Modernists and Mavericks

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Modernists and Mavericks Page 32

by Martin Gayford

  Bowen, Elizabeth, The Demon Lover and Other Stories, London, 1945

  Burn, Gordon, ‘The Invisible Man’, interview with Richard Smith, Guardian, 11 April 2000

  Caiger-Smith, Martin (ed.), Roger Hilton, exh. cat., London, South Bank Centre, 1993

  Calvocoressi, Richard, Michael Andrews: Earth Air Water, exh. cat., London, Gagosian Gallery, 2017

  Clark, Adrian & Jeremy Dronfield, Queer Saint: The Cultured Life of Peter Watson, London, 2015

  Clark, Kenneth, The Nude, London, 1957

  Cohen, Louise, ‘Interview with Alan Davie’, 2009,

  Collins, Ian, John Craxton, Farnham, 2011

  Cork, Richard, David Bomberg, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 1988

  Craig-Martin, Michael, ‘Richard Hamilton in Conversation with Michael Craig-Martin’, in Richard Hamilton, eds Hal Foster & Alex Bacon, Cambridge, Mass., 2010

  Daniels, Stephen, ‘A Study in denim’, Tate Etc., 10 (Summer 2007)

  Denny, Robyn (interview), ‘Situation: The British abstract scene in 1960’, Isis, 6 June 1964, pp. 6–8

  Eastham, Ben & Helen Graham, ‘Interview with Paula Rego’, White Review (January 2011),

  Farson, Daniel, Sacred Monsters, London, 1988

  —, The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon, London, 1993

  Feaver, William, Lucian Freud, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 2002

  —, and Paul Moorhouse, Michael Andrews, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 2001

  Follin, Frances, Embodied Visions: Bridget Riley, Op Art and the Sixties, London, 2004

  Freud, Lucian, ‘Some thoughts on painting’, Encounter, 3:1 (July 1954), pp. 23–24

  Gale, Matthew & Chris Stephens (eds), Francis Bacon, exh. cat., London, Tate Britain, 2008

  Garlake, Margaret, New Art, New World: British Art in Postwar Society, New Haven & London, 1998

  Gayford, Martin, ‘The Duke, the photographer, his wife, and the male stripper’, Modern Painters, 6:3 (Autumn 1993), pp. 23–26

  —, Man with a Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by Lucian Freud, London, 2010

  Gooding, Mel, Patrick Heron, London, 1994

  —, Frank Bowling, London, 2011

  Gowing, Lawrence, Eight Figurative Painters, New Haven, 1981

  —, Lucian Freud, London, 1982

  — and David Sylvester, The Paintings of William Coldstream (1908–1987), exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 1990

  Greenberg, Clement, Art and Culture: Critical Essays, Boston, 1961

  Gruen, John, The Artist Observed, Chicago, 1991

  Harrison, Martin, In Camera: Francis Bacon, Photography, Film and the Practice of Painting, London, 2005

  Hegel, G. W. F., Hegel’s Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Arts, trans. T. M. Knox, Oxford, 1975

  Hennessy, Peter, Having it So Good: Britain in the Fifties, London, 2006

  Heron, Patrick, Painter as Critic: Selected Writings, ed. Mel Gooding, London, 1998

  Hicks, Alistair, The School of London: The Resurgence of Contemporary Painting, Oxford, 1989

  Higgins, Charlotte, ‘Leon Kossoff’s love affair with London’, Guardian, 27 April 2013

  Hockney, David, David Hockney by David Hockney, ed. Nikos Stangos, London, 1976

  — and Martin Gayford, A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen, London, 2016

  Hodgkin, Howard, ‘How to be an artist’, The William Townsend Memorial Lecture, 15 December 1981,

  — and John Tusa, ‘John Tusa interviews Howard Hodgkin’, 7 May 2000,

  Hucker, Simon (moderator), ‘The New Situation: Kasmin, Caro & Miller recall the Sixties’, 24 April 2013,

  Hughes, Robert, Lucian Freud: Paintings, London, 1988

  —, Frank Auerbach, London, 1990(1)

  —, Nothing if Not Critical: Selected Essays on Art and Artists, London, 1990(2)

  —, American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America, London, 1997

  Hyman, James, The Battle for Realism: Figurative Art in Britain during the Cold War, 1945-60, New Haven & London, 2001

  Jarman, Derek, The Last of England, ed. David L. Hirst, London, 1987

  Johnstone, William, Points in Time: An Autobiography, foreword by Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, London, 1980

  Kendell, Richard, Drawn to Painting: Leon Kossoff’s Drawings and Paintings After Nicholas Poussin, London, 2000

  Kimmelman, Michael, ‘Not so square after all’, Interview with Bridget Riley, Guardian, 28 September 2000

  Kitaj, R. B., The Human Clay: An Exhibition, exh. cat., London, Arts Council, 1976

  Lampert, Catherine, Frank Auerbach: Speaking and Painting, London, 2015

  Laughton, Bruce, The Euston Road School: A Study in Objective Painting, Aldershot, 1986

  Lessore, Helen, A Partial Testament: Essays on Some Moderns in the Great Tradition, London, 1986

  Livingstone, Marco, R. B. Kitaj, Oxford, 1985

  —, Pop Art: A Continuing History, London, 1990

  —, Patrick Caulfield, exh. cat., London, Hayward Gallery, 1999

  Luke, Michael, David Tennant and the Gargoyle Years, London, 1991

  Lynton, Norbert, William Scott, rev. edn, London, 2007

  McEwen, John, Paula Rego, London, 1992

  MacInnes, Colin, England, Half English, London, 1961

  McKenna, Kristine, ‘Painting’s quiet man: Leon Kossoff’, LA Times, 13 May 1993

  Massey, Anne, The Independent Group: Modernism and Mass Culture in Britain, 1945–59, Manchester, 1995

  Mellor, David, The Sixties Art Scene in London, exh. cat., London, Barbican Art Gallery, 1994

  Melly, George, Don’t Tell Sybil: An Intimate Memoir of E.L.T. Mesens, London, 1997

  Miles, Barry, London Calling: A Countercultural History of London Since 1945, London, 2010

  Moffat, Isabelle, ‘Richard Hamilton and Victor Pasmore, an Exhibit, 1957’, from ‘The Artist as Curator #1’, Mousse Magazine, 42 (February 2014),

  Moorhouse, Paul, Leon Kossoff, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 1996

  — (ed.), Bridget Riley, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 2003

  —, Howard Hodgkin: Absent Friends, exh. cat., London, National Portrait Gallery, 2017

  Morphet, Richard, Richard Hamilton, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 1992

  —, R.B. Kitaj: A Retrospective, exh. cat., London, Tate Gallery, 1994

  Peppiatt, Michael, Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma, London, 1996

  —, Francis Bacon in the 1950s, exh. cat., Norwich, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, 2006

  —, Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait: Essays and Interviews, New Haven and London, 2008

  —, Francis Bacon in your Blood: A Memoir, London, 2015

  Polan, Brenda & Roger Tredre, The Great Fashion Designers, New York and Oxford, 2009

  O’Donnell, C. Oliver, ‘Meyer Schapiro, Abstract Expressionism, and the paradox of freedom in art historical description’, Tate Papers, 26 (Autumn 2016),

  Richardson, John, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Picasso, Provence and Douglas Cooper, London, 2001

  —, ‘Bacon Agonistes’, New York Review of Books, 17 December 2009

  Riley, Bridget, ‘Bridget Riley in conversation with Isabel Carlise’, in Bridget Riley: Works 1961–1998, exh. cat., Kendal, Abbot Hall Art Gallery, 1998

  —, The Eye’s Mind: Collected Writings 1965–2009, ed. Robert Kudielka, London, 1999

  Robertson, Bryan, Alan Davie, Catalogue of an Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings from 1936–1958, exh. cat., London, Whitechapel Art Galler
y, 1958

  —, John Russell & Lord Snowdon, Private View, London, 1965

  —, Richard Smith: Paintings 1958–1966, exh. cat., London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1966

  Rosenberg, Harold, The Tradition of the New, London, 1962

  Rothenstein, John, Modern English Painters: Volume Three Hennell to Hockney, new edn, London, 1984

  Russell, John, Francis Bacon, London, 1971

  —, Introduction, Lucian Freud, exh. cat., London, Arts Council, 1974

  Sandbrook, Dominic, White Heat: A History of Britain in the Swinging Sixties, London, 2006

  Seedo, N. M., In the Beginning was Fear, London, 1964

  Sickert, Walter, A Free House!, ed. Osbert Sitwell, London, 1947

  Smee, Sebastian, Bruce Bernard & David Dawson, Freud at Work, London, 2006

  Spalding, Frances, John Minton: Dance Till the Stars Come Down, London, 1991(1)

  —, Introduction, The Kitchen Sink Painters, exh. cat., London, The Mayor Gallery, 1991(2)

  —, ‘Prunella Clough and the art of “saying a small thing edgily”’, Guardian, 30 March 2012(1)

  —, Prunella Clough: Regions Unmapped, Farnham, 2012(2)

  Sykes, Christopher Simon, Hockney: The Biography, Volume I: 1937–1975, A Rake’s Progress, London, 2011

  Sylvester, David, ‘The Kitchen Sink’, Encounter, December 1954, pp. 61–63

  —, Interviews with Francis Bacon, London, 1975

  —, ‘Against the odds’, in Leon Kossoff: Recent Paintings, exh. cat., London, British Council, 1995

  —, Looking Back at Francis Bacon, London, 2000

  Tate, Sue, Pauline Boty: Pop Artist and Woman, exh. cat., Wolverhampton Art Gallery, 2013

  Thompson, John R., ‘Nan Kivell, Sir Rex De Charembac (1898–1977)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 15, Melbourne, 2000

  Townsend, William, The Townsend Journals: An Artist’s Record of his Times, 1928–51, ed. Andrew Forge, London, 1976

  Tufnell, Ben, Francis Bacon in St Ives: Experiment and Transition 1957–62, London, 2007

  Vyner, Harriet, Groovy Bob: The Life and Times of Robert Fraser, London, 1999

  Walker, Neil (ed.), Victor Pasmore: Towards a New Reality, exh. cat., London, 2016

  Wallis, Clarrie, Patrick Caulfield, exh. cat., London, Tate, 2013(1)

  —, ‘Fun, exotic and very modern’, Tate Etc., 28 (Summer 2013)(2)

  Walsh, John, ‘The Spider-Man of art dealers’, Christie’s Magazine (November–December 2016)

  Warner, Marina, ‘Lucian Freud: the unblinking eye’, New York Times Magazine, 4 December 1988

  Whiteley, Nigel, Art and Pluralism: Lawrence Alloway’s Cultural Criticism, Liverpool, 2012

  Wilcox, Tim (ed.), The Pursuit of the Real: British Figurative Painting from Sickert to Bacon, exh. cat., Manchester City Art Gallery, 1990

  Wilson, A. N., After the Victorians: The World Our Parents Knew, London, 2005

  Wishart, Michael, High Diver, London, 1977

  Yorke, Malcolm, The Spirit of Place: Nine Neo-Romantic Artists and their Times, London, 1988

  Picture Credits

  Dimensions are given in centimetres followed by inches

  2 Photo The John Deakin Archive/Getty Images; 13 Photo Ian Gibson Smith; 18 Photo The John Deakin Archive/Getty Images; 21 Ink and chalk on paper, 54.8 × 76.2 (21½ × 30). Tate, London. © Estate of John Craxton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 24 Oil on three boards, each: 94 × 73.7 (37 × 29). Tate, London. Presented by Eric Hall 1953. © Tate, London 2018; 26 Photo © Sam Hunter; 29 Oil on canvas, 144.8 × 128.3 (57 × 50½). Tate, London. © Tate, London 2018; 32 Oil and pastel on canvas, 197.8 × 132.1 (65⅞ × 52). Museum of Modern Art, New York (229.1948). Photo Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS/Artimage 2018; 42 Estate of John Minton. Courtesy Special Collections, Royal College of Art, London; 47 Oil on canvas, 71.1 × 91.4 (28 × 36). Private collection. Bridgeman Images; 48 Photo Humphrey Spender. Courtesy Bolton Council; 53 Oil on canvas, 107.5 × 132.8 (42¼ × 52¼). Tate, London. Presented by the Trustees of the Chantrey Bequest 1958. © Tate, London 2018; 54 Photo courtesy Gillian Ayres; 57 Oil on canvas, 88.9 × 41.9 (35 × 16½). Private collection. © Estate of Prunella Clough. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 58 Oil on canvas, 98.9 × 119.3 (38⅞ × 46⅞). Tate, London. © Tate, London 2018; 60 Oil on board, 59.8 × 49.5 (23½ × 19½). Private collection. © The Estate of David Bomberg. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 66 Oil on canvas, 69.8 × 90.8 (27½ × 35¾). Museum of London. © The Estate of David Bomberg. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 70 Oil on canvas, 99 × 75.5 (39 × 29¾). Image courtesy Gallery Oldham. © Estate of John Craxton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 75 Oil on canvas, 105.5 × 74.5 (41½ × 29¼). British Council. © The Lucian Freud Archive/Bridgeman Images; 80 Photo © Sam Hunter; 84 Oil on canvas, 93 × 76.5 (36⅝ × 30⅛). Arts Council Collection. Photo Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS/Artimage 2018; 85 Sergej M. Eisenstein (dir.), USSR 1925; 90 Photo Edwin Sampson/ANL/REX/Shutterstock; 92 Oil on canvas, 178 × 127 (70 × 50). Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne. © The Artist’s Estate; 95 Photo Charles Hewitt/Picture Post/Getty Images; 99 Mixed media on masonite, 152 × 91.4 (59⅞ × 36). Collection Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Gift of Seymour H. Knox, Jr., 1958. © The Sandra Blow Estate Partnership. All Rights Reserved, 2018; 102 Oil on canvas, 61 × 50.8 (24 × 20). Southampton City Art Gallery. © Estate of Roger Hilton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 105 Gouache on paper, 31.8 × 27 (12½ × 10¾). © Estate of William Scott 2018; 109 Photo The John Deakin Archive/Getty Images; 110 Oil on canvas, 152.4 × 118.1 (60 × 46½). Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany. Photo Hugo Maertens. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS/Artimage 2018; 116 Oil on copper, 17.8 × 12.8 (7 × 5). © Tate, London 2018; 119 Oil on canvas, 152.4 × 114.3 (60 × 45). Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool. © The Lucian Freud Archive/Bridgeman Images; 121 Photo Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images. Courtesy The Estate of Graham Sutherland; 126 Oil on board, 152.4 × 152.4 (60 × 60). Accepted by HM Government in Lieu of Inheritance Tax and allocated to The Samuel Courtauld Trust, The Courtauld Gallery in 2015. © Frank Auerbach, courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 129 Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 132 Oil on board, 77 × 58 (30¼ × 22¾). Collection of Anne and Torquil Norman. © Leon Kossoff; 135 Oil on canvas, 76.2 × 50.8 (30 × 20). Private collection. © Frank Auerbach, courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 140 Collage, 35.8 × 23.8 (14⅛ × 9⅜). Tate, London. Presented by the artist 1995. © Trustees of the Paolozzi Foundation, Licensed by DACS 2018; 143 Oil wood photo-collage and record on hardboard, 94 × 154.9 (37 × 61). Whitworth Art Gallery, The University of Manchester. © Peter Blake. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 148; Oil paint, metal foil and digital print on wood, 122 × 81 (48 × 31⅞). Tate, London. Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund and the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1995. © R. Hamilton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 149 Photo Bettmann/Getty Images; 151 Collage, 26 × 24.8 (10¼ × 9¾). Kunsthalle Tübingen. Photo flab/Alamy Stock. © R. Hamilton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 154 Courtesy Derrick Greaves/James Hyman Gallery, London; 156 Oil on hardboard 122 × 77.5 (48 × 30½). Ferens Art Gallery, Hull Museums. Bridgeman Images; 161 Oil on board, 160 × 243.8 (63 × 96). Tate, London. © The Estate of Alan Davie. All Rights Reserved. DACS 2018; 166 Courtesy British Pathé; 167 Associated British Picture Corporation. Keystone Pictures USA/Alamy Stock Photo; 172–73 Ripolin on board, 4 panels: 230 × 91.5 (90½ × 36), 230 × 111.8 (90½ × 44), 230 × 274.4 (90½ × 108), 230 × 335 (90½ × 131⅞). Courtesy Gillian Ayres; 174 Courtesy Gillian Ayres; 180 Oil on canvas, 274.3 × 152.4 (108 × 60). Tate, London. © The Estate of Patrick Heron. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 181 Oil paint and ink on paper, 23.8 × 15.6 (9⅜ × 6⅛). Tate, London. Purchased with assistance from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund and a group of anonymous donors in memory of Mario Tazzoli 1998. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018
; 183 Oil on canvas, 178.5 × 178 (70¼ × 70). National Galleries of Scotland. © Estate of William Turnbull. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 185 Photo Mark and Colleen Hayward/Redferns. © The Estate of Robyn Denny. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 187 Oil and Ripolin on board, diptych, 305 × 320 (120 × 126). Courtesy Gillian Ayres; 188 Gouache on board, 22 × 25 (8⅝ × 9⅞). Collection of the artist. Courtesy the Estate of Howard Hodgkin; 190; Photo Tony Evans/Getty Images; 191 Oil on canvas, 91.5 × 127 (36 × 50). Collection Mr and Mrs John L. Townsend III. Courtesy the Estate of Howard Hodgkin; 193 Oil on linen, mounted on canvas, 121.9 × 182.9 (48 × 72). © National Portrait Gallery, London; 196 Oil on canvas, 122 × 122 (48 × 48). Private collection. © Allen Jones; 197 Oil on canvas, 213.4 × 334.6 (84 × 131¾). Tate, London. Presented by the Trustees of the Chantrey Bequest 1952. © Tate, London 2018; 198 Photo Tony Evans/Getty Images. © Allen Jones; 203 Photo © Geoffrey Reeve/Bridgeman Images; 208 Oil with sand on canvas, three panels, each 198.1 × 144.8 (78 × 57). The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation/Photo 2018 Art Resource, NY/Scala, Florence. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 214 Photo The John Deakin Archive/Getty Images; 215 Oil on canvas, 198 × 147.5 (78 × 58). Private collection. © The Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS/Artimage 2018; 218 Oil on canvas, 30.2 × 24.8 (11⅞8 × 9¾). Private collection. © The Lucian Freud Archive/Bridgeman Images; 220 © Estate of Roger Mayne/Museum of London; 223 Oil on canvas, 61 × 61 (24 × 24). Collection of Steve Martin. © The Lucian Freud Archive/Bridgeman Images; 226 Oil on canvas, 213 × 173 (83⅞ × 68⅛). Private collection. © Richard Smith Foundation. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 231 Oil on hardboard, 172.7 × 120.6 (68 × 47½). Tate, London. Presented by the Moores Family Charitable Foundation to celebrate the John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 1979. © Peter Blake. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 234 Oil on canvas, 121.5 × 120.4 (47⅞ × 47¾). Private collection. © Derek Boshier. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 237 Oil on canvas, 231.1 × 81.3 (91 × 32). Tate, London. Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund 1996. © David Hockney; 238 Oil on canvas, 122.4 × 153 (48⅛ × 60¼). Tate, London. © Pauline Boty. Courtesy Whitford Fine Art; 241 Photo © Michael Ward Archives/National Portrait Gallery, London. © Pauline Boty. Courtesy Whitford Fine Art; 242 Photo Tony Evans/Getty Images; 244 Oil on canvas, 145 × 101.5 (57⅛ × 40). © Frank Bowling. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 245 Collection of the artist; 247 Oil on canvas, 168 × 213.7 (66⅛ × 84⅛). Tate, London. © The Estate of Helen Lessore; 249 Photo John Deakin Archive/Getty Images; 251 Oil on hardboard, 121.9 × 182.8 (48 × 72). Pallant House Gallery, Chichester. Estate of Michael Andrews, courtesy James Hyman Gallery, London; 254 Oil on board, 122 × 122 (48 × 48). Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. Estate of Michael Andrews, courtesy James Hyman Gallery, London; 257 Oil on board, 244 × 91.5 (96 × 36). University of Liverpool Art Gallery & Collections/Bridgeman Images. © The Estate of Euan Uglow, courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 261 Oil on board, 190.5 × 152.4 (75 × 60). Private collection. © Frank Auerbach, courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 262 Oil on board, 121.3 × 152.5 (47¾ × 60). Private collection. © Frank Auerbach, courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 265 Oil on board, 152.5 × 205 (60 × 81). Private collection. © Leon Kossoff; 271 Photo Snowdon/Trunk Archive; 272 Oil on canvas and plexiglass, 182.9 × 198.1 (72 × 78). Photo Fabrice Gibert. © David Hockney; 276 Acrylic on canvas, 152.4 × 182.9 (60 × 72). Collection Arts Council, Southbank Centre, London. Photo Richard Schmidt. © David Hockney; 280 Egg tempera and oil on linen, 198 × 177.8 (78 × 70). © Bernard Cohen. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 281 Acrylic on canvas, 182.9 × 182.9 (72 × 72). Collection Museum Ludwig, Cologne. © David Hockney; 282 Acrylic on canvas, 243.8 × 243.8 (96 × 96). © David Hockney; 283 Photo Whitechapel Art Gallery; 286–87 Acrylic on canvas, 212.1 × 303.5 (83½ × 119½). Photo Fabrice Gibert. © David Hockney; 293 Tempera on board, 121.9 × 121.9 (48 × 48). Photo Anna Arca. © Bridget Riley 2018. All Rights Reserved; 294 Emulsion on board, 166 × 166 (65⅜ × 65⅜). British Council Collection. Bridget Riley Archive. © Bridget Riley 2018. All Rights Reserved; 297 Conte and pastel on paper, 43 × 21.2 (17 × 8½). Bridget Riley Archive. © Bridget Riley 2018. All Rights Reserved; 299 Acrylic on canvas, 213.4 × 304.8 (84 × 120). Photo courtesy The John Hoyland Estate and Pace Gallery. © Estate of John Hoyland. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 300 Steel & aluminium, painted red, 290 × 620 × 333 (114 × 244 × 143). Tate, London. Presented by the Contemporary Art Society 1965. © Courtesy Barford Sculptures Ltd. Photo John Riddy; 303 Oil on canvas plus shelf, 92 × 92 (36¼ × 36¼). Collection of the artist. © Allen Jones; 304 Private collection; 307 © Estate of Antonio Lopez & Juan Ramos; 308 © National Portrait Gallery, London; 309 Photo Irwin Allen Prod./Kobal/REX/Shutterstock; 310 Oil on canvas, 310 × 216.8 (122 × 85⅜). Tate, London. Presented by the artist, Rachel Scott, and their four children: Benjamin and Sacha Bowling, Marcia and Iona Scott 2013. © Frank Bowling. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 314 Oil on hardboard, 41 × 51 (16 × 20). Courtesy the Estate of Howard Hodgkin; 317 Oil on wood, 109.1 × 139.5 (43 × 54⅞). Tate, London. Courtesy the Estate of Howard Hodgkin; 318 Photo Fred W. McDarrah/Getty Images; 320 Oil and graphite on canvas, 183.1 × 183.5 (6⅛ × 6¼). Museum of Modern Art, New York. Philip Johnson Fund (109.1965). Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art. © R. B. Kitaj Estate; 321 Oil on canvas, diptych, each: 152 × 91 (59⅞ × 35⅞). Private collection. Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art. © R. B. Kitaj Estate; 324 Collage and oil on canvas, 160 × 185 (63 × 72⅞). Collection Francisco Pereora Coutinho. © Paula Rego. Courtesy Marlborough Fine Art; 326 French recipe card; 327 Oil on board, 122 × 244 (48 × 96). Private collection. © The Estate of Patrick Caulfield. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 329 Oil on board, 91.4 × 213.4 (36 × 84). Leslie and Clodagh Waddington. © The Estate of Patrick Caulfield. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018; 332 Oil on canvas and screen print, 67 × 85 (26¾ × 33½). Private collection. © R. Hamilton. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018


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