Kitten Thang

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Kitten Thang Page 2

by Jessika Klide

  He stares into my eyes for what feels like an eternity. He kisses me and pulls me tight against him, then he lets go and walks to the window, staring outside. My heart almost leaps out of my throat and the pain I feel with its lunge, brings tears to my eyes. I walk up behind him and put my arms around him. He puts his hands on mine, keeping them from traveling to his erection. I cling to him, forcing my body into his, pressing myself into him. He pulls my hands off him and turns to me.

  "Love is very complicated." I smirk at him. I lean my head back and look into those emerald green pools.

  "Like you." He says with pure sincerity. "You are an amazing woman, Siri Wright. I agree with your analysis that we should not be professing that word just yet. But ... I was just going to agree with you that I LOVE that you just did that too."

  My mouth falls open and my face blushes beet red. "I fucked that up!"

  He laughs and kisses my forehead. "No. Really you didn’t. You are tuned in to us. We both know what we are feeling." He kisses my nose. "But let’s write this on our slate. The word Love isn’t to be thrown around, spoken for the sake of saying it, and we will not carelessly profess it. It is a word that reflects what we cherish and value. When we say it, we will truly mean it and it won’t be necessary to say again. Agreed?"

  "Yes. Agreed."

  He turns us both to the window and I lean my head back on his chest as we stare out the window deep in our own thoughts.

  He offers more. "I still have secrets to confess to you and until you know all of them, it is wise to wait."

  "When are you going to tell me?" I feel the tension in his body as his abs and arms tighten. "You are afraid to tell me."

  "Yes. I am." He confesses and turns me to face him.

  "Don’t be."


  "When?" I push him.

  "Soon. Soon you will know everything about me."

  "I’m not afraid of the truth."

  "Maybe you should be." He hugs me against his body and I kiss his chest. He puts his hands on either side of my face, cupping it. He turns my face to his. He rests his forehead against mine. Our breath mingles. He picks his head up and as he lays the stray strand of hair behind my ear, he says. "I’m never letting you go. I hope you know that."

  "Let me remind your steel trap that you stole my breath and until you give it back to me, I’m not going anywhere."

  "Good, because I’m keeping it. Here." He taps his chest.

  "It’s safe there." I say as I lay my face on it.

  "Hmm. Time will tell." His arms pull me to his chest.

  I push up on my tiptoes and smile into the face of the most beautiful man I will ever hope to know. He is beautiful both inside and outside. "Time together."

  He scoops me off my feet and as he carries me to the bed, I ask him. "Weren’t we in a hurry?"

  "We need more of this time together."

  "Really...." I tease him.

  He tells me as he gently lays me down. "Really." He stands over me and our eyes lock. His holding mine captive. They never waiver. I see him unbutton each button of his shirt and I watch it slide off. Then I see him push his pants down and hear the soft sound as they land on the floor in a pile at his feet. His eyes honed in on mine, he climbs on top of me and envelopes me with his body. His lips find mine and whisper against them. "I cherish you, Siri."

  "Perfect!" I whisper against his and I see his eyes crinkle as he smiles.

  I hear him say in my mouth just before his kiss consumes me. "Don’t move. I’m going to kiss you like I want to be, because this feels like I’m falling. Kiss me like you want to be."

  "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran plays softly in my mind as I surrender to him, relinquishing all of myself to his will, allowing him to cherish me and he cherishes every inch of my body! He brings me to the brink of orgasm, only to ease me back down, extending my pleasure, again and again. I moan and moan, enjoying the extended foreplay, knowing he is becoming one with me. When he parts my legs with his and enters my zone, he braces on his forearms and wedges my face between them. He presses his kiss to my lips again. At the same moment, he slides both his tongue in my mouth and his cock in my pussy. Without thunder, without wildness, only cherishing, he becomes one with me and I soar into his heaven. As I orgasm, completely abandoning myself in the moment, I hear myself singing sweet, cooing sounds, humming the end of the song.

  He stays deep inside me as I lay recovering under him. He kisses my face forming a heart over it telling me between each kiss. "I ... cherish ... you ... Siri ... Wright."

  His sweet words bring a joy to my soul that no other words have brought to me before in my entire life. I hug his body tight. "Roll over, please, Sir. My turn. I’m going to kiss you like I am because I’ve already fallen. Kiss me like you want to be." He rolls under me with his cock still pressed into me. I straddle him and start to move. Slow and steady, kissing his chest, then his neck, as my pussy cherishes his cock completely. I demonstrate too how I feel about him.

  I cherish you. I choose you. I’m committed to you forever.

  He abandons his need to perform, and allows me to bring him to orgasm quickly and easily. When I feel his cock about to burst in me, I lay my lips over his and stick my tongue in his mouth. He sucks it with the rhythm of his explosion. When he is spent, I wedge his face between my arms and I place little butterfly kisses on his face in the shape of a heart. Between each kiss I tell him. "Maximus ... Aurelius ... Moore.... I ... truly... cherish ... you ... too."

  He smiles his big, beautiful smile at me, then he wraps his arms around me and closes his eyes, content. I lay my face on his chest and feel it rise and fall. I close my eyes content too. "I am." I whisper.

  "I am too."

  Chapter Three

  "Nap time is over. I have some surprises for you."

  I grin, stretch and suck air in through my teeth. "I love surprises." I open my eyes.

  He rolls away and sits on the side of the bed. He points to the living room. "Go."

  I slide off the bed and then skip in to the living room where I stand still at the place where he pointed earlier. With my hands clasped behind my back, my tits pushed out, I rotate my body back and forth waiting on him. I hear him turn the water on in the shower and step in. He takes a 5 minute bath. As he strolls in the room, he is dressed again. He is the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on.

  He sits down in the straight chair by the table and leans over, looking at my body, inspecting it for marks and hidden signs of bruising. He turns me slowly and I submit.


  "Yes, Beautiful Thang."

  "If you find marks, what then?"

  "What do you mean? We will shop another day."

  "No. If you find marks, will you hesitate to take me that way again?"


  "Please don’t find marks then, because I love it like that!"

  He laughs and spins me back around then pulls me between his legs. His hands slide around to cup my butt cheeks. He massages and caresses them as he lays his head on my abs. "No marks."

  "Whew! That’s a good thing." I run my hands over his muscular back. Stroking in big round circles, I massage his mounds of muscles. I’m enjoying the soft side of Aurei when my stomach growls really loud. He jumps back, then smiles up at me. I tell him with a smirk. "I’m starving!"

  He pushes me away. "Shower. Wash your pussy only. Get dressed in the clothes I will have out on the bed. Go to the restaurant. The hostess will seat you. Wait for me."

  "Damn, you’re bossy!"

  He points and I giggle, trotting off. I’ll be damned if it really does turn me on! Who would have ever thought me, of all people, would like being bossed around and spanked. Go figure!

  When I come out of the bathroom, I grin as I find one of my business suits laid out on the bed. It’s soft purple color is extraordinary, but it’s a cotton tailored suit and though it fits my hourglass shape like a glove, it is cool not warm. The pencil skirt, which finishes 4 inches ab
ove my knees, is long for me. The figure hugging jacket has a standup collar, big black buttons and no shirt. It’s chic and classy! On top of the suit is a pair of black thigh-high stockings trimmed with lace, a navy bra, a matching pair of navy panties, my iPhone, and sitting in front of the outfit is my wedge high heels. I pick up the iPhone and discover Aurei has sent me a text.

  *The unknown item you have discovered is a pair of panties. Place each of your dainty, dancer’s feet into each of the openings. Pull the panties up and over your perfect ass, completely covering your pussy. I do not desire to share the view of your nakedness, although beautiful, with the staff at the boutiques we will visit today.*

  I roll my eyes and giggle. A little tease is in order, Maximus Aurelius Moore. I remove the panties and take a picture of the items on the bed. I forward it to Aurei. While I wait for him to open it, I take a picture of each of my feet as I step into the panties. When he has seen the first picture, I see the rolling ***’s indicating he is typing a reply text. I grin, knowing he is going to tell me to put them on so I forward the next pictures. While I wait, I snap the next sequence. The panties in the middle of my thighs. I know when he opens the feet pictures, he will smirk.

  Let him explain that face to whoever he is meeting with.

  There is no longer any signs of typing. I wait a few moments, knowing he is waiting for the next picture and is likely fidgeting. I forward the thigh-high one. He opens it as soon as it arrives. I can see him grinning at his phone now and I image his cock growing needy. I snap the last picture of the navy panties and type, *She’s not happy about this!*

  I know he will be expecting to get a shot of the panties covering my pussy, but instead, he will open it to find a close up view of my naked pussy, Lovers Heart and all, as the panties approach it. I forward it, giggling and sit on the bed to finish getting dressed. I’m pulling on the stockings when I hear my phone ding. I pick it up and find a simple one word response. *Tough.*

  I laugh at loud and finish getting dressed quickly. I finger comb my hair, and pile it high on my head. I clip it and pinch my cheeks, bite my lips, then head out. I glance at the door of the nosey neighbors, but no one is watching.

  As I wait for the elevator to arrive I think about the surprises Aurei said he has for me. I can’t wait! I absofuckinglutely love surprises! When the doors open, I enter to discover it is full to overflowing with older men. No women.

  Must be a convention.

  I smirk to myself as I watch their eyes go from bored, to surprised, to happy in a split second. Several arms reach out to stop the doors from closing as they bunch together determined to make room for me. I wait patiently as they work out the spacing. The thought of not riding down with them, never crosses my mind. I have discovered that men enjoy the company of a woman who enjoys their company. No matter who the woman is or what she looks like, if she smiles and flirts, they will respond in kind and likely think of their encounter with her all day, no matter their age. I love the company of men. When they are ready, I smile at them and step aboard. The ride down is filled with silence. No one speaks. I keep my eyes averted from meeting any of theirs giving them confidence to enjoy the view. When the doors open, I exit and the commotion behind me begins. It sounds like every man in the elevator is trying to get out at the same time. Refusing to turn around and look, hoping no one is being trampled in the process, I glide to the top of the stairs.

  I see Aurei standing in the middle of the lobby floor between the front desk and Michaels. I see the same self-assured competence in his stature, but instead of seeing a pilot or a cowboy, I see a millionaire businessman conducting an informal meeting. He is surrounded by Carlo, Franco, Antonio, and Angelo. He spots me the instant I appear in his view. I float down the stairs and see the other men with him turn my way at the same time I hear the group of elevator men arrive at the top of the stairs behind me to watch my descent. When I touch down on the marble floor, my heels echo as I work my assets for everyone’s enjoyment. Aurei excuses himself, then steps around his group, and walks toward me.

  He walks like a God! I swear he does! He beams at me and lights up my world! I smile back and click over to him. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. He kisses the back, never taking his eyes off mine, then says in a husky voice. "You look good enough to eat."

  "I can see how hungry you are." I say as my eyes drop to his erection outlined in his pants.

  He chuckles. "It keeps happening to me, every time I see you."

  "Good." I tell him as my eyes dance.

  "What brings you down here?" He smirks now.

  "I was told to report for breakfast." I say looking over at Michael’s. It is closed. "Ah! You meant for me to go UP to the restaurant and wait for you."

  "Yes, Gia’s." He says as he leans down to kiss my cheek. "Order eggs for me. I won’t be much longer. We are wrapping up here."

  "Okie dokie, pokie." I tell him as I whirl around and strut away. I can see all the men on the stairs watching me, and know that Aurei’s group is still watching too, but the only eyes I feel are my man’s. And they feel fucking fantastic on me. When I reach the top of the stairs, the men part like an ocean wave and allow me to walk through. I turn to see Aurei still standing exactly where I left him.

  His eyes never left me. Fuck, that feels good to know.

  I give him a twinkling finger wave. His hands are in his pockets and he doesn’t move. He watches quietly as I turn and walk out of sight to the elevator.

  I push the up arrow and the doors open. The elevator is empty. I step on, and as I ride up, let my mind rehearse "Happy." I’m running through the hand motions, foot tapping out the count as the music plays in my head, when I arrive at the restaurant and the doors open. As soon as I step off, the hostess greets me.

  "Ciao, Miss Wright. This way, please." She leads me to the same table in the middle of the window area. "Maximus reserved the table for your stay. Do not wait. Sit."

  "Thank you." I read her name tag. "Ana."


  I nod, then sit facing the kitchen, knowing Aurei will want to face the entrance. As I wait , I look around the cafe. There is a couple involved in an intimate conversation with their heads bowed together. An older couple who aren’t talking, only looking out at the beautiful view. A few stray men and women sitting alone, sprinkled throughout.

  When the coffee arrives, the waiter pours it and as I add sugar and creamer, he takes my breakfast order. I order what we ate the morning before, except I add the eggs Aurei requested. "Please hold the order until Maximus joins me." He nods.

  When Aurei appears at the table, he smiles his radiant smile at me, then leans down and kisses my lips, then sits down as I reach to pour him a cappuccino and ask, "Did your meeting go well?"

  "First things first. Do you have on the panties?"

  I hand him the cup of coffee and giggle, knowing he has been wondering that the entire time. I’m such a naughty tease. "Of course!" I bat my eyes, innocently.

  The crinkle at his eyes appears as he takes the cup from me, and sips it. "Ah! That’s good."

  "Do you mean the coffee or my panty-ed pussy?"

  He chuckles, "Both."

  As he leans back in the chair, and answers my original question, I see over his shoulder a chic woman around forty rise from her table and glance at us.

  "The meeting went well. Carlo fired the person responsible. He apologized for their lack of judgment. What did you order for breakfast, Hongry Thang?"

  I laugh at his Alabama accent. "Sausage."

  He laughs at my answer. "Of course." He slides his open hand across the table to me. My eyes fall to his golden hand and I reach across, slipping mine into it. He pulls it to his lips as he leans down and kisses my open palm then tickles it saying, "I thought I might let you eat my sausage for dessert."

  "Umm." The sensation is pure orgasmic. My clit pulsates, my pussy lurches and my feet tingle. "Sounds delish!"

  Chapter Four

  Aurei blows
a stream of air on the wet spot on my palm and I tease him. "You know how much I love your sausage."

  He grins a 'sexy as hell' sideways grin and sits back up again. "Yes, I do."

  When I look up, the chic lady has stopped directly behind his chair and is eyeballing me all bitchy and snobby like with distain on her face as if I’ve intruded on her intimate moment with my man. I’ve run into her kind all my life. The judgmental elite.

  He has no idea she is there and strokes my hand. "Did you order my eggs?"

  It’s such a simple question, but I want to hug him for it. I give him a smile filled with gratitude and answer louder than necessary. "Yes, dear, I ordered your eggs."

  She steps closer and her possessive expression pisses me off. I lean toward him, smashing my tits onto the table and his eyes fall to my cleavage. I lower my face until we make eye contact again and I whisper, "Bitch alert."

  His relaxed smile freezes, then he frowns at me. "Pardon?"

  Nodding my head and gesturing with my eyes, I indicate there is a person standing right behind him. He sits up in his chair and turns to look.

  She lays a possessive hand on his shoulder and speaks to him, "Ciao, Maximus." Her expression as she speaks Italian is beautiful and inviting. When she looks at me, her smug expression says they’ve known each other for years.

  I try to withdraw my hand from his, but he closes his around it and holds it firm. When I look at him, he is looking at me, instead of her. He wears an 'I’m extremely bored' expression. A hint of a smirk crosses my face and I drop my eyes to the table to try to keep it from turning into an all out grin. I feel his middle finger touch my palm and tickle it, rubbing it back and forth. My pussy throbs as the sensation reminds it what magic he can perform with that one middle finger. I lift only my eyes to his face, afraid that I will be rude to this woman who has invaded our private meal. He grins at me. I see his eyes flash wickedness and then they cross and he tilts his head. I bust out laughing and his body shakes as he laughs too. The uninvited, rude bitch stops talking immediately and Aurei stands, turning towards her. He very casually says to her, but I recognize the undertones of a command. "Speak English, Adona."


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