Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance

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Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Krista Wolf

  “Like a pirate?”

  Brandon pulled off his eye-patch for a better view. His gaze dropped downward, lingered unapologetically at my chest, and finished where my bare legs were covered by some really hot fishnet stockings. Knee-high black boots completed the outfit.

  “Where the hell did you get all this stuff?”

  “One of the perks of being a woman,” I smiled, “is that you can improvise.”

  He grinned — that innocent, boyish grin I loved so much — and handed me a bright red bandana. It matched the one he was already wearing.

  “Pirate buddies?”

  “Pirate buddies,” I laughed.

  Outside, the night sky seemed pregnant with a billion stars. The air was cold and crisp. As I gulped it into my lungs it tasted absolutely delicious.

  “Let’s run,” I said, my eyes wide with excitement.



  We ran.

  It was almost like flying, sprinting from house to house, cutting across the little lawns of the old neighborhood just off campus. I couldn’t remember having this much fun, doing something this frivolous and silly. Not in a long, long time.

  It really was like being a kid again.

  “Trade you a Snickers for a Reese’s?”

  Brandon turned and ran backwards, laughing at me the whole time. “Fuck that. Reese’s are king!”

  We had no bags, nothing to keep candy in other than our greedy little fists. We ate as we went, trading off where we could, discarding whatever we didn’t want by dumping it into the bags and plastic pumpkins of fellow trick-or-treater.

  We rang doorbells. Knocked on doors. Sometimes, we just laughed and ran away, as fast as our pirate legs would take us. It kept our blood pumping, though. Kept us from getting cold, despite the weather.

  “I need another hit,” I told Brandon. “Quick!”

  He pulled out the little silver flask he’d brought — some kind of spiced rum — and handed it over. It had been a welcome surprise, and the sweet burning liquid kept us warmed from the inside.

  “You’ve been hogging it all, haven’t you?”

  “No way,” he grinned. “Maybe you have?”

  Already the flask felt significantly lighter. And if my lightheadedness was any indication, I was starting to feel the effects of it too.

  We continued trick or treating, sometimes scaring people in their homes, sometimes falling over with the silliness of our whole endeavor. In the end we were slap-happy. Cooped up studying for too many hours, and now we were acting like a pair of jailbirds who’d finally been freed.

  Eventually we drank the flask dry, and our stomachs were full of candy. Though our blood was still pumping our legs were slowing down. And the slower we moved, the colder things got.

  “Let’s head home,” Brandon said, offering his hand. I slid mine into his big palm, and together we skipped happily back toward campus.

  The big Victorian finally came into view like some beautiful, ancient trophy. Together we rushed up the lawn. Raced each other for the fireplace, jockeying for position before that big, warm, glowing hearth.

  The door closed behind us, and we tumbled to the pillows of the living room floor. Brandon shoved the book away and swept me up his arms.

  “You’re amazing,” he said, his expression going suddenly serious.

  I felt his hands on me, holding me with such strength and youth and vigor. I was still still reeling. Still giddy. Even so, I understood the gravity of what was about to happen.

  “Brandon, I—”

  Our faces came together, our lips pressing hotly against one another in a single, effortless movement. There was no stopping it. Nothing to keep the forces of attraction from finally exerting themselves against us.

  Oh God…

  His mouth closed over mine, and suddenly I was breathing his breath. Whimpering into his mouth as he nibbled slowly and sensually at my bottom lip.

  What are you doing?

  My mind spun away. My heart, still racing from the thrill of our chase, continued along its crazy, pounding rhythm.

  Instead of stopping our bodies writhed, churning together. The whole thing was hungry. Driven by insatiable levels of need and desire. Tempered by a whole month’s worth of holding back, of trying to deny or suppress the feelings and emotions that had somehow always been there.

  Brandon’s hand went to my face, and his touch was astonishingly gentle. I inhaled his scent, all musk and masculinity. The fire crackled. The earth stood still. The whole world could’ve come crashing down around us, and I don’t think either of us would’ve even flinched.

  You have GOT to stop!

  His tongue slipped past my lips, probing against mine. I returned the favor, kissing him back with with equal if not even more passion and longing. Everything about the beautiful football player was indescribably hot. I could feel his own heart beating against mine. Thumping along my skin as he crushed me against his powerful chest.

  “I’ve wanted you,” he murmured softly. My whole body jumped as one big hand settled over my ass. “Since the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you…”

  His palm slid downward, over the back of my stockinged thigh. It curved inward. Then upward…

  This more than kissing, my mind warned. This is…

  His fingers slipped between my legs, where they found the sopping wet fabric of my tiny white thong. They pressed against it firmly, insistently, as if seeking permission.


  My legs parted. First a little, and then—


  The noise jolted us so hard we nearly shit ourselves! Brandon and I rolled over and bolted upright. But not before the complicated process of untangling ourselves from each other.

  “And just what the hell do we have here?”

  I didn’t need to hear the voice to know who it was. Hunter stood over us, looking down with his arms crossed. Not far behind him stood Colin. Both their faces were painted with the same expression of anger and disappointment… even jealousy.

  “Brandon,” Hunter said gravely. His lips were tight. His mouth twisted in a grimace of what could be pain… or something far, far worse.


  “Get up.”



  Brandon stood quickly, awkwardly, his hands at his sides. He lowered his head.

  “It’s… it’s not…”

  “Not what it looks like?” Hunter shouted. “Are you shitting me? Was that what you were about to say?”

  The big football player delivered a half-shrug that only pissed me off even more. “Fine,” he said. “It was. But don’t be mad. Honestly, it was just kissing…”

  Just kissing.

  I could feel the anger boiling over, the rage at having caught them like this. We’d come home early because we felt bad for them. Wanted to spend a little bit of Halloween together with them, maybe celebrate a tiny bit before crashing out.

  Instead we got this.

  “We made a pact!” Hunter swore. “You agreed to this Brandon, we all did! Everyone—”

  “Not everyone…”

  Claudia rose, and we all turned in her direction. She dusted herself off. Smoothed out her skirt, and shook out her long, teased-out hair.

  Holy shit. As a sexy pirate she looked absolutely incredible.

  “This doesn’t involve you,” Hunter snapped.

  “It doesn’t?” She let out a laugh that was half sarcasm, half disbelief. “I think it involves me very much.”

  Hunter paused, but only because he was taking her in. Sometime during the night our roommate had transformed from college professor into a very provocative, super-steamy swashbuckler.

  “The three of you run around here flirting with me all day and night,” she began. “Shirtless, shortsless…” She paused for a moment, as if considering whether it was actually a word. “Whatever. My point is, the tension in this house has been building for a while. And no, I’m not i
nnocent of it either. I’m one-hundred percent guilty of flirting back.”

  We paused, watching her stand there silhouetted by the fire. Was she swaying a little? Not much. But definitely a little.

  “You’re drunk,” I said. The words came out more harshly than I meant them. “The two of you have been drinking, and Brandon’s taking advantage of you.”

  “Not even close,” said Claudia. “I’m pleasantly buzzed, if anything. And how do you know I wasn’t taking advantage of him?”

  Brandon released a small chuckle. Hunter shot him the deadliest look I’ve ever seen, and he shut up immediately.

  “I know you guys made some sort of secret agreement,” Claudia went on. “What did you call it… a pact? To not sleep with me?”

  “To not do anything with you,” I said. “To pretty much leave you alone. For our sanity and yours.”

  “My sanity?” She shook her head. “MY sanity…” she repeated.


  “Do you have any idea what it’s like,” she cut Hunter off, “sharing a house with three incredible guys? Three beautiful guys who are not only hotter than hell, but also sweet to me? Caring for me? Kind? Considerate? Amazing?”

  She stepped forward and put a finger on my chest. The orange glow of the fireplace set off the highlights of her hair. With the black boots and the fishnet stockings, she looked like a pirate goddess.

  “You’ve held back,” she said. “I know you have. I have too, on more than one occasion.” She looked in a circle, gazing at each of us. “It’s basic biology, really. We’re attracted to each other. Only there are three of you… and only one of me.”

  She paused, and for a moment the only sound was the crackle of the dying fire. I thought about what she was saying. How difficult it would if the roles were reversed, to somehow maintain control.

  “We thought you were studying,” Hunter snarled, dragging out the last word. His voice was lower now, but still accusatory.

  “We were. We did.”


  “And after a few hours we needed a sanity break.”

  I had to laugh. “So you dressed like pirates and made out?”

  “No,” Brandon replied. “We dressed up like this and went trick-or-treating. We ran outside. Got some fresh air. Ate some candy…” He put his fist to his mouth and let out a belch. “Probably too much candy.”

  I was bitter. Worse than bitter! Maybe Claudia’s perspective I could somewhat understand, but Brandon had betrayed our trust. He’d broken the pact. He’d—

  And you wouldn’t?

  The question dropped straight into my head, slapping me in the face with reality. It forced me to stop and think. Would I?

  I thought about the night I’d shattered my phone. The night Claudia had come in to comfort me, and sat on my bed. Weren’t the same feelings there? The same chemistry between us, as between her and Brandon?

  You had an opportunity then. A shot. You never took it.

  I gulped hard, trying to get past the sour taste in my mouth. Was this really the case? I’d missed my chance, and Brandon had taken his? And how many shots had Hunter had? Did he miss any… or just never take them?

  “The three of you are like brothers,” Claudia went on. “Tighter and closer than some of the real brothers I know. I’d never, ever want to come between you. And that’s the only part of this that I regret.”

  Hunter had relaxed a bit. I could tell because the big vein in his neck was no longer visible. He was still angry though.

  “We ditched a very cool party for the two of you,” he said sharply. “We came home because we felt bad.”

  Claudia shrugged. “That only shows me the bond you have together. How close you’ve all becom—”

  “No,” Hunter jumped in. “Not just Brandon.” He looked her straight in the eye. “We came home for you too.”

  Claudia’s face softened. I watched as she removed the red bandana and slowly ran a hand through her hair. Pushing it back over one shoulder, she looked stunningly beautiful.

  “You guys did more than just take me in,” she said. “This place… it’s a home to me now. You’ve made me feel wanted here, even loved.” She inhaled, then let out a wistful sigh. “More so than anywhere else.”

  It was crazy, how much I wanted her. How much I hated Brandon for possessing her… even for the briefest of moments. I could still picture his hands on her body. His mouth, locked against hers…

  “You took me in,” Claudia went on. “Gave me something wonderful. Something like a family…”

  We stood in a rough semi-circle, while Claudia walked between us. Her legs looked magnificent with every step. She went to me, then Brandon, then Hunter again. I could feel their eyes, resting heavily on her every movement. I knew she could too.

  “I don’t think you’re mad that Brandon kissed me,” she said suddenly. “I think you’re mad because it’s not even.”

  She approached Hunter, and I saw him stiffen. Unfortunately for him Claudia saw it too. She smiled wickedly.

  “You want things even,” she said, her voice going soft and feminine.

  She stood on her toes. Placed her hand on his chest…

  “You want things equal.”

  She leaned in and kissed him.

  I watched it unfold slowly, like some sort of dream sequence. Something that couldn’t be controlled, only watched and admired. Claudia’s lips pressed against Hunter’s, her jaw rotating sensuously as she took great personal pleasure in drinking him in. And Hunter…

  Hunter kissed her back.

  I couldn’t believe it. Neither could Brandon. We gaped at each other as Hunter’s arms slid around her, pulling her in, bringing her body against his as they continued kissing and touching.

  Holy shit…

  His hands were on Claudia’s hips, his fingers flexing. And through it all, their long, slow, sensual kiss… mouths fully locked together as they breathed each other in.

  When it was finished she stepped back, almost stumbling in her boots. Her expression was trance-like. Very far away.

  “God, I wanted that.”

  My heart was racing as she turned to face me. Her smile was nefarious and alluring… all at the same time.

  I was stunned. Speechless. Powerless to move. All I could do is watch as she strutted my way, crossing thigh over lovely thigh.

  “And I’ve wanted to do this for a long time too.”

  Claudia reached up, and her hands cradled my face. I bent down for her, and my whole body shivered as she pressed her mouth against mine.

  Oh… oh wow.

  It was like slipping into euphoria. Her lips were sweet and wonderful, and tasted vaguely of rum. Our tongues met, and somehow they danced together like they’d been doing it all along. We kissed like lovers who’d shared a thousand lifetimes, and who hadn’t seen each other in a thousand more.

  All rational thought faded away. Holly, school, this whole big mess — everything, including the jealousy and even the heat I’d felt at watching her kiss Brandon and Hunter. All of it was gone in a instant, leaving me only to bask in the pure rapture of kissing this beautiful creature. This girl — no, this woman — who I’d wanted for so long.

  I was shaken awake by gentle laughter as Claudia finally pulled back. The others were staring, and even clearing their throats. Apparently we’d been kissing longer than the both of them combined.

  “Easy there Romeo,” Brandon quipped.

  I was still in shock. Still reeling from the experience of kissing someone new, someone so gorgeous and utterly perfect. But I was also relieved. Relieved that Brandon could laugh again. Relieved that Hunter was no longer furious with him… or at least, a lot less mad than before.

  “There,” said Claudia at last. She looked pointedly at each of us in turn. “All settled up.”

  The room fell silent again as she slipped past us. All three of us watched wordlessly as she made her way up the staircase.

  “Goodnight boys,” she said, no
t even looking over her shoulder. “If we need to, we can talk more about this in the morning.”

  We watched her until she was gone, then turned to face each other. For the first time in history, all three of us were speechless.

  “We’re going to need to discuss this,” I said at last. “Aren’t we?”

  My two fraternity brothers stared back at me. Eventually, they nodded.

  “Oh yeah.”



  I woke up groggy but not hungover. In fact I felt pretty good. Pretty good until…


  It came flooding back to me, all of it, in one giant, heart-stopping wave. I could recall every word, every statement. Every hot, fiery kiss…

  Claudia… what the hell did you DO?

  I ended the torment, that’s what I did. Or at least, I thought so last night. Looking back at it afterward, beneath the unforgiving scrutiny of the light of day? Maybe I’d acted a little hastily. Or recklessly, more like it.

  I sank my face into my hands. I’d given in to Brandon, sure. After the whirlwind night of fun we had together, that simply couldn’t be helped. But then, in my desperate attempt to make things right, I’d gone way too far. I’d kissed Hunter. I’d kissed Colin…

  You didn’t just kiss them, the little voice in my head reminded me. You damn well made out with them!


  I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. Crying over what happened wasn’t going to make it go away. The best I could do was damage control, and maybe blame some of my behavior on raging hormones, the full moon, or the strange frivolity of Halloween night.

  Yeah… that’s not gonna cut it.

  Probably not, I figured, but at least it was a start. The worst part was that they were friends. Friends who liked me. How could I possibly think what I’d done was a good idea?

  They were probably downstairs right now. Jealous and hurt. Angry at one another. Angry at me.

  You’re an asshole, Claudia.

  Yeah, that was the consensus. Unfortunately it was becoming a recurring theme.


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