Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 15

by Micca Michaels

  When Raven raises her head again, she realizes everyone has moved closer to her. Relaxing her shoulders, “I’m sorry, everyone. I don’t mean to be a downer. We are supposed to be having fun while I get to know Aaron, Aidan, and Clancy. I just need everyone to understand that I am not, in any way, worried about tomorrow. What comes afterwards, yes, I am worried about meeting with this Chieftain. Of course, we have to find him first. Does anyone have a clue on his location?”

  “I think I do,” with that said, all eyes turn to Clancy. Clearing his throat, “I think we have to follow you. Raven, if he could get to you without ever touching or meeting you there must be some sort of pull, a connection of sorts. I think we have to follow where you feel we need to go. It’s not like we can look up ‘Leprechaun Chieftain’ in the book. It has to be in Raven. Now that I said that, when do we want to leave to find this Chieftain?”

  As Jack gets up to head to the kitchen, “I’m getting something to drink, anyone want anything? Call out what you want. Oh, and for what it’s worth, leaving tomorrow is out, but I think leaving the day after or even after the weekend is predictable. Y’all should keep that in mind. Drinks? Call out what you want.” After grabbing everyone something to drink, Jack walks back into the living room and hands them out.

  Sitting back down, Jack is so close to Tristan’s side, she could almost be in his lap. Not seeming to mind in the least, Tristan wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her even closer. “Explain why leaving the day after tomorrow or after the weekend is predictable? You may point out something we haven’t noticed.”

  “Alright, everyone knows tomorrow is Raven’s birthday. Therefore, everyone also knows her Ascension and mating are tomorrow as well. No one would expect her to leave tomorrow or the day after really. I mean come on, her mating is tomorrow for fuck sake. They would, however, expect her to leave over the weekend or on Monday. I am willing to bet that whoever had her mom and dad attacked and let's face it, marked for death, will be having Raven watched. So, you have to be unpredictable,” nodding her head like it all makes perfect sense to her, Jack looks around at everyone.

  With an intense curiosity, Aidan sits forward in his chair, “Alright, let’s say the day after tomorrow, this weekend, and Monday are predictable days to leave pack land. Jack, when do you suggest we leave?”

  Looking around the room and then locking eyes with Raven, “Tomorrow night.” Shrugging her shoulders, Jack sits back with Tristan and leans into him.

  Eyes wide, Raven sees what her bestie does, “Jack, you’re a genius. It makes perfect sense. Leave when everyone would assume I wouldn’t want to. I can still do everything that I am expected to do. As well as complete my mating with Conner, but instead of cuddles afterwards, we all sneak out. Jack, no one really knows you. Would you be willing to take my new, unseen car and park it outside of pack lands? You could take one or two of the guys with you. That will let them know where the car is parked and will comfort me in getting you back to the house.” Turning slightly in Conner’s lap to look at him, “Conner, my love, I know we want our night to be special, and it will be in it’s own right, but what Jack is saying makes sense. What are your thoughts on this?”

  Reaching for Raven’s face and cupping both her cheeks, “I love you. I have loved you since you were five years old. That day I knew, I knew you were meant for me. Tomorrow will happen as everyone expects it to, for one exception,” smiling and shrugging his shoulder, “you and I will spend only a few hours in our new home, instead of the entire night. I believe Jack is right, and brilliant, to point out what the rest of us should have seen.” Placing a chaste kiss on Raven’s forehead, then each cheek, and finally settling on her mouth.

  Stopping the kiss before it deepens, Raven pulls back, “Then I think we should plan it out to the last detail. We also need a meeting with Alpha Brandan, my Uncle Liam, and my Gma. They all need to know what we are going to do. Jack, I am sorry, but I don’t want you there. Before you get upset, I don’t want anyone thinking you possibly know anything. I have to keep you safe. Please understand and don’t be angry with me.”

  With an audible “Huff”, Jack crawls over Tristan to get a little closer to Raven. Grabbing Raven’s hand, “You silly heifer, of course I understand. I am not saying I like it, only that I understand it. I will pack you a travel bag that can be preloaded into the car. I suggest everyone do that as well, if you haven’t already. Because of the current location of the car no one will see me loading stuff, and if they do they won’t think anything because I am loading it. They will think it’s my luggage or something. So everyone get your bags into the kitchen, and I will make sure everything is loaded while you all go have your meeting.”

  Leaning forward, Raven places a chaste kiss on Jack’s cheek, “I love you hussy, ya know that, don’t you?”

  Slowly sitting up, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I am hard to resist.”

  Covering his mouth and mumbling, ”Damn straight you are,” Tristan picks up his bottle of water and takes a drink, thinking no one heard him. Setting his bottle of water down, “Alright, I’ll call my dad and have him set up the meeting, but with one change,” waiting for Raven to look at him, and the moment she does says, “Gma can’t be there, let me finish before you yell. Just like you want to protect Jack, I want to protect Gma and my mum as well as Jack. The fewer people that know what’s going on the better.” Waiting for Raven’s temper to strike out, Tristan braces himself.

  Sighing with acceptance, “You’re right, Tris. It makes all the sense in the world. I don’t like it, but I get it. Call your dad and arrange the meeting as soon as possible.”

  Getting off the couch, Tristan reaches into his back pocket for his phone. Waking up his phone, Tristan dials his da.

  “Hey Tris, what's up?” Liam asks immediately, “Everything alright?”

  Laughing, “Da, why does something have to be wrong for me to call you?”

  “Well, because you usually text me, you called, so what’s up?”

  “Yeah, yeah, Da, Raven and us guys need a meeting with you and Alpha Brandan, and da, no mum or Gma. We will explain when we all meet, but please trust us on this. They need to stay out of this. Jack isn’t even going to be there.”

  Sighing, Liam knows Celeste is going to have a fit, not to mention what his mum will do, “Alright, son, I will do as you ask. How soon does Raven want this meeting?”

  “Yesterday, Da, it’s important, so as soon as possible.”

  “I will text you with a meeting time. Be at Alpha Brandan's office at that time.”

  “Alright, Da, Thank you.” Hanging up the phone Tristan knows it won’t take long to get that meeting time in a text. Sitting back down on the couch, he pulls Jack closer to him. He buries his nose into her hair right as his phone chimes with a text. Looking at his phone and then the time, “Umm, we need to start walking over to the pack house. The meeting is in fifteen minutes. Da works quickly. Come on, Jack, you’ll wait here, right?”

  Smiling, “Yep, I am going to go pack Raven a travel bag to keep busy. Don’t worry, I won’t leave the house. Now go, before you’re late.”

  Getting up as a group, all five men take their positions around Raven. Staying in the same formation while they walk seems to come naturally for the group. Aaron, being one of the men in front, opens the pack house door, letting Clancy close it when everyone is inside. Walking straight for Alpha Brandan’s office door, Aaron raises his fist to knock when the door opens. Seeing Liam wave them inside, they all walk through the door into the Alpha’s office. Still standing in their protective stance, Alpha Brandan and Liam give them a curious look. Before Liam could speak the Alpha cuts in, “Gentlemen, do you feel the need to protect Raven from her Alpha and her Uncle? If so, I would like to know why, before we both take offense, you’re shielding her from us.”

  Shock registering on her face, Raven speaks up, “Whoa, umm, guys how about you relax. I am not threatened here. Alpha, Uncle Liam, I assure you no offense was meant or intend
ed. I believe Jack threw a possible reality at them, and it may have spooked them a bit.” Growling at her protectors, “Sit the hell down, guys. This is not helping.”

  Allowing everything said to sink in all five men snapped to, barring their necks to their Alpha and giving verbal apologies. All the men sat down, seemingly in the same position they were standing. Raven looked around the room and relaxed a bit, “First, can everyone please just take a deep breath and relax, please? Second, Uncle Liam, thank you for keeping Gma and Aunt Celeste out of this meeting. Let me explain why we asked for this meeting and what our plan is. Then we can go from there. Is that alright, Alpha Brandan?”

  Sitting back in his chair and relaxing, Alpha Brandan looks directly at Raven. He was a bit annoyed with the men currently surrounding her, so looking at her was his best option, “Alright, Raven, please explain everything, and we will go from there.”

  Raven relaxed and began to explain everything. While she was explaining the thoughts and ideas, she noticed her Uncle Liam on his phone texting. She also noticed men all of a sudden appearing outside the office window, standing guard. When the office door opened Raven stopped speaking and turned with her protectors to see who was entering. Seeing four Enforcers enter the room and take up positions around the room, Raven looks back at her Uncle Liam. He quickly explained that was something he himself had not thought of and was correcting the situation and to continue. Finishing up with the plan that they would actually leave in the middle of the night tomorrow, Raven took a breath.

  Sitting in a stunned silence, Alpha turned to Liam, “How did we miss this and a seventeen year old, non pack member saw it? Everything Jack said makes perfect sense, and I missed it.”

  “No, Alpha, we missed it, and from what Raven has said about Jack, it makes sense that she would see the issues. Plus, as you said, she is not a pack member, therefore she doesn’t think like one. I think their plan is exceptional. I am sorry to see my nieces mating partially interrupted, but I understand it as well. I say we go with their plan. Alpha, what do you say?”

  “You all have everything planned out to the last detail. I agree, and I am impressed with you all, and with Jack. Gentlemen, I now understand why you were on a heightened alert when you walked into my office. No offense is taken, know that I am proud of each of you and I will be noting this down for possible future positions in the pack. You are all dismissed. Oh, and Raven, I suggest you get some rest. You need to be outside and in position at three thirty three in the morning.”

  Getting up, Raven and her protectors walk out of the Alpha’s office and back to Gma’s house to do as the Alpha suggested, get some rest.

  Being the first one up has always had its advantages. First cup of coffee, quiet time alone, but now Tristan was dreading being the first one up. It’s one thirty in the morning, and he had to wake everyone up. Raven has to purify herself and dress in ceremonial robes. Gma, Ma, and a few other she-wolves would be here soon to help her, and us men have to wait outside. Taking a deep breath, Tristan braces himself to wake his demon of a cousin up. First he decides to wake Conner. Conner opens his eyes and looks at Tristan. Placing his finger to his lips and whispering, “Shhh, the demon isn’t awake yet. Let’s wake the rest of the guys, so they can experience what she’s like. They’ll have their turn waking her up soon enough. Might as well show them what they’re in for.”

  Nodding his head in agreement, Conner slowly gets up and walks over to the other guys, “Aaron, Aidan, Clancy, you all need to wake up. Trust me, you don’t want to be in the line of fire when we wake up Raven.” With that the three men get up and look at Tristan and then Conner in confusion.

  Stepping over Raven’s still sleeping form to where Tristan and now Conner are standing, “Why are we whispering, and why do you both look scared of waking a woman? I mean seriously, how bad can she be? I think you two are overreacting.”

  Looking at each other and covering their mouths to smother their laughter, “Alright, smart ass,” Tristan starts laughing harder, so Conner cuts in.

  “Alright, you wake her up. Just remember what she did to you when she was awake and conscious.”

  Aaron gives both men an exaggerated eye roll and walks over to Raven. Getting down on his knees and bending over Raven, he turns his head to look at Conner and Tristan, seeing them step back, he sighs. Positioning his mouth right next to Raven’s ear, he takes a deep breath and slowly speaks in her ear, “Raven, you need to wake up. You have to get ready for your Ascension. Now wake up.” Watching to see if there is any movement, he sighs when nothing happens. He decides to raise his voice and get right in her ear, pitching his voice, “Raven Becca Sullivan, we have shit to do, get your ass up!”

  Without warning Raven sits up, sending her fist flying blindly, connecting with Aaron’s cheek. Rolling to her side and onto a shocked Aaron, Raven starts to reign fists down onto Aaron’s chest and jawline. Reacting quickly Aaron rolled Raven over, pinning her arms above her head. Thinking he had the upper hand, he looked up at the guys. The moment he’s not looking at Raven, she brings up her right leg and throws it around Aaron’s chest, throwing him backwards. The moment Conner and Tristan see what her next move might be they jump in.

  Conner grabs Raven around her chest, effectively pinning her arms to her side. Tristan grabs the coffee they had already prepared and had waiting for Raven, putting it to her lips, she stops fighting and takes the cup. Once she’s downed half the cup and Conner has her sitting on his lap, she looks around the room. “Morning guys, how long do I have till everyone gets here?” Looking for an answer she looks around the room, “Umm, Aaron, sweetie, what happened to you?” The way he was scowling at her while holding a bag of ice on his eye and jaw, she knew. Looking at Tristan and back at Conner, “You two goaded him into waking me up, didn’t you? Aaron, I am sorry. When I am asleep, my fight or flight doesn’t function. I fight, everything. Just because these two were asses to you, I will tell you and you alone how to wake me up and not feel my wrath. After that, you are not allowed to tell the others or wake me up anymore, except in the case of emergencies. How is that?” Seeing Aaron smile and nod his head, “Fine, it’s a deal. Now, I have to go shower. I expect you guys to be outside.”

  Standing up and turning around, Raven bends over and kisses Conner on the lips. Standing back up, she heads upstairs to shower so she is ready when the she-wolves arrive. Climbing into the shower Raven washes her entire body and hair with sandalwood soap. Once finished she climbs out to an open towel held by her Gma. Smiling, Raven steps into the towel. Opening the bathroom door, Raven sees her Aunt Celeste and a few other she-wolves. Understanding this time is for both physical and mental preparation, no actual words will be spoken. Over the next hour and a half she is puffed and dressed. She is wearing a cobalt blue, halter dress that barely caresses her knees. Her long blue black, raven-colored hair hangs long down her back. The only jewelry she wears is the family crest. The crest is a half moon, surrounded by the sun. Made out of black gold, a cobalt-blue gem dangles in the middle of the moon and sun in the shape of a raven. Looking at her Gma and Aunt Celeste, she sees the unshed tears.

  Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Raven bows to her Gma out of respect and devotion to her own path. Turning, Raven gives the same respect to her Aunt. At this, Raven starts to walk down the stairs to where the other she-wolves are waiting. Taking her place in the center of the she-wolves, Raven already feels the pulsing of power. Turning her head to look at her Gma and locking eyes, Gma simply nods. Facing forward again, Raven walks in the middle of the procession to the center of the pack. Standing tall and relaxed Raven announces herself in the traditional way.

  “I, Raven Becca Sullivan, daughter of the resting Ailin and Sinead Sullivan, ask the Gods to show favor upon me. I ask that I be granted whatever the Gods deem me worthy of receiving. I vow never to use any gifts bestowed upon me for evil purposes. Ask of me what you will, for I am your child and your servant.

  Blessed Be.”

g a warmth spread across her body, Raven lifts her arms, forming a cross, and leans her head back facing towards the early morning sky. As a bright blue light casts down from the sky, it encompasses the entire pack. Feeling the warmth of the light the pack goes to a knee, bowing in respect of the Gods. As the light and color intensifies around Raven, no one moves and not a sound is made. Raven, arms lifted like a child asking to be picked up, is raised off the ground. With a feeling of peace, she rises above her pack members. A feeling of completion, love, honor, faith, and simple rightness envelopes her, causing warm tears of joy to roll down her cheeks. Having her eyes closed she could only feel, but she knew that’s how it was meant to be. She started to see different colors as if her eyes were open. She could see them swirling around her, white, green, red, and finally gold. A stronger feeling of love and protectiveness hit her each time a colored light disappeared into her. She knew they were hers. Feeling herself being lowered to the ground, she still kept her eyes closed and her body relaxed. Once she felt her feet touch the ground, there was nothing.

  Raven could hear her name being called, but it sounded like she was under water. Fighting to get closer to the voice, Raven started to move. Hearing her name again, she fought even harder, “There you go, come on, A chori. You have to wake up and stand up. You can do it. Open those beautiful green eyes.”

  Raven slowly opened both of her eyes, and as she did she could see that the sun was up, but they were still outside and in the circle. Looking around, everyone seemed in a state of awe. It seems no one had moved. Standing up and rubbing her eyes, Raven looks around at all the different expressions. “Gma, what’s wrong? Why are we still outside?”

  “No, child, nothing is wrong. Raven, how do you feel, and I have to ask, what do you see when looking at all of us?” Turning towards her Gma, Raven sees her protectors, family, pack members, and Alpha Brandan.


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