Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 9

by Micca Michaels

  Damian lowers his head and grasps the bridge of his nose, acting like he is in deep thought. This could be my chance to get rid of that bitch Ciara and piss Alpha off more at the Whitewood pack. If he wants blood for his sister, it will really send him over the edge when his cousin gets killed. That arrogant bitch doesn’t know how to back down from a fight. “Alpha,” releasing the bridge of his nose and looking up, “Ciara seems to get along with anyone. I bet she would love this kind of assignment. Although...”, hesitating to continue.

  “Damian, as First Beta, you need to be able to tell me anything, good or bad,” eyes never leaving is First Beta’s, “Speak man. This is too important.”

  “Well, I would hate to send your cousin into an unpredictable situation. There is always an air of danger being around the Whitewood pack. Even when they are out relaxing themselves,” inwardly smiling for covering his own ass, he knows Alpha Kieran will go for it.

  Kieran leans against his office window and crosses his arms, “I understand what you’re saying. She can be a bit much, but you are correct that she can get along with anyone. I think it’s a good recommendation. I’ll have her and a couple of her friends go to the pub tonight. It is Friday, maybe luck will be on our side. Alright, for now we go on as usual. However, if you are out and about and see one of their members, make note of it. Maybe we can eventually start seeing patterns. Patterns mean habits, and habits can be deadly. I will call Ciara and set things up with her. Dismissed.”

  Grabbing his cell phone off his desk, Kieran calls his cousin, “Are you close to the house?”

  Her reply comes through almost immediately, “Yes, I am actually sitting in the living room. Do you need something?”

  “Actually, I need to speak to you in person. Come to my office, and I’ll explain everything.”

  Sighing with annoyance, “Really, I was in the middle of reading…”

  Growling loudly through the phone and house, “Now, Ciara.”

  “Alright, alright. I am almost to the door.”

  Still growling at his cousin's impotence, “Hurry up and come in.”

  Opening the door quickly, Ciara bared her neck in submission. Not wanting to anger her cousin, and Alpha, any further, “Yes Alpha, what can I do for you?”

  Accepting her offer of submission, “I need you to go on a mission for me, but you have to keep it quiet as I am not sending you alone, and I don’t want your friends to know anything about it,” lowering his voice before continuing, “I want you and a few of your friends to go to the pub the Whitewood pack sometimes hangs out at. I want you to listen to their chatter. Socialize with them if you can manage that safely. I want to know anything you can learn. Do you think you can handle this, or do I need to find another she-wolf?”

  Ciarra bounces on the tips of her toes, “I can do it. I know the right she-wolves to take with me too.”

  “Good. We’ll have the burial and then you and your friends will go to the pub like you’re drowning your sorrows. Just don’t actually get tanked. You can't learn anything if you’re sloshed and may even spill our plan. Stay in control,” Alpha Kieran warns.

  Still bouncing with excitement, “I won’t Kieran,” Ciarra blurts out, “I mean Alpha. I will stay in control. I can say I am the designated driver tonight. I think it’s my turn actually.”

  Walking to his cousin, Kieran places his large hands on her shoulders to stop her bouncing, “Let’s get the service over with and then you can go on your mission. Remember, don’t even tell your friends. This must seem natural to them as well.”

  “Yes, Alpha, I won’t let you down,” she promises.

  Firming his grip on her shoulders, “Cousin or not, you better not. Now, let’s go to the service.”

  Burying six family members was hard on everyone, and it took nearly three hours. When the service ended, Ciara gathered a group of her friends, “Ladies, I don’t know about you all, but I could use a stress-relieving night out. What do you say, we head to the pub for some drinks? I believe it’s my turn to be the designated driver, so I can only have one drink when we first get there. Then it’s fecking pops for me.” Looking over her small group of close friends, she sees a glint in Shannon’s eyes, “Shannon, what are you thinking? You have that, ‘I’m up to no good’ glint in your eye.

  Shannon’s smile widens, “Well, we could always call for a car to take us to the pub and then call for one to bring us back. That way no one is left out of drinking, especially tonight. We all need to relieve some stress, especially you. So, I vote for calling a car. What about everyone else?”

  With excitement everyone except Ciara votes yes. I can just, slow drink. They won’t realize anything. I can act the part. What harm will it do? Besides, I am totally out voted. “That sounds great. Let’s go get dressed. Shannon since this was your idea, have the car pick us up in thirty minutes. Don’t worry about my cousin. I already cleared this with him earlier today, I had a feeling we would need this.”

  All dressed up and ready to let loose, all the girls climb out of the car. Noticing the line Nessa starts to complain about having to wait when Ciarra scoffs, “Do you think I would ask all of you to come out and not make sure we were on the list, seriously? What kind of friend do you think I am?”

  Grinning from ear to ear, Ciara hears a chorus of: “The best of friends, of course.” Walking to the bouncer, Ciara gives him her name. Looking over his list and seeing her name, he allows her and the rest of her small group to enter the pub. There isn’t normally a line to get in, but it is a Friday night after all and only the best come here on Friday nights.

  Immediately spotting Whitewood pack members sitting at a table and out on the dance floor, she turns to her friends. “Remember, we are here to have fun and relax. This is neutral territory, so no fighting. We can play nice,” pausing and glancing around, “for now.”

  Giggling, all the girls head to the bar to get strong drinks. Knowing this will be a long night, and longer still from having to hold her temper. Ciara goes for a two finger shot right off the bat. The rest of the girls follow along. After taking a couple double shots, all the girls order something to sip. Ciara notices most of the Whitewood pack members are on the dance floor, grabbing Kayliegh’s hand, “Come dance with me, I have way too much energy.”

  Nessa watched Ciara and Kayliegh squeeze their way onto the dance floor. Looking at her friends, “Does something seem off with Ciara to you guys?”

  Turning to look at Nessa, Shannon leans closer so she can be heard without yelling, “Um, yeah, she just buried her favorite cousin. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. I just hope no one starts shit with her. I have a feeling she’s more on the edge than we are even aware of.”

  Staying close together so they could hear each other, ”Let’s just keep an eye on her, okay Nessa? I don’t want to have to report to our Alpha that his cousin was in a pub brawl.”

  Hearing giggling behind her, Shannon turns her head, slighting to hear what’s so funny.

  “What would it matter if the little she-bitch got into a fight, it wouldn’t last long.” Giggling another voice comes back with, “I know right, that entire pack is completely worthless. There is no magic, and I heard none of them can fight worth a shit. I don’t know why our Alpha doesn’t just challenge their so-called Alpha and destroy the pack.”

  Turning scarlet red Shannon turns around, “Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say? You want to repeat that so my entire table can hear you, or are you going to continue to talk out your ass? Oh, I’m sorry, that’s not your ass, it’s your face.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, you fucking runt?” the Whitewood member bites back, “I bet they kept you around cause they felt sorry for you.”

  Hearing the raised voices, Ciara wondered what was going on. The music was so loud you could barely hear yourself think, so being able to hear raised voices piqued her curiosity. Walking back over to her table, she realized the raised voices were coming from that exact area
. Hurrying over, as quickly as she could in a crowded pub. “Whoa, what’s going on? We are supposed to be here to relax. What’s the noise about?” Ciarra crosses her arms over her chest, waiting for an explanation.

  Shannon turns to Ciara, pointing behind her, “This-this heifer, was making nasty comments about our Alpha and our pack. The bitch called me the runt of the pack. No one talks about our Alpha, our pack, or me that way and gets away with it!”

  Ciara turns her attention to the she-wolf Shannon is pointing at, “So you think you’re hot shit? You have the nerve to talk crap about the Blackwood pack? Don’t mess with what you don’t understand, little girl.”

  Staring daggers at Ciara, “Bitch, talking shit about the Blackwood pack is too easy. Your entire pack is useless. Your Alpha is a walking, talking fucking joke. As for calling me a ‘little girl’, we can step outside and I’ll show you just how little I am, or are you like the rest of your pack? Weak, useless, pathetic sorry excuses for wolves?”

  Standing tall, shoulders back and chest out, “Are you challenging me? Are you serious right now? Do you even know who I am?”

  Mimicking her stance the other she-wolf yells, “I don’t give a fuck who you are. Yes, I am fucking serious, and yes, I challenge you to a fight. Outside, right fucking now, or are you like your Alpha, a chicken shit?”

  Turning towards the pub door Ciara smiles a wicked smile, “You want some, come get some. Challenge accepted. Outside, five minutes,” with that Ciara and the rest of the Blackwood pack walks out the pub door and waits.

  Seeing Nessa vibrating with anger, Ciara grabs her wrist to get her attention, “I was challenged, this is my fight. Stay out of it. I got this bitch, she’s nothing.” Hearing the pub music get louder Ciara knows the pub door has opened. Turning towards the door, Ciara sees a group of Whitewood pack members walk over to where they were standing. “What, didn’t want to bring all your pack members for some back up?”

  “The rest of them have seen Shauna fight, and trust me honey, we aren’t here for any kind of backup. Shauna doesn’t need it. You should have walked away while you had the chance,” the Whitewood members snarl, “Now, your friends will return your body to your Alpha.”

  Feeling the need to say something back Shannon sneers, “Is this all you’re going to do, talk us to death? We thought this was a fight challenge, not a word battle.”

  As everyone starts to form a circle, Kayliegh looks to Nessa, “Should I call for the Alpha?”

  Nessa looks at her in shock, “Don’t you think Ciara can handle this bitch?”

  Kayleigh scoffs, “Of course I do, nevermind.”

  Looking across from her, Ciara growls a low menacing growl, “You ready heffer, or do you need more time to back out?”

  “Gods, you are fucking stupid. I’m the one that issued the challenge. I am not backing down,” crouching into a fighting stance, “First one to make the other submit, wins. Got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it,” Ciarra matches the she-wolf’s stance.

  At that, both she-wolves shift. Standing across from each other, Ciara’s wolf is jet black, and Shauna’s is the exact opposite, pure white. The only human features they keep is their eye color. Ciara’s eyes are as dark as her fur while Shauna’s are sky blue. Shauna’s wolf stands taller than Ciara’s. Ciara lowers into a crouched position, readying herself for the attack. Shauna’s wolf sits on her haunches, tail completely still. Waiting for her opponent to make the first, predictable move. At that moment, Ciara thrusts herself forward to use her jaws to grab Shauna’s neck, which she knew not to leave exposed. With this move Shauna moves to the side. As Ciara lands right in front of her, Shauna takes her claws and ranks them down Ciara’s side, forcing a yelp of pain from Ciara. Shauna doesn’t let up; jumping over Ciara’s wolf, Shauna wracks her claws down Ciara’s other side. Repositioning herself Ciara thrusts forward, extending her claws to slash down Shauna’s chest. Ciara turns toward her opponent’s hind legs, snatching one in her mouth, Ciara tries to squeeze to break it. Reaching back with her claws, Shauna wracks down Ciara’s face. Forcing her to yelp and jump back. Both she-wolves start to circle each other. Both she-wolves hear comments from both sides on what to do.

  “Ciara!! Break her fucking leg!”

  “Shauna, stop playing with this bitch. My drink is getting warm.”

  With that Shauna’s wolf rolls her eyes. The only human-like movement possible in wolf form. Shauna starts to jump to Ciara’s left, the moment Ciara starts to counter the move, Shauna changes up using her front paws to push Ciara over. Jumping on top of Ciara, Shauna extends her claws, while grabbing Ciara’s throat.

  “Ciara!! Submit, we’ll get this bitch another time! SUB-MIT!!”

  “Little wolf, you need to listen to your pack mates and submit. Shauna won’t hesitate in killing you. Just submit,” one of the Whitewood members shouts.

  Not listening, Ciara starts to fight back. With a squeeze to her throat, Ciara freezes yet again, but does not submit. Holding on tight, Shauna knows this is Ciara’s last chance. If she resists again Shauna will have no choice but to rip her throat out.

  “Ciara!! Goddamnit, SUB-MIT NOW!! Don’t let your pride get in the way and cause her to kill you! Fucking SUB-MIT,” Shannon cries out. “Nessa, she isn’t listening to me!”

  “Shannon what the fuck do you want me to do? This was an accepted challenge. I can’t interfere, and you know that. Dammit, Ciara!!”

  Not getting to finish her sentence, Ciara growled and tried to scratch Shauna’s underbelly. With that, Shauna wracked her claws down Ciara’s stomach and ripped out her throat, almost simultaneously. Dropping the body Shauna whimpered and walked back over to her pack, where she shifted back with no evidence of a fight. Looking at the dead wolf’s friends, “I gave her every chance to submit. There was no need for this. This is a waste of life. Your pack is worse than I even imagined. You allow pride to rule over your respect for life. Take your dead pack mate home. May the Goddess Bless her and forgive her ignorance. Your Alpha should be ashamed.”

  Crowding around their friend and pack mate, Shannon stands up and looks Shauna right in the eyes, “The wolf you just killed is our Alpha’s cousin. He will be told the truth of what happened here tonight. I can’t promise anything other than that. What he decides to do has nothing to do with us. Just leave us alone,” sobbing, “You’ve done enough.”

  Nessa looks over at Kayleigh, “Call the Alpha’s house. We can’t take her home in an Uber for fuck sake. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I don’t - I don’t know what he’s going to do other than flip the fuck out.”

  Stepping away from the gathered crowd Kayleigh pulls out her cell phone. Pulling up her contact info, she pauses at the number needed. Looking over at Ciara’s body, Kayleigh presses the call button.

  Hearing a gruff voice answer the phone, Kayleigh knows it's Alpha himself. “Yeah, hello.”

  Sobbing into the phone, “Alpha, Ciara...” Not able to hold in her great wracking sobs, she can’t speak.

  “Who is this? Why are you crying? Where is Ciara?” the anger raises in his voice, “Speak damn it.”

  Pulling in a deep breath, “Alpha, you need to come, bring...Oh Gods, Alpha, she wouldn’t submit,” sobbing even harder, “Pl-Please, at the pub.”

  “Who is this, tell me that much.”

  “Alpha, it’s Kayleigh. Please come, hurry.”

  “Don’t move. Don’t move Ciara. We are on our way.” Hearing the Alpha scream through the phone Kayleigh knew he was waking the house, the Enforcers, and Betas, “Kayleigh, are you and the others safe? Are there still other wolves there?”

  Taking a deep breath, “Yes, we are safe. The club closed when the fi-fight ended. The Whitewood pack left a couple of minutes ago.”

  In a menacing tone, “What did you say!”

  Knowing this was not actually a question, “Nessa and Shannon will tell you everything when you get here, Alpha. I’m sorry bu-but I just can’t.”

  Taking a calming breath, �
��Alright, yes. We are already on our way. We’ll be there within ten minutes. All of you are to stay with Ciara. Don’t leave her and don’t allow anyone near her.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Hearing him hang up the phone, Kayleigh walked back over with the others. Sitting on the ground, surrounding Ciara’s body. Each of them were petting her coat, more for comfort than anything. When a Dire Wolf dies in wolf form, they stay in wolf form.

  Hearing screeching tires, the she-wolves surrounding Ciara jump up. Shannon’s eyes go wide as she sees all the Enforcers, all the Betas, and The Alpha jump out of all the now-parked suvs. Her expression forces everyone to turn and look.

  Walking towards them, the Alpha is a deep crimson red complexion. Calling him pissed would have been an understatement.

  Walking down stairs, Brigid knows everyone in the house is still asleep. Walking into her favorite room of the house, she smiles. The kitchen is the heart of every home. How many talks, snacks, and meals are prepared in this one room: uncountable, that’s how many. Enjoying the quiet, she puts the kettle on the stove. Leaning on the side of her countertop waiting for the kettle to heat up, she looks around the room. The open space and natural lighting always makes the room bright and gives it a warm feel. One wall is made of floor to ceiling glass panels, allowing the natural light to enhance the room. The walls are a baby powder blue with mother of pearl cabinets. The countertops are a grey/blue wash granite. The floors are a grey flat stone. The whistle of the kettle grabs her attention.

  Reaching to grab the kettle and setting her morning tea to steep, Brigid sits at her breakfast nook to contemplate their next move. Sighing, not only for her own loss, the family’s loss, but for Raven’s. That poor girl has had her world turned upside down, and it’s just the beginning. Why would Blackwood attack Ailin and Sinead? Do they know something we don’t? Does it have something to do with Raven's birthmark? No, surely not that. That has been kept a secret. I just don’t understand. I guess we’re going to have to meet with Alpha Brandan and get his take on everything. What does all this mean? Raven has the blue raven birthmark. On top of the fact that Sinead and Ailin decided to name her Raven before she was even born. This is not a coincidence, besides I don’t believe in coincidences. We have to find all the information on that legend. Deep inside her own thoughts, she doesn’t notice she’s no longer alone.


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