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Devolose Page 14

by Alana Khan

  Marcus, the pilot, scrubs his face with his palm. “We have no idea where their planet is located.”

  Valeria’s look of surprise is nothing compared to my three Earth companions.

  “I thought we were to be returned to Earth when you were done with your R&R on Primus,” Lexa keeps her tone calm but gives the term “resting bitch face” a new meaning.

  “Do you know your planet’s coordinates?” Marcus asks eagerly. “Tawny didn’t.”

  “Earth’s coordinates, how would we know that?” Carrie asks.

  “Isn’t every schoolchild taught that right after they learn their home address?” Valeria’s eyebrows raise in astonishment.

  “They aren’t capable of intergalactic flight,” Marcus explains as if he’s telling someone dogs can’t converse in complete sentences.

  “Ohhh,” Valeria nods her head, a look of pity on her face.

  Carrie and Lexa ask all the same questions I did. Trying with our meager knowledge to explain where we’re located, but in a few minutes, everyone in the room realizes the task is futile.

  For the first time since I’ve met her, the look on Lexa’s face isn’t angry, it’s sad. I try not to stare, but her expression has morphed from anger to disbelief to sadness to something akin to agony.

  “You’re saying,” she glares at Marcus, “there’s no way home?” Her eyes are bright, but her jaw is firm and she’s trying like hell not to let any tears spill out.

  “Since Tawny and I had this talk a few days ago, I’ve dedicated a bot to search every database we can find, looking for a scrap of information, a hint, an old children’s tale—nothing.”

  “Then how the fuck…” she’s shouting but takes a long swallow, glances at Valeria in silent apology, and slowly starts again. “How in the world,” she pauses and takes a deep breath, “did all of us get abducted? Someone is finding us. Someone knows where Earth is. We were all kidnapped at different times from different places by different ships. It doesn’t sound like our location is exactly a well-kept secret.” She’s screaming again, and her face is remarkably red.

  “We’re low-level pirates. We aren’t privy to the information kept in the bowels of the cartel’s computers,” Marcus explains. “They evidently found Earth to be a good source of free breeding females. It appears they abduct you judiciously, from various places at various times; not enough to alert the Federation authorities and bring too much heat down upon themselves. They don’t exactly publish that type of information on the Intergalactic Database.”

  Sextus walks over, sits next to Lexa, and tries to put his arm around her for comfort. She gives him a look so quelling that he scoots his chair away. I have no idea why he’d be interested in a female who’s as mean as a snake, but wooing that one isn’t going to be easy.

  “Then where are you going to go?” Valeria asks.

  I glance around the room. Lexa looks like she was just given a death sentence. Carrie appears deep in thought, clearly parsing through this latest batch of information trying to figure a way to land on her feet. Brin appears so calm, I wonder if she was even tracking the conversation.

  “What choices do we have?” Carrie asks, immediately shifting into fact-finding mode.

  Thantose and Devolose choose this moment to make their entrance. Oh my God, Dev, I mean Devolose has never looked this handsome. He’s wearing form-fitting black leather pants, boots, and jacket—of course he has to be wearing the sleeveless version, his muscular arms with their white and black tribal markings on full display. His jacket has tiny little leather pleats running from pec to shoulder, with little slashes of red the color of his skin peeking out of each line of stitching. It accentuates his red-and-black coloring. He’s breathtakingly handsome.

  “I’ve been giving that a great deal of thought.” Thantose pulls up a straight-backed chair and straddles it. “Ahma, would you allow the females to stay here for a while? Until they get settled? Might we find them jobs in one of our clothing factories or retail shops? My family has many contacts; perhaps one of our friends can offer a job that’s more to your liking.”

  Valeria nods. Interestingly, none of the women look excited about this prospect.

  “That’s so kind of you Valeria,” Carrie looks at the older woman, “and Thantose. It’s just that I couldn’t help but notice on the drive through your town that there are no humanoids who look like us. Everyone has your colorful markings. To be frank, I’m not certain I’d fit in here, be comfortable here.”

  “Primians have known of interstellar flight for thousands of years, Carrie,” Valeria explains. “We openly accept all alien species onto our planet.”

  “All of you have been so kind…” Carrie says. By her pinched face, she’s still not comfortable with the idea of staying here.

  “The Tranquility is a small phaeton-class vessel. As we all know, there isn’t a lot of extra room. I…” He looks around the room, mouth open as he stops in mid-sentence. “Ahma, now seems a good time to serve us the dinner you’ve been slaving over.” There’s the Thantose I know, full of life, a smirk on his face—and obviously not wanting to broach whatever thought he has until after we’ve been well fed.

  Valeria stands up and motions us into the perfectly-appointed dining room. “Well I haven’t exactly been slaving, but I did come up with a very clever menu and asked my chef to cook it. I did, however, bake the Anathen cake.

  “Now, females, I understand we hail from different cultures. If something doesn’t please your palate, I’d be offended if you ate it in an effort to make me happy. Just enjoy the dishes you like and push what you don’t to the back of your plate.” I don’t know if I ever met a woman as kind or gracious.

  Motioning each of us to a specific seat, she stands at the head of the long, rectangular table. Devolose is to her right, Thantose to her left. Pointing at me, she gestures for me to sit next to Dev, Brin next to Thantose, and then boy girl boy girl after that until she runs out of females.

  Oh shit. Really? I’m going to be rubbing elbows with Dev all night? I wonder if she knows. Did Thantose gave his mom a little heads up about our situation? If he did, she’s doing a great job of acting oblivious.

  I’ll show her, I’ll show everyone. After three years of eating nutrition bars in a dungeon, and a week eating little more than noodles, I’m going to focus on the meal. There are heavenly smells wafting in from the kitchen, and a pretty young Primian female is serving the first course.

  I pace myself, but the food just keeps coming, with each plate more delicious than the last. Although my mouth would like to keep eating, my stomach is protesting the influx of anything other than the cake Valeria promised us.

  “Anathen cake, Miss Valeria,” young Destin says, having a foodgasm as he repeats the name of the upcoming treat. “You make the best Anathen cake on all of Primus.”

  “Thanks, Destin, you flatter me.”

  I realize I can’t avoid Dev any longer. I’ve been uncannily aware of his body next to mine. Every time those bare, muscled arms reach across me to pass a dish, I have to clutch my silverware to keep from petting his skin. The feel of his thigh gently pressing mine—accidentally I’m sure—makes me have to resist wiggling in my seat to calm my rising libido.

  I tried to surreptitiously catch a glance at his face during the soup course, only to see him openly observing me. Since then I’ve tried to only converse with people on my right so I don’t have to look Dev’s way at all.

  I think Thantose is well aware of the dynamic playing out on this side of the table, because he keeps asking me innocuous questions, like how I’m enjoying the Eboi Plantay, or is the Samwok Kon to my liking. It would be rude not to look at him while I’m responding, which puts Dev’s face clearly in my peripheral vision. If I’m not mistaken, Thantose is enjoying this game immensely.

  “You boys know I love you, and enjoy these parties I host whenever you’re in town. But I’m sure it’s no surprise that having my beloved nephew back is beyond thrilling. I’ve pr
epared Dev’s favorite cake, and I so want us all to celebrate his homecoming.”

  I look at Dev full on now. Everyone’s doing it, so it would be rude not to. My stomach jumps in a lusty somersault; sensuous pictures of our time together in our room on the ship bombard me. I clench my legs together to counteract my clit’s blatant yearning. Its rhythmic pulse insistently demands my attention.

  I focus on his face and not the arms that seem to have morphed from underweight to fully muscled since our escape. With all the scrutiny directed his way, he’s looking bashful, his chin sags toward his chest.

  “Dev, can you give a speech? I’m so glad you’re home.” Valeria’s hands are clasped in front of her chest; she’s so happy she’s beaming.

  Dev’s jaw turns to stone; his head dips lower at his aunt’s innocent request.

  I’m certain she had no idea how hard the simple task would be for her nephew.

  He swallows several times, then stands. A quick glance at Valeria tells me she already regrets asking.

  “Thank you all for being here.” He swallows again, then looks directly at his aunt. “Valeria, I sincerely thank you for your hospitality for me and my ahma. It’s abundantly clear what good care you’ve given her.” It seems as if starting with gratitude was a good choice; his hesitance is gone. “And Thantose. The kindness you’ve shown since we met has been unceasing. Thank you.” Now he slows. What can he say to the females who, because of me, all seem to avoid him like the plague?

  “And all the males and females at this table. Thank you for any and all kindnesses shown,” he says in a quiet rush.

  Okay, that was tactful.

  “And Tawny.” Oh shit, I didn’t expect him to speak directly to me. “I…” His Adam’s apple is bobbing quickly now. “Thantose saved us once. You saved saved me a thousand times. I wouldn’t have made it through those last few years without you. You saved my life.” He practically collapses into his seat and stuffs a huge bite of cake into his mouth; I assume to keep anyone from asking more questions.

  There’s applause, some of it polite, some of it heartfelt. He may not be crying, but I am. My heart is clenching. The words “I love him” are drumming through my head. Although I’d like to, I can’t escape to my bedroom because I’m slightly dizzy from all the emotions swirling around me.

  “Thanks, Dev.” I rest my hand on his knee, keeping my eyes straight ahead. He stays busy chewing, and without looking at me, grasps my hand as if it’s a lifeline.

  All around me I can hear everyone saying how great the cake tastes, but I guess I’ll go to my grave not knowing what Anathen cake tastes like because it feels like sawdust in my mouth.


  I know my aunt would have never put me on the spot like that if she’d known how hard it would be on me. I feel like I’ve been forced through a meat grinder. I just want to be magically transported to my room. I’ve been through enough. I’ve been alone much of my life. Having all these people around, all these expectations on me—it’s just too much.

  “Thantose.” Carrie tries to get everyone’s attention. “You kind of interrupted yourself when you were saying what our options are. Did you have other ideas for us besides staying on Primus?” She looks a bit sheepish. She must know it sounds rude for them to turn down such a generous offer of help getting resettled on such a nice planet.

  Everyone’s quiet now, waiting for him to speak. The females must be hoping there’s a better choice than staying here, going to work in a dress factory. I’m keenly interested in what he’s going to suggest. If Tawny stays on Primus, I’ll probably take him up on his offer of a position on his ship. If she goes with him, I think I may stay here to create a completely new life for myself.

  “The Tranquility is a small phaeton-class ship. I thought of offering all you females the opportunity to stay on, just as you are now. I have ideas of how each of you can be helpful, to have a job. But the males had their own rooms before you arrived, and I’ve heard grumblings...I don’t think the males bunking with each other is a long-term solution.

  “I’ve also seen...some of the males show interest in certain females. As well as interest, perhaps, on the part of the females. I don’t know. I’ve never been good at understanding women.” He laughs. No one else does.

  “So here’s my thought. If you want to stay on Primus, my ahma has made a generous offer to find you employment, reasonably-priced lodging, and assistance in settling here. If not, I’m willing to have you all stay on the Tranquility for a quarter annum.

  “You can remain in your current quarters and do two things. One, you can explore any planets we touch down on. You might find one to your liking. If so, I will give you ten thousand credits out of my own purse to find lodging and tide you over until you find employment and settle in.

  “The second choice is…” He pauses, eyes firmly on his plate. “If any of you choose to mate, either short or long term, with one of the males on this ship, you are welcome to remain in one cabin together.

  “I’ve thought this through, and I want to warn you that any disturbance in our relationships, any fighting that might ensue because of masculine posturing will not be tolerated. This offer will last for ninety days and ninety days only. Ahma, you’ll be happy to hear we’ll return ninety days after we depart. At that time, any remaining unmated females will be expected to settle here on Primus.”

  The room is silent. Even Lexa hasn’t made a sound.

  “Oh,” he looks directly at Tawny. “I have a different offer for you, Tawny. I want to offer you a job. I can contract for a small cabin to be built in the cargo area, complete with a bathing room. That will be your domain. I’ll pay you a percentage of the booty you sell.

  “And Dev, you can move back into the room you shared with… I would like to cross-train you on navigating, comms, piloting, and defense. As you know, you have an extensive support system on Primus. You have many options if you choose to stay here.

  “We fly in six days. Let me know of your decisions before we take off. Tawny, tomorrow I’ll be calling an old friend to start work on that cabin. If you decide to stay on Primus, I’m certain I’ll find a use for it. If you come with ut, it’s yours. Good night everyone. Thanks for coming.”

  The males know an order when they hear one. They all stand, thank Thantose and his mother for the delicious meal and are out the door within five minimas.

  The females are all dumbstruck. They aren’t even whispering among themselves. I imagine there will be a lot of discussion once they’re in their rooms upstairs.

  “Did I just hear you correctly, Thantose?” With that malicious tone, it could only be Lexa. “Did you just make us barter safe living quarters for sex?”

  “No.” His tone is colder than I’ve heard it since he had the Leaf on the Wind in his trap and was trying to frighten the crew into paying him one hundred thousand credits. “No Lexa that was not what I was doing. I saved your lives on Paradise. I’ve kept you fed and housed since then at my own expense. I’ve offered you free room and board until my ahma finds you acceptable employment, and I’ve offered an alternative option should you so choose. I am not the enemy. Don’t make me into one. You have choices. Figure out what you want.” He turns on his heel and leaves the room.

  A few minimas later, everyone has drifted upstairs except for Tawny and me. I motion for her to follow me into an adjoining room. My uncle’s library is floor-to-ceiling warm, brown paneling. His imposing desk sits in the middle of the room, a wooden globe of our planet resting on the corner. My fingers set it spinning as I remember speaking with him in here only two nights before my abduction. He offered me a leadership position in his factory if I finished my advanced schooling. I sigh out loud, wistfully wondering what that life might have been like if things had been different.

  I bring myself back to the present and look at Tawny, who’s glancing at me expectantly. I straighten my shoulders and vow to keep my emotions in check.

  “This is no longer my plan
et, Tawny. Primus isn’t my home. I think you could be happy here if you allowed it. Aunt Valeria is a lovely, generous woman as you can see. She would ensure your safety, help you in any way she could.

  “I just want you to know you have choices, just like the other females. If you wish to stay on Primus, I’ll go with Thantose on the Tranquility. If you choose the Tranquility…” My thoughts fly to the life I’d imagined for her and Thantose when I’d planned to take my own life. I picture them sharing his captain’s quarters together. It would be neat and organized, all his booty hauled into the hold. They’d be happy together in his bed whether it’s giggling together or in the throes of passion. Why does this thought bring me no happiness? My heart clenches in regret.

  “But what do you want, Devolose? You deserve happiness. Tell me what you want, and I’ll do the opposite.”

  She’s wrong. Absolutely wrong. I deserve nothing. I can’t imagine happiness on a planet that has moved on without me for ninety annums. Nor can I envision contentment on board that ship where I shared bliss with her for those few nights together.


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