The Bhagavata Purana 2

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The Bhagavata Purana 2 Page 44

by Bibek Debroy

Shri-Shuka said, ‘Through her, Vidarbha had two sons named Kusha and Kratha. There was a third named Romapada, a delight of the Vidarbha lineage. Romapada’s son was Babhru and Babhru’s son was Kriti. Kriti’s son was Ushika. Ushika’s son was Chedi and the kings of Chedi were descended through him. Kratha’s son was Kunti, 1350 Kunti’s son was Dhrishti and Dhrishti’s son was Nivriti. Nivriti’s son was Dasharha and his son was Vyoma. Vyoma’s son was Jimuta, Jimuta’s son was Vikriti, Vikriti’s son was Bhimaratha, Bhimaratha’s son was Navaratha and Navaratha’s son was Dasharatha. Dasharatha’s son was Shakuni, Shakuni’s son was Karambhi, Karambhi’s son was Devarata, Devarata’s son was Devakshatra, Devakshatra’s son was Madhu, Madhu’s son was Kuruvasha and Kuruvasha’s son was Anu. Anu’s son was Puruhotra, Puruhotra’s son was Ayu and Ayu’s son was Satvata. O revered one! Satvata had seven sons—Bhajamana, Bhaji, Divya, Vrishni, Devavridha, Andhaka and Mahabhoja. Through one wife, Bhajamana had the sons Nimlochi, Kimkina and Dhrishti. O lord! Through another wife, he had three sons—Shatajit, Sahasrajit and Ayutajit. Devavridha’s son was Babhru. About them, 1351 a shloka is read. “Whatever is heard about them from a distance, is what is seen at close quarters. Babhru is best among men and Devavridha is like the gods. Through Babhru and Devavridha, fourteen thousand and sixty-five men have obtained immortality.” Mahabhoja was exceedingly devoted to dharma. Those in his lineage are known as the Bhojas.

  ‘O scorcher of enemies! Vrishni’s son was Sumitra, Sumitra’s son was Yudhajit, Yudhajit’s son was Shini, Shini’s son was Anamitra and Anamitra’s son was Nimna. Nimna’s two sons were Satrajit and Prasena. Anamitra had another son known as Shini and his son was Satyaka. Satyaka’s son was Yuyudhana, 1352 Yuyudhana’s son was Jaya, Jaya’s son was Kuni and Kuni’s son was Yugandhara. Anamitra had another son known as Vrishni. Vrishni’s sons were Shvaphalaka and Chitraratha. Through Gandini, Shvaphalaka had twelve famous sons and also Akrura as foremost among them. The others were Asanga, Sarameya, Mridura, Mriduvid, Giri, Dharmavriddha, Sukarma, Kshetrapeksha, Arimardana, Shatrughna, Gandhamada and Pratibahu as the twelfth. Their sister was known as Suchara. Akrura also had two sons, Devavana and Upadeva. Chitraratha’s sons were Prithu, Vidura and many others. All of them extended the delight of the Vrishni lineage. There were Kukura, Bhajamana, Shuchi and Kambalabarhisha. 1353 Kukura’s son was Vahni, Vahni’s son was Viloma, Viloma’s son was Kapotaroma and Kapotaroma’s son was Anu, Tumburu’s friend. 1354 Anu’s son was Andhaka, Andhaka’s son was Dundubhi, Dundubhi’s son was Aridyota and Aridyota’s son was Punarvasu. Punarvasu’s son was Ahuka and his daughter was Ahuki. Ahuka’s sons were Devaka and Ugrasena. Devaka had four sons—Devavan, Upadeva, Sudeva and Devavardhana. O king! They had seven sisters, Dhritadevaa and others. These others were Shantidevaa, Upadevaa, Shridevaa, Devarakshitaa, Sahadevaa and Devaki. Vasudeva married them all. The sons of Ugrasena were Kamsa, Sunama, Nyagrodha, Kanka, Shanku, Suhu, Rashtrapala, Dhrishti and Tushtiman. Ugrasena’s daughters were Kamsaa, Kamsavati, Kankaa, Shurabhu and Rashtrapalikaa. They were the wives of Vasudeva’s younger brothers. Viduratha’s 1355 son was Shura, Shura’s son was Bhajamana, Bhajamana’s son was Shini, Shini’s son was Svayambhoja and it is said that Svyambhoja’s son was Hridika. Hridika’s sons were Devamida, Shatadhanu and Kritavarma. Devamidha’s son was Shura and his wife was named Marisha. Through her, he had ten unblemished sons—Vasudeva, Devabhaga, Devashrava, Anaka, Srinjaya, Shyamaka, Kanka, Shamika, Vatsaka and Vrika. Vasudeva, Hari’s father and origin, is spoken of as Anakadundubhi, because kettledrums and larger drums of the gods were sounded at the time of his birth. 1356 Their sisters were Pritha, Shrutadevaa, Shrutakirti, Shrutashravaa and Rajadhidevi. These sisters were the five daughters.

  ‘Since his friend Kunti had no offspring, her father 1357 bestowed Pritha on him. 1358 Having satisfied Durvasa, she obtained from him the knowledge of summoning the gods. To test the power of this, she summoned the pure sun god. She was astounded in her mind when she saw the god instantly arrive. “O god! I used the mantra only to test it. Please pardon me and leave.” “O slender-waisted one! The sight of the gods is never futile. I will give you a son. However, I will also act so that your virginity remains intact.” Thus, the sun god impregnated her womb and returned to the firmament. A son was immediately born and he was like a second sun. Scared of people, with difficulty, she abandoned him in the water of the river. Your great-grandfather Pandu, for whom truth was his valour, married her.

  ‘Vriddhasharma of Karusha married Shrutadevaa. Dantavakra was born from her. He had earlier been Diti’s son, 1359 but had been cursed by the rishis. Dhrishtaketu of Kekaya married Shrutakirti and had five sons in the Kekaya lineage, Santardana and others. Through Rajadhidevi, Jayasena had two sons who were the kings of Avanti. 1360 Damaghosha, the king of Chedi, married Shrutashravaa. Shishupala was her son. That is how his birth is described. Through Kamsaa, Devabhaga had two sons—Chitraketu and Brihadbala. Through Kamsavati, Devashrava had two sons—Suvira and Ishuman. Through Kankaa, Anaka had Satyajit and Purujit as sons. Through Rashtrapali, 1361 Srinjaya had Vrisha, Durmarshana and others as sons. Through Shurabhumi, Shyamaka had Harikesha and Hiranyaksha as sons. Through the apsara named Mishrakeshi, Vatsaka had Vrika and other sons. Through Durvakshi, Vrika had Taksha, Pushkara, Shala and others as sons. Through Sudamini, Shamika had Sumitra, Arjunapala and other sons. Through Karnika, Kanka had Ritadhaman and Jaya as sons.

  ‘The wives of Anakadundubhi were Pouravi, Rohini, Bhadra, Madira, Rochana, Ila and Devaki, Devaki being the foremost. 1362 Through Rohini, Vasudeva had Bala, Gada, Sarana, Durmada, Vipula, Dhruva, Krita and other sons. Through Pouravi, his sons were Subhadra, Bhadrabahu, Durmada and others, starting with Bhuta. There were twelve in all. Through Madira, his sons were Nanda, Upananda, Kritaka, Shura and others. Koushalya 1363 had one son, Keshi, and he was a delight of the lineage. Through Rochana were born Hasta, Hemangada and others. Through Ila were born Uruvalka and others. They were foremost in the Yadu lineage. Through Dhritadevaa, Anakadundubhi had only one son—Viprishtha. O king! Through Shantidevaa, the sons were Shrama, Pratishruta and others. Through Upadevaa, he had ten kings as sons—Kalpavarsha and others. Through Shridevaa, he had six sons—Vasu, Hamsa, Suvamsha and others. Through Devarakshitaa, he had nine sons—Gada and others. Through Sahadevaa, Vasudeva had eight sons. Among these, Puruvishruta was the foremost. Just as Dharma gave birth to the Vasus, 1364 through Devaki, Vasudeva had eight sons. They were Kirtimat, Sushena, the generous Bhadrasena, Riju, Sammardana, Bhadra and Samkarshana, the lord of serpents. 1365 The eighth was indeed the lord Hari himself. O king! Your grandmother, the immensely fortunate Subhadra, was their daughter. Whenever there is a decline in dharma and wickedness prospers, at that time, the lord and illustrious Hari creates himself. 1366 O lord of the earth! There is no other reason behind his birth or deeds. This is the lord’s own maya. He is the supreme atman who witnesses everything. It is his maya that leads to the creation, preservation and destruction of beings. It is through his favours that there is existence and one obtains nivritti and realization of the atman. The lords of the akshouhinis were asuras who were unfit to be kings. They attacked themselves and he sought to reduce the burden of the earth. With Samkarshana, the illustrious Madhusudana performed immeasurable deeds that even the minds of the gods cannot comprehend. As favour to his devotees, he extended his extremely auspicious fame and removed the grief and misery of those who will be born in kali yuga. 1367 His sacred fame is the supreme of tirthas. If a person uses his ears like hands joined in salutation and touches and hears this nectar with his ears, all his desire for karma is instantly destroyed. 1368 His deeds were eternally praised by the Bhojas, Vrishnis, Andhakas, Madhus, Shurasenas, Dasharhas, Kurus, Srinjayas and Pandus. The valour of his pastimes was marked by gentle glances and generous words. The world of men was delighted with his form, charming in all its limbs. His face was beautiful, with earrings shaped like makaras. His ears were beautiful. His cheeks were radiant. His dalliant smiles indicated his excellent prosp
erity, as if there were continuous festivities. The eyes were not satisfied at drinking him in. Men and women were delighted and became angry with Nimi. 1369 After being born, he went from his father’s house to Vraja, so as to enhance its prosperity. He killed the enemies. He had many wives and through them, he had hundreds of sons. Following the rituals, he worshipped himself through sacrifices and spread these principles among people. To remove the earth’s great burden, he used his glances to destroy and cleanse the Kurus by creating dissension in their minds, also destroying the armies of the kings in the battle. He then announced the victory as if it was Jaya’s. 1370 Instructing Uddhava about supreme knowledge, he then returned to his own abode.’

  This ends the Ninth Skandha.

  Tenth Skandha

  Chapter 10(1): 69 shlokas

  Chapter 10(2): 42 shlokas

  Chapter 10(3): 53 shlokas

  Chapter 10(4): 46 shlokas

  Chapter 10(5): 32 shlokas

  Chapter 10(6): 44 shlokas

  Chapter 10(7): 37 shlokas

  Chapter 10(8): 52 shlokas

  Chapter 10(9): 23 shlokas

  Chapter 10(10): 43 shlokas

  Chapter 10(11): 58 shlokas

  Chapter 10(1)

  The king said, ‘You have described the solar and lunar dynasties in detail and also the extremely wonderful conduct of the kings of both the lineages. O supreme sage! Yadu was accomplished and devoted to dharma. Please tell us about Vishnu’s valour and descent in that lineage, along with his portion. 1371 The illustrious creator of all beings descended in Yadu’s lineage. What did the atman of the universe do? Tell us that in detail. Those deeds are chanted about by those who have withdrawn from desire. They are pleasant to the ears and to the mind and are like medication to those on earth. Other than a person who slaughters animals, 1372 which man will stay away from a recital of Uttamashloka’s qualities? Using him like a raft, my grandfathers crossed over the Kourava army, which was like an ocean that is impossible to cross, treating it like a puddle. 1373 It had timingilas in the form of Devavrata and other atirathas and even the immortals would have found it difficult to defeat. I am the only son and seed left of the Kurus and the Pandavas. The weapon of Drona’s son attacked and scorched my limbs. My mother sought refuge with him. He entered her womb and seizing his chakra, protected me. His valour is inside and outside all those who possess bodies. He is Purusha in the form of time. He is the one who confers death and immortality. Using his maya, he assumed human form. O learned one! Speak about him. You said that Samkarshana Rama was Rohini’s son. Without changing bodies, how could he have been associated with Devaki’s womb? Why did the illustrious Mukunda leave his father’s house to go to Vraja? Along with his relatives, where did the lord of the Satvatas dwell? What did Keshava do, while residing in Vraja, and in Madhu’s city? Why did he kill Kamsa, his mother’s brother? This is not sanctioned. After assuming the form of a man, for how many years did he live among the Vrishnis in Yadu’s city? 1374 How many wives did the lord have? O one who knows everything! O sage! I am full of faith and you should tell me all this in detail and everything else that Krishna did. I have given up drinking even water and this extremely unbearable hunger does not make me suffer, since I am drinking up this immortal account of Hari as it emerges from your lotus mouth.’

  Suta said, ‘O descendant of the Bhrigu lineage! 1375 Vyasa’s illustrious son heard the words spoken by Vishnurata 1376 and applauded them, worshipping him. The foremost among devotees started to describe Krishna’s conduct, which destroys the sins of kali yuga.’

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘O supreme among royal sages! Since you have developed this undeviating fondness towards Vasudeva’s account, your mind has been properly fixed. Questions about Vasudeva’s account purify three kinds of men—those who ask, those who speak and those who hear, like the water that washes his feet. 1377 Hundreds and thousands of armies of insolent kings, who were actually daityas, overwhelmed the earth. Suffering from this great burden, she went and sought refuge with Brahma. She assumed the form of a cow that was distressed and lamenting piteously, tears flowing from her eyes. She approached the lord and told him about her miseries. Brahma understood. With her, the gods and the one with the three eyes, 1378 he went to the shores of the ocean of milk. Having gone there, he controlled himself and worshipped Vrishakapi, the Purusha, the god of the gods, the protector of the universe, through purusha sukta. 1379 While meditating, Brahma heard a sound vibrate in the sky. He told the gods, “O immortals! Hear from me Purusha’s instructions. Without any delay, quickly do what you have been asked. The supreme being already knew about the earth’s anxiety. Use your portions to take birth in the lineage of the Yadus and remain on earth as long as the lord of the lords roams around on earth, using his powers as time to reduce her burden. The illustrious and supreme Purusha will himself appear in Vasudeva’s house. To cause him pleasure, let the celestial women also take birth. To cause pleasure to Hari, the god Ananta, the self-ruling one with the thousand hoods, will be born as Vasudeva’s portion as his elder brother. The illustrious Vishnumaya confounds the universe. Instructed by the lord and to accomplish his purpose, she will be born in her own portion.” The lord who is the master of the Prajapatis instructed the large number of immortals in this way. Having assured the earth with comforting words, he returned to his own supreme abode.

  ‘Earlier, Shurasena, the lord of the Yadus, had gone to reside in the city of Mathura. He enjoyed the kingdoms of Mathura and Shurasena. Mathura became the capital of all the kings among the Yadavas. Hari is always present there. On one occasion, Vasudeva, Shura’s son, married Devaki and with his newly wedded wife, ascended his chariot and departed. Kamsa, Ugrasena’s son, wished to do what would bring pleasure to his sister. Therefore, surrounded by hundreds of golden chariots, he seized the reins of the horses. Devaka was fond of his daughter. While she was leaving, as dowry, he gave his daughter four hundred elephants with golden harnesses, fifteen thousand horses, eighteen hundred chariots and two hundred ornamented and delicate maidservants. Conches, trumpets, drums and kettledrums were sounded simultaneously. O son! With these auspicious signs, the groom and the bride got ready to leave. Along the route, while Kamsa was holding the reins, an invisible voice spoke to him. “O foolish one! You are conveying her. But her eighth child will kill you.” He was a deceitful and wicked person, the worst of the Bhoja lineage. Thus addressed, he held a sword in his hand and seized his sister by the hair, inclined to kill her. He was about to commit a reprehensible, violent and shameful deed. The immensely fortunate Vasudeva addressed him in these pacifying words. Vasudeva said, “Your qualities are praised by the brave and you have brought fame to the Bhoja lineage. How can you kill your sister, that too, on the occasion of her marriage. She is a woman. O brave one! As soon as a person with a body is born, death comes along with it. It might be today, or it might be after one hundred years. But for everyone with life, death is certain. Whenever the body attains panchatva, the jivatman helplessly follows the course of karma. It gives up the former body and obtains another body instead. A person places one foot on the ground and advances with the other foot. In exactly that way, like a caterpillar moving from one leaf to another, the jivatman follows the course of karma. When a person’s wishes pervade the consciousness, because he has seen an object or heard about it, his mind thinks about it and he sees it in his dreams, identifying with it. This body is like that. One obtains it and forgets everything else. Urged by destiny, one runs around here and there, right up to the time of death, the mind overcome by these passions. 1380 The jivatman’s mind is immersed in the five senses and the gunas fashioned by maya. Surrendering to these, he is born along with these. When they are reflected in water in an earthen vessel, depending on the force of the wind, stellar bodies appear in different shapes. In that way, the jivatman follows an attachment to gunas his own maya has created and he is confounded. Therefore, if one is interested in one’s own welfare, one should not act so as to cause injury in this way.
A person who causes harm faces fear from others. 1381 This girl is your younger sister. She is like your daughter and should be pitied. You are loving towards the distressed and you should not kill a fortunate one like her.” However, the terrible person did not comprehend these words of sama and bheda. 1382 O Kouravya! Since he was following the vow of demons, he would not be restrained.

  ‘Realizing that he was determined, Anakadundubhi thought that the time had come to dissuade him through the use of other means. “As long as there is intelligence and strength, an intelligent person must try to avoid death. Even after this, if it cannot be averted, the embodied being does not suffer from any crime. He is like death and by handing over my sons to him, I can save this pitiable woman. After all, that is only if sons are born to me and if this Death 1383 does not die before that. Perhaps the opposite may happen. 1384 The course of destiny is impossible to understand. The imminent must be averted, even though what is averted may occur again. There is no evident reason for fire avoiding one piece of wood and consuming another piece of wood. It can be nothing other than destiny. In exactly the same way, the reason for an embodied being’s separation from a body and union with another body cannot be ascertained.” He thus contemplated the situation as best as he could. Thereafter, Shouri 1385 honoured and showed a great deal of respect to the wicked one who was in front of him. With a pleasant face that was like a lotus, he spoke to the violent and shameless one. Though his mind grieved, he smiled and said, “O amiable one! The invisible voice may have said that, but you have nothing to fear from her. Since you are facing fear, I will hand over all her sons to you.” Kamsa understood that his words were full of meaning and refrained from killing his sister. He praised Vasudeva, who was pleased, and entered his house. Devaki was full of all the gods. After some time, year after year, she gave birth to eight sons and a daughter. Anakadundubhi was extremely anxious that he should not break his promise. Therefore, with difficulty, he handed over the first born son, Kirtiman, to Kamsa. What can’t a virtuous person withstand? What does a learned person hope for? There is nothing that inferior people will not do. However, for a person who upholds the atman, what will be difficult to give up? O king! On beholding Shouri’s equanimity and adherence to the truth, Kamsa was satisfied in his mind. He smiled and spoke to him. “Let the boy be returned. There is no fear on his account. My death has been destined from the eighth son that the two of you have.” Agreeing, Anakadundubhi accepted the son and left. However, he wasn’t happy at the words spoken by the wicked person who had not conquered his atman. Nanda and the other cowherds in Vraja, their women, Vasudeva and the others among the Vrishnis, Devaki and the other women among the Yadus and the relatives, kin and well-wishers of both of them, 1386 even if they followed Kamsa, were all generally divinities.


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