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Candescent Page 11

by Zoey Ellis

  “Hmm,” Ria said thought­fully. “I thought you might like to touch them.”

  “Ria,” he growled, the in­tense plea­sure surg­ing through him.

  “Shall I touch them for you?”

  Thorec groaned as his mate gen­tly squeezed her breast and flicked her nip­ple un­til it was hard and beg­ging for his mouth. “I’m go­ing to fail,” he rum­bled.

  At that, Ria laughed with de­light and low­ered her warm mouth to suck on him, her eyes sparkling with glee. “There is a first time for ev­ery­thing, my Al­pha.” He came hard, his hips thrust­ing up into her mouth, and he reached for­ward to grab her bare breast as she drained him of ev­ery drop.

  As the or­gas­mic rush faded, he lifted her up and held her se­curely against him, her round belly push­ing into his chest as he gave her a dis­ap­prov­ing look. “That doesn’t count.”

  Ria pouted. “You’re a sore loser, Thorec.”

  “When I can chase you all over this hill and fuck you un­til you are deliri­ous, you can try again, my brave chal­lenger.”

  Laugh­ing, Ria slipped her arms around his neck. “I hope you know I will keep try­ing un­til I win.”

  Thorec smiled as he pulled her for­ward and kissed her deep and long, sa­vor­ing the feel of his Omega as the sun re­treated, and know­ing that one day, he would let her.

  The End

  Thank you for read­ing Can­des­cent: A Myth of Omega stand­alone! If you have en­joyed this story please con­sider leav­ing a re­view.

  Who will find his Omega next?

  COM­PUL­SION: A Myth of Omega stand­alone

  Lox war­rior, Ro­clan, is con­vinced there is no Omega for him.

  How can there be?

  He’s tried so hard to find her and been un­suc­cess­ful at ev­ery turn.

  When he is sent to re­solve a dis­pute sur­round­ing the life of an Omega healer, he re­al­izes he must keep her alive and de­mand that she stay with him.

  If only to ex­plore the deep com­pul­sion that she is his to claim.

  Se­cure your copy of COM­PUL­SION

  Dis­cover MYTH OF OMEGA

  For a deeper ex­pe­ri­ence of this car­nal, mag­i­cal fan­tasy ro­mance world, start with the story of the em­peror and em­press, CRAVE TO CON­QUER.

  He con­quered an Em­pire - and she’s next.

  The most sav­age Al­pha in the land is re­lent­lessly search­ing for his Omega.

  And she’s hid­ing right un­der his nose.

  Ar­ro­gant ruler, Drocco, en­lists Cai­lyn to help him find a mate — but he yearns to dom­i­nate her.

  Know­ing her life would be over if he ever dis­cov­ered she was an Omega, Cai­lyn is trapped.

  She came for his se­crets, pre­pared for his wild na­ture, but not for the ef­fect he would have on her.

  Their ir­re­sistible at­trac­tion puts them both at risk… and ev­ery­thing they thought they knew is changed for­ever.

  What read­ers are say­ing:

  ★★★★★ “Hot al­pha, all-con­sum­ing world, strong hero­ine - su­per hot read. Be pre­pared for ad­dic­tion!”

  ★★★★★ “This book is filled with holy hot­ness, sus­pense and dark­ness, and left me sali­vat­ing for more!”

  ★★★★★ “If you want RAW, AN­I­MAL­IS­TIC AND SEX-SAT­U­RATED con­tent, this tril­ogy is the one.”


  As he sat down, he saw Cai­lyn en­ter. He couldn’t take his eyes from her as she threaded through the crowd to­ward him. He al­most held his breath as he stared. The woman was ut­terly gor­geous. Her hair had been swept up again re­veal­ing that del­i­cate neck, and the dress clung to ev­ery de­li­cious curve. Fi­nally he could see her lus­cious fig­ure in de­tail and it had been worth the wait. With the cut of the dress re­veal­ing the tops of her shoul­ders, her sim­ple el­e­gance seemed out of place among the rau­cous crowd.

  His guards let her through at his in­struc­tion and she climbed the plat­form and stood be­fore him, her head low.

  “I’m not pleased you had to be sum­moned, kit­ten,” he said, lift­ing his ale and keep­ing his eyes on her.

  “I’m sure you can un­der­stand I wasn’t ea­ger to at­tend, con­sid­er­ing your plans to…” Her voice pe­tered out, her head lifted and she closed her eyes, sway­ing slightly. Then her eyes opened, widen­ing as an ex­pres­sion of hor­ror seeped into her face.

  Drocco frowned, con­fused, and then a scent hit him. A rich, lus­cious, sub­lime scent, like noth­ing he had smelled be­fore. It pen­e­trated ev­ery part of him, caus­ing a yearn­ing so pow­er­ful that sud­denly ev­ery fiber of his be­ing switched to high alert.

  “No,” Cai­lyn whis­pered, tak­ing a step back. “No. It can’t…”

  Drocco ig­nored her and leaned for­ward, try­ing to de­ci­pher what he was ex­pe­ri­enc­ing. A fog be­gan to swamp his mind, and the only clear thought emerg­ing was that he needed that scent—it be­longed to him. He turned his head slowly seek­ing it out, and then snapped back to Cai­lyn. It was her.

  Cai­lyn glanced around wildly as she backed away, her whole body tense and poised to bolt.

  Drocco rose slowly, ev­ery inch of him aware of ev­ery inch of her. A raw hunger de­vel­oped as he took in her ter­ri­fied ex­pres­sion, her scent blos­som­ing into an aroma so en­tic­ing, so com­plex, his cock hard­ened to rock. At the same time, the guards be­hind her be­gan to turn and look at her, their nos­trils flar­ing.

  Some­thing snapped in Drocco. He swept for­ward and lifted Cai­lyn, throw­ing her over his shoul­der be­fore storm­ing out of the Great Hall. He ma­neu­vered through the cor­ri­dors of the palace to the near­est pri­vate space he could find, try­ing to ig­nore the sweet aroma fill­ing his nos­trils. He could barely think. All he knew was that he needed to be alone with her. His guards would be fol­low­ing him; he wanted to lose them.

  He ar­rived at his barely used of­fice and en­tered with­out break­ing his stride. Head­ing to the cen­ter of the room, he put her down, keep­ing his hands on her soft body as he breathed her in.

  She looked up at him and he froze. Her brown irises had mor­phed to in­clude a hint of gold—a gold he had only ever read about, a gold that no one had seen in one hun­dred and eleven years.

  “Are you an Omega?” he said, his voice hoarse with dis­be­lief.

  She took ad­van­tage of his shock to stum­ble away from him to the far wall. “What did you do?” she cried. She pressed her­self up against the wall and al­most sobbed. “They’re gone. They’re all gone! What did you do?”

  Drocco watched her eyes turn­ing more golden as the sec­onds passed. “Ex­plain your­self, Cai­lyn Lefroy,” he de­manded. “Are you an Omega, or have you taken some­thing?”

  The woman moved along the wall and then back again, look­ing around fran­ti­cally. Her scent seeped into the room al­most lazily, and it called to Drocco to cease all the ques­tion­ing and rip that dress off of her. But he forced him­self to re­sist. He needed to know what had changed. How could she sud­denly smell so good and have ac­quired the in­fa­mous golden eyes of an Omega in her Haze? Was it a trick? Hadn’t Mal­loron men­tioned Haze recre­ators com­ing into the city more of­ten? She could be try­ing to trap him as re­venge for her sis­ter. And yet, as Drocco con­tin­ued to watch her, she be­came more des­per­ate.

  “Tell me,” he de­manded. “Are you an Omega?”

  She bent over, press­ing her hands be­tween her legs, and groaned. That groan shud­dered through him, and his al­ready hard cock jumped painfully. He stepped to­ward her.

  Her head snapped up. “Don’t move!” she snarled at him, hold­ing out a hand. “Don’t come near me.”




  Randie, you are amaz­ing! I don’t know how I would get by with­out your in­put, not only with the ed­its but
your knowl­edge and un­der­stand­ing of my work. Thank you for be­ing so com­mit­ted and sup­port­ive, and al­ways go­ing over and above.

  Mar­garita, what fun we had with this one! You are truly an in­cred­i­ble per­son. Thanks so much for talk­ing things through with me, and for all your pa­tience and sup­port and cheer­lead­ing.

  To my Dark Ha­los, I hope you en­joyed this lit­tle ad­di­tion to the Myth of Omega world! It only ex­ists be­cause of all the sup­port you’ve shown the se­ries. Thank you!

  As al­ways, I couldn’t do this with­out the in­cred­i­ble sup­port of my fam­ily and friends. Love you all so much x

  About Zoey El­lis

  Zoey El­lis is a Fan­tasy Ro­mance au­thor who writes dark-edged ro­mances about tor­tured, pos­ses­sive, al­pha anti-he­roes and the sassy hero­ines who be­long to them (even if they don’t want to!). Filled with pas­sion­ate, car­nal steam, Zoey’s sto­ries fea­ture cou­ples that go through tough jour­neys and make mis­takes but ul­ti­mately have to grow for each other to sur­vive the dark worlds they in­habit.

  De­scribed as ‘de­li­ciously dark’ and ‘un­put­down­able’, Zoey’s thrilling, fan­tas­ti­cal ro­mances come com­plete with roller-coaster twists and turns, unique worlds, and happy end­ings.

  Zoey is a Lon­doner, cat mama, and proud ro­mance and epic fan­tasy ad­dict. She loves jeal­ous/pos­ses­sive he­roes, sex­ual ten­sion that jumps off the page, and mem­o­rable, mag­i­cal worlds. She reads most gen­res of ro­mance and has a spe­cial love for the ‘true mates’ trope and dark angst.

  When not work­ing on her sto­ries, she is usu­ally gam­ing, bud­dy­ing read­ing with friends or stum­bling upon new and ridicu­lous ways to mess up a date!

  She of­fers ex­clu­sive news, bonuses, and give­aways to her reader’s group, Dark Ha­los: to get the ex­tras, join the Face­book group and join the read­ers list.

  Snoop around Zoey’s on­line home for her fa­vorite reads, re­lease news, and bonus me­dia about her fan­tasy worlds: www.zoeyel­




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