Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 20

by Micca Michaels

  Looking at Clancy through the rearview mirror again, “Athenry, I know it as well as I know my name. We’ll stop in Athenry.”

  “Alright, I’ll let him know. Athenry it is.”

  Clancy: Raven says Athenry, period. Have Tristan find a hotel on the outskirts. Three rooms side by side. We can put Conner and Raven in the middle room, you and Tris on one side, and Aaron and me on the other side.

  Aidan: Sounds like a plan. Tristan’s on it now. I’ll text when I have information on Hotel.

  Clancy: Sounds good, speak soon.

  “Tristan is making arrangements for three hotel rooms, side by side. You two will be in the center room, Tristan and Aidan on one side, and Aaron and myself on the other. Once we get there and get checked in, we’ll get food and get some rest. How does that sound?”

  Placing his hand on Raven’s leg, smiling, Conner looks back, “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  The moment Conner gives Raven’s thigh a little squeeze, she knows what’s on his mind, and she can’t say anything because it’s on hers as well. It will be nice to make love, sleep together, and wake up together. Out of nowhere Raven pulls the car over. Feeling an urgency flow through her she closes her eyes.

  Not knowing what was going on, Aaron pulled their car up behind the other vehicle. Jumping out of the car, Tristan, Aaron, and Aidan split up and ran to the driver side and passenger side of the car. Tristan pulled open Raven’s door, “What the...” seeing Conner’s raised hand, he stops. Turning his attention to Raven, he stills.

  Seeing Raven sitting completely still is one thing, seeing her glow a light shade of green was completely different. They could tell she was not in pain or any kind of distress. Not wanting to disturb whatever was going on, the men waited.

  Finally opening her eyes, Raven’s breath hitched, “We have to go. We have to get to him. He’s being attacked, and we can’t let that happen. The Blackwood Dire’s are going to kill him.” Without warning Raven slips the car in gear and slams the gas pedal, taking off and slamming her door closed.

  “Shit, we have to catch up!” Running back to their car, Tristan, Aidan, and Aaron jump in the car and speed off to chase down Raven. Aidan picks up his phone and texts Conner.

  Aidan: What the fuck was that all about, and where are you?

  Conner: I have no clue, but someone important to Raven is being attacked, I got that much. Speed up, we’re just ahead of you, still on M18.

  Aidan: Do you think we’re heading for a fight?

  Conner: All she keeps saying is that we have to save him, no matter what. So with that, I say yeah, get ready for a fight.

  “Raven, my love, we are all here for you. We’ll help with whatever it is you need us to, but you need to talk to me and help me understand what you saw.” Squeezing her leg, Conner prays he’s getting through, “Raven, damn it, baby, talk to me.”

  Glancing at Conner, Raven has tears in her eyes, “How can I explain what I don’t understand? All I saw was a tall man, fighting with everything he had, and he was weakening. I can’t allow him to die. I don’t know why, I just can’t.”

  Rubbing her leg for support, “Alright, my love, please don’t cry. I am sure you were given the vision in time for us to help him. If he’s important to you, then he’s important to all of us. Are we close? Do you know that?”

  “Yes, we are only a couple of exits away. I don’t know how I know, I just do.” After passing one exit, Raven took the very next exit. Making a right so fast she almost put the car on two wheels. Making the very next left Raven pulled into a car park. Without properly parking she slams on the breaks and puts the car in park. She opens her door about to take off running when Conner grabs her arm. Turning around to yell at Conner, she sees his finger over his lips.

  “Shh, listen. I can hear the fight. We have to do this safely. Wait a second for the others to catch up. See, they’re right there,” seeing the other car pull into the car park and stop. All the men jumped out of the car and ran to join Raven, Conner, and Clancy. “Shh, we go in quietly and quickly. Attack the fecking Blackwood Dire’s only. Let’s go.”

  Moving through the woods as quickly and quietly as possible, they see the fight. Doing a count, they are evenly matched. Using hand signals, Conner points to Tristan and then points to a Blackwood Dire. After assigning each of them a Dire wolf, Conner gave the go signal. All at once they shift into their wolves and attack.

  Raven lands on top of the she-wolf who was trying to take the leg out from under the stranger. Sending her bouncing across the pavement, Raven places herself in front of the man. Growling and lowering her front half, Raven’s wolf was ready. Raven quickly glances back at the man while waiting for the she-wolf to stand. Hearing a growl, she turns to face the other wolf. Making the decision to fuck being fair, Raven runs at the other wolf. Dodging to the left she rakes her claws across the Blackwood Dire’s muzzle, sending blood spraying across the pavement. Not giving the wolf time to recover, Raven’s wolf rounds on the other wolf, latching her teeth on its hind leg. Squeezing the leg till she hears a snap. Using it as leverage she swings the wolf and let’s loose of the leg, throwing the other wolf into the back of the building. Suddenly getting hit from the side, Raven is sent crashing to the ground.

  Seeing the attack on his mate, Conner flies into an even bigger rage. Hurdling Tristan and the wolf he is fighting, Conner lands on the back of the offending wolf. Using his teeth, Conner latches on to the wolf’s neck and rips out it’s throat from the side. Seeing that the strange man was kneeling over Raven in a protective stance, he returns to the fight. Seeing that Aidan has several deep wounds, he decides to help him first, but as he gets closer he sees Aidan rip the wolf’s throat out. Two down, good.

  Aidan and Conner join Aaron, taking swipes at the Blackwood’s wolf, leaving it gasping for air. Conner grabs its hind leg while Aaron slashes its side again. Aidan takes the distraction to latch onto its throat. Falling still, the Blackwood Dire has no fight left in it. Maintaining his tight grip, Aaron growls. Hearing a yelp, Conner, Aidan, and now Tristan turn to see Raven rip out the she-wolf’s throat before collapsing. The strange man limps over to her, laying himself lightly across her prone wolf form.

  Shifting back, Raven’s protectors split up and go in different directions. Conner and Tristan go to Raven, while Aaron and Clancy go over to Aidan. Breathing harshly, Aaron looks at Clancy, “Where were you? Where’s the wolf you were fighting?”

  Bending over to rest his hands on his knees Clancy looks up, “That fucker took off running. I had to chase him through the woods to the car park. There are some people who are not going to be happy about their cars, I can tell you that much. Now, let’s make this fucker shift so he can explain what the fuck they’re doing here and why they were attacking that Leprechaun shifter.”

  Looking over to where Raven was now sitting and wearing the stranger’s shirt, Aaron looks back at Clancy, “Is that what he is? I knew he was a shifter, just not sure of what type. Aiden, man shift back. That fucker isn’t going anywhere. He’s the only one still alive, and if he wants to stay that way, he’ll talk.”

  Dropping the Blackwood Dire, Aiden shifts. Standing up, Aiden looks over everyone, “Fecking hell, this was one hell of a fight. Either of you know who we saved?”

  Glancing again at the stranger and then back to Aiden, “Naw, Clancy said he’s a Leprechaun, but other than that, we don’t have a clue. Why do you?”

  Laughing, “Shit, don’t make me laugh, it hurts. Man, that guy is the Leprechaun Chieftain's son. I don’t know his name, but I know his face. Raven was right to get us here as quickly as possible.” Kicking the wolf still on the ground, “Fucking shift, you bastard.”

  Once the Blackwood Dire shifted, Raven, her protectors, and a Leprechaun stood over him. With clenched fists, the Leprechaun looks at the men and one woman that saved his life, bringing his eyes to rest on the man laying on the ground, “Who the feck are you, and why did you attack me? I did nothing to the Blackwood
Dire pack. You know what will happen when my father hears of this? You know who I am? I will also make it known that the Whitewood Dire pack saved my life. Speak fool!”

  Cringing as he sat up, hurting all over, “I am Enforcer Callum of the Blackwood Dire pack. We were sent to watch her.” Pointing at Raven, making every male standing growl, “I am not saying anything else. Kill me if you want, but it will change nothing.”

  Raven takes a step toward the man on the ground, eyes glowing an electric green, “Tell me why your pack is so interested in me, and if you’re so interested in me, why go after Killian?”

  Looking at Killian, Conner stepped towards him, “Killian is your name. Well, Killian, thank you for watching over my mate when I was unable to. I appreciate it. It’s a debt I can never repay.”

  Slapping a hand on Conner’s shoulder, Killian smiles, “It seems she means as much to me. So there is no debt. I do have a suggestion for this piece of shit, if anyone is interested.”

  Stepping in between Killian and Conner, Raven won’t break eye contact with Callum, “I am interested. What do you think we should do with him?”

  Running his hand down her hair, “Well, I say we send him on his way with a message.”

  Smiling up at Killian, “What message would that be?”

  Chuckling, Killian looks at the other men, “Simple, Blackwood Dire pack’s War Challenge is accepted by Whitewood Dire Pack and The Leprechauns. What they started, we will finish. I think that’s short enough for this mutt to remember?”

  Clearing his throat, Conner looks at his pack mates, “Officially, we are all Enforcers, we can’t make that claim without speaking to our Alpha. Give me a few minutes to message him and see if he agrees.” Stepping away from the group, Conner runs over to where he shifted and found his phone beside his pile of clothes.

  Conner: Alpha, we’ve been in a fight. We are all fine. Raven had a vision of an attack and said we had to save the man being attacked. Once we arrived, the Blackwood Dire’s were attacking another shifter. That shifter turned out to be the Leprechaun Chieftain's son. Only one Blackwood is still alive, and the Leprechaun wants to send him home with a message that the Whitewood Dire Pack and The Leprechauns accept the Blackwood Dire’s War Challenge. What do you want us to do?

  Alpha Brandan: What. The. Absolute. Fuck. Is everyone alright? We didn’t lose anyone, did we? Accept the War Challenge, and I give Raven authority to speak for me on this matter with the Leprechaun Chieftain and/or his son.

  Conner: We are all fine. I barely see any injuries left. Everyone is healing well. The Leprechaun is even healing well. I will tell Raven. I will message you later as to where we are and where we are staying for the night, incase that has changed.

  Walking back over to the group, Conner looks at Raven, “Read this, love, and you will know what to do.”

  Taking his phone, Raven reads what Alpha Brandan said. Looking at Conner and then around the circle of men, “I, Raven Sullivan, have been given authority by Alpha Brandan to speak with his voice in this matter, and he agrees to accept the War Challenge issued by the Blackwood pack. Go back to your pack, Enforcer Callum, and deliver our acceptance, and may the Gods grant your pack’s souls eternal rest and forgiveness, because we won’t.”

  Feeling that enough had been said, Raven started walking off in the direction of their cars, “Killian, you’re coming with me, I mean us, correct?”

  Jogging to catch up with her and her protectors, “I am, but I need to speak to my father as soon as possible.”

  Turning her head as she walked, “That’s good because your father possessed me and informed me he needed to see me and speak with me. So, let's kill two birds with the same stone, as they say, and go see him.”

  Clearing his throat, Killian replies, “I can’t say you wearing my shirt is a problem, but you might want to get cleaned up before meeting my father. He is the Chieftain after all.”

  The entire group started laughing, “Ok, ok, how about we get to the hotel, clean up, get something to eat and then get some sleep? Killian, you can call your father to see if he can see us early tomorrow morning. That way we will all be at our freshest to meet him. Sound like a plan?” Conner looks around for everyone's response.

  With everyone verbally agreeing, they get to the cars, grab bags, and slip on clothes. Once they load up in both vehicles they head for the hotel.

  Once they reached the hotel, Tristan went inside to check them in. Once he’s finished with that, he walks back to the car, “We aren’t that far from here. I say we leave the vehicles close to the exit.” Pointing over the car’s roof, “We’re just right there, so we’re pretty close. Is everyone good with that?” With a nod of agreement from everyone, they all exit the cars and grab their bags.

  Holding all three keys, Tristan begins to walk backwards to talk to everyone, “Raven and Conner are in the center room. Aaron, Aiden, and Clancy in the room to their left. Killian and I will take the room to their right. Sound good to everyone?”

  Nodding in agreement, Aaron grabs the key to his and his buddies room. Tristan hands Conner their room key and notices Killian staring at Raven, “Killian, is there a problem?”

  Taking his attention off Raven and refocusing on Conner and Tristan, “I need to speak to Raven and Conner in private.”

  Conner tilts his head in curiosity and turns to glance at Raven, silently asking if she was alright with the little meeting, “Well then, let's go to our room and have a talk.”

  Smiling, Raven starts walking again, thinking to herself, I can’t figure this out. What does he want to talk about? Why do I not like him sharing a room with Tris? I don’t know him, yet I know he would give his life for me. I am completely safe with him. Wait, it couldn’t be what Gma was going on about, could it? Gods not now. I just mated with Conner and have totally forgotten to talk to him about what was said. Breaking from her inner thoughts, she steps into the hotel room.

  “Hey, hold up,” grabbing everyone’s attention, Tristan stops near Raven and Conner’s room, “Raven, Conner, and Killian have your meeting. Once that’s finished let’s all get cleaned up. I will order us all some food and drinks. We can eat in Killian’s and my room. Then we’ll discuss our next move, everyone good with that?”

  Everyone responds with a nod of the head and “sounds good.” Breaking up and heading to their rooms, Killian follows Raven and Conner into theirs.

  Plopping down in a recliner, Raven stretches her legs out, “Alright Killian, what did you want to speak to us about?”

  Conner walks over and sits to Raven’s right, “Yeah, man, what’s up?”

  Running his hand over his face, Killian decides to just let it out, “I don’t know how much you two know about matings, both normal matings and rare matings, but Conner, you need to know Raven is my mate. That is the reason she knew I was under attack. I understand if this comes as a shock, but it’s true. Raven and I are mates in the same way you and her are mates. I will not claim her tonight, but you need to know I will mate her soon. Very soon.” Leaning back against the hotel room’s door, Killian waits for the inevitable fight to come.

  Leaning back in his chair, Conner can’t seem to form words. Raven sits up straighter but is also extremely quiet, except she is also waiting for Conner’s reaction. Conner stands up and approaches Killian, yet to have spoken a single word or even made a sound. Both Killian and Raven brace themselves, not knowing what’s going to happen. When Conner comes to a stop in front of Killian, he holds out his hand for Killian to shake. Taking his hand, Killian gives it a slight squeeze. Conner uses that grip to pull him forward so he can whisper in his ear, “You hurt her, cause her the slightest amount of pain, and I will rip your throat out. Do you understand me? You will cherish her, you will respect her, you will protect her, and you will follow her. Is all that understood?”

  Understanding the questions were rhetorical, “I, Killian Patrick Murphy, of the Leprechauns, swear before the Gods to always protect and never knowingly cause any
harm to my mate, Raven Becca Sullivan, or may death take me.”

  Conner smiles at him and then turns to the still quiet Raven. Stepping to the side he decides to let Killian speak with her, “Killian, I think our girl is either in shock or she fully expected me to flip out. I am not flipping out as I was prepared for this. I saw the different colors in her wolf’s coat and later in her hair. I heard the stories and know them to be true. I think you need to speak with her. I am going to give you two a few minutes together and go shower.” Walking to Raven he places a chaste kiss on her lips, “I love you and nothing will change that. Speak to him.” Walking into the bathroom, Conner closes the door.

  Deciding to take the initiative, Killian walks up to Raven and kneels down in front of her, “Raven, love, have I shocked you speechless? Did you really not know? Please speak to me, love?”

  Seeming to snap out of a trance, “I knew there was something the moment I had the vision. I had to get to you at any cost, save you. I was told I would have more than one mate, but I-I don’t know what I thought. This is all so much. We just met, but I know you. I have known Conner for thirteen years, and I feel I have known you for the same amount of time. It’s confusing, but I am not shocked. I won’t deny you. I want you, just, just be a little patient with me.”

  Leaning forward, Killian placed his finger under her chin to raise her eyes to his, “I will be patient with you. Love, I will love you till the Gods see fit to take my last breath and even then I will still love you. I’m going to kiss you, Raven, I have to taste you.” Leaning closer Killian takes her mouth and pours everything he never thought he'd get to feel into the kiss. Pulling back Killian places a chaste kiss on her nose, “You taste as good as you look. I am a lucky man. Now, go join your mate in the shower, and I will go to my room. I will see you soon, and soon enough I’ll be in that shower with you.” Standing up, he walks to the door, opening it and closing it behind him.


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