Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 22

by Micca Michaels

  Sitting back in her chair, Raven runs her hands over her face, “You mean good versus evil. Light versus the Dark. Everyone has heard the fantasy stories. I don’t understand what that has to do with me.”

  Sitting on the edge of his chair, Patrick claspes his fingers together, “Let me explain. Everyone tends to say they choose to live in the light, walk the path of light. Generally people believe they are living in the light, but what happens when someone can grab their attention and slowly alter their perception of the light. They can walk them straight into the dark with illusion and that false perception. Then an imbalance happens. That imbalance will start a ripple effect. Most religions call them false prophets. If it were only that simple. For those of us considered mythical creatures, we must wait for a balance to be born. Ravens are that balance, more specifically, The Double Raven is the complete balance. The Double Raven can walk in darkness and in light and is never affected. Raven, you are this world’s Double Raven.”

  All this information sends Raven's mind into a tailspin. Sitting straight up, forgetting all manners, “What the fecking hell do you mean, I am this world’s Double Raven? I am supposed to restore the balance between light and dark? How am I going to do that? I don’t even know what my powers are, and I am expected to use them to, to, what, heal the world? I just found out I have a second mate. You forced yourself into my head and frankly scared the shit out of me. I have a vision that your son is being attacked, and the only thing I can think of is getting to him and saving him, cause if I don’t, I feel like my own world would end, and I don’t even know him!” Standing up, “I can’t do this. You have the wrong girl. I need to go. I don’t even know where to go. I can’t...”

  Grabbing her around the waist, Killian sits back down making her sit on his lap. Conner moves over to her chair and starts to pet her hair, “My love, Raven, we need you to breathe. You’re going to hyperventilate if you don’t slow your breathing. Shhh, baby, breath. Can someone get her a bottle of water, please, and maybe a cold wet rag?” After being handed the bottle of water and a cold wet rag, Conner works on getting her to drink. Handing Killian the rag, who lifts her long hair and presses the cold rag to her neck. Both men physically feel her body relax into Killian’s arms. Conner sits back in his chair giving Patrick a warning look, “Patrick, I suggest you slow the feck down. You are seriously overwhelming Raven, and that is not cool. I would also suggest you tell her about her powers or what exactly you do know about developing them.”

  Looking contrite and pained, “Raven, please, I do apologize for overwhelming you. There is just so much to say and help you understand and there isn’t much time left. Please forgive me?”

  Without lifting her head from Killian’s broad, muscular chest, she looks at Patrick, “I’m alright, and I do forgive you, if you will forgive me for panicking. That is not my style, but I feel it can be overlooked at this point. Why don’t you continue?”

  Letting out the breath he was holding, Patrick gives Raven a wide grin, “Of course I forgive you. Now, I will continue, but a bit slower.” Running his hand through his hair, he looks visibly nervous. Killian is watching his father rather closely at this point.

  “Da, you are not one to fidget or run your hand through your hair. Please tell us what is going on, but let’s not overwhelm our girl again, yeah?”

  Looking at his son, “You know me well, Killian. Alright, first, Raven you do not have two mates, you have four from what I see of the coloring in your hair. Connor and Killian obviously being two of them. It is vitally important you find your other two mates. Each mate is like a puzzle piece. With each piece added, your magic will reveal itself more. You can be gifted a creature's magic as well. For instance, if a creature is going to die but wishes to boost the light in you, give you knowledge you lack, they can do so willingly on their deathbed. Do you understand everything so far?”

  Lifting her head from Killian’s chest and smiling, “I actually do understand, and it all makes sense. Except I don’t know anyone that’s on their deathbed or that’s wanting to give me their magic or knowledge. So, I don’t need to worry about that.”

  Locking eyes with his da, Killian understands what his da is trying to say. “Raven, I need you to look at me.” Getting her full attention, Killian gives her a sad smile, “You actually do know someone who wishes to pass their powers and knowledge to you. I didn’t see it before, maybe because I chose not to, but I do now. Love, look into my father’s eyes and see him.”

  Turning to face Patrick, Raven locks eyes with him. In that one moment he enters her mind,

  Raven, I am on my deathbed. I wish to pass all my knowledge and all my powers to you. You can’t understand what it means to know my son has not only found his mate, but you are that mate. Please understand, I hid the fact that I am going to die from everyone. I know this is meant to happen, and I am only too happy to pass my powers to you. Please give me this and accept them in the light that they are given in.

  Feeling the tears roll down her cheeks, she knows what she has to do.

  Patrick, I can see and feel all that is wrong in your body. I am sorry we will lose you, as I believe we would have gotten along very well. I honor the light I see and feel in your mind and heart. I accept your gift and give you my promise to only use it for the good of the world.

  Breaking eye contact with Patrick, Raven turns her eyes on Killian. Seeing the tears rolling down his face, she leans forward and places a chaste kiss on each eye, “Killian, look at me, please?” Opening his glassy eyes, he looks at his love, “I accept you as my mate, and I accept the gift your father chooses to bestow on me. Know that my heart aches for you. I know the pain you will experience, and I will be there right beside you.” Turning back to Patrick, “How much time do you have, Patrick?”

  Sighing in relief, “I am only out of bed because of the use of magic, so not long.”

  “Patrick, would you like to see your son mated to me before you pass from this plane?”

  Smiling brightly, “I would love to see Killian mate with you.”

  Nodding, “How about we all retire for a couple hours and meet back here then.” Looking round the room, everyone nods in agreement. Turning her attention to Conner, “Are you alright with this?”

  Smiling, Conner takes her hand, “How about the three of us speak in private?”

  Standing up and putting Raven’s feet on the floor, Killian addresses the other men in the room, “If you all would go into the kitchen, I am sure there’s food and drink there for you. Conner, Raven, and I will be in the house right next door. I promise you, she is safe here.”

  Walking up the steps of his porch, Killian opens the door and escorts Raven inside followed by Conner. Once Killian has shut the front door, he turns to Raven and Conner, “Well, now I can say I never planned on sharing my mate, but I find I am alright with it. I know how wolves mark their mate, and I am also alright with that, however, Raven, do you know how a Leprechaun marks his mate?”

  Looking straight at Killian and turning a rosey red, “No, actually, I never thought about it. How will you mark me?”

  Smiling and rubbing the back of his neck, “Well, when I cum inside you a four leaf clover will appear on the inside of your wrist. It will resemble a tattoo. Since your birthmark is a raven and not a paw print, I am not sure what will appear on my wrist, but it will be the same wrist my mark shows up on you.”

  Grinning, “Well that doesn’t sound too bad. I bet it will be pretty. So, umm, ho-how do we do this?”

  At this point Conner places his hand on her lower back, “I am going to go back over to Patrick’s house with the guys. You two deserve some time alone. With everything I am understanding, none of us will be getting much of that for a while. Raven, I love you. Killian, well, congratulations. We’ll see you two in a bit,” with that Conner strolls out of the house and closes the door, leaving Raven and Killian alone.

  Walking over to Raven, he lifts her chin and places a sweet, soft kiss on her mouth.
Pulling back a little, she moves to him, placing a kiss on his lips. With the invitation given, Killian deepens the kiss, swiping his tongue into her mouth as she moans into his. At that he lifts her up bridal style, not breaking the kiss. Climbing up stairs, he walks into his bedroom. Lowering to the bed he lays on top of Raven. Keeping the brunt of his weight off her, he lifts her shirt up, over her breasts and then over her head. Tossing it on the floor, he reaches back and slides his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. Kissing his way down her neck he feels Raven’s hips lift to grind against him. Kissing down her chest, he switches to his tongue, tasting her skin, licking and sucking her nipples as he undoes her pants and his own. Pulling back, he grasps the top of her jeans and pulls them off. Once he is standing, he lowers his jeans and underwear. Seeing her eyes go wide, “You like what you see? I know I do. No panties, tsk, tsk, tsk.” Standing beside her and running his hand gently up her leg, “Hmm, whatever should I do to you?”

  Squirming with frustration, “Killian, please fuck me. I have wanted you since I first saw you.”

  Chuckling, “Now, now, I am not giving you my cock so quickly.” Stroking his hard cock, “I want you to cum on my tongue first. Then I’ll fuck you. Oh, I see you’re quivering. You like that idea, good.” Climbing on to the bed, he spreads her legs and lays nestled in between her thighs. Kissing and nipping her inner thighs, making his way up to her clit. Using his thumbs, he spreads her open. Licking her wet pussy from bottom to top like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. Sucking her clit into his mouth and slipping a finger into her heat makes her back arch and thighs tighten around his head. Driving his finger in and out of her, he can feel her walls starting to tremble. Pulling off her clit, but adding another finger to finger fuck her, “You want me to let you cum, baby? Tell me, Raven, the sooner you shatter all over my tongue the sooner you get my cock.”

  Thrashing around, “Killian, fuck, please let me cum. I need you inside me.”

  That was all he wanted to hear. Sucking her clit into his mouth and driving his fingers into her, Raven shattered, screaming his name. Climbing up her body, he positioned the head of his cock at her opening, “Do you want me now and forever, Raven? Tell me.”

  Moaning and squirming, “Yes, Killian, I want you now and forever. You are mine as I am yours.” With that he drives deep into her slick, wet pussy. Stopping to give her a moment to adjust, he doesn’t start to move till she calls out, “Killian, Gods, please move.”

  With that he pulls almost all the way out and slams back into her, “Yes!” Over and over he slammed into her, fucking her hard and fast, “I want you to cum with me, Raven.” Reaching down he pinches her clit between his fingers and rolls it, sending her spiraling over the edge and taking him with her, “Raven! Yes, fuck, baby.” As he empties into her, she bites his neck, marking him as hers. Slowing but not stopping he slowly strokes in and out of her, “Damn, baby, you feel so good.”

  As Raven was about to speak the air was sucked out of her lungs when the vision hit. Seeing what was happening, Killian slowly pulled out of her and laid down beside her. As he watches her eyes glow, his attention is drawn to her left wrist. There as though freshly tattooed was a beautiful four leaf clover. Raising his left wrist he sees what looks like a tattoo of a raven with a paw print birthmark. It was stunning. The same raven blue black that was in her hair.

  Coming out of the vision, “We need to get to your father, I am so sorry, he doesn’t have long.” Jumping up and forgoing showers, they hurriedly dressed. Rushing down the stairs and out the front door, they ran back next door. Finding Patrick still in his office, he looked up when they entered the room. Seeing both of their wrists Patricks smile was glowing, “Thank you for granting me this boon. I can never express what it means to me. You didn’t have to rush right over though, I could have…” Stopping at seeing Raven shake her head. Understanding dawns on him, “Raven had a vision after the mating was completed. Alright, then I think we should do the knowledge and power transfer.”

  Calling his witnesses and Raven’s protectors into the room, “Now that everyone is here, please listen. I am going to voluntarily transfer my knowledge and powers to Raven Sullivan. Does everyone understand you are witnesses?” With a resounding ‘yes’ flowing over the room, he directs his attention back to Raven, “Raven, I ask that you kneel beside me as I lay on the couch. This may give you a bit of a headache and can make you pass out, but I promise you will be fine. Do you still accept my gifts?”

  Kneeling beside Patrick, she places her hand over his heart, “I do accept your gifts and swear in front of your people, my people, and the Gods that I will only use them for the good of our world, So Mote it Be”

  Placing his hand over her heart and closing his eyes, “May the Gods Bless you and keep you. May the Gods guide you in all you have to do. I pray the blessings that were bestowed on me pass to you for the good of our world, So Mote it Be.” Feeling a warmth flow through her body, Raven accepts it willingly and with tears falling down her cheeks.

  As Patrick’s hand drops from her chest, she realizes he had gifted her more than his knowledge and powers. Choking back sobs, “He gave me his life force. Oh, Killian.” Turning to her mate, wrapping their arms around each other, both stayed huddled on the floor for some time.

  Finally getting off the floor, Killian allows his people to take his father’s body away. Looking around the room, “I don’t know about you all, but I could use a drink. Anyone want to join me?”

  With everyone agreeing, drinks were poured, “A toast, May the Gods Bless and keep my father’s soul and may his sacrifice work to our advantage.” With that, everyone downed their shots. Placing his glass on his father’s desk, looking at Raven, “Love, your vision was longer than it needed to be to show you my father’s death, what else was there?”

  Shaking her head, Raven sits down, “First, I saw your father dying in an attack as he walked us through the forest. I knew he would not want that to happen. Especially when it seemed so important to him that I have all his gifts. Whatever else there was I can’t figure it out, and I don’t think I am supposed to yet. All I know is today has been an emotional rollercoaster, and I could use some sleep.” Looking at both her mates with a sad smile, “And I do mean sleep. So, either you're both going to lay down with me, to sleep, or I will lay down by myself. I really am exhausted.” Heading towards a bed, Raven turns to look at all the men. “One more thing, I think we need to leave before dawn. I have a feeling our destination will reveal itself.” I never thought I would keep important things secret from my family, friends, and in this case my mates as well, but if they saw what I did, they would do anything they could to change what will be to what should be. I have to keep in mind what dad always said,

  “Babygirl, they say secrets can destroy you, but what happens when those secrets make you, instead of breaking you?”

  Now I understand a lot of the secrets he and mom kept from me. I know there are other secrets yet revealed, but I know I am strong enough to handle them.

  Walking into a random bedroom, Raven climbs in and under the duvet. After getting comfortable she feels two bodies join her and press up against her. Making her a Raven sandwich. Within moments she is in a deep sleep.

  Opening her eyes, Raven doesn’t recognize where she is. Seeing a man off in the distance, Raven walks toward him. Asleep, she thinks to herself, I am dreaming. Alright, let’s see what information this dream has to offer.

  “Hello, sweet, what are you doing here?”

  Looking up from the ground, Raven realizes she seems to have walked faster than she thought to get to the man, “Hi, I think I am dreaming. I remember laying down with two of my mates for a nap and then I opened my eyes and here I am.”

  Smiling, “Well, isn’t it a wonder to fall asleep in one place and wake up in another?”

  Chuckling, “Yes, I guess it is.” Looking at the man, Raven can’t help but notice how gorgeous he is. He’s at least 6’ tall, flaming red hair, and his e
yes are a soft brown. He is well built, not overly muscular with fair skin, “I am sorry for staring, but do we know one another?”

  Leaning against a nearby tree, he decides now is as good a time as any, “We don’t as of yet, but we will mate. I am Kai David Turner, a phoenix shifter, and I am yours as you are mine. What’s your name, mate?”

  Realizing what he was saying, it made sense. Relaxing with a broad smile, “I am Raven Becca Sullivan of the Whitewood Dire Wolf pack in Ireland, and you are mine as I am yours.”

  Reaching out and accepting his hand, Raven felt a tingle with the skin to skin contact, and then it was gone.

  Stretching and reaching for Raven, Conner only felt an empty bed beside him. Opening an eye he realized she must have gotten up. Then he noticed Killian was still asleep. Something felt off, wrong, absent, and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Deciding not to try to solve this mystery alone, Conner shook Killian, “Killian, wake up. Where did our girl go? You can’t tell me we both slept so hard we didn’t feel her get up. Help me find her. I have a feeling that I can’t explain.”

  Jolting up in bed, Killian feels off, “I don’t feel right. Something is wrong. It’s like I can’t feel her anymore. Do you feel her?”


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