The Officer's Desire

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The Officer's Desire Page 8

by Colleen French

  Devon leaped out of his chair, knocking it over backward. "How dare you." he threatened through clenched teeth. "How dare you treat her like that!" He pointed an accusing finger at one after the other. "You had no right to hurt her like this. It's none of your damned business who or what she was . . ."

  "Devon, I think that's quite enough." William ordered. "Sit down and finish your meal."

  "I will not. I want all of you to apologize to her. Do you understand? And that includes you, Mother."

  "Don't speak to your mother like that. I won't have it, son!" William got to his feet, his voice echoing in the room.

  "And I won't have her treating Cassie like that. Ignoring her as if she were a vase of flowers. . . a kitchen servant." Devon banged his balled fist on the table, sending a china plate into splinters. "I won't have it, I tell you!" Without another word, he stormed out of the dining room and took the front staircase two steps at a time.

  Cassie kicked off her heeled kid-leather slippers and threw herself onto the bed, tears running down her cheeks. How could she have been so foolish as to think she would ever be accepted among these people? She would be nothing but trouble to Devon, and if she loved him, she knew she ought to leave. She'd just put on her old homespun skirt she'd hidden beneath the tick and walk out of here. She was a free woman now, she could go where she pleased . . . but she didn't want to leave Devon. She wanted to be with him, in his arms forever.

  "Cassie, open this door!" Devon's voice boomed from the hallway. He rattled the doorknob violently.

  "Open it now. I'll not have your games."

  "Leave me alone. Go back and finish your blasted pear tart!" she shouted back, the tears still running down her cheeks.

  "Cassie, I'm sorry about all of this. They were wrong, but you've got to give them a chance."

  "Give them a chance just like they gave me one?" She sat up on the bed, a pillow clutched in her arms.

  "We can make this work. It's going to be all right." He raised his voice, the anger welling up in him. "Now open the damned door before I break it in. I'll not be locked out of my own bedchamber."

  "Go ahead! I dare you!" Cassie shouted, getting up - on her knees. "Break your papa's door down and make an arse of yourself."

  Devon clenched his fists at his sides. "Open the door, Cassie O'Flynn!"

  "Cassie Marsh!" she taunted.

  One hard kick to the door and the wood splintered, sending Devon crashing into his bedchamber. Cassie scrambled to the floor, putting the bed between them. He clenched his fists, his face bright red. "Don't you ever do that again, do you understand me? You have a problem? You come and tell me." He started around the bed and Cassie fled, the pillow tick still clutched in her trembling hands.

  "Get away from me! I'm so mad at you I could blacken your eyes." She kept her distance, dodging Devon every time he lunged at her. "You should have known they'd be like that. You should have warned me."

  "I didn't know. I should have, but I didn't." He planted his hands on his hips, trying to gain control of his anger. "Now stop this."

  Cassie threw the pillow at him as hard as she could, almost knocking him off balance. She was already halfway over the bed when he caught her by the ankle and started pulling her to him, screaming and kicking.

  "Stop it, do you hear me, Cassie? I've never hit a woman in my life, but I'm sorely tempted."

  The sound of tearing cloth filled her ears as she fought him like a caged animal. Grabbing hold of the bedcovers, she scrambled to reach the bedpost. When he flipped her over on her back, she lashed out at him with both fists, knocking him soundly in the ear before he caught her hands.

  "Cassie, Cassie." he called, but she kept struggling. "I hate you." she accused, the tears flowing unchecked down her cheeks while she pummeled him with her fists. "I hate you because I love you." she sobbed.

  Devon pulled her hard against his chest, pinning her arms between them. "Shshsh," he hushed, brushing the damp, tangled hair off her forehead. "Be still, it's all right." Sitting in the middle of the bed, he drew her into his arms.

  Cassie nestled her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry." she wailed.

  "I've really done it now, haven't I?" She clung to him, her fingers gripping his rumpled coat until her knuckles were a stark white. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

  Devon ran his hand through her tangled hair, trying to soothe her. So she isn't quite as tough as she lets on, this wife of mine, he thought tenderly. He kissed her face and hair, speaking softly. "I shouldn't have let them treat you like that, Cassie. It's just that I was afraid I would embarrass you even more by saying something to them in front of you." He held her with one arm, shrugging off his constricting frock and waistcoat. "I'd say you made out rather well among the wolves."

  Cassie sniffed. "You think so?" She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her gown, the torn lace trailing down her arm. "I feel like such a dimwit. I'm not a girl to bawl over such foolishness." She laid her head on his shoulder again, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He smelled so good. His hair was freshly washed, and his skin gave off a heavenly male scent that made a stirring in her loins. Just the feel of him being so near made her heart beat faster. She was so confused. How could she love him so much? She didn't know him; they had nothing in common . . . .

  Devon lifted her head off his shoulder, tipping it back until he stared into deep green pools. "You've got to trust me, Cassie. I want my family to like you, to come to love you, but if they don't, it's their loss." He wiped a tear off her cheek with a finger. "I vowed to care for you and love you always, and I intend to do just that. But you've got to try, too."

  Cassie's bottom lip trembled. "I've not done a thing to them—why do they hate me?"

  "They don't hate you. They're suspicious of you out of concern for me. They probably think you're a fortune hunter."

  She ran her palms over his chest, feeling the hard, pliant muscles beneath the fine linen. "Do they think you to be so foolish?" Her thumb grazed a hard male nipple, and she rubbed it in a circular motion.

  "I don't know what they think." Devon's voice was becoming huskier with each breath he took. The simple motion of his wife's thumb was making his thoughts unclear. "Maybe they think . . . they think I know nothing of love."

  Cassie lowered her mouth to his ever so slowly. "Fools." she murmured against his lips. "Show me what you know of love." Taking his hand, she placed it on her breast, her tongue darting out to taste his bottom lip.

  Devon groaned deep in his throat, wrapping an arm around her waist as he slipped a hand into the bodice of her gown. "You take your wifely duties seriously, I see."

  Cassie chuckled deep in her throat, arching her back. "Would you have it any other way?" She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair, pressing his mouth to the torn bodice. "You make me feel things I never dreamed of feeling." she breathed. "You make me want you again and again."

  Devon buried his face in the valley of her breasts, inhaling her sweet fragrance. With one pull, he ripped the bodice to her waist, pressing his mouth to a hardening nipple with a strange, driving urgency. She filled him with joy and anger at the same time. When she was near, all thoughts flew from his head save for thoughts of her.

  Cassie laughed at the sound of the torn gown, not caring that it had been Corinna's. We'll buy her a new one, she thought mischievously as she got to her knees, facing Devon. Fumbling with his neck cloth, she yanked it off, sending it floating into the air. Then she pulled at his white linen shirt, raking at his shoulder-blades with her fingers, she leaned to whisper in his ear." Don't door?"

  Devon nuzzled her neck, his broad hands kneading her breasts. "I made sure it was closed." He nipped at her ear. "I'll have someone replace the lock in the morning. No one would dare come near tonight." Wrapping both arms around her, he eased her onto her back, crosswise on the bed.

  Pulling his head down, Cassie forced his mouth on hers, her tongue darting out to taste his sweet, cool bre
ath. "I'm so afraid I'll lose you. Make the fear go away." she begged. Relaxing beneath him, she ran her hands over his tight breeches, feeling the hard muscles of his buttocks through the material.

  Taking one pink nipple in his mouth, Devon taunted her, teasing with the flicker of his tongue until she moaned, arching her back beneath him. Moving rhythmically against him, Cassie's breath came faster as she struggled to meet the waves of fierce desire.

  Finally, she pushed Devon over on his back, climbing on top. "Would you have me go mad?" she murmured, turning to tug at the string of his breeches. "You don't play the game fairly." Her cheeks were stained a bright red, and her hair fell in a halo about her face.

  Devon tucked his hands beneath his head, stretching out as she removed his shoes, stockings, and breeches. Resting his hands on her hips, he watched through half-closed eyes as she ran her hands over his chest and belly, sending shivers of yearning down his spine.

  "Witch." he accused as she leaned to nip at a hard male nipple. Slowly she made her way down his body, kissing his flesh, knowing him and wanting to know him better.

  When Devon could take the torturous pleasure no longer, he pulled her to him, crushing his mouth to hers. Rolling her onto her back, he ripped the remaining shreds of the vined gown from her body and lowered himself onto her. Pressing hot fiery kisses to her damp flesh, he moved against her until her breath came fast in his ear again. Cassie threaded her fingers through his hair as he burned a trail across her flesh with his damp, hot mouth.

  "Please." she begged, rolling her head to and fro, her eyes sealed shut. She reached out for him with her arms. "I need to feel you inside me." she moaned in his ear.

  Suddenly, Devon rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Cassie's eyes flew open. "What . . ." she swallowed hard, shaking her head. "Oh, I couldn't." she breathed, her eyes fixed on his.

  Devon laughed, liking the blush of color that creeped across her cheeks. He rested his hands on her ample hips, guiding her. "You can." he whispered, a groan escaping from his lips as she eased over him.

  Cassie relaxed slowly as she grew used to this new sensation, then began to move, watching the pleasure wash over his face in great tides. A smile played on her lips as she lowered herself, moving faster, now to the rhythm of her own pleasure. Closer and closer she moved toward some splendid, unknown peak. "Devon." she cried out, throwing her head back and reaching out to clasp his hands in hers. "Devon . . ." Higher and higher she climbed, the two of them entwined in an ancient love dance until finally their world exploded into thousands of glorious pieces.

  Cassie collapsed on Devon's chest, her flushed breasts heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Laughing, she pressed her lips to his hair, inhaling the heady scent of their lovemaking.

  Devon smiled, reaching to stroke her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder. "You're a bright student." he teased.

  Cassie lifted her head, losing herself in the depths of his dark eyes. "I liked that." she whispered shyly, toying with the patch of curly hair on his chest. "It feels different when I'm on top."

  "You like it better on top?" His voice was soft and gentle, a caress to her ears.

  She shook her head. "No, I still like the feel of you on me, touching all of me." She chewed on her bottom lip. "But this was good, too. Different than the other times."

  Devon laughed aloud, amused by her honesty and directness. Cassie was a gem.

  The smile fell from her face. "Why do you laugh?"

  "Oh, Cassie." Devon wrapped his arms around her pressing her to him. "I'm not laughing at you. I'm just happy, happy that we pleased each other, happy that you can be so honest with me."

  "If I don't tell you what I like, how will you know?" She slipped off him, rolling on her side to prop herself up on her elbow. "You'll tell me what you like, won't you? I want to make you feel as good as you've made me feel." Her long, bright hair fell over her shoulders, covering her bare breasts.

  Devon shook his head, still amazed. Reaching out with one finger, he traced patterns on her flat belly. "Give me some time to rest, and I'll do better than tell you, I'll show you."

  She slapped his hand, filling the bedchamber with her laughter. "Stop. . . . You're tickling me!"

  Chapter Eight

  "I'll not wear them, do you hear me?" Cassie heaved the boned stays at the two open-mouthed sisters. "I'll not do it." She planted her hands on her hips, daring Mary or Judith to speak.

  "Cassie." Mary let out a deep breath, eyeing the busy-body matuamaker and her two maids pulling through a pile of material on the bed. Mistress Starger would have it all over Dover by Monday that Devon Marsh's new bride was refusing to wear proper undergarments. Mary lowered her voice. "Devon's gone to so much trouble to have your gown ready for this evening." she pleaded. "You don't want to disappoint him; you want to look your best."

  Cassie raised an eyebrow indignantly. "Little he cares what I wear beneath my gown." She threw a borrowed dressing gown over the bare shift she wore. "He'd probably prefer I didn't wear a stitch!"

  The two maids flew into a fit of giggles and Mary threw up her hands, mortally embarrassed. "Do something with her, will you, Judith?" she hissed under her breath.

  But Judith was giggling too. "Wish I'd left mine home." she murmured under her breath, making herself busy sorting through a pile of sketches at the window. "Who'll know with curves like hers? She'll be the most popular girl at the party I'll guess." She gave Cassie a wink. At Devon's request and against her husband's wishes, she had gone to Cassie and apologized for her behavior last week. Once they had gotten over those first awkward moments, Judith had found to her own surprise that she liked her brother's audacious wife.

  Mary took a great breath of air, puffing up like a pigeon. "For shame, Judith. She can't go to the Faulkners' wearing no undergarments!" She pressed her hand to her forehead, feeling faint.

  Judith shrugged. "Who'll know, save for us . . . and maybe Devon?" She held up a sketch of a flowered chintz day gown. "I really don't like these red spots, Mistress Starger. They will make Cassie look like she's got the pox."

  Cassie snickered, reaching to take a teacup from the side table. She flashed Judith a smile of thanks for taking her side. "I'll make you a deal, Mary. I'll wear the shift and all of the petticoats, but I'll not wear the stays. Would that suit?" She sipped the colonial-grown herb tea, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'll not be trussed like a goose!" She'd decided days ago that she just wasn't going to let Devon's sisters push her around. Like it or not, they were stuck with her, and they'd just have to get used to her. That was the way she saw it! They could choose gowns for her, make appointments for afternoon teas with the Ladies' Patriot Society, and hire tutors, but they weren't going to change her beneath the skin.

  "Mistress Marsh." The matuamaker crossed the room, a billow of half-sewn gowns in her arms. "If that'll be all for this morning, I'll get these back to the shop to get your gown finished."

  Cassie nodded, relieved to be finished with the fittings. She'd tried on so many partially sewn gowns this morning that she felt like a pin cushion. Nothing was entirely sewn and the pinned seams constantly poked and jabbed at her, marring her pale, freckled skin. "I'll send someone by this afternoon for the green silk. And thank you for coming on such short notice, Mistress Starger."

  Mary waited until the matuamaker and her maids were down the hall and out of earshot, and then she spoke. "Take heed not to be too familiar with the help, Cassie. Your husband is an officer in General Washington's Continental Army and an important barrister." She smoothed her already-perfect coiffure. "Your position is due a certain amount of respect."

  "It takes naught to give someone thanks." Cassie laid down her teacup with a thump. "Position or not. . . . Now if you'll excuse me. I'd like to have a bath and lay down. My morning has been long." She smiled inwardly thinking to herself that her fatigue was probably due to the fact that she and Devon were up half the night making love, not to her busy morning.

nbsp; "Very well." Mary gave a sigh, fluttering out the door. "If I can be of any use to you, please call. I'll see you tonight, no doubt."

  Cassie stuck her tongue out at Mary as she went out the door. "Old toad." she murmured, not caring that Judith heard.

  "She's really not so bad." Judith told Cassie, stacking the sketches to return to Mistress Starger.

  "You just have to get to know her."

  Cassie gave a snort. "She ought to mind her own knitting, that's what she ought to do." She threw up a hand. "What does she care what I've got under my gown? And who, might I ask, is going to have their head stuck under there to know?"

  Judith's hands flew to her mouth to cover her laughter. "I'd never have the nerve to say the things you say." She shook her head. "But I think them, sometimes." She laid a hand on Cassie's arm. "I'll send the maids up to clear the rest of this, and then we'll leave you alone for a while." She surveyed the bedchamber piled with pillows of silk, brocade, and chintz.

  "Devon has ordered far too many gowns. I'll not be needing such trappings for long."

  Judith was puzzled by Cassie's words, but said nothing. "He just wants the best for you. Besides, there'll be no more gowns for a while. No more imported materials, no one to make them. Most of the seamstresses are busy with uniforms, cloth medical bags, and such." She rested her hand on the sill of the window, staring out at her father's prosperous lands. "This war, it scares me."

  "It should." Cassie gave a nod. "Now go, go home and tend to your babes. I'll see you tonight at the Faulkners'."


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