Unforeseen Riot

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Unforeseen Riot Page 27

by Karen McKeown

  He leaned into me, his face got really close to mine, and I watched his eyes close, and he kissed me. My eyes closed reflexively, and I could feel his lips working at mine to make me open my mouth. I just couldn’t do it though. It wasn’t there. Razor was great to look at, and he smelled fantastic, but he wasn’t Cal. He started to pull back from me, but before I could open my eyes, his tongue glided along my upper lip. I was surprised, and gasped, which parted my lips. Then Razor’s hand on my shoulder moved up into my hair. He held my head still while his tongue forced its way into my mouth. It might have been a good kiss, but it was wrong and the circumstances were wrong. I suddenly realized that what I was feeling wasn't guilt. The first time Cal kissed me, I had felt an onslaught of guilt like I had never experienced before. Part of my guilt a few weeks ago was because I enjoyed Cal’s kiss. There was no guilt assaulting me with this. I didn’t like that Razor was kissing me, and I thought he had been a tad underhanded about it. When all was said and done, I didn’t enjoy his kiss. I started pushing back against his hand in my hair, and after a few seconds he finally relented.

  He opened his eyes, and then said, “You got nothing for me, huh?”

  “It’s not right.”

  Razor tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. “How so?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and said, “It just isn’t. I just didn’t feel—”

  “You didn’t feel anything, just then?”

  I gave it some thought, then said, “Well, no. I felt nothing, I guess.”

  I expected Razor to be upset, but he softly said, “You’ve got it for him.”

  I felt my eyebrows pull down. “Say what?”

  Razor’s voice sounded annoyed when he said, “Cal. You’ve got it for him. And I’d have to bet that you’ve got it bad. Been a damn long time since I laid a kiss on a red-blooded female and I got nothing in return.”

  “I’d be surprised that you getting nothing from a female has ever happened to you. I mean, the day you came to my table at Grumpy’s, I was thinking if my experience with Cal at his compound hadn’t tainted me at the time, that I could have really been interested in you. I know that you know you’re hot as hell. The upside for you is that you aren’t like other hot guys who know it, because you don’t overtly act like you know how hot you are.”

  Razor slid slightly away from me in the booth, and then said, “Thanks for the ego stroke telling me how hot I am, but let’s leave it be.”

  My phone chirped in my purse. I pulled it out and saw that I had a text from Cal.

  Cal: When U leavin'?

  Apparently Razor was reading over my shoulder. He asked, “He know you’re with me?”

  “Uh, no.”

  That was probably not a good thing, now that I thought about it. I thought about asking Razor how I should proceed, but I didn’t think he would have my best interests in mind. I decided to be vague, but truthful, if that was such a thing. I angled myself so Razor could no longer see my phone and the conversation.

  Me: Soon. Where are you?

  I looked up at Razor and said, "Well, this has been nice, and I appreciate the information you were able to get for me. I'm gonna have to get going though."

  Razor shook his head at me, and when he stopped he gave me a sly grin, "I'm glad I could help you out, Mallory. I'm disappointed that I couldn't lure you away from Callous, though. I really thought we had an attraction."

  I tried for a placating smile, "I definitely find you attractive, but the chemistry isn't there. You'll find yourself a good one, and I'm sure she will be off the charts compared to me."

  Razor slid out of the booth, "Be hard to find a chick feistier than you, Fireball. But, you were right, that hostess was plenty forward. I think I'll see if there is anything she can do for me."

  When I cleared the booth, Razor winked at me and slid back into the seat. I hightailed it back to the Mustang. Once inside the car, I checked my phone again. Cal was apparently at the compound. I pulled up his contact info and pressed the call button.

  I put my phone to my ear, and Cal's voice rumbled, "You just getting off work, sweet cheeks?"

  "Sort of. Razor called just before I left, so I had to have one drink with him."

  I heard a slight groan on Cal's end, but before he could say anything further, I said, "You were right. This apparently has everything to do with Gwen. Bush got a wild hair, thinking that I was Gwen's daughter. He was going to ask me what I gave her at Grumpy's that morning when he saw us there."

  Cal took a breath and then asked, "Razor take any action on Bush?"

  "He said he gave Bush a bloody nose."

  Cal sighed and said, "I hate to say this, Mallory, but I want you at my place tonight. It'll make me feel better."

  Now it was my turn to let out a sigh. "Dude. I don't have any clothes for work tomorrow with me. You want me to go to my place and then drive all the way back to your place?"

  "Did you ever unpack your suitcases Monday or Tuesday night?"

  I thought hard about it. "No, I don't think I did. I'm such a slacker."

  Cal chuckled, "Then I'll swing by your place and grab your two bags. You'll have clothes, and tomorrow we'll see how things go. You'll have to get over there to pack up for Bike Week on Friday, but if you're there, I'm gonna be with you. Drive to my place, use the clicker on the visor of the Mustang to put the car behind the gate. I'll be there in the next thirty minutes or so."

  Chapter 23

  Thursday afternoon, I was walking out to Cal's Mustang and saw him fold out of the driver's seat as I approached. Cal was wearing a heather grey long-sleeve Jacksonville Jaguars shirt with faded blue jeans and his black motorcycle boots. I felt my face split into a goofy grin at the surprise. I couldn't remember the last time I had a goofy grin for someone, besides Greg or Landon. I looked down to hide my goofiness. The little black dress I was wearing had a mock turtleneck and a print of a Japanese bonsai tree on the left shoulder. I was wearing my herringbone tights and black high heels again since my unpacked bags did not include my high heeled boots or any other appropriate stockings.

  I looked up to Cal, and then said, "What are you doing here? Where's your bike?"

  When I was close enough, Cal hooked me behind the neck and pulled me to him, "Christ, can’t remember if I told you or not, but I really like this dress, woman. My bike is back at my place. Had Blood drop me off here about ten minutes ago. It's trivia night, let's get a move on. But first, you need to give me a hello kiss."

  While elevating on my toes, I put my arms around his neck. I touched my lips to Cal's and thought I'd just give his tongue a light swipe with mine, but then he took over and kissed me hard and deep. His arms around my waist moved down and he squeezed my butt as he pulled away from me.

  "Now that's a decent 'Hello.' Get in the car, babe. Time to go."

  We showed up at trivia right on time. The guys were all there, but we had just missed the server taking drink orders. Gavin's light blond hair was askew as if he'd been rubbing his head in agitation. He gave us a troubled look, though I didn’t know why. Bobby slid his eyes to me and gave me a miniscule chin lift when I said hello. Quinton was grinning at me like a loon after I said hi, but James was looking at me hard. Specifically, he was looking hard at Cal's possessive hand wrapped tight around me. Cal's hand was so tight, the tip of his left middle finger was practically pressing into the left side of my bellybutton. It was a very dominating position.

  I was starting to feel self-conscious and began to fidget as a result. Cal tuned into this, and leaned toward my ear to whisper, "Chill out, hon. He's had months to make a move on you. It's a cliché ‘cause it's true: you snooze, you lose."

  This set my teeth on edge. I had known the guys for over a decade. If they snoozed, it was because they were trying to read the signs from me. They didn't need some overbearing Alpha-type to come in and rub their noses in their own miscalculations. I could tell that I was getting into deeper waters here with Cal. I needed him to let me lead the way in this
uncertain territory. I didn't want to hurt James. I didn't want to lead James on, either. I didn't want to lose James as a friend. I had known the guys for so long, they were like family. I hadn't treated them like family in over seventeen months. That was on me. I hadn't had to examine this aspect of my life in a while, if ever. Hell, I hadn't even known that James had any feelings toward me until about a week ago. Things had been changing at a rapid-fire pace over the past three and a half weeks. I didn't want to throw away a form of family because of a cliché.

  I gently pulled Cal's fingers from my abdomen. I looked up at him, and I gave him a small grin. I tossed some of my hair over my left shoulder, and then said, "Please. Give me a moment." Cal acquiesced, and he gave me a slight nod. I hung my purse on a hook under the table, and then I moved to the other side of the table where Gavin, Bobby, and James were seated. Before I could reach James, Gavin slipped off his stool and steered me by my upper arm toward the table where Ray was ready to emcee the trivia game.

  Once Gavin stopped us, I glared up at him, but before I could say anything, he launched right in, “I know you're going to tell me this is not my place, but I don't give a damn. I'm not sure this guy is good for you. I know Cal is tough and all. I see all the chicks droolin' over him. But, I've also watched James the last seven or eight months. He's been biding his time. Hell, for a while I was biding my time, but we're better as friends than anything else. I won't do anything to jeopardize it. James told me about the night out, shooting pool. That guy asked if James was making a play, and James said he might be. Then we don't see you for days, and if he wanted to make a play, how the hell could he?"

  I grimaced at Gavin, but said, "Some people tried to abduct me Saturday night. I've been laying low because of that."

  Gavin's eyebrows shot up, "Yeah. Another primo reason to think twice about Cal. James is a great guy. In fact, he's as good as Greg. I just don't know if you and he will fit the way you and Greg did. Don't get me wrong. I get you wanting to go slow and shit, but Cal seems like bad news. Seemed that way since the moment he laid eyes on the photo of you and me and Greg at your wedding."

  My head tilted, my eyes widened and I felt my shoulders tense. That photo was one of Greg’s favorites from our wedding. Gavin was best man, and the shot was taken during the best man speech. Gavin had said something hysterical. Gavin’s eyes were alight with mischief and his smile was huge as he watched Greg and me. Both of us had our heads tilted back in laughter. I blinked to try and relax my eyes, but before I could ask Gavin anything, I heard him mutter, "Shit. I wasn't supposed to mention that."

  I righted my head, and asked, "What do you mean? You weren't supposed to mention that?"

  Gavin looked uncomfortable, but said, "The day Cal came in for his consult to hire us. He was in my cube and saw the framed pic of me, Greg, and you on your wedding day. It's a good picture. He was looking at it hard, and when I caught him, he pointed at Greg in the picture and said, 'That's one damn lucky bastard.' I couldn't stop myself before I said to him, ‘You really think so? Because he's dead.’"

  I closed my eyes imagining the pain Gavin must have felt at telling someone Greg was no longer part of this world. I instinctively wrapped my arms around Gavin's wide waist and gave him a squeeze.

  I stepped back and then said, "I'm sorry, Gav. I miss him all the time during every day."

  Gavin took my hands in his and said, "I know, Mal. And I don't want to give you guilt or anything, believe me. We all want you to move on with your life. You can't sit around and let it pass you by. It sucks without G-man, but ultimately we all know life goes on. I just want you to be sure Cal is the right guy to start moving on with. None of us want to see you waste more time if he breaks your heart. You know what I mean?"

  I sucked my lips in, and nodded my head. I looked up at Gavin and said, "I know what you mean. However, can I tell you that Cal met my parents unexpectedly? Don't ask me how, but some way he managed to get my mother and my father's approval. I'd say that's a good sign. I'm aware that I’m getting so close to the fire that I might get burned, but I'll make you a deal. If I get my heart broken, I promise I won't sit around and lick my wounds the way I did after Landon and Greg were killed. Does that sound good?"

  Gavin's baby blue eyes were hard, but after a beat they softened and then he said, "Sure, Mallory. You're a big girl. I know that."

  I gave a quick nod, and said to him, "Now, let me have a word with James, okay? Cal is about the only domineering man in my life I can handle at one time."

  Gavin and I strolled away from the corner. When we returned to the table, Cal and James were both missing. I looked to the side entrance where many smokers went to fulfill their addiction, but they weren't out there. I moved toward the bar area. There was another door that led to a very small patio type area for smokers, and I could see Cal and James through the glass door that led to the patio. They were both in defensive stances and it didn't take a lip-reader to know heated words were being exchanged. It might have been self-centered to assume it was about me, but common sense said I was definitely in the top five subject matters at hand.

  I shoved the glass door open with more force than was necessary, but certainly not more force than I intended. I wanted to make an entrance, and I wanted it to be dramatic. I scored on both counts because I managed to shut them both up and get their full attention. Before the door closed behind me I planted my hands on my hips and glowered at both of them.

  I heard the beginnings of statements from both men, and snapped, "Save it. Both of you."

  I pointed at Cal, "You. I asked for a moment, and that moment was meant for James. So, I can see where you might think the moment was meant for any of the guys, but Gavin caught me unaware. I need a moment to talk to James. And James! What's with laying into Cal? You can't tell someone to leave me alone. And I can't imagine you were trying to give him IT advice, so what's with the aggressive posture? Actually, don't answer that."

  I took a deep breath, and then looked at Cal, "Please. I need a moment, and when I'm done, you and I need to have words also. Please, let me talk to James. I've known him for over ten years, and he's one of the four best men I've known in that many years, so if you give the first damn about me, give me that."

  Cal's hazel eyes glittered at me for a moment while his lips thinned. He took a deep breath, glanced at James and looked back at me. After a moment he said, "Fine. I don't understand why you and I need to have words, woman, but I'll give you a moment with James."

  Cal moved back into the restaurant and James and I were left alone on the patio. I was guessing that the heated conversation he had with Cal had cleared any other smokers from the vicinity. Even with Cal gone, the air was thick with tension. I moved my head from side to side in an effort to crack my neck, but it didn’t work.

  I moved in front of James and then said, "I'm sorry. I don't know, nor do I care what the two of you said to each other, but I was nearly abducted Saturday night."

  James's eyes got a little big at that and his nostrils flared, but he didn't say anything. I continued, "I've been laying low, and I don't want to involve any other people I care about in it, seeing as how Natasha was there when this happened."

  James asked, "And she's okay?"

  "Yes. And so am I."

  James gave me a derisive look, "I can see that, Mallory. You're so okay, you're practically glowing, with Cal's fucking hand around your belly. You heard me tell him that I might make a play. You didn't care about that?"

  I stifled a snort and then said, "I told you that I had no idea you had feelings toward me, and further, Cal made his initial play right after he met me. I'm sorry, James. Really, I am. The chemistry with Cal is like nothing I've felt before, even with Greg, which it pains me to say. The guilt I've felt the last couple weeks is enough to make the Pope cringe. I don't want to lose you, because I consider you like family. I get it if you need to cut me out for a while or something..."

  I couldn't finish the rest of that statement. The f
act was, that I wouldn't understand if James needed to cut me out of his life for a while. Intellectually, I might, but deep down, no. James looked up to the cloudless sky. He looked back at me, taking a deep breath. His lips thinned, and his brows crinkled a little bit. He seemed to be in deep thought, and then he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his expression cleared.

  James pursed his lips at me slightly, but said, "I still think he's bad news. He told me you were almost abducted when we first came out here. I blamed him, but he said it had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with your mother-in-law. Loved Greg like a brother, but I didn't know shit about his mom. I didn't think you should've given her any money, but you did. Cal says she needs more because she took it to the poker room to make more of it, but couldn't. Tell me you did what Cal told you, and you didn't give her anymore?"

  I gave him a semi-smile, and then said, "No, hon. I didn't. Had quite a few men tell me not to do that in the past few days. So, message received."

  James's steely blue eyes were still slightly hard as he gave me a steady gaze. "I'm glad to hear it. He breaks your heart, I'm gonna kick his sorry ass. Hardened biker or not, I'll manage to do it, Mal. Then I'm gonna push every thought of that bastard out of your head. You understand?"

  I gave James a small chin lift and then said, "I understand, Kemosabe. I think we’ve got a trivia game to get back to."

  James preceded me into the building, but held the door as I followed him inside. Before I could take three steps into the restaurant, a tall, blue-eyed, sandy-brown-haired woman stood in my way. She was about three inches taller than me, and her face was narrow with pencil-thin lips. Her features were harsh individually, but together she made a striking appearance. Her boobs were large and overly perky. Definitely some plastic surgery was performed. She was wearing a sheer white floral embroidered blouse with a very deep V-neckline and self-ties, which had been left untied and loose. The sleeves were long with elasticized cuffs, and there was a scalloped hem at the bottom. She paired her semi-see-through top with skin-tight jeans and brown cowboy boots. Her large sky blue-eyes moved up and down over my body. Her lips formed an ugly sneer at me.


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