Garrett: BBW (Members From Money Book 30)

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Garrett: BBW (Members From Money Book 30) Page 11

by Katie Dowe

  “Garrett?” she wandered over and stood behind him.

  “I miss her,” he said abruptly.

  “I know you do. She was a very good mother and you're going to continue missing her for years yet.”

  He turned and looked at her. “I cannot keep my hands off you,” he told her hoarsely.

  “And I love that you can’t.” She stayed where she was, knowing that he needed a little space.

  “I never brought a woman here before,” he added.

  “I feel special.” She told him, still not reaching out to him.

  “No one ever came close to measuring up to her except you.” This time she moved into his arms. He closed his arms around her tightly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Do you want to stay?”

  “Yes. It feels right.”


  She met with some of the wives. Monique spoke to her about her dress and the elegantly beautiful woman examined her figure and decided what to have her designers make for her. “You have a full figure my dear, and a very good shape and a flat stomach. Something straight and close fitting to show it off. No veils, but I think a tiara would suffice and it's going to be a summer wedding so the dress won't be long.” She clapped her hands in delight. “Welcome to the club my dear,” she hugged the startled Afiya. “You have some members to meet.”

  They planned a dinner party for her and told Garrett to go and find the men. It was held at one of Kelly’s exclusive restaurants and Afiya was overwhelmed by the glamour and beauty of the women who made her feel at home. Monique had given her a dress for the occasion, a champagne colored silk that floated around her body and settled at her curves. “Tell us about this little town of yours, darling,” Leesa urged her as they gathered around a long table in the back to ensure privacy.

  “It’s a delightful place where the worst crime we experienced was someone breaking into my store and hitting me over the head,” Afiya told them with a smile.

  “Darling, that’s dreadful!” Kelly exclaimed.

  “It so happened that it was an out of town vagrant who did it,” Afiya assured them. “It's not your usual big city,” she warned them.

  “Darling, we don’t care as long as there's food.”

  “And of course lots of wine,” Felicia piped up.

  “Debbie will be coming for the event as she and Alexander are coming into town on business.”

  “So I'm actually going to be having a Prince and Princess at my wedding?” Afiya stared at the group of beautiful faces around her. “The accommodations aren't what you are used to and where are they going to stay?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” they assured her. “It will work out.”

  Chapter 11

  The guests started arriving the day before the wedding. People had gone all out with decorating the park and it was a sight to see. Reams of red, white and blue ribbons streamed gently in the breeze. The park had been renovated by King’s Corporation and there was a raised dais with tables to the back. Hundreds of chairs dotted the large open space in front of the dais and Garrett had spared no expense to get the decorations right. He'd given in to Afiya's wishes to allow the town’s people to do the decorating and there were no regrets there. Balloons, beautiful origami and red, white and blue bells made out of special paper hung among the trees. Homes had been cleaned and furniture dusted and polished to accommodate their very important guests. When they heard that Prince Alexander and Princess Debbie would be among the guests, the anticipation and nervousness had been rife. A meeting had been called and instructions given as to how to deal with royalty.

  “Where will they stay?” Afiya asked Garrett nervously as the time approached for them to get to Roseville.

  “Alexander and Debbie are down to earth people and love the adventure,” he'd told her mildly as he continued to study some specs. He'd bought a building in Tuscon and was deciding what to do with it.

  “Garrett, you're not helping!” she cried out in exasperation. Bad enough that all these incredibly rich people were coming to her small town, including the Romano’s among others, but an actual Prince and Princess! She was a nervous wreck and her husband-to-be was as insouciant as can be. But he was used to all this, being a billionaire himself.

  He put away the laptop and gave her his full attention. He'd gotten to know her so well during the three months they'd been living together and never thought it was possible to love her even more. She insisted on cooking for them even though he had someone come in to do the housework. And she would insist that he talk to her about his day. She gave him ideas he never thought of and even though she spent a full day at the store she still managed to give him her full attention.

  “Come here,” he patted the space next to him. In three days they would be married and he planned on taking her all over the place. She sat down, curling her feet under as he put his arm around her. “Relax,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Easy for you to say,” she muttered, already feeling the effect of his calming presence. “I'm not used to all this.”

  “You will be.” He eased her up off him and looked at her. “These people who are coming are my friends. Apart from a few of them, they are people who work hard for what they have. You've met some of the women and realized that they're actually normal, everyday people. Debbie Costa used to work as an administrative assistant before she married Alexander. I've already made arrangements for them to stay in this complex.”

  She sighed in relief and then her eyes widened. “How do I talk to them?” she asked, worrying her bottom lip.

  His body tightened at her action and he had to squelch the instant desire. “Like you're talking to me,” he told her gently. “Scratch that. I don’t want you talking to anyone the way you talk to me, especially when I'm inside you. The way you call out my name in that whisper soft voice of yours or when you reach your peak and you scream out my name and tell me how much you love me and what I'm doing to you.”

  “Garrett—” the words were stuck in her throat and she forgot her worries.

  “Like that,” he whispered as he bent to her. She had on a floral cotton blouse and nothing else. He eased the buttons open and cupped her bare breasts. The air conditioning in the room had caused her nipples to harden. He bent his head and rolled his tongue over one hardened bud. Afiya gasped, digging her fingers into his thick lustrous hair, holding on as the feelings quivered through her body. He parted her legs and, moving the material of her silk panties aside, he inserted two fingers inside her, easing in slowly at first but increasing the pace when she started moving upwards to meet his thrusts. Afiya was panting by this time, the breath escaping her mouth as her heart hammered inside her breasts. His thumb feathered over her mound and with a shrill cry she erupted all over his fingers, her body convulsing. He waited her out and then eased out of her. He got to his feet and took his painful erection out of the cargo shorts he had on. She watched through half-closed eyes as he rubbed the tip of his penis in the wetness from her orgasm. He bent over her, pulling her to the edge of the sofa and entered her swiftly. He pulled her legs up and sighed raggedly as he went in deep. She moved restlessly, her fingers digging into the material of the sofa. Their eyes met and held as the age old dance of lovers took over and enveloped them completely.


  Afiya stared at herself in the full-length mirror, barely able to believe that it was really her. She'd spent the night with her mother at the apartment above the shop, insisting to Garrett that she wanted to play by tradition. The night before had been filled with activities, as the town’s people were determined to show these elegantly wealthy out-of-towner-s that although they were a small town they knew how to throw a party. A bridal shower had been held at the community center and the wives and their husbands had gotten to know everyone. Children had surrounded them curiously, especially Prince Alexander and Princess Debbie who had been nothing but charming and kind. They'd eaten and laughed, complete with paper plates on their laps as they
listened to the various conversations and had danced to the music that played. They'd immediately made Afiya feel at ease and she'd smiled at her husband-to-be in relief.

  Now, staring at her reflection in the mirror she felt tears threatening. “No tears, you'll ruin your make-up,” Monique said as she bustled into the small room along with Aaliyah and Abigail. Her hair and makeup had been done by a professional that had flown over with them. “We know the feeling honey, we've been through it ourselves.” She positioned the tiara a little more to the right and stared at the girl in approval. “You're beautiful and I knew that dress was the right one. No flair or anything like that, just simple, but on you it's anything but.”

  Afiya passed her hands over her generous hips and felt the whisper of white silk. It had a scalloped collar that showed a glimpse of her flawless breasts. Thin jeweled straps held it up and crisscrossed at the back. It was too close fitting to allow underwear so the rich silk glided over her skin gently. The shoes were white and strappy, with matching jewels on the straps. Her hair was brushed back, allowing a few tendrils to fall to her full round face, and diamonds glinted at her lobes and at her left wrist. Her makeup was flawless.

  “My word!” Hillary breathed as she came into the room. She had on a sapphire blue dress which had been provided by Romano’s as well and fit her perfectly. “Honey, is that you?”

  “Afiya is naturally beautiful, it's only being highlighted,” Aaliyah said with a smile. “Okay girls, let’s go.”


  Garret stood on the raised dais wearing a dark blue suit complete with a vest and a boutonniere in his lapel. Prince Alexander stood next to him supporting him as his best man. They'd become fast friends when Garrett had gone to Costa Land to erect a mall and several other buildings. He'd stayed at the palace and had enjoyed the easy camaraderie of the tall handsome prince. “Want a handkerchief?” the prince teased him as they stood there waiting for the wedding party to arrive. The seats were already filled and music being played by the live band could be heard in the background.

  “I hope that’s because you mean that the heat is stifling and I'm dressed in this damn suit. How do you stand being dressed like this every day?” Garrett asked him.

  “It comes with the territory and you get used to it,” Prince Alexander said with a grin. “Relax man, your bride just arrived.”

  Garrett felt his eyes being drawn to the vehicle that was carrying his precious cargo. The first car had her mother and Hillary, her maid of honor, He saw Hillary walk up the red carpet that had been placed there for the occasion. Then he straightened up as Afiya stepped out of the vehicle with the help of the driver. His flesh quivered as he saw her reach for her mother’s hand. Christ, she was beautiful!

  “Put your tongue back inside your mouth man. She's already yours.”

  “I better not see you drooling,” Garrett told him without taking his eyes off the woman he was about to marry.

  “Debbie would have my head.”

  He met her halfway, he couldn't wait for her to get to him. His impatience to be with her was noticed by all and the wives smiled whimsically as they remembered their own weddings. The husbands reached for their hands and held fast as they watched the beautifully curvaceous woman walk up to the dais with her hand held in that of the man she was about to be attached to.

  “Please be seated,” the minister told them. He made the opening speech about the love between a man and a woman and then turned to them. “I understand you've written your own vows?”

  “We have,” Garrett told him.

  “Please turn to your bride and say the words.”

  “Afiya Camille Lowe, I am finding it hard to actually put into words what I feel about you. I love you, plain and simple, but that isn't even correct because there's nothing plain or simple about the way I feel about you. All I can say is that I'm in love with you and it feels wonderful and real and the most important emotion I feel. When I'm with you I feel as if everything in my life fades away. When I'm with you nothing else matters and I promise that I will love you and take care of you for the rest of my life. I promise that there will never be a day that goes by that you will have to guess whether I love you. No matter what happens in life, the only thing that matters is that you're here with me. Knowing that I can face anything this life throws at me.”

  Afiya took his hand and placed it against her cheek. “Garrett Phillip King, my love, my heart and my life: I never thought I would ever meet a man like you. I constantly think I'm dreaming and I promise you that I will always honor you for being the man you are and love you for being the best man I know. I love you my darling, this is me pouring out my heart to you, this is me telling you that nothing will ever stop me from loving you no matter how long we live. I am humbled by the love we share and I question it sometimes but not too much because if this is in fact a dream then I don’t ever want to wake up. I love you with all of me and I will love you till the day I die.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. His hands framed her face as he looked down at her, his emotions naked and bare for all to see. They'd forgotten about the others, about the minister and the rest of their friends on the dais. They only saw each other.

  The minister cleared his throat and asked for the rings.

  “Garrett, please place the ring on your bride’s finger and repeat after me: With this ring I wed you. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of your life, through sickness and health for richer for poorer until death parts us.” Garrett repeated the vows.

  “Afiya please say after me: With this ring I wed you, I promise to love and obey you and honor you through sickness and health, for richer or poorer until death parts us.” Afiya repeated the vows, her eyes on him.

  “The couple has said their vows and declared their love in front of God and all of us here this afternoon. The ring represents the never ending commitment between two people as the Bible tells us that who God has joined let not man put asunder. By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Garrett pulled her into his arms slowly, his hands settling around her waist. He could feel the texture of the dress and realized that she was wearing nothing underneath. “What are you doing to me?” he whispered against her lips as he brought her closer to him.

  “The same thing you're doing to me.” His lips touched hers and as usual the explosion was instantaneous. He had to put her away from him forcibly to regain some sort of control.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Phillip King!”


  The atmosphere was very festive as people mingled with the very rich and famous, aware that their own local girl, Afiya had now become one of them. They watched as she and her new husband shared the towering butterscotch cake that had been prepared by the local bakery and drank the wine that had been supplied by Costa Land. The food was sumptuous and had been prepared by every restaurant the town boasted as if they were determined to impress their very important visitors. Then it was time for the first dance as husband and wife and a path had been cleared with the music ranging from soulful ballads to R&B. Garrett pulled his wife into his arms and breathed in her fruity scent. She'd taken off her tiara, but nothing else. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her body and they moved to the music. “When should we leave?” he murmured to her as they circled the red carpet slowly.

  She moved away a little and looked up at him. “As soon as possible. But what about our guests?”

  “They can entertain themselves, or rather they can stay and enjoy the fair. I want to be with my wife.” His light green eyes wandered over her face and rested on her full bottom lip coated in soft strawberry lipstick. “I can barely contain myself.” He brought her closer to him and she felt the evidence of his desire. She swayed with him, her heart hammering inside her chest. This wonderful, gorgeous man who couldn't keep his hands off her was her husband.

  “We need to stay a l
ittle,” her voice was thin with the effort to speak. “Garrett,” she brought his head down and his lips met hers, his fingers digging into the softness of the dress. He broke away abruptly, his breathing harsh as he looked down at her. “We leave now,” he told her grimly.


  He ripped the dress in his haste to get to her skin. He'd undressed hurriedly and stood before her, naked as he took the dress off her. “I'm sorry baby,” he muttered as she sat on the bed and he took off her shoes. “I want to be gentle but I can't, not right now.” He came between her legs and rubbed the tip of his penis against her mound, his eyes watching her face. He entered her slowly and felt his body jerk as she writhed, opening her legs wider. He didn't enter her but tormented her some more as he rubbed the tip of his penis between the folds of her vagina. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Garrett.”

  “Tell me what you want,” he said hoarsely as he held his thick member in his palm, teasing her.

  “I want you inside me, now!” Her words had the power to galvanize him into action. He entered her so swiftly that she arched her back and cried out his name as he went in deep.

  He moved then, his thrusts increasing as she moved beneath him. He bent his head and took a nipple inside his mouth, his tongue swirling around the tight bud, tormenting her further. Afiya felt her body splintering from the double assault and felt her body trembling uncontrollably. Garrett’s fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as he moved inside her. His wife, the woman he loved beyond anything he'd ever felt before in his life. He was bursting with need for her and it was something that he'd come to be resigned to over the months he'd known her. He lifted his head and looked down at her, his expression intense as he saw her passion-ravaged face. She loved him. He bent his head and took her lips with his in a kiss that brought on their instant release. He swallowed her cries and marveled at the tears spilling down her cheeks, not realizing that he was also crying.


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