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My Once in a Lifetime

Page 9

by Nicole Vidal

  Norah nods, clasping her arms around my neck. With my arms around her, my fingers graze the exposed skin at her waist due to her outstretched arms. I memorize the feel of her against me. Before I go against what we agreed upon again, I let my fingers slide off her soft skin.

  “Try to get some sleep.”

  She nods before saying, “You too.”

  I watch her walk away with Tank following closely. I’m jealous of my dog right now—a dog who will at any moment lie beside Norah protectively. Returning to the kitchen, I brew a cup of coffee and start making plans to protect Norah.

  “Yeah, Jake,” Connor answers on the first ring.

  “I need you to get Christoph and Nolan on that plane with you. At a minimum, I need them in Boston tomorrow for this meeting.”

  “Her or the meeting?” He knows me too well. You would think he would be front and center against my happiness. Never, not once, did Connor blame me for failing Mara.

  “Both. Something doesn’t feel right about this.”

  “Let’s hash out your plan.”

  I spend the next hour plus talking through my plan with Connor, the pitfalls, and areas of concern, including leaving her with him.

  “She isn’t going to be happy about that part of your plan.”

  “No, she isn’t. It needs to be done.” I will not be able to manage every aspect of this if my gut turns out to be correct, if this meeting is a setup to abduct Norah.

  “Have you told her yet?”

  Tell her what exactly? I’m completely in love with her and I hope she won’t break my heart into a million pieces when I tell her about my past with Mara. “No, I will after we get back from Boston.”

  “My sister would want you to be happy, Jake.”

  “Thanks, C. Take care of her for me.” I realize that I’m asking my deceased wife’s twin brother to protect the woman I love.

  “I will as you would for me if the time ever comes.”

  “Thank you.”

  Seemingly satisfied with my answer, Connor hangs up to prepare for this assignment. No more than a heartbeat passes before my phone rings.

  “What’s going on, Blaine?”

  “The Sterlings have been taken from their log cabin in New York.”

  I pin down more details and dissect the information he provides. “Anything else of note?”

  “If the meeting with the FBI tomorrow is supposed to be discreet, it isn’t. It was broadcast by a few low-level players in the Moretti Family. Make sure you include some cat and mouse if you plan to bring Norah to Boston.”

  “I will. Any attempts on her accounts?”

  “Just one. There was an internet attempt to get into her personal account where her paycheck is deposited. They were likely fishing in the hopes of getting her personal information. I was alerted, and the attempt was blocked.”

  “Thank you. Please let me know if anything changes.”

  “Will do.”

  After running through the plan twice more, I decide to get some sleep. I recheck the alarm and the doors. Quietly, I call Tank. Sleepily, he saunters down the hall. I give him commands before heading to the guest room.

  At the threshold, I’m surprised to find Norah wide awake reading. Wordlessly she closes the book, sets her glasses on top, and pulls back the covers. Ignoring the warring feelings coursing through me, I strip off my clothes before sliding under the covers with her.

  Curling my arm around her slim waist, I draw her against me. A shallow sigh escapes her lips. Her arm rests on top of mine, her curves nestled against me.

  “Good night, Jacob.”

  “Good night, Norah.” I inhale her vanilla-scented lotion as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 23


  Every. Single. Day. I want this. He’s on his back, and my left leg is across his thigh. I’m resting on his shoulder, and his right hand is flat against my hip. Despite the plan for later today, right now, tangled in Jacob’s arms, I feel protected. That isn’t to say I’m not terrified to leave here, but with him by my side, I can handle this meeting. Honestly, I’m sure a phone call would be sufficient. I don’t have the ledger that the Morettis want. Repeating it over and over will convey my position eventually.

  “Did you sleep?” I ask when his breathing pattern changes.

  “Yes. You?”

  “Enough. When will Connor be here?”

  “We’re meeting him at the airport. Why?”

  “Just wondering how much longer we can stay here like this.”

  “For a little while longer.”

  I snuggle deeper into his arms, closing my eyes. I can feel his heart beating against my temple. Even at the prospect of having my question answered, I’m still nervous to hear him out. His conversation with his father changed how Jacob looks at me, or he isn’t trying to hide his feelings anymore.

  All too soon, an alarm blares on his phone.

  Pushing myself up, I sit on the edge of the bed a moment before padding to the bathroom. Jacob turns to watch me.

  “You have to tell me something, don’t you?”

  “The Sterlings were abducted from their cabin in New York late yesterday.”

  I pause brushing my teeth. “Are they all right?”

  “I don’t know.” Jacob pushes up to sitting.

  Holy Hell! Even though I have seen Jacob first thing in the morning, I’ve never been able to ogle without feeling rushed. His hair is mussed, his eyes are sleepy, but the rest of him looks like it always does—like a work of art carved by one of the world’s finest sculptors. The ridges and curves of his chest and abs make my mouth water. If I’m going to have a broken heart, I need to study every ridge and divot for when I’ll never be able to touch him again. That notion makes my heart heavy.

  In the next moment, Jacob is standing in front of me, snapping me out of my lustful daydream. “Did you hear me?”

  “No, not at all. I was… never mind. What?” If he realizes where my head was, he doesn’t acknowledge it.

  “Would you like coffee?”

  “Yes, please.”

  You would think Jacob walking away wouldn’t be worth a second look. You would be wrong. The definition of his back is equally as impressive as his chest, and his ass is simply perfect. I refrain from fanning myself and step into the shower. The steamy water loosens the tension in my neck and shoulders. I can do this. Jacob will help me through this.

  When I step out of the shower, there is a hot cup of coffee on the vanity with a sun drawn in the foam. I smile and take the first sip. After surrounding myself with a towel, I pull open the door. Jacob is standing in a towel sipping from a cup of black coffee. His chivalry apparently allows me the master bathroom while he uses the guest suite.

  “I forgot socks,” he mumbles.


  “Why are you on edge? How you look shirtless isn’t a secret. Stark naked isn’t a secret either.”

  His skin turns a bright shade of pink. Him blushing will be the death of me.

  “What else do you need to tell me about today?”

  “I’m always on edge when moving a client. Sprinkle in the fact that it’s you, I’m more edgy than normal. I need to share the plan with you, but not yet. Sometimes things change, so I’ll wait.”

  Stepping into his space, I set my hand on this chest. His eyes close briefly before they settle on mine. “I’ll be fine.” I trust him to keep me physically safe. My heart is another matter.

  “Norah, I—” His phone ringing interrupts our conversation.


  If he doesn’t answer, it will worry whoever is on the other end. I pull out a set of clothes, knowing I’ll need to change on the plane. I pack up everything I have here and carry the bag to the kitchen. As I near him, Jacob reaches down and takes the bag from my grasp. I simply shake my head and make us fresh coffee. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “Sure, something simple. We need to leave in less than an hour. I’ll be right back.”
r />   After a quick perusal of the cabinets, I scramble some eggs with veggies and toast sourdough bread. As I finish washing the last pan, Jacob emerges fully dressed and ready to leave with his bag in hand.

  “Thanks. That was quick! Do you have any food vices, Norah? You seem to eat very well, no junk. Even though you made the delicious cake, you didn’t really eat yours.”

  Hmm, he noticed that. Interesting. “You’re welcome. I do, but I don’t indulge often.”

  “Don’t you dare say something about your weight,” he commands while levelling his eyes to mine.

  Concealing what his words mean to me is difficult. Although, it’s impossible to ignore his physical reactions to me. I never questioned his attraction to me or mine to him. The attraction was instant. The first time we were together was straight fire. Every time since then measures up equally. “It is more about genetics. All my older family members are diabetic. I’m careful about how much sugar I eat.”

  He finishes his eggs. A few bites later, the toast is gone as well. I finish my breakfast and clean the dishes. Jacob refills Tank’s water and leads me to Connor’s truck. The ride to the airport is mostly quiet. When I gaze over at Jacob, his face is tight with concern. Reaching over, I take his hand in mine without a word. As we pull into the airport parking lot, Jacob’s fingers tighten around mine, but he says nothing. After parking, he ushers me into the lobby.

  A very tall, mountain of a man extends his hand to me.

  “Norah, this is Christoph. He has been on Kelly’s detail, but I don’t know if you’ve met. Christoph, this is Norah, Kelly’s sister.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “You as well.” Soon after our arrival, Connor and another young guy join us. After introductions, we board the plane. The young guy named Nolan is one of the newer team members. He’s tall, but not as tall as Christoph. Compared to the other team members, Nolan is skinny. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a martial artist as well. We take our seats and wait until we’re airborne.

  Chapter 24


  When our pilot, Cash Morgan, removes the seat belt sign, the team huddles around a small table. Keenly aware of Norah’s presence, we go over the plan step by step. Maia joins our meeting by satellite phone. She’s awaiting our arrival at the airstrip in Boston.

  “Team A will accompany Norah to the meeting with the Feds. You will leave from the hangar in an SUV. The side entrance has been requested for entry into the building. You will meet with Special Agents Tamara Brown and Stephen Morse. The meeting is expected to take no more than an hour.”

  Norah is just off to my left. She’s close enough that I can smell her perfume but not too close that anyone other than Connor would know about us. I’m not trying to hide my relationship with her; I would just like to know where she and I stand before enduring the commentary from my employees. They may work for me, but I consider each one a member of my family. The balance between the two is delicate.

  “Team B will take a longer route to the federal building. Your team will enter the building through the rear entrance. Both teams will meet there before returning here for a flight to the farm. Any questions?”

  No one asks any questions. Last night, Connor, who will escort Norah to the meeting, and I discussed contingency plan upon contingency plan in case any part of today goes south. I know my sample set is small, but my stomach is twisted in knots. Something is hinky about this meeting. Now I need to face the even harder part of the plan—informing Norah that I’m not accompanying her.

  “Maia, you have the supplies you need?”

  “Yes, all set.”

  Maia will dress like Norah dresses on a workday but with a red wig. If her heels are tall enough, Maia could pass as Norah from a distance to anyone except me.

  Connor hands me a bag, presumably containing our clothes. The flight isn’t that long, so it’s time to break the news to Norah.

  “Norah, would you come with me?”

  She knows about the clothes, so she doesn’t think twice. I don’t miss the look exchanged by Christoph and Nolan. Connor will set them straight once Norah is out of earshot.

  “Your clothes are in this bag with a red wig. Maia has the same one.” Opening the bag, I pull out my clothes and consider leaving. Man up, Jacob!

  “Norah, I—”

  “You aren’t coming with me, are you?”

  The dejected tone in her voice is impossible to miss. It feels like a stake in my heart. I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s brilliant. She’s everything a man could want in a wife. Smart as hell, ambitious, sassy, fiercely loves her family and friends, and she’s a bombshell with perfect curves. Once she knows the truth about Mara, I hope she doesn’t shut me out.

  “I can’t.”

  She steps closer to me but doesn’t touch me. Less than an inch separates us. Her wide eyes stare into mine. All I want is to pull her into my arms and protect her from everything. Lock her onto my property and keep her there. That would never work with a woman like her, someone independent and strong. A sinfully sexy woman who chose to do the right thing, even though it likely cost her everything she has worked for in the last six years.

  “Why?” she asks.

  How do I explain this without ripping her heart out?

  “I let my guard down the moment we were alone. I was not prepared to protect you had our visitor been someone hell-bent on harming you. You make me lose focus. I refuse to be the weak link when it involves your safety.”

  “I understand.”

  “You aren’t going to argue with me?”

  “No. I’m sure your reasons are sound and you don’t see another way.” Her unflinching faith in me is difficult to fully accept.

  “To best protect you, I need you with Connor. Please do what he says. I trust him with my life. For reasons you will better understand later, I trust him with yours.”

  Before giving her the opportunity to speak, and against our agreement, I seize her mouth. I have no right to kiss her, but I won’t walk away without showing her how I feel, even if I haven’t said the words yet or if I’m not sure what to say. Threading my fingers into her hair, I coax her closer to me. Her curves pressing against me, a soft moan escapes between us. Breaking my lips from hers, I press them to her forehead before holding her against me. I didn’t fathom letting her out of my sight would be heart-wrenching. Pulling back, I look at her once more. When I do, I see my future. Hopefully, it’s our future.

  Gathering my clothes from the chair, I move toward the door.


  I turn to face her again.

  She reaches her hand out for mine. “Bring this back to me.” After flipping my hand palm side up, she drops her necklace into it, curving my hand closed around it.

  “Norah, I can’t—” There’s no guarantee I’ll be able to return this.

  “You will.”

  Leaning forward, I kiss her softly before walking out the door. I refuse to look back to prevent myself from rethinking this whole plan. I head down the aisle to the front restroom, Norah’s necklace still clutched in my hand.

  “All set?” Connor asks as I walk past.

  “Yes, she’s getting dressed.”

  “You good?”

  “Yes.” No, not at all. After changing, I slip her necklace into my wallet. Ironically, it’s safest in the license pocket that also holds a photo of Connor, Mara, and me. When I emerge from the restroom, Norah is dressed and seated with the red wig in her lap. Shortly after I sit beside her, Cash turns on the seat belt sign for descent.

  Connor is going over the assignments once again with everyone as Cash lands the plane with the slightest of bounces on the runway. The acid in my stomach just continues to churn. We deplane directly into a private hangar. There’s a large SUV and a sedan waiting. Maia is leaning against the sedan with her wig already in place. As Norah walks down the steps, I attempt to focus on something, anything, other than her. The emerald sheath dress and high-heeled shoes are enough
to make my heart pound. The red wig makes her hazel eyes stand out. Her eyes draw me in every day. The wig makes them impossible to ignore. This moment right now exemplifies why she must go with Connor.

  Connor and Christoph escort Norah to the SUV as I walk toward Maia with Nolan. Norah takes one more look at me as she climbs into the back seat with Christoph. A heaviness settles in my chest as Christoph climbs in and closes the door.

  “Jake,” I hear in my earpiece. I look over at Connor standing near the driver door.


  “I’ll bring her back to you.” Those words from him grab hold of me like a vise. Connor and I have discussed my culpability—or lack thereof, in his opinion—for his sister’s death numerous times over the last few years. For him to put his life on the line for the woman I love now, it’s an incredible gesture.

  I nod sharply as Maia slides into the back seat, followed by Nolan. Centering myself, I focus on Maia who is putting herself at risk right now, based on my gut.

  Chapter 25


  I take one more look at Jacob before I slide into the back seat of the black SUV with Christoph. He doesn’t trust himself to protect me. My safety is paramount to him, and I make him lose focus. Honestly, I’m not sure how to handle that admission. It’s almost as telling as our chosen but previously undiscussed monogamy. The further we pull away from the hangar, the more work I put into locking up my feelings.


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