the bedroom door was closed behind me, I grabbed my phone, shrugging off my clothes and falling onto the bed.

  thick boy in lace Hey, are you still around?

  mr. smith Of course gorgeous boy. What’s up?

  thick boy in lace I’m kinda tipsy and really fucking horny

  The alcohol and the anonymity had loosened my inhibitions, and all I knew was that I needed to come.

  thick boy in lace What would you do to me?

  mr. smith So many things

  mr. smith But I think I’d start by sucking on those pretty nipples before I rim that tight little hole and get you all wet for me

  “Fuck,” I groaned, my fingers tracing my nipples, pinching them hard and sending little sparks of pleasure dancing across my skin. I slid my fingers across my stomach and past my cock, teasing my balls and rolling them in my hand. “Oh fuck.”

  thick boy in lace Fuck yes. I want that so much

  mr. smith Then I’d slide my fingers in, getting you ready for my dick. Teasing you until you beg

  mr. smith Would you beg for me sweet boy?

  Yes. Yes. Oh holy fuck, yes I would.

  I could barely type a response. My phone slid through my fingers several times and nearly hit me in the face before I rolled onto my stomach, tucking my knees underneath me and sticking my ass in the air before placing my phone on the mattress in front of me. I wrapped my fingers around my cock tightly as I slowly fucked into my hand.

  I desperately wanted something in my ass, needed that perfect pleasure that came from being filled, but I didn’t want to stop touching myself to grab a toy out of the drawer. All I could think about was Mr. Smith. I couldn’t stop imagining him here, holding me down and whispering in my ear as his fat cock filled me.

  God, I wanted that so much.

  thick boy in lace Yeah, I would. I need you inside me

  thick boy in lace Please

  thick boy in lace Wanna be good for you

  mr. smith I know you do

  mr. smith You’d be so good for me

  mr. smith And I’m gonna make you scream as I fuck you. Pound that thick ass of yours until you forget your own name

  mr. smith Are you touching yourself for me?

  thick boy in lace Yes

  I fucked my hand faster, rutting against the sheets as I chased my release. My breath was coming in pants, and I heard myself moaning and gasping, desperately trying to keep quiet as pleasure thrummed through me. I felt my orgasm approaching like a freight train, all I needed was a tiny push to send me careening over the edge.

  mr. smith Come for me

  “Oh fuck. Fuck!” My orgasm crashed through me making stars burst behind my eyes as ropes of creamy cum shot onto the sheets beneath me.

  I collapsed onto the mattress, pulling my hand from underneath me as I tried to catch my breath. I knew I was lying in the wet spot and that I’d probably need another shower at some point, but I was too worn out to care.

  I smiled as I looked at the next message Mr. Smith had sent me, chuckling to myself as I typed out a response.

  mr. smith Well?

  mr. smith I don’t know about you but I’m a mess now

  thick boy in lace That was really good ;)

  thick boy in lace And yup, I’m lying in a wet patch

  thick boy in lace I think I’m stuck to the sheets. Ick

  We exchanged a few more messages before I finally said goodnight and rolled onto the drier side of the bed. I knew I should get up and shower again, but I figured I’d just wait until the morning and sneak in before Steve was awake.

  Instead, I lost myself in thoughts of Taylor, replaying our conversations over and over in my mind until I drifted off to sleep.

  The next day, after ordering a stupidly large package of batteries from Amazon, I tried to forget about the previous night.

  Every time my brain tried to tempt me back to thoughts of Taylor by reminding me exactly what he’d said, I shut it down and forced myself to think about work. I spent the whole day focusing on orders and spreadsheets. By the time I finished, I almost had a headache from concentrating so hard. I still forced myself to go to the gym afterwards and spent nearly two hours lost in the rhythm of lifting weights.

  Even though I wasn’t particularly fond of my body, or exercise, I found weightlifting calming. I could just focus on what I was doing instead of worrying about something else, and I almost liked the burn in my muscles that told me I’d done a good job.

  I avoided my roommates when I got home, quickly making myself some pasta before spending the rest of the evening hiding in my room with Netflix and my blog. I told myself it was because I needed to edit some photos and queue a few up to post for the rest of the week, but even to me it sounded like a very forced lie.

  By the day after, I’d thought I’d finally gotten a handle on my brain and my traitorous dick, but I didn’t realise how wrong I was until I got home from work.

  The Amazon package with my batteries in it sat on the hall floor. I casually picked it up
and slid it open as I headed for the kitchen, trying to work out what to make for dinner.

  I’d ordered a pack of twenty-four Duracell batteries this time, forking out for something that I hoped would last a bit longer. The last ones I’d gotten had been from a pound shop because I’d figured that batteries were batteries and the brand really wouldn’t matter. But since they’d all lasted less than a month each, I knew this time I’d have to splash out for decent ones if I didn’t want to keep spending my very small amount of disposable income on fucking batteries.

  I left them on the side as I rooted in the fridge, making a mental note to go shopping sooner rather than later. It wasn’t as if I didn’t have food to eat, I just didn’t have a lot of it left and it was starting to look like it might be pasta for dinner again.

  I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear the door click open, and I didn’t realise I had company until I heard Taylor speaking behind me.

  “That’s an awful lot of batteries,” he said, a note of amusement in his voice. I jumped, nearly banging my head on one of the fridge shelves as I spun around, my face flaming. “Got anything fun planned?” Taylor’s lips curled into a smirk that made a little shiver run down my spine.

  Fuck! How could he reduce me to a speechless mess without even trying?

  “I, um, I-I,” I stammered, no words coming out of my mouth. Shit, why couldn’t I just lie to him? Then again, what would I need twenty-four batteries for? It wasn’t as if I played a lot of video games and needed them for a controller.

  “That’s a yes then,” Taylor said, stepping towards me. I froze. He picked up the pack and turned it over in his hands. “You must have some wonderful toys if you need this many,” he said. There was a dark glint in his eyes as he looked at me, and my dick twitched in my work trousers, precum leaking into my underwear.

  My brain was suddenly supplying me with the filthiest fantasies it could dream up on the spot. All I could think about was Taylor spreading me out on his bed and using all my toys on me, making me come over and over until I was a spent, sated mess on the sheets.

  Fuck, I wanted that so badly.

  I wanted him so badly it hurt.

  “You know, we could have a lot of fun together. And I know that I’ll be much better than your toys.” Taylor looked me up and down, raising one eyebrow as his gaze skimmed over my crotch. Apparently, it was very, very obvious how hard I was, and I wished the ground would open and swallow me up.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” Taylor said, his voice gentle, almost concerned. He stepped towards me again. “I think you’re gorgeous, Simon, and I know I want you. But if you want me to stop, I’ll never mention this again and we can pretend it never happened. I promise, nothing has to change.”

  “No.” I managed to force the words out as my brain came back online. I needed to tell him what I wanted before he walked away, and I lost my chance forever. Sure, Taylor was just offering sex, nothing more. But I was a thousand percent sure that it would be the best sex I’d ever had, and even if that was all I ever got from him, that would be enough.

  “I want you. Please.” I licked my lips, taking a step forward. We were practically touching now. “Please, Taylor. I need you inside me.”

  Taylor smiled hungrily, reaching up to caress my jaw. “Oh, Simon, we are going to have so much fun.”

  He leant forward, bringing my face down to his and our lips met in a greedy kiss that had fireworks exploding across my skin. I groaned as his tongue pushed into my mouth, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me close to him. My fingers caressed his arms, almost unable to believe that I could touch him. Taylor nipped at my bottom lip, and I moaned again, my dick oozing precum into my boxers.

  Fuck, I was so turned on already I thought I might explode.

  We broke apart, my breath coming in ragged pants while Taylor looked barely affected, except that his lips were pink and slick.

  “Bedroom?” he asked, and I nodded.

  “Yours or mine?” I asked, almost hoping he’d say his. I had a feeling my camera and tripod were still out, and I wasn’t quite sure how to explain to Taylor that I took sexy photos for a hobby.

  Sexy photos of me in panties.

  “Mine,” Taylor said, leaning in close to whisper in my ear, his voice almost a growl. “I want to see you spread out on my bed, naked and desperate for my cock.”

  I groaned, his words sending lightning down my spine because, damn, I wanted that too. Taylor smirked as he took my hand, leading me out of the kitchen and towards his room, making it seem like he was in no rush.

  But as soon as his bedroom door clicked shut, I found myself being spun on the spot and pushed up against the door.

  “Fuck,” Taylor said, kissing me desperately. “Do you have any fucking idea how sexy you are?” He nipped at my lip again, pulling another moan from me as he began kissing down my neck, his fingers already working to unbutton my shirt.

  “N-no.” It was a struggle just to get that one word out because I was already close to wrecked, and we’d barely started. Taylor pushed my shirt over my shoulders, and I shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor. His fingers were hot against my skin as they ran up my stomach and across my chest, stopping to tease my nipples and roll them between his thumb and forefinger as he sucked a mark onto the sensitive skin below my collarbone.

  I knew it would be covered by my shirt tomorrow, but I’d still know it was there. My dick throbbed. I loved the idea of Taylor marking me up, making sure I knew who’d brought me pleasure.

  “Well you are.” Taylor ran his hands lower to the waistband of my trousers, unbuckling my belt. “I can’t stop thinking about you, can’t stop thinking about all the things I want to do to you.”

  “Oh God,” I moaned, my head thumping back against the door. This couldn’t be real. Surely this couldn’t be real? This was the sort of thing that only happened in porn, not real life.

  Then Taylor slid his fingers into the front of my trousers and squeezed my dick through the damp fabric of my boxers, and holy fuck yes, this was real.

  “Shit, Taylor.” I heard him chuckle, the sound making my stomach tighten. His lips found mine again, tongue teasing my mouth as his fingers caressed my cock. My hands found his waist and the small part of my brain that was still functioning realised that Taylor was still dressed.

  That wasn’t going to work. I really needed to see him naked.

  I tugged his shirt loose from his waistband, trying to undo the buttons without looking because I was still focused on his mouth and the way he was kissing me. I managed eventually, and Taylor stepped back and slid it off, leaving me standing there with my mouth hanging open because holy fuck he was even more gorgeous shirtless than I’d ever imagined.

  He looked like he should be appearing in the latest Calvin Klein advert—with his smooth chest I just wanted to run my tongue across and a delicious looking set of abs I’d never realised he had—instead of being here with me.

  “Like what you see?” he teased, working at the buttons on his dark grey suit trousers.

  “Uh-huh,” I said, because that was about my current level of eloquence. I swallowed and nodded. “Wow… you’re just… wow.”

  “You’re cute as well as sexy.” Taylor winked at me as he slid his trousers and boxers off at once. And if I’d thought I’d been speechless before, I was even more so now.

  “Fuck.” The word fell from my lips without me realising it was there.

  Apparently, Taylor’s whole body was perfect, right down to his cock. I licked my lips again, imagining the heavy weight on my tongue and the delicious stretch and burn as he pushed into my ass.

  “Your turn,” Taylor added, shooting me a wry smile and nodding at my half-unbuttoned trousers.

  I felt myself flush as I pushed my trousers and underwear off, eternally thankful I’d worn a pair of boxer-briefs today.

  “Damn, you’re perfect,” Taylor said as I stepped out of my clothes.

  “I’m really not.”

  “Yes, you are.” He stepped close to me, crowding me against the door again. Our cocks brushed together, and I moaned as Taylor ran his hands across my chest and stomach, down to my thighs before reaching around to grab my ass, pulling me against him. “So fucking sexy.” He nipped at my neck and my jaw before drawing me in for more kisses that were all teeth and tongues as he ground his hips against me.

  “Get on the bed.” Taylor’s voice was low and demanding. “Hands and knees. I’ve waited a long time to see your perfect ass.”

  I whined as he pulled away from me, but his words had heat burning across my skin. Taylor was everything I’d ever wanted in a sexual partner, and now he was bringing all my fantasies to life.

  I crawled onto the bed, leaning on my forearms and pushing my ass into the air, silently pleading for more. My cock was so hard it was aching, and I was close to begging Taylor to touch me.

  “Fuck, look at that ass,” Taylor said, running his hand down my cheek and squeezing it, making me moan into the sheets. “I can’t wait to be inside it.”

  “Oh God, please! I want that. Need you, Taylor.”

  “I know.” I heard the desire in his voice, silken and smooth. He slipped his thumb between my cheeks, teasing my hole as I whined. “I’m going to pound you so hard you forget your own name.”

  There was something oddly familiar about those words as if I’d heard them recently, but I couldn’t think where and my brain was too lust-drunk to think clearly. It had probably been in some porn I’d watched the other day, because I hadn’t had sex in months.

  His fingers slipped away, and somewhere behind me I heard Taylor rummaging in a drawer, presumably to find lube and condoms. I chuckled as he threw a box of Durex onto the pillows.


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