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Devolose Page 10

by Alana Khan

  As soon as we’re all on the same side of the bars I yell “Run!”

  Tawny explored here earlier. We all follow her as she leads us down several hallways to safety.

  We get outside, and the cold steals my breath away. It’s blowing snow. We’re all soaking wet and poorly dressed. The valley looks completely different than when we arrived only a few hoaras ago. It’s a harsh winter landscape instead of a tropical paradise.

  Tawny’s in the lead, I bring up the rear, making certain we leave no stragglers. The females’ hair is white, caked with ice particles. None of us have shoes. It’s snowing heavier even in the few minimas we’ve been outside.

  I see bloody footprints in the snow ahead of me. We’re all walking on broken stalks of foliage and bushes, also sharp rocks. None of us can feel our feet. It will be a miracle if all six of us make it to the ship alive.

  And then I see it. The Tranquility has made it through the trees and is hovering above the now-frozen pool of water. It’s clearly visible even in this driving snowstorm. Maneuvering closer, she sets her ramp down less than one hundred fiertos away.

  Thantose, Sextus, and Griff hurry to meet us. They each grab a female and help them onto the ship. After another trip, we’ve all been helped aboard.

  A few minimas later, everyone on the vessel but Marcus, the pilot, is crammed into the kitchen. All those who were rescued are covered in blankets, tea is brewing on the stove, and the engines are thrumming. As we enter hyperspace I say with conviction, “I never want to visit Paradise again!”

  Chapter Ten


  Thantose, young Destin, and Sextus the hunter all got back aboard the Tranquility before the temperature plummeted the last twenty or thirty degrees; they weren’t as severely affected as the six of us escapees. We’re all huddled on chairs in the dining room, naked under thick blankets, clutching mugs of steaming herbal tea.

  “We all suffered serious hypothermia,” Seneca tells us. “We’re going to prepare a room for the three of you females. You’ll all be bunking together. You’ll have a lock on your door.” Lexa pales. “It will lock from the inside,” he reassures.

  “I’d like us all to stay together for another hoara. I want to make sure everyone’s blood pressure and vitals have returned to normal.”

  “I’m Lexa,” the short brunette informs everyone. “Will you be taking us back to Earth?”

  “We consider you women our responsibility,” Thantose answers gently. “We will do whatever it takes to return you to Earth—to keep you safe. Tonight, though, my primary worry as captain is to make sure you’re healthy. There’s time enough tomorrow to figure everything out.” An ingratiating grin slashes across his face. Is he already flirting with these traumatized women? Shame!

  “The cataclysm on Paradise, does anyone have any idea what just happened?” I ask as I replay the experience in my head.

  “I don’t know anything for sure, but I have a hypothesis,” the doc says as he refills all our mugs with steaming tea. “Everything looked so ancient. I wonder if there was a civilization there that lived through a similar catastrophe eons ago. Maybe the survivors rebuilt and made those rooms and stairs high enough to escape the raging waters if the floods came again. At some point, the indigenous people died out completely. I think the cells might have been placed there by space travelers like the slavers who imprisoned you three females. That’s just my wild guess, though.”

  Everyone discusses his theory, others throw out guesses of their own. I crawl onto Devi’s lap, my legs across his, my hip nestled against his waist, my head on his blanketed chest. I don’t really need a scientific explanation of what I just endured on Paradise. All I know is Devi and I almost lost each other a hundred times today. It’s so reassuring to hear the steady beat of his heart.

  I must have fallen asleep because I wake up as I’m being carried to our room. I had wanted a chance to get to know the other women, but I was too tired. Devi shuts the door behind us and sets me down.

  “Seneca said it won’t harm us to take a shower now that our internal temperatures are back to normal. Want a quick shower, or just drift back to sleep?”

  “Definitely a shower. I want to wash every iota of Paradise off my body. Back in a minute,” I say as I wander in and turn on the water. I can’t believe after all the water I’ve swum in, been buffeted around by, and drunk that I’d want a shower, but God knows what kind of filth and bacteria I’ve bathed in today.

  “The doc said he gave us shots to protect against disease or parasites,” he calls to me, then looks shocked as I emerge from the shower and grab a towel. His head snaps back in surprise. “I thought you were joking about the minima.”

  “I can be quick,” I call over my shoulder as I crawl into bed. I’m asleep before he’s out of the bathroom.


  I’m lying next to Tawny, arm bent at the elbow, head in hand. I’ve been memorizing and cataloging her exquisite face for long minimas. I could fall asleep immediately if I just put my head on the pillow, but I want to take this moment to drink everything in.

  I notice a small scratch on her face, a thick lip, some deeper gouges on her shoulder. She’s still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. I want to kiss the spots that mark the places she took the pain, but I don’t want to risk waking her.

  It feels like annums ago that I planned to jump off a cliff, to kill myself in a misguided attempt to protect her. The fact that we’re both here, alive, in a safe, warm bed, is a miracle.

  My mind replays the entire ordeal, stopping at every point I could have lost her. My throat constricts at the thought. I’m the luckiest male alive to be by her side. I think of all the times I told her to leave me behind, to run to safety without me. At each point she refused, not wanting to separate from me.

  I don’t care if people far smarter than myself identified that syndrome—Tawny doesn’t have it. She risked her life for me! Several times. This couldn’t be the result of some rare disorder. She truly cares about me.

  It was clear by the look on those three females’ faces in the kitchen that they think people from Primus look ugly and fearsome. They all saw the ruined place where my manhood should be. But Tawny, my Tawny didn’t give a drack. She climbed onto my lap and showed me affection in front of them. Being around her people didn’t stop her.

  My breath catches in my chest as I ask myself the big question—what would she have to do to prove her concern for me? What else could she possibly do?

  The answer? Nothing. There’s nothing else she needs to do. Drack that syndrome. Drack anyone who wants to tell us we’re not right for each other, including ourselves. I care for her, and she obviously cares for me.

  I lean down and kiss every scratch, every bruise. I’ll tell her in the morning how fond I am of her. I’ll show her. I’ll do everything I can to make her life better than she ever dreamed.


  I’m awakened by Dev’s soft-as-a-whisper kisses all over my face. My eyes flutter open, and I see those caramel brown eyes staring at me with...I’m afraid to put a word to what I see.

  “You have scratches, Sprout. Back on Primus, my mother used to kiss me and tell me it would heal me. If I could heal you with my kisses I would, my beautiful Earth female.”

  There’s the most poignant look on his face as his gaze bores into me. This male adores me, that’s clear. My loins clench in desire.

  I turn into him and slide my arm around his neck. I’ve never considered myself beautiful or pretty or even nice looking; I think my stepfather saw to that. He never abused me, although I considered his disdain and derision abusive at the time.

  After three years in the Emperor’s clutches, I know the true meaning of abuse now. But my stepfather’s words did their intended job. I didn’t have the greatest self-esteem the day I was kidnapped to Emirus, and I certainly don’t have much positive self-regard now—but I’d like to believe Devi’s sweet words.

  I press the top of my h
ead under his chin and whisper, “Tell me more.”

  He lifts my chin up with the pressure of one finger so I’m looking into his eyes.

  “You want me to tell you how beautiful you are? You were dashing through the caverns today, I was behind you. We were running for our lives. That wall of water could have swallowed us up and bashed us against the rocks in mere modicums. Do you know what thought slammed into my brain instead of worrying about my life? How lovely your ass and legs looked as you ran. Insane, huh?

  “I used to lie next to you in the dungeon. I’d watch you when you were asleep like I was doing just now, thinking what might happen between us if we were free...and if things were different.”

  “We are free, Dev. No one owns us. We can do whatever we want, go wherever we want. We have no one to answer to.” I cup his cheek with my hand, and we hold each other’s gaze for long moments.

  “We know very well that planet was no paradise, Tawny. That place was hell. I hold no illusions that my cock will sprout back onto my body. No magic is going to happen. These last few nights proved what a sensual female you are. I’ll never be able to fulfill you like a complete male—”

  I put a finger over his lips. “Shh. Don’t say it. You’re everything I need—that’s what the other night proved. Did I not shout loud enough when you played my body like a musical instrument?”

  “Shall we compose a symphony tonight?” He blasts me with a devilish grin, and I laugh at that thought. Those severe markings on his face don’t scare me anymore. They are so endearing.

  I lean over and kiss him. Soft kisses, just lip to lip, then I slip my tongue into his warm mouth. My hands reach behind the sleek skin of his head, pressing him closer to me. Our tongues collide wildly, and he moans from deep in the back of his throat.

  Slinging my leg over his muscular hips, I pull myself closer, my dripping core rubbing against his abdomen.

  He’s not moaning anymore, it’s a growl—masculine and possessive. He rolls on top of me and pulls my hands above my head, forcing them into the mattress with one hand.

  “Leave your hands right there, Tawny. Don’t move them. I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll wake our neighbors with your screams of ecstasy. Can you do that? Keep your hands right there?”

  “Can I let you pleasure me until I explode? Yes, Dev, I think I can do that.” I smile at him for a short moment before he moves into action like a supple feline pouncing on prey.

  His head bends to my breast, his warm breath fans one nipple while his hand plucks the other. An electric jolt sparks to the pit of my stomach. I suck air in through my teeth, then, “So good.”

  His tongue flicks the tip. Just that action makes my hips swivel under him, reaching for pressure against his stomach. He repositions his body, sliding a knee between my legs so I can rub myself against him. When I do that, I realize I’m so wet I’m painting him with my juices.

  Then my attention turns to his fingers and tongue. I look down to see the smooth skin of the top of his head bobbing up and down as he licks my nipple. The sight is arousing; his red skin is erotic. I’m dying to touch him, to feel his flesh beneath my fingers, to make him feel good like I did the other night. But my hands stay obediently above my head where he placed them.

  As if reading my mind, “Good girl,” he tells me. “I’m going to learn every ince of you.” He pauses for effect, “Inside and out.”

  My clit flutters in response.

  “I’m going to learn when to go slow.” He licks first one nipple and then the other. He does this with excruciating languor with the flat of his tongue as if he’s a cat lapping milk. He trails the tip of his tongue from one nipple, down the mound, through the valley, and up the other breast, then gives that one equal attention. Every move is slow, leisurely, deliberate—and delicious.

  “I’m going to learn when to go fast.” He nips the tip of my nipple with the flat of his teeth in quick bursts. I hear his teeth clap together in rapid succession. Dear Lord, a bolt of sexual lightning races from my nipple to my clit. I press harder against his knee.

  “I’m going to learn when to tease.” He touches the tip of each brown peak gently with the pad of his finger. Slow. Back and forth. I’m burning from these tender touches.

  “And when to give you what you need.” He captures a nipple in each hand then squeezes, then plucks.

  “Dev!” Hot sparks of liquid desire fly through my body. My stomach clenches in need—so does my core.

  Placing his lips close to my ear, he breathes with almost no sound, “What do you need Tawny? Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you.” I writhe against him, desperate for friction.

  “More, tell me more.” His tongue snakes into the shallow cavern of my ear sparking shivers through every cell of my body.

  “Need you to make me come.” My head is spinning. I don’t know if I’m powerless with my hands above my head, or powerful as I’m telling him what I want. I don’t know anything other than we’re here in this bed together and I want his touch. I want his skin to cover as much of my body as it can. I want his fingers to touch me everywhere—inside and out.

  I realize I need to tell him that, and I do.

  He places his palms on my breasts then slides slowly down my body. His tongue trails lingeringly from between my breasts, to dip in my navel, to the top of my mound. He nips me there, playfully, then the fun and games are over, and he nips harder while he presses my clit with the bone of his chin.

  My hips lift off the bed in shocked reaction.

  “This?” He does it again, only this time with a back and forth motion that earns him my gasping intake of breath and a hip thrust.

  He slides down an inch, placing his mouth over my clit. He sucks in—I moan. Simple cause and effect, only so much more.

  He lashes me with his tongue. Gentle flicks turn into hard presses with the flat surface. He trails his tongue to my dripping core, then presses in all the way until his lips touch my skin.

  I express one moaning gasp of appreciation before he leaves and places his tongue against my nub again.

  “Dev!” I’m loving this, but I feel empty. I want him back inside me. My arms are still obediently over my head, so I’ll either have to lie here in desperation or use my words to tell him what I want.

  “Fuck me, Dev. Fill me up!”

  And he does. A finger slips inside my slick channel and thrusts once, twice, three times—hard—until his knuckles press against me there. Then he pulls out and slides in two fingers, repeating his actions of a moment ago.

  I don’t even realize the noise I’m making until I hear the otherworldly sound through my ears. It’s the keening moan of desperate urgency. No words. Just sound.

  He presses a third finger inside. This is it. The fullness I need. That stretching burn that tells a female she’s being thoroughly taken by her male. “Dev.” His name is spoken on the outbreath, like a prayer.

  He reaches up inside me and finds a spot that flips a switch—from fully on to turbocharged! My jaw clamps shut, my lids slam closed. I turn my attention fully inside so I can bask in this feeling.

  My thighs start to quiver as every muscle in my body tightens in preparation for release.

  “Touch me,” Dev commands, allowing my arms to leave their obedient post above my head. I grip his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh without my awareness.

  His thrusts are deliberate, drawing my attention, slowing down the sexual excitement building in every cell of my body. Then he moves faster even than before. This is the trigger for my orgasm to come hurtling through me as I quiver in delicious spasms.

  My core clasps around his fingers. The powerful clenching rolls in waves from toes to head and back to my core. My deep, guttural moans reverberate off the walls of our small room. I’m in heaven. I’m in Dev’s arms. I’ve dreamed of this moment, this connection. I finally have it.

  “Mmmm, come up.” I pull him even with me on the pillows. “Tell me again how beautiful
I am,” I command. I’m shameless. The orgasm decimated the barrier between us somehow. I can fully speak my mind.

  He pulls away just far enough to hold my gaze in his. “You’re beautiful, Sprout. Body and soul.”

  He flips me over and pulls me close enough so he can spoon me. He’s never done this before. I always thought it was because it accentuated what was missing; it embarrassed him.

  Something must have broken through his barrier, too, because he’s showing himself to me in a different light.

  I wiggle my tush against him as I pull his hand to my face and kiss the flat of his palm. My scent is all over him. It’s intimate. I like it.

  “And you, Dev? Now that we know you can find release, I want to give that to you.”

  Like the other night, I explore every inch of his body. They say blind people’s sense of smell and hearing become enhanced. I wonder if that’s what happened to Dev. His appreciation of everything I do, everywhere I touch seems amped up.


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