Marrying the Football Billionaire

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Marrying the Football Billionaire Page 13

by Stephanie Street

  “Don’t you be all logical with me!” Oakley pointed with a shaking finger.

  Cam studied her for a moment. “Okay, hon. Alright. Obviously, this is going to take more than triple chocolate ice cream.” Cam made her way into the kitchen and pulled out a box of brownie mix.

  “What about Kaden?” Oakley called from the living room. She was a terrible mother. It was long past when she was supposed to pick up her son. As soon as she’d run into the break room, she’d texted her mom and let her know she’d be late. It happened all the time in the food business, Mercy hadn’t balked at all, saying they’d made cookies earlier and now Kaden was sitting on Grandpa’s lap watching an old Western. He’d probably fallen asleep by now and her mom had likely already put him to bed in the guest bedroom beside theirs.

  “Call your mom. Tell her you’re still at work and see if he can stay the night. He’ll be fine. Jerry loves taking him to breakfast on Saturday mornings and you know it.” Cam worked on mixing the brownie batter.

  Yes. That was just what she needed. Kaden was safe and Cam was right, her dad did enjoy taking Kaden to breakfast. He would be fine. She’d just stay at Cam’s until she got her head on straight or fell into a sugar coma whichever came first.

  “Okay.” Cam came back into her small living room carrying the bowl of brownie batter and two rubber spatulas. Brownie batter was serious business. They only indulged on special occasions, because salmonella. The last time they had some was the day Oakley’s divorce became final.

  Cam settled onto the sofa beside Oakley and handed her a spatula. “Tell me everything.”

  Cam blinked. “Are you telling me what I think you’re telling me? Chris, hottie with a naughty body, is actually Chris Bragg, ex-defensive player for the Denver Thunder and billionaire?”

  When she put it like that, it sounded so bad. Why had he lied to her? Why didn’t he just tell her who he was? She’d fed him sloppy Joe’s for crying out loud! Surely, he was used to caviar and champagne, not twenty-seven percent fat ground beef and off brand cola!

  Groaning, she let herself slide to the floor. It was worse than she thought! Oakley’s cheeks burned when she thought about the last few weeks. Each moment, from answering the door with toilet paper in her hand all the way to the kiss they’d shared earlier that day, was bad enough when she thought they were just a super hot house-flipper and a single mom, but he wasn’t a house-flipper. He was an ultra-rich playboy who could buy and sell her a billion times over because she didn’t have much more than a dollar to her name!

  “Oak, do you know what this means?” Cam sounded excited when she should have been commiserating with her.

  “That I’m a complete and utter fool?”

  “Well, yes, especially if you plan on letting him go.”

  Cam’s front room was silent except for the sound of eighties love songs coming from a set of portable speakers beside her thirty-two inch flat screen.

  Oakley sat up and stared at her friend. “Have you not been listening to a word I’ve been saying? My next door neighbor is a billionaire! He played eight seasons of professional football!” She’d looked it up. “In what universe does a guy like that want a woman like me? I’m a mother! I’m divorced. My bank account is completely empty. The only money I have is a small stash of cash in my underwear drawer.”

  Cam frowned. “You keep your cash in your underwear drawer?”

  “That is not the point!” Oakley jumped up and began to pace. “I googled him while I was waiting for you. He doesn’t date hardly ever. And when he does, it’s usually a celebrity. A model or an actress.” It would take years of bleaching her brain to rid it of the images she’d seen online of Chris with woman after woman on his arm at charity events and movie premieres.

  Cam waved her hand. “You can’t believe everything you see on the internet. And besides, usually those dates are all about PR.”

  “You don’t know that. And it doesn’t matter anyway. Guys like him don’t date women like me. He was probably just looking for some entertainment, someone to mess around with until he finished working on the house.” That’s what it was, he was bored. She was convenient and so incredibly available.

  In other words, she’d been desperate.

  An easy target for a guy like him.

  That’s all it was.

  Oakley felt Cam’s hand on her shoulder. “You know that’s not true. You know it.” Cam forced her to turn until they were eye to eye. “The guy you’ve been gushing about on the phone for the last month is not just messing around. If he was messing around would he be so sweet with Kaden? Letting him fall asleep on his shoulder and tucking him into bed like a father would? Would he have taken the time to buy those locks for your door and install them himself? Would he be worried about your car breaking down? Or wait in your driveway every night so he could carry your son inside where it’s safe?” Cam’s voice softened and Oakley’s eyes stung with built up pressure from the tears she tried to keep inside.

  “No,” Cam answered her own questions when it became apparent Oakley couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. “The answer is no, he wouldn’t. You can’t let Wes’s failures as a man keep you from finding something real, Oak. Chris is real.”

  “But he lied to me.” And it wasn’t just little lies. They were big lies.

  Cam nodded. “I know, hon. I know. But maybe you should find out why he lied.”

  Oakley sniffed. “What possible reason could there be to forgive lying?”

  Cam shrugged. “Only you know the answer to that. But I’ll tell you this, you’ll never know unless you hear him out.”

  “He probably doesn’t even care. I bet he’s relieved I found out. Now he can stop pretending.”

  Cam stared, obviously straining to keep herself from saying something. But she didn’t. Instead, her face smoothed and she smiled. “Let’s watch a movie. I bought a value pack the other day with five Molly Ringwald movies in it.”

  Oakley’s shoulders relaxed. “That sounds perfect. I’ll make the popcorn.”

  Cam fell asleep about halfway through the first movie. Oakley sat in front of the television but she couldn’t pay attention. All she kept thinking about was the look on Chris’s face when he realized she’d seen him and figured out who he really was.




  She rubbed her eyes with her palms. It was all so confusing. She didn’t know what to feel. A part of her was stunned. Chris Bragg. The man she’d felt this crazy connection to through the television a year ago. She couldn’t understand what it was about him getting hurt that stuck with her. Why couldn’t she forget about him?

  Then to find out Chris, her Chris, was that Chris? It was too much to take in, she couldn’t believe it. Girls like her did not just meet and fall in love with rich professional athletes, even if they were retired.

  Wait. Fall in love? Is that what she’d done? Had she fallen in love with Chris?

  She knew the answer but didn’t want to admit it, even to herself. It just made everything worse. How could she have fallen in love with another man who lied to her?

  Cam snored softly. She should go home. It was late. Surely Chris had already gone to bed. Kaden was safe at her parent’s house. She’d leave early and pick him up. Or maybe she’d just hang out at her parents for the day. Anything to avoid the man next door.

  Oakley picked up the mess they’d made for their impromptu pity party before waking Cam and nudging her toward her bedroom.

  “You can stay if you want.” Cam snuggled into her pillow.

  “That’s okay. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Oakley tucked the blanket up to her friend’s chin. “Thank you.”

  Cam grumbled. Wiggling her arm out, she wrapped it around Oakley’s neck, giving her a strangling hug. “Don’t be an idiot. He’s a good guy.”

  “Yeah. yeah. Talk to you later.” With that she left Cam’s apartment and drove home.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Oakley pulled into t
he cul-de-sac. Everything was dark except the lone street light at the entrance. Chris’s truck sat in his driveway, but his porch was empty. She wasn’t surprised. Several hours had passed since she raced out of the restaurant.

  She pulled into her own driveway, but she was distracted by the house next door. Was he asleep? A part of her wanted to confront him. Beg him to tell her why he lied. Why he made her fall for him.

  But she wouldn’t do that.

  Climbing out of her car she felt older than her twenty-four years. Her muscles were tight from stress and working. She missed her son and felt frustrated that she had to rely so much on her parents to care for him. She was heartsick about Chris and angry with herself for wanting nothing more than to spread a blanket in her backyard and sit with him at her side.

  She was so stupid.

  Head down, she made her way up to her front door.


  His voice in the darkness, made her pause mid-step. “Chris!”

  He stepped from the shadows. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ve been pacing.”

  He still wore his dark suit. As he moved closer she could see he’d loosened his black tie and untucked his gray button down shirt. His dark blonde hair stood in a million different directions as though he’d been running his hand through it for the last three hours.

  “You’ve been waiting all this time?”

  He stopped a couple of feet away, his eyes flicking toward her car. “Is Kaden asleep?”

  She shook her head. “He’s at my mom’s.”

  His shoulders fell and he stared at the ground between them a moment before meeting her gaze. “I’m sorry. I know you hate leaving him.” He cleared his throat. “I was worried about you. I kept thinking you were broke down somewhere. I still don’t have your number.” His voice trailed off.

  All the emotions she’d been holding in check rose to the surface at the tenderness in his voice. Tears flooded her eyes, blurring her vision.

  Chris frowned and took a step closer. He moved to reach for her but caught himself. “Don’t cry.” He groaned. “Please, baby, don’t cry.”

  Oakley blinked. Twin tears rolled down her cheeks. What was wrong with her? She’d managed to get through the last few hours without shedding a tear. Why now, when she so desperately wanted to be strong in front of him? A sob ripped from her throat. Oakley hugged her arms to herself. It was too much.

  Chris moved again, bringing his body as close to hers as he could get without actually touching her. She could feel his need to reach for her pouring off him, but he held back, his jaw clenched and hands fisted at his sides.

  “Oakley,” he murmured her name. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He reached again, his fingers stopping a breath from her cheek. His hand carried his scent to her nose and she breathed deeply. More tears spilled down her cheeks as she fought her desire. All she wanted was to lay her cheek in his hand. It didn’t matter that she planned earlier to tell him they needed to cool things off. She wanted to go back in time, before she learned of his betrayal when it was still okay to touch him, for him to touch her.

  But he did betray her. How could she ever trust him again?

  She shrunk away, intent on escaping to her house.

  He stopped her with a hand on her elbow. His touch was light, his skin rough and warm. She hated that she noticed.

  “Please,” he begged. “Please give me a chance to prove myself. I know I should have told you who I am. I should have told you everything. I never meant to hide it in the first place, but when you didn’t recognize me…I just,” he paused. From the corner of her eye, she saw his shoulders droop even lower.

  She waited, her head screaming at her to run while her heart, like him, begged her to stay. After a moment, Chris squared his shoulders.

  “Go on a date with me.”

  Surprised, Oakley spun to face him, her mouth gaping. “What?”

  He must have taken her lack of instant denial as a sign of hope because he took her arms in his hands and stepped close again, searching her face. “I know I don’t deserve it, but give me a chance to prove you can trust me.”

  “Why?” Why was she even considering it? But she knew the answer. Over the last few hours, she’d come to the realization that she loved him, and a small part of her still hoped there was a chance.

  Chris released her arms. He cupped her face in his large hands. “Because of this,” he murmured just before taking her lips with his.

  His arms wrapped around her. This kiss was different from the one earlier. That kiss had been filled with discovery, an exchange that showed how much passion sparked between them. This one, though, this kiss was a knowing. It spoke of more than infatuation, it rang with a connection that said forever with such fervor, Oakley was helpless to stop it.

  Chris slowly broke away. She watched with fascination as the muscles in his jaw worked while he collected himself. When his eyes finally met hers they were filled with determination.

  “Say yes.”

  She was so confused.

  “One date. That’s all I’m asking. Just one.”


  “Tomorrow. You have the day off, don’t you?”

  Oakley nodded. Was she really going to do this?

  “I’ll pick you up.”

  “What time?” This was crazy! She should just tell him no. And then move to Alaska. Anywhere but here.

  He smiled. Dipping his head, his lips grazed her neck under her ear. “Is that a yes?”

  “What about Kaden?” She dreaded leaving him again.

  Chris lifted his eyes to meet hers. “He’s coming, too. What time can you pick him up in the morning?”

  “You want to take my three-year-old on a date with us?”

  He grinned. “Yes. What time?”

  “Um, I don’t know-”


  Oakley blinked. “Eight?” Eight was kind of early for a date, even a date with a kid involved.

  Chris answered with a kiss. “Pack a bag for the day.”

  “The day?” Her eyes bulged. He wanted to take them for a date all day? Both of them?

  His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Yes.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the front door. Taking the key from her hand, Chris unlocked her door. “It’s gonna be amazing. I promise. Now, get some sleep. I’ll be here at seven forty-five and we’ll go get Kaden together.”

  Oakley turned to him, brows raised, still not exactly sure what was happening. What she was agreeing to. She blamed that kiss. “Together?

  Chris nodded emphatically. “Together.” He quickly bent to kiss her on the lips again. “Good night, Oakley. See you in the morning.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chris waited until Oakley set the deadbolt before turning to head to his own house. On the way, he pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. It took three tries before he got an answer.

  “This better be good.”

  “Carter, I need your help.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Chris crawled into bed after securing a promise from his brother that he’d take care of everything, or at least, call and wake up his assistant, Claire, so she could take care of everything. Either way, his plans for the next day had been set in motion. Chris set an alert on his phone to order flowers for Claire in the morning and an alarm to wake him up early enough to prepare things on his end.

  He was determined everything had to be perfect. There was no way he could face losing Oakley now.

  The next morning Chris rose feeling excited. Adrenaline pumped through his system like it was game day. And he supposed it was, only this was his life and the stakes were higher than they’d ever been. He couldn’t afford to lose this time.

  After quickly packing a few things for himself, Chris called to confirm Claire had been successful setting up everything he’d requested. He then contacted the florist to send a bright bouquet of yellow and white flowers to her office downtown as a thank you. He ran out to pick
up some breakfast pastries at the bakery a few blocks away, ignored three phone calls from Carter, and placed a call to Danny, deciding he was in it deep enough it was worth the interrogation from his friend to get what he needed. This day had to be just right if he had a chance to prove to Oakley he meant what he said, that she could trust him. Three promises to tell his friend everything the next time they saw each other later, Chris disconnected the call with the information he needed.

  At exactly seven forty-five, Chris opened the screen and knocked on Oakley’s front door. She opened it and immediately took his breath away.

  “You look beautiful.” He shook his head slowly while his eyes traveled from her loosely curled chocolate hair to the face he hoped to see everyday for the rest of his life. He took in her sundress clad body with curves his fingers itched to touch until he reached her sandaled feet. He couldn’t wait for this day to start.

  “Thank you.” Her soft words jerked his gaze back to her eyes, her mouth.

  Hoping he wasn’t going to get himself in trouble, he leaned forward, capturing her lips in a kiss that was way too brief. “Got everything?”

  She took a breath and shrugged. “I guess. I don’t really know what I need.”

  Knowing he’d purchase whatever she might not have packed, Chris picked up her bag. But then he remembered. “Swimsuits?”

  Oakley lifted her brow. “Swimsuits? We’re going swimming?”

  Chris just grinned. “Never know what the day might bring.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but then relented, a small smile tugging her pretty lips. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  Chris waited as she quickly moved between the two bedrooms, retrieving her swimsuit and Kaden’s.

  Back at his side, she stuffed the clothing into the bag he held and glanced up. “Towels?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I got that covered.”

  She eyed him again. “Where are we going?”

  “No way. Not telling. You ready?”

  Oakley glanced around, quickly scanning her house before saying, “I think so.”


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