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Analog Science Fiction and Fact

Page 51

by January February 2018 (pdf)

  wanted me to love her back. I . . . think that

  able to resist hanging on for one last, grand

  sometime in our travels, somehow without me

  experiment: the one you and I have just com-

  quite noticing, she managed that much. I’ll


  have some bad moments for a while. But as

  “So, your victims . . .”

  long as we’ve been together, making our way

  “The only real decision left to make, in the

  to you, she’s always urged me to put my mis-

  end, was whether to dispose of them in the

  sion aside . . . and so I finally realized that this

  usual manner, or provide them the more hu-

  was also the hidden point of your wager, the

  mane fate you agitated for. With that settled,

  agenda that the two of you have always shared

  and within the time I have made sure that I’m

  from the beginning: getting me to accept the

  medically guaranteed, I now give you my word

  premise that surrender wouldn’t be too bad.”

  that I will embark upon their emancipation as

  “She was sincere about that,” Silver con-

  soon as you and I complete what I suppose we

  fides. “Even if that meant life as a prisoner be-

  may call the post-mortems.” The lolling head


  straightens itself, and his clouded eyes bore an

  “That,” Draiken admits, “was the single part

  uncanny, malignant focus into his. “Tell me,

  that came closest to fooling me. The night be-

  sir: when did you know?”

  fore I agreed to your experiment, she begged

  “Almost immediately,” Draiken says. “Not

  me to give in, disappear with her, and give up

  long after I woke up and saw her. I knew you

  the rest of her lives to living in peace. It sound-

  hadn’t taken her by force, and when she told

  ed just like an entreaty natural to anyone who

  me otherwise I knew she was lying.”

  was sick of fighting, and for much of the time I

  “Interesting. Elaborate.”

  was stuck down there, I quite naturally spent

  “You’re a terrible person, but you never had

  hours wishing that I’d been less stupid and tak-

  any real reason to trick me. This is, after all, a

  en her up on it, as any man would prefer. Cer-

  world owned by your backers, a world whose

  tainly, your prison was nowhere near as

  residents, and visitors, you can claim at will.

  comfortable as my exile on Greeve.

  Had you ever wanted to force me into becom-

  “But that was my def inition of comfort,

  ing your test subject, you could have just had

  wasn’t it? Not hers. Hers was always the option

  me arrested. You could have had me gassed in

  of retreating inside a cell. Freedom, luxury, nat-

  my lodgings, or summoned any number of

  ural wonders, fun things to do, all those things

  minions like Edifice to overpower me. You did

  that we could have had on the kind of world

  none of these things. You offered a wager, and

  she repeatedly proposed as alternative, they

  took me only when I accepted. That made you

  were secondary: things she was willing to have

  something that my past jailers have never

  for my sake, but was willing to sacrifice as long

  been: reliable.”

  as she still had me and the one other thing she

  “Go on.”

  really wanted. Given those requirements, why

  “So all that time I was in Elba alone, proving

  wouldn’t she accept the conditions of a prison,




  as long as she could get me to accept those

  doom everybody below, including Thorne, to

  conditions with her?”

  imprisonment under the conditions he has

  Silver chuckles, an affectionate and compas-

  made for them.

  sionate laugh that makes Draiken want to pum-

  But after about a minute he regains control,

  mel him. “Indeed. Why wouldn’t she?”

  shakes his head wearily, and says, “You still fail

  “All I want to know is how long ago she

  to get it, sir.”

  made the arrangements.”

  “Indeed? What do I miss?”

  Silver’s grin grows wider and more reptilian.

  “You haven’t sacrificed a damn thing. As I’ve

  “Oh, years, my dear man. Simply years.”

  already pointed out, I’m dying by choice and


  ready to put all my toys back into their little

  “Of course. The painstakingly gathered in-

  boxes, before the time f inally comes to shut

  telligence that ultimately brought you here was

  off the lights. This closure you seek, if you real-

  redundant, my boy. She’s always known how

  ly want it, you can sate it by conf irming my

  to find me. A long time ago, she found a mo-

  end, and your success in acquiring freedom for

  ment of privacy, apart from you, and contact-

  the unfortunates below. Beyond that, you can

  ed the man who had once imprisoned and

  also now see all that’s always been at stake be-

  interrogated her, to present a scenario where

  tween you and Thorne, freeing you to claim

  the two of you would both surrender to my

  your reward anywhere you want, and not just

  custody. She wasn’t even a valuable asset any-

  here. With all secrets revealed, healing be-

  more. Like you, she had been out of the busi-

  comes possible.

  ness so long that she no longer possessed any

  “The two of you can still retreat wherever

  intelligence worth extracting. But her offer

  you wish, even to that tropical paradise you

  was an intriguing one on an academic level,

  spoke of, and exist to the end of your days

  and so the two of us were able to come to

  knowing that you’ve taken matters of con-

  terms, always with the understanding that in

  science as far as is humanly practical. Do that,

  the interim she was determined to employ

  and whether you believe it or not, I’d even

  every means of persuasion at her disposal to al-

  meet my own end feeling happy for you.”

  ter your suicidal trajectory and satisfy you with

  The next moment extends well past its use-

  a life not wasted interfering with the agenda of

  ful life span, eons to Draiken, the emotions

  powers beyond your reach.”

  churning inside him like poison. Then the

  Draiken’s chest burns. “She almost managed

  churning goes away, and he feels a terrible de-

  it a few times.”

  termined calm, driven by a chill that he knows

  “Of course she did. It was not just love; it

  will never leave him.

  was self-preservation. The way she saw it, her

  He says, “I could never trust her again.”

  own trajectory was linked to yours. She want-

  Silver counters, “You could never trust her

  ed something better than what awai
ted at the


  end of your shared road. But steering you away

  “True. But even if I found it in myself to for-

  turned out to be beyond her power.”

  give what she’s done, I’d still know that you

  “Not by much,” Draiken admits, with a re-

  were out there: not you personally, but the

  gret that almost rips the heart out of him. “Do

  others still behind you, the others like you. I’ll

  you want to know something? At the very end,

  concede her the right to surrender to apathy if

  even knowing what I knew, I almost gave her

  she wants. But I won’t. Not as long as I draw

  what she thought she wanted. Because as it

  breath. So you will pay off the wager, and you

  happens, I do crave everything she craves: a lit-

  will tell me where I need to go next.”

  tle peace, someone to love, some happiness at

  Silver’s immediate response to that is a long

  the end of my days. I could have had those

  slow nod, the gesture of any old and dying

  with her. I just couldn’t have the other thing I

  man who faces the end of his left bereft of any

  need: the satisfaction of shutting you down,

  remaining illusions.

  and of shutting everybody like you down. So I

  “Alas,” he says. “She always did have the

  turned my back on her.”

  most infuriating things to say about your

  Silver explodes in a coughing fit, which lasts


  for so long that Draiken fears he will perish

  right now instead of days from now and thus

  It is now seventeen station days later.




  Draiken sips coffee on a balcony café at the

  the restroom, slides back into the seat opposite

  Liberty spaceport, overlooking the view of the


  cargo bots loading one vessel or another. The

  “Welcome back,” Draiken says.

  coffee is delicious, some of the best he’s had in

  “I’m surprised to see you still here,” Edifice

  years, and a surprising comfort on this world

  reports. She wears a crystalline amulet con-

  where he’s known so much grief.

  taining some of the odious Silver’s ashes; a

  The view is less satisfying. He’s aware that

  keepsake she will likely carry with her, com-

  some travelers enjoy watching the activity be-

  pulsively protecting, to the end of her years. “I

  hind the scenes, even if it’s behind-the-scenes

  would have thought you’d ditch me while I

  activity cleared for public display, like what

  was gone, taking advantage of my brief ab-

  sprawls below. For his part, he’s always been

  sence to arrange some other itinerary.”

  cursed by his training to regard the doings of a

  “What’s the point of that? I’m still going

  port not as a dull to moderate entertainment

  where I’m going. Nobody has to intercept me,

  but as a potential source of intelligence, and

  not when they know where I’m headed.”

  even as the various parcels and crates are

  “I’m not sure of that. You’re a devious man.

  loaded, he cannot help taking mental notes of

  You could have a subtler approach in mind.”

  their marked destinations.

  “No. Just a direct one. I think it’s likely the

  It has been a busy two and half weeks. He’s

  most powerful advantage I have, over those in-

  stayed around long enough to watch as Silver’s

  clined to design labyrinths.—No,” he says,

  various prisoners were restored, if not exactly

  shaking his head, “I’ll be reporting to bluegel

  to their prior selves, then at least to beings ca-

  suspension in no more than an hour. I have no

  pable of perceiving the humanity around

  need for any more complicated plans.”

  them. It has not been a pleasant spectacle, ei-

  “I do,” she says, with palpable regret.

  ther. Some were prisoners for years, and all are


  damaged, a state he can only empathize with;

  “Silver imprisoned a lot of people, but he

  a few are in states that approach outright psy-

  was not responsible for the restrictions on my

  chosis and will not be free in any real sense for

  own free will. The Bettelhines were. They

  years, if ever. But a few, like the young woman

  merely transferred ownership to him. The tech-

  he encountered after leaving Thorne, have al-

  nology is completely different, so he couldn’t

  ready taken advantage of the f inancial settle-

  do anything to free me. I’m still what I am, and

  ments afforded them in Silver’s will and

  as it happens, now that he’s gone I have no

  booked flights off-world. She’d been permitted

  more orders left to carry out for him, or for any-

  to know that he was her rescuer and had em-

  body else. I could go with you as an ally.”

  braced him, weeping, for longer than he was

  This is unexpected. He gives her a curious

  comfortable with, before accepting his advice

  look. “What would you do if I said no?”

  to waste no time getting as far from Liberty as

  “Nothing,” she says, as matter-of-factly as she

  possible. He dares to hope that she’ll be all

  says everything else. “That’s the main problem


  with being what they’ve made me: I have no

  He suspects that maybe one in ten of the

  ambitions and can form no plans beyond those

  others will ever achieve a state anywhere ap-

  approved by others. Silver died without specif-

  proaching all right, but at least their journeys

  ically putting me in the command of anyone

  are begun. He can no longer help them, only

  else, so I’m compelled to find someone else to

  those who come after them, and at least he’s

  provide orders. Since seeing to your safe de-

  also had the satisfaction of being outside the

  parture is my last existing order, and there are

  chamber where Silver’s corpse was fired to a

  no potential others, I’m compelled to declare

  flaky grey ash.

  you the most acceptable heir.”

  None of this affords him any particular sense


  of satisfaction.

  “Say the word,” Edifice urges him, “and I’d

  He has discovered that on this road he’s on,

  take satisfaction in serving you, in any capaci-

  satisfaction will likely always be withheld from

  ty, without any reservation. There’d be no pos-


  sibility of me betraying you the way Thorne

  He is still sipping his coffee when his com-

  did, and with my physical gifts I’d be useful

  panion since his escape, fresh from a visit to

  protection against any opposition you’re likely




  to encounter. Yo
u shouldn’t consider it taking

  human master’s next order.

  advantage of me. It’s my nature, and it would

  “Please,” she says, urgently. “I need this. I

  make me happy.”

  can’t live without it. You know that.”

  “I see,” he says, taking a sip as a delaying tac-

  “I believe you.”

  tic. “Happiness is a good thing. But what if I

  It would be so easy to say yes, especially

  don’t want a slave?”

  now that he faces the next part of his long

  “The only other alternative for me, I’m

  journey alone. He’s come to like Edif ice, de-

  afraid, is emptiness.”

  spite himself; he would never take sexual ad-

  Draiken nods and turns away, giving some

  vantage of her compliance, but he could sure

  thought to what has turned out to be an unex-

  as hell use her company.

  pectedly knotty problem.

  And so he says, “Very well. If I’m the next in

  Below, he f inds what he has been sitting

  command, I suppose that I can take that re-

  here, for hours, waiting to see. A crane lowers

  sponsibility. What’s involved?”

  a crate into the cargo hold of a freighter bound

  “Just you saying so.”

  for places far from his own immediate itiner-

  “Then f ine, I take command of you. Do I

  ary. He has paid for special handling to ensure

  have your full obedience?”

  that the crate, just large enough for the isola-

  “Yes,” she says.

  tion pod it contains, is treated with special

  “Your absolute, unquestioning obedience.”

  care throughout the trip. It’s currently unoccu-

  “To the death.” She betrays no wariness at

  pied, but still vital to someone he owes a debt,

  all. Far from it. Her eyes shine with eagerness.

  and the last thing he wants is for it to be dam-

  She’s alive in a way she wasn’t even a few sec-

  aged while he remains responsible for it.

  onds ago, a machine activated and humming

  The woman that pod belongs to, who in

  with energy as it warms to the purpose that

  truth belongs to it, already lies sleeping in a

  gives its existence meaning. “What are your or-

  bluegel crypt on a passenger freight bound for


  the same destination. It will take both pack-

  “Just these,” he says. “Walk away, live your

  ages a couple of years to arrive where they’re

  life, pursue everything that was once by itself

  headed, not Greeve but a world very much like

  enough to make you happy, everything that


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