You Break Me (The Prospect Series Book 2)

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You Break Me (The Prospect Series Book 2) Page 1

by Glenna Maynard

  You Break Me

  The Prospect Series

  Book 2


  Glenna Maynard & Dawn Martens

  You Break Me © 2019 Glenna Maynard & Dawn Martens

  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Cover Art and Formatting by Glenna Maynard

  You Break Me is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders, the author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Dear Reader





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  About Dawn

  About Glenna

  Dear Reader,

  The Prospect Series is as gritty and raw as it gets. We make no apologies for our asshole antihero bikers. This series doesn’t sugarcoat shit. If you are looking for a harder and darker read, then strap on your brain bucket and get ready for another fucked up ride that will have you cursing our names.


  Dawn and Glenna


  Glenna- To mending broken hearts. To finding love and keeping it real.

  Dawn- To the assholes and fuck ups, and the women who love them.


  Glenna- Thank you to everyone who enjoys the crazy shit that Dawn and I come up with and embracing the ride. My rebels and devils and beta readers you guys are so special to me.

  To my crazy ass bestie, Dawn, I love you bitch face, thank you for being the best co-writer and always going with the flow.

  To my family, thanks for feeding me and not caring that I ignore you while I write.

  Dawn – Shout out to everyone that enjoys Mine and Glenna’s brand of crazy, we wouldn’t be here without you.

  To the crazy people that beta read and proofed for us, you are total rockstars! And of course to my big sissy Della - Thanks for always loving me.

  To my bestie, G-baby, no one can ever say their best friend is better than mine, cuz you got all those bitches beat by a mile! Love you hard!!!

  You Break Me

  You can’t break what has already been broken.


  I don’t do relationships. I live by the outlaw code, to ride or die. Women are a dime a dozen and I can love’m and leave’m without a second thought. That is until I meet Nikki. The moment I see her I want to make her mine, but she’s not mine to tame. She needs saving but I’m no savior. I’m a bad man who only takes what I want until I never want it again.


  I’ve always lived by the biker code, but Nikki always made me want to change. I tried doing right by her, at least until I screwed up. I thought I lost her but now she’s back. I can finally try to make things right and win her heart. Except another brother is in my way, thinking he can be the man for her. Over my dead body. Nobody has ever made me break, but for Nikki, I’d break all of me. That is, if she’ll have me.


  I was doomed from the day I was born. The daughter of a clubwhore. A reminder of a husband’s betrayal. Unwanted and forgotten, I was tossed aside, like trash. The day I turned eighteen I ran away and never looked back. I ran straight into the arms of a monster. Another man who would break me.

  Two men think they can save me, but I doubt I have anything left to give.

  Will they be able to put me back together, or will they break the last remaining bit of my heart?



  “I do.” Repeating after the justice of the peace, I smile at Tricky, the man I love. He saved me after I ran away from the hell that I was raised in, and from the asshole who broke my heart. The man I gave my virginity to, despite my foster mom always calling me a whore. I had saved myself for a good man who really loves me. He takes care of me and treats me like a queen. I was afraid when I first met him, because he was a biker and I’d had enough of asshole bikers in my life. He showed me though, he is nothing like the men I ran from. Tricky has proven himself in how treats me.

  He’s sweet and gentle with me. I told him I didn’t want to get married just because I’m two months pregnant, but he swears he is marrying me because he loves me and can’t wait to spend his life with me. We’re going to give our child what neither of us ever had ourselves—a loving and inviting home with two responsible parents.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife, biker and old lady. Kiss!” The older man announces as the men standing behind us cheer.

  Tricky grabs me, grinning wolfishly at me, and slams his mouth on mine. His tongue sweeps through my mouth tasting of pure desire and a shiver courses down my spine. Pulling away, he smirks and bends down, putting his shoulder into my stomach, tossing me over him. Everyone around us laughs as we leave the hall like this. I laugh, slapping his ass. “Put me down, caveman.”

  “I’ll put you down when we get home, I ain’t lettin’ you up for air all night,” he jokes before setting me down next to his motorcycle.

  “Let’s get home.” I smile brightly up into his face.

  “Hey, Tricky baby.” Some girl purrs, sashaying up to us. She doesn’t even spare me a glance as she leans into him. Her big tits practically spill out of her leopard print top and if her pants get any tighter, they will need surgically removed. Her whore red fingernails dig into his tattooed arm with possession.

  “Excuse me.” I glare at her, moving in close to my man, my new husband. Our rings aren’t even warm on our fingers yet. “Tricky?” I look into his deep brown eyes seeing
a change in him. He has an expression on his face that I’ve never seen before. My throat feels tight and I struggle to keep my composure. My stomach coils in response to his daggered glare.

  The trashy woman snorts. “Just because you’re his old lady now, don’t mean shit. I had him last night, I’ll have him again tomorrow. You mean nothing,” she shrieks with laughter as though she has told the funniest joke ever.

  I feel like I’ve just been punched in the gut. I back away from the man who vowed to love and protect me just moments ago with tears filling my eyes. Before I get too far from him, he grabs me roughly, squeezing my arm. I can already feel the deep contusion shaped like his fingerprints starting to take form. “Tricky, let me go, now,” I plead with him. “Just let me go. I can’t do this,” I let out in a broken sob as my heart shatters. Today was the happiest day of my life and now it is competing with the worst two. One—the day my mother was murdered and two—the day the first man I thought I loved betrayed me.

  A hand flies at my face and my head whips to the side. Tricky backhands me so hard I almost fall over, but his grip on me keeps me upright. “Keep your mouth shut, bitch. Kitty, you know the rules, unless I give you permission you don’t talk to me or my woman, ever. Now gimmie that mouth and take off, I gotta go fuck my new wife.” His cruel crude words turn the walls of my stomach inside out. Each word slicing into my heart like razor blades. I feel faint. She leans into him, her body touching mine as she does and lays one on him. A sloppy wet kiss that nails the coffin shut that holds what love I felt for this man. He bites her bottom lip and squeezes her ass. My husband is making out with another woman right in front of me. What happened to the Tricky from an hour ago? The man who said I was the love of his life. The man who made love to me and made a life with me. The man who promised he would never hurt me. That he was different than the rest.

  It’s in this moment I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. I look down at my hand, at the ring he slid onto my finger only minutes ago, it’s meaningless. Thoughts of running enter my mind but Tricky keeps a firm grip on my wrist. I’ll have another bruise later. I feel like I am in a bad dream that I can’t escape. I’ve always heard women talk before about relationships like this, the ones where, while they’re dating their men are sweet and kind, but the second they say I Do it’s like a switch goes off and they are a totally different person. Never thought it would happen to me. Never thought I could be stupid enough not to see through bullshit.

  Minutes later, I’m on his bike, hanging on so I don’t fall off the back, trying to think of a way to get out of this. I don’t want to live this life. I can’t be with a man who thinks this is okay. I swore I’d never be with a man like my father and now look at me. I married the first bastard who gave me an ounce of attention and affection.

  The second the front door shuts I’m on the floor, and a boot connects to my ribs.

  “Don’t ever fuckin’ speak to me like that again.” He unzips his pants, forcing me to my stomach, and rips my underwear away once my dress is lifted up.

  “Stop, please, Tricky, don’t do this.” I cry and try to scramble away. “You could hurt the baby,” I remind him of the life we created, hoping our child will bring back the man that I thought I married. My hand goes to my stomach protectively.

  Bringing up the baby only seems to make him angrier and more aggressive. He grabs my hair, pulling my head up, and slamming it back down into the floor. Blood spurts from my nose. “Scream, that’s it. Good girl,” he says as he rams his cock into me, over and over again. “You’re mine, forever.” He growls, as he roughly plows into me.

  When he’s through with me he stands up and gives me a disgusted look. My eyes are swelling shut from all the tears I have cried. I shakily get up off the floor and sway into the wall trying to catch my balance. Nausea consumes me as I rush to the kitchen and throw up in the sink.

  “Clean that shit up, take a shower, then come to bed. We ain’t done fuckin’ yet,” Tricky says, grabbing the back of my neck, giving me a squeeze. “It’s my wedding night after all.” He lets out a laugh, so evil I can feel it in my bones.

  I escaped one hell, only to end up in another.

  What the fuck have I done?

  Chapter 1


  “Prospect, get behind the bar, ol’ Rusty got sick, he ain’t comin’ in tonight.” Prez tells me, and I nod. This sucks. I was lookin’ forward to the bang party. The fuckin’ Blue Devils are here, and those fucks party hard. Half the time when women find out they’re gonna be here, this place is packed wall to wall, bitches just waiting for their chance to fuck a biker.

  Now I’m gonna miss most of the action, and I’ll probably get stuck with someone’s sloppy seconds. Perfect. As a prospect, I pretty much just take whatever I can get, hopefully I can fully patch in soon—earn my cut and be able to fuck any bitch in this place I want.

  The party is in full swing, and Wrecker, the new VP of the Blue Devils has women panting after him. One bitch even ripped her clothes off and begged him to take her. Lucky fuck.

  I watch him lead three bitches down the back hall.

  “Prospect, you can go enjoy now, everyone can just grab their own shit.”

  I nod and grab the first woman I can and drag her down the hall. I pass Wrecker as I go, he’s got a bitch suckin’ his cock, while he sits back and watches another woman that’s eatin’ out another bitch. I’m gonna cum in my jeans before I get any of my own action. Fuck.

  He looks up and grins at me. “You can join in, I don’t stick my dick in strange cunt, my Old Lady would cut it off, you may as well get some use outta these bitches. I’m about done here.”

  My eyes widen. He seriously doesn’t fuck other bitches?

  “You seriously don’t fuck around?” I ask him completely shocked. How is that possible?

  He shakes his head. “If you knew my old lady, you would be scared too. I have it good at home, I’ll never fuck that up again. You want a real good time, should hit up the diner about forty miles out, waitress there is stacked as fuck. Hot pussy, huge tits. Almost had my cock in that cunt once, but I missed my chance. You should check her out.” His advice about the big titted waitress has my cock aching. I might have to pay that place and that bitch a visit.

  His eyes close and the bitch sucking him off starts to gag and some of his cum leaks out of her mouth. He yanks the bitch that just finished sucking him off up by the hair. “I’m done, gotta hit the hay and ride out first thing. Ladies, thanks for the fun, but this prospect here needs some action. Milk the fucker dry.” Wrecker gives me a wink and walks out.

  Well shit, can I handle four women at once?

  The woman I dragged down here with me starts taking her clothes off and lays on the bed with the other three. She smiles at me as she starts to play with her clit. She has a bitch on each side of her sucking on her titties. The fourth bitch grabs me by the hand and pulls me down on the bed as I kick the door shut.

  My shirt comes up over my head and is tossed aside. I kick my boots off then my jeans. I feel like I am at a damn pussy buffet. Fuck yeah. I reach into the bowl of condoms on the nightstand and roll one on. These bitches start playing musical chairs with my dick, each taking a seat on my lap and riding me hard.

  The next morning, I awaken to one of the bitches stuck to my chest. I maneuver to remove myself from the tangled limbs. I gotta take a damn leak. I shove up off the bed and open the window. I start pissing when someone shouts, “Goddamnit, Prospect.” I look down to see I just pissed on Loco. I shake my dick and give him the finger. I hate that prick anyway.

  I shake my head trying to wake up and pull my clothes back on from the night before. As I sit on the edge of the bed putting my boots back on one of them bitches from last night runs a hand along my neck. “You were wonderful last night, lover.”

  I shrug her hand off. “Fuck off. I got shit to do.”

  Downstairs, Prez calls me into his office. Slumping down in the chair, I’m still feeling hu
ngover from all the pussy I had last night. “Got a job for you. Rico is gonna come with you. This is between you and me. No one else needs to know.”

  I nod, and he hands me a slip of paper with an address.

  “Rico knows what I want. Get gone.”

  I look up the address. It’s for a strip club. I wipe a hand over my head and grab a quick shower before meeting up with Rico.

  I can’t be looking for today’s fuck with last night’s pussy still clinging to me.


  Well fuck me, like an arrow shot straight through my heart, I think I’m in fuckin’ love. “Who is that?” I slap Rico in the gut as a raven-haired beauty takes to the stage.

  “Don’t even fuckin’ look, brother. She’s not for you. That is Tricky Dick’s old lady, Star.”

  “What’s she doing dancing in a dump like this then?” I watch as her lean legs wrap around the pole. Goddamn the sexy bitch knows how to work it. She’s grinding her snatch on the pole putting on one helluva show. My dick grows harder as I watch her perform. Her perfect tits bounce under her beaded top. Damn the things I could do with a sexy siren like her beneath me.

  As if she knows I am having all sorts of fucked up and dirty thoughts about her, the most dangerous, exotic green eyes meet mine and she blushes as I shoot her a cocky grin.

  Rico shakes his head. “You’re asking for trouble if you go barkin’ up that tree, Prospect.”

  Licking my lips, I can’t help but picture her riding my face. “Trouble is my middle name.” I knock back the rest of my beer and walk toward the stage.

  Tricky’s cunt slithers across the stage like a viper ready to strike. Her pearly whites dig into her bottom lip as I toss a few bills on the stage. If I were him, I would be damned if anyone saw her naked.

  Rico joins me and reminds me, I’m not here for pleasure, I’m here to gather intel. Tricky Dick has been moving in on the territory of the club I am prospecting for, the Jacks Devils.


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