The Last Blade

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The Last Blade Page 9

by Sarah Hawke

  “Oh, shit,” I breathed when Selorah swallowed the tip again.

  “Pace yourself,” Shandris warned, digging her fingernails even deeper into my chest. “She doesn’t get to taste you just yet.”

  I wanted to clutch the sides of Selorah’s head and take control, but Kaveri was intent on doing it for me. Bracing one of her hands on my ass and the other on the back of Selorah’s head, she eased my cock in deeper and deeper.

  “Relax your throat just like I taught you,” the Succubus ordered. She was nibbling on her tendrils in excitement, and I caught a quick glimpse of her tail gently massaging her own quim. “Don’t panic—I’m sure you can take it all…”

  I could tell that Selorah was overwhelmed…but I could also tell she wasn’t about to give up. Just like when she was madly working on the Vantrax, this was just another puzzle she was determined to solve…

  And she did.

  “Fuck!” I gasped once her lips had completely enveloped me. I could see the pride in her green eyes, and I desperately wanted to reward her efforts.

  “You love this, don’t you?” Shandris teased. “Having your own little harem to satisfy your every need…”

  My cock throbbed uncontrollably, but she refused to let me spill. She had taken almost total control of my body at this point, and I made a mental note to punish her for it later. She had no idea what she was getting herself into…

  Selorah finally leaned away to catch her breath, but Kaveri didn’t give her much of a break—the Velothi pushed Selorah’s head back down after only a few seconds, and soon I was fucking her virgin face in earnest. I watched, paralyzed in pleasure, as my cock disappeared through her lips over and over again…

  “I can’t hold him back much longer,” Shandris warned. “You ready, sweetheart?”

  Somehow, Selorah managed to nod in between wild thrusts. Her eyes were still locked on mine.

  “All right…open wide for him!”

  With Kaveri’s help, Selorah promptly sank back on her haunches, opened her mouth, and stretched out her tongue. Shandris shifted her hand from my chest to my cock.

  “Give it to her,” she said, biting my earlobe. “Make her yours.”

  “Oh, shit!”

  I threw back my head and exploded. The first spurt splattered right across Selorah’s nose and forehead, but she didn’t even flinch. She sat calmly in place, still and eager, as volley after volley sprayed her nose, cheeks, and lips. I was so exhausted by the time my cock finally fell silent that I probably would have fallen over on the bed without Shandris holding me up.

  “Stars, she is beautiful,” Shandris breathed, and once again I felt a tingle of delight shudder through her body as she studied my handiwork. Selorah was barely recognizable; thick, gooey strands of seed dangled from every part of her face, and some had even fallen to her tits.

  “Good boy,” Kaveri said with a wink.

  “Yes, but she was an even better girl,” Shandris purred as her fingers squeezed the last few drops from the tip.

  “Definitely,” Kaveri agreed as she began scooping up the strands with her fingers and tendrils. “But we shouldn’t let a royal offering go to waste.”

  I stood there, stunned and speechless, as she eagerly cleaned up my mess. Watching her work was almost enough to get me hard again, especially when she began kissing Selorah and sharing her bounty…

  “I suppose I should get you ready for the next lesson,” Shandris said, stroking me harder. “Be a good boy and relax for your doctor.”

  I nibbled at my lower lip as her power washed over me. The sensation remained completely unique; it was like being dipped in warm water while simultaneously standing far too close to an open plasma conduit. My skin tingled, my hair bristled, and my cock swelled in her palm. After a few more seconds I was so thoroughly rejuvenated I felt like I hadn’t spilled in days.

  “There we go,” Shandris cooed. “Feel better?”

  I moaned and nodded. With the proper motivation, I had no doubt that I could conjure an offering every bit as copious as the one still clinging to Selorah’s face. If history was any guide, Shandis wouldn’t be satisfied until I had finished at least three or four times. It was going to be a long night.

  A long, glorious, messy night.

  “I really want to taste you again,” she whispered into my ear. “But I don’t think Selorah would learn much that way.”

  “That’s all right,” I squeaked, imagining all three girls on their knees in front of me. The thought of them all looking up at me like hungry chicks waiting for a meal was almost enough to make me explode again. “I, uh…I don’t mind.”

  Shandris snickered. “Maybe later. The night is young, even on this gloomy planet. We’ll just have to think of something else to try first…”

  I moaned again as she continued stroking me slowly, and I marveled at how quickly and thoroughly Kaveri had licked Selorah clean. The Velothi’s tendrils flailed about, scooping up what her tongue couldn’t. Selorah didn’t mind in the least; she was practically paralyzed with pleasure thanks to the blue tail sliding in and out of her quim.

  “You’re going to give the poor girl a seizure,” Shandris teased.

  “She’s almost there…” Kaveri said. The sheer intensity of her luminescent eyes was almost disturbing; they glinted hungrily as her tail thrust in deeper and deeper. I had seen that same eager, expectant face dozens of times while she brought me off with her lips and tendrils, and I never got tired of it. How could I? How could anyone?

  “Oh!” Selorah squeaked, her normally cool, formal voice cracking up an octave as a climax shuddered through her. Kaveri smiled and licked at her lips as if she were feeding off the other woman’s pleasure somehow.

  She’s a telepathic Succubus. She probably is feeding off this somehow. Stars, that is so fucking hot…

  “Easy,” Shandris scolded, squeezing the base of my throbbing stem. “Just because I reloaded the clip doesn’t mean I want you to fire just yet.”

  I was seriously tempted to throw her onto the floor and shove my cock down her throat, lesson be damned. But she was obviously getting off on playing harem mistress, and I didn’t want to spoil her fun…yet.

  As she said, the night was young.

  “That…” Selorah blubbered, her purple shadowed eyelids fluttering. “That was…”

  “Just the beginning,” Kaveri said, smiling. After licking off the glistening tip of her tail, she kissed Selorah again. Their bodies practically melted into one, and the sight of their tits mushing together almost pushed me over the edge again…

  “All right, the break is over,” Shandris said. “Time for something a little more…advanced.”

  Kaveri slowly pulled her lips from Selorah, smiled, and glanced up to us expectantly. “What did you have in mind, mistress?”

  Shandris pointed at the floor. “Bend over and get that beautiful blue ass of yours up in the air.”

  Kaveri obediently spun around, sank down on all fours, and arched her back. “Like this, mistress?”

  “Almost.” Shandris kissed my cheek. “Stay here while I get her ready for you.”

  After stroking me one final time, she leaned off to the side and rifled through a bag in the corner of the room. I had no idea what she was looking for, but a moment later I felt something brush my cock again. Kaveri was smiling back at me impishly, her tail slowly curling around my shaft…

  “No cheating!” Shandris scolded. “Just for that, I’m going to make these extra tight.”

  I blinked in surprise when I saw her holding a set of magnetic cuffs. “Where did you—?”

  “I was out shopping for several days,” she said, smacking Kaveri on the ass. “Looking at starship parts got boring after a while, so I took a few detours.”

  I grinned as I watched her roughly pull Kaveri’s arms back and cuff her wrists to her ankles. An hour ago, she had probably been trashing holographic training drones by the dozens, but now…now she was so completely, utterly helpless she couldn�
�t even hold herself upright. The thought made my cock throb in anticipation.

  “The Emperor’s concubine should know her place,” Shandris said, producing yet another toy from her bag. This one was a slave collar we had while infiltrating the Heap. She promptly fastened it around Kaveri’s neck and handed me the leash. “You should make her wear this whenever she’s not on duty. I’ll gladly hold onto it if you are occupied…”

  I took the leather strap and snickered. Shandris was so hot I could actually see her knees trembling; she was really, really enjoying her new role. Unsurprisingly, Kaveri was too—her slit was so sodden it was practically sparkling in the light. And Selorah…

  Well, she was watching us so intently I could only imagine how thoroughly her cybernetic brain was cataloguing every word and move. But the most surprising part was that one of her hands was busy massaging her own quim.

  “I do not understand,” she said, shaking her head. “Do you expect Kaveri to attempt escape?”

  Shandris snickered. “Of course not, sweetheart, but that’s not the point. Always remember what I said earlier: men love anything that makes them feel powerful. And there’s nothing quite as dominating as fucking a hogtied girl in the ass.”

  Tugging on the leash, I leaned forward and nudged the tip of my cock against Kaveri’s nether entrance. I grit my teeth in anticipation, and I almost wished that Shandris’s powers weren’t quite so effective. I had no idea how long I would be able to hold out…

  “Your concubine is ready for you, my lord,” Shandris said, her tongue rolling seductively across her lips. “Her body is yours.”

  Bracing my hands on Kaveri’s hips, I began to slowly push inside. Her tail began wiggling in anticipation, and it seized up entirely once I began thrusting in earnest. Her glowing eyes rolled back in her head as she whimpered in delight.

  “Harder,” she begged. “Deeper!”

  I happily obliged her one tight, smoldering centimeter at a time. It didn’t take long before I was slamming into her full tilt, one hand on the leash and the other clutching one of her horns. The grip of her ass was so tight and so hot I barely even noticed Shandris sliding behind Selorah and massaging her tits.

  “Stars, you are adorable,” she breathed into the other woman’s ear. “One of these days I’m going to slap that collar on you and eat you up…”

  “I calculate a high probability that I would enjoy that,” Selorah said.

  Shandris grinned. “Just ‘high?’ I figured you could give me the odds to the decimal place.”

  “I would, but…” She bit down on her lip when Shandris leaned down to suckle on her nipple. “I appear to be having difficulty concentrating.”

  The Kreen giggled softly. “Well, you had better focus. This lesson is for you, after all.”

  Selorah nodded and returned to watching me relentlessly pound Kaveri’s ass. It was something of a minor miracle that I’d lasted this long, and I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer.

  “Interesting,” Selorah breathed. “He draws as much pleasure from this as vaginal intercourse?”

  “More, sometimes,” Shandris said, her amber eyes and red lips still locked on the other woman’s ample breasts.

  “I did not realize this,” Selorah said. “Perhaps he should take me this way.”

  “In time, sweetheart, in time,” Shandris replied with a wicked grin. “Just remember that K here isn’t built quite the same way we are. You’ll need a bit more…preparation…before he takes you this way. Thankfully, that’s all part of the fun.”

  Selorah nodded. “He is about to finish.”

  “I think you’re right,” Shandris said. “We should get ready for him. Come on.”

  She dragged Selorah along with her as they scuttled in front of Kaveri. At Shandris’s order, Selorah leaned back and spread her legs so Kaveri could properly lick her quim. The Succubus instantly started to feast, while at the same time Shandris continued suckling on Selorah’s nipples.

  The sight of all three girls together was all it took to push me over the edge. Jerking back on the leash, I roared in triumph and pulled out at the last possible instant. I exploded so powerfully the first jet of seed streaked all the way over Kaveri and onto Selorah’s tits, while the second still had enough strength to splatter Shandris’s cheek. The rest thoroughly painted Kaveri’s back from her ass to her neck.

  I slumped over when I finished, as drained as I had ever been. The girls quickly set to work cleaning up the mess, and deep down I knew that this should have been the end of it. If we’d had a milliliter of sense between us we would have cleaned up, cuddled, and tried to get some sleep. But apparently even Selorah’s programming wasn’t that much of a buzzkill.

  “I think we still have time for a few more lessons,” Shandris said as she crawled over to me and clutched my arm. “What do you think, Your Majesty?”

  I swallowed as she linked our nervous systems and began to rejuvenate me once more. “What I think,” I whispered, “is that there’s never been a better time to cram for a test.”

  She grinned and kissed me on the lips. “I couldn’t agree more.”



  Dominion Throne World


  “The Damadus is making a run for it. The Liberator and the Crucible are attempting to block her escape, but they won’t be able to absorb that kind of firepower forever. It’s now or never, old friend.”

  “Understood,” Wynn Mosaad said. “We’re already on our way in.”

  Clutching the Banshee’s flight stick, he looped up around the enormous bulk of the Covenant command ship and looked out upon the sprawling battlefield. The canopy flashed with pulse and plasma fire, and the Banshee’s sensors were streaming a never-ending barrage of proximity warnings into his mind. Mosaad had fought in hundreds of ground battles in his lifetime, and out of necessity he had learned to fight plenty of space battles over the last ten years as well. But nothing could have possibly prepared him for this.

  They had caught Falric completely off-guard. With the bulk of the Dominion fleet still deployed along the Praxian border, Keledon’s defenses were weaker than they had ever been. There were still fifty warships orbiting the planet, of course, not to mention the dozens of orbital weapons platforms and thousands of starfighters. Combined with the Covenant fleet, this was easily the largest engagement the galaxy had seen in a generation.

  By the time the battle was over, Falric the betrayer would be dead…and the Old Dominion would die a long overdue death with him.

  “There’s an opening,” Natalya said pointing at the HUD from the co-pilot’s seat. “We’ll need all the speed we can muster.”

  Mosaad nodded. “Then here we go.”

  He punched the throttle, and the Banshee began draining power from both their minds as it surged through the withering crossfire. He felt a flash of heat on his cheeks whenever their shields absorbed a blast, and he winced every time. He couldn’t understand how the Wings of the Seraph ever got used to this madness…

  “Incoming fighters!” Grayson warned. “My boys will keep them off you as long as they can.”

  “Roger that,” Mosaad said. “For the Seraph!”

  He twisted the Banshee into a tight spiral as more and more psionic cannon fire flashed all around him. Their shields absorbed enough hits that his skin actually started to burn, but he grit his teeth and forced himself to endure the pain. Between he and Natalya, they easily had more than enough power to fight through this. That was the whole reason he had chosen the Banshee over a Valkyrie in the first place…

  “You aren’t getting away from us this time, you bastard,” Natalya hissed.

  Mosaad grinned. Falric’s command ship—the Damadus—was desperately trying to flee the system, but every time the massive battlecruiser tried to shift to astral space one of the Covenant ships would box them in and disrupt their drive matrix. Still, the Liberator and the Crucible couldn’t take this kind of punishment forever; even now th
e Damadus was pounding them with a relentless broadside. Mosaad knew they only had a few minutes to get aboard and do what needed to be done.

  As he spiraled closer and closer to the enormous battlecruiser, he squeezed the trigger and unleashed a staggered salvo at the point-defense cannons festooned around the main hangar. One by one he shredded them to pieces, and the gunners on the Liberator and the Crucible shifted their aim to cover him just like they had planned. Mosaad clenched his teeth and rolled the Banshee onto its side to slip through the hangar doors…

  They barely made it in time. The Banshee shot through the blue containment field sealing off the hangar from the vacuum, and he unleashed another barrage at the hapless mechs and fighter drones inside, blasting them all to smoldering bits. By the time he landed, the fire suppression systems had begun dousing the deck in foam.

  “We don’t have much time,” he said, tearing off his helmet.

  Natalya nodded crisply as she disconnected herself from the ship. “I am ready for anything.”

  Moving in near unison, they popped open the canopy, vaulted out of the oversized fighter, and summoned their blazing blue psionic swords. When a squad of security mechs stormed through the wall of smoke and foam to try and stop the intruders, Mosaad telekinetically hurled a large chunk of still-smoldering wreckage at them, crushing them flat where they stood. A second squad burst through a different door a second later, and Natalya pounced right in between them and scythed them down like grass. The emperor could send a thousand more if he wanted—nothing was going to keep them from reaching the bridge.

  Nothing was going to stop the Blades of the Seraph from claiming their vengeance.

  And nothing did. After dispatching a few more squads in the ship’s narrow corridors, Mosaad and Natalya carved their way into one of the maintenance tubes and telekinetically hoisted one another up to the command deck. Given the intensity of the battle raging outside—and given the chaos they had undoubtedly sowed by blasting their way onto the ship—Falric’s defenders were predictably disorganized. The coward wouldn’t even have the chance to recall them to the bridge in time.


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