focus groups, as real life
Foer, Franklin
food banks
food stamps
as cause of idleness and poverty
dependence on
funding cuts to
immigrant use of
middle class and
Reagan, Bush and
Republican governing models and
Tea Party and
Ford, Gerald
“47 percent”
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox News
fracking. See hydraulic fracturing
family leave and
immigration and
income inequality and
Industrial Revolution and
manufacturing and
multiculturalism and
secular disengagement and
shale oil, gas and
Francis, Pope
freedom to spend
free market, as sinful
Friedman, Milton
fuel-efficiency standards
Gallagher, Leigh
Gallup Polls
Garcetti, Eric
Garner, Eric
Gates, Bill
gay marriage. See same-sex marriage
culture war and
Evangelicals and
Karl Rove and
Massachusetts and
moderate Republicans and
overturn of states’ bans on
pluralism of marriage types and
religious pluralism and
Tea Party and
gender roles
income and
lack of support for women and
marginalization of men and
marriage and
values, battle over, and
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes)
George, Henry
Gerard, Leo
German-American Alliance
education and
emigration and
family leave and
immigration and
income equality in
Industrial Revolution and
manufacturing and
religion and
Gerson, Kathleen
Gilded Age
class turmoil and
corruption and
modern return to
Giles, Chris
Gingrich, Newt
Gini coefficient
Glazer, Nathan
immigration and
new economy and
global warming. See climate change
Goldwater Barry
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
GOP conservative heartland. See conservative heartland
Gore, Al
Gosling, Samuel
government shutdowns
Graham, Jesse
Gramsci, Antonio
Gray, Freddy
Great Carolina Comeback
great inversion
green card limits
Green Climate Fund
Greenhouse, Linda
Greenspan, Alan
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
gun control
Hagan, Kay
Haider, Jörg
Haidt, Jonathan
Halpin, John
Hampton, Keith
Hanna, Mark
Harding, Warren G.
Harvard University
Haskins, Ron
Hawkins, John
Hayek, Friedrich
Head Start
health care industry. See also Affordable Care Act
Healthy Families Act
heartland, new
Hendren, Nathaniel
Hepburn Act of 1906
Herring, Mark
Highton, Ben
Hindery, Leo
American Dream and
Democratic ascendancy and
diversity and
education and
elections and
2010 elections and
immigration and
languages and
marriage and
metropolitan areas and
Pennsylvania and
religion and
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
homosexuality. See also gay marriage
Horton, Willie
House Budget Committee
housing industry
Huckabee, Mike
Hull House settlement houses
hydraulic fracturing
Hymowitz, Kay
illegal immigrants
amnesty for (See also DREAMers)
Barack Obama and
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act and
border security increases and
Canada and
comprehensive immigration reform bill and
Democratic ascendancy and
Evangelicals, Tea Party and
Hispanic support for
Immigration Reform and Control Act and
Lyndon Johnson and
Mitt Romney and
Republican Party and
immigration. See also multiculturalism
American Dream and
America’s revolutions and
businesses and reform of
Canada, Brazil and
Democratic ascendancy and
education and
health care and
history of
Industrial Revolution and
Pope Francis on
Republican positions on
revolution, ideology, and
values, battle over, and
Immigration Act of 1882
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
impeachment proceedings
income. See also minimum wage
from capital vs. wages
education and
gender and
inadequacy of
marriage and
presidential candidates and
productivity vs.
reform agenda and
independent contractors
Bobby Jindal and
fundamentals of
metropolitan areas and
Thomas Jefferson and
Industrial Revolution
Andrew Carnegie and
cities and
history of
immigrants and
inventions launching
John D. Rockefeller and
John Pierpont Morgan and
McKinley and
muckrakers and
overview of
reforms and
trusts and
Industrial Workers of the World
infrastructure investment
job creation and
ten year plan for
inheritance tax
inherited wealth
hydraulic fracturing and
metropolitan areas and
revolution in
insurance. See also Affordable Care Act
internal combustion engine
International Harvester
Iraq War
Irish immigrants
Isaacson, Walter
Islamic extremists. See also specific groups
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
It’s Even Worse Than It Looks (Mann/Ornstein)
family leave and
financial crisis and
immigration and
manufacturing and
minimum wage and
multiculturalism and
/> religion and
research and development in
test scores and schooling and
JC Penney
Jefferson, Thomas
Jencks, Christopher
Jewell, Sally
Jindal, Bobby
governing model of
Jindra, Michael
jobs. See also income
Jobs, Steve
“Joe the Plumber”
Joffe, Josef
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Tom
Johnson-Reed Act
Jones, Sam
Jost, John
journalism. See also muckrakers
The Jungle (Sinclair)
Republican governing model in
Katz, Bruce
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
Kay, Aaron
Kennedy, Anthony
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerry, John
Keynes, John Maynard
Kimmel, Michael
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kingston, Jack
Kline, Patrick
Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) schools
Koch, Charles and David
Komen Foundation
Korean War
Kristof, Nicholas
Krueger, Alan
Krugman, Paul
Kuttner, Robert
labor costs
Labor’s Love Lost (Cherlin)
Labor Standards Act of 1938
La Follette, Robert
La Follette Republicans
LaHood, Ray
Landrieu, Mary
Larrimore, Jeff
Lazarus, Emma
League of Nations
Lears, Jackson
leisure industry
Levi, Michael
Levison, Andrew
light-sand fracking (LSF) method
Limbaugh, Rush
Lippman, Walter
lobbying. See Super PACs
Lodge, Henry Cabot
longevity, income and
Louisiana. See also Jindal, Bobby
Duck Dynasty and
off-year elections and
Republican governing model in
same-sex marriage and
taxes in
Loving v. Virginia
Lowrey, Annie
LSF method
Manchin, Joe
Manhattan Project
Mann, Thomas
manufacturing industry
March on Washington
marriage. See also gay marriage
Democratic ascendancy and
2010 elections and
Pope Francis on
Republican Party and
transformation of
values, battle over, and
Martinez-de-Castro, Clarissa
education and
minimum wage and
same-sex marriage and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
maternity leave. See family leave
McCain, John
McClosky, Abby
McConnell, Mitch
McCrory, Pat
McInturff, Bill
McKinley, William
Medicare and Medicaid
Barack Obama and
2010 elections and
health-care revolution, deficit and
reform agenda and
Melville, Herman
metropolitan areas
Democratic ascendancy and
economy and
millennial revolution and
momentum for reform and
polarization and
Pope Francis on
values, battle over, and
Mexico. See also Hispanics
Mexico City, policy in
Bill Clinton and
as blue-wall state
education and
manufacturing industry and
off-year elections and
same-sex marriage and
unions and
middle class
aspiration to comfortable life by
conservative interregnum and
reform agenda and
middleweight cities
midterm elections. See off-year elections
Democratic ascendancy and
education and
marriage and
metropolitan revolution, economy and
multiculturalism and
new heartland and
religion and
Republican party and
social transformation and
Miller, Claire Cain
minimum wage. See also income
California and
Japan and
living wage vs.
reform agenda and
Teddy Roosevelt and
women and
minorities. See multiculturalism; race; specific groups
Mitchell, George P.
moderate Republicans
Barack Obama and
campaign finance reform and
climate change and
gun control and
Obamacare and
overview of
personal vs. government responsibility and
social issues and
Tea Party and
waste, inefficiency and
Mondale, Walter
moral colorblindness
Morgan, John Pierpont
Morris, Ian
mortgage tax credits
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mrs. Parkington (movie)
Democratic ascendancy and
education and
2010 elections and
immigration history and
overview of
polarization and
Pope Francis on
religion and
values, battle over, and
Murray, Charles
Myerson, Harold
The Myth of America’s Decline (Joffe)
National Association of Manufacturers
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
National Council of La Raza
national infrastructure bank
National Labor Relations Board
National Popular Vote Bill
The National Review
National Rifle Association (NRA)
natural gas
Naturalization Act of 1906
“The Negro Family” (Moynihan)
neotraditional men
New Deal
“New Freedom”
“New Nationalism”
The New Republic
New York City
affordable housing and
Barack Obama and
Bryant Park
campaign funding and
child care and
climate change and
Democratic ascendancy
financial industry and
immigrants and
income inequality and
Industrial Revolution and
metropolitan revolution and
minimum wage and
Mrs. Parkington and
multiculturalism and
paid sick leave and
police and
pre-K education and
New York state
Civil War and
climate change and
metropolitan revolution, economy and
minimum wage and
shale industry and
Teddy Roosevelt and
New York Stock Exchange
The New York Times
Next Generation Science Standards
br />
Nineteenth Amendment
Nixon, Richard
non-corporate businesses
Noonan, Peggy
Norquist, Grover
North Carolina
Barack Obama and
contraception and
equal pay and rights for women and
off-year elections and
Republican control of
shale energy and
as swing state
Northern Securities Company
NRA. See National Rifle Association
Nurse-Family Partnership
Nye, Joseph
Obama, Barack
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and
education and
families and
immigration and
metropolitan areas and
multiculturalism and
preschool education and
Republican Party and
strategy of
successes of
taxes and
voters, swing, and
voters, white, and
working families/mothers and
Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
off-year elections
Affordable Care Act and
Asian Americans and
Barack Obama and
blacks and
businesses and
California and
Evangelicals and
health care, abortion and
Hispanics and
Republican actions after
Republican success in
subsequent presidential elections and
Super PACs and
young voters and
oil industry
energy revolution and
Industrial Revolution and
OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Operation Wetback
Oppenheimer, Mark
opportunity gap
Oregon, climate change and
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Ornstein, Norman
Our Kids (Putnam)
OUR Walmart movement
PACs. See Super PACs
Paine, Thomas
Palin, Sarah
Palmer, A. Mitchell
paternity leave. See family leave
patrimonial capitalism
Paul, Rand
pay. See income
paycheck bonus credit
Paycheck Fairness Act
Pelosi, Nancy
Pendleton, Hadiya
energy revolution and
off-year elections and
Republican governing model in
same-sex marriage and
unions and
Pennsylvania Railroad
Pepper, John E., Jr.
Perkins, Frances
Perry, Rick
Pethokoukis, James
Piketty, Thomas
the Pill. See contraception
Pingree, Hazen
PISA rankings
Planned Parenthood
pluralism, religious
pluralistic political control
polarization of America
political periodization
Potter, Jeffrey
poverty. See also income
power, portability of
preschool education
presidential agenda
education and
employment and
Franklin Roosevelt and
tax rate, CEO compensation and
working families and
America Ascendant Page 55