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Waiting For Milo: THE WAITE FAMILY - BOOK ONE Page 9

by Devlin, Angel

  I wandered back outside. “Here she is, Alice in Wonderland.” Milo joked. “Disappeared down a rabbit hole. Us men are dying of heatstroke here. Gonna get us a cold drink each, wench?”

  I cocked a hip. “Coming right up, sir.”

  I made two cold drinks and put extra ice in Milo’s pint pot full of water. Making my way back outside, Quinn and Milo put down their garden spades. I passed Quinn his drink and then I threw Milo’s down his front. The ice and cold water ran down his body. “Aaarrrghhh.” He jiggled around, knocking water off himself.

  “You said you were hot. Thought I’d help cool you down.” I sniggered. Then I stopped because Milo had ceased jumping about and now I watched as water trickled off those killer abs. It was like the sunlight hit each droplet and diamonds themselves were running off him. He wiped a hand down his body and his muscles rippled under his touch. And suddenly I was the one dying of thirst and it wasn’t just a drink I needed.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’ll get you a proper drink.” I turned back towards the house.

  “Not so fast, lady.” Milo grabbed me and pulled me towards him so my body pressed against his. The remaining wetness from his torso soaked into my own t-shirt. “Now you’re soaking wet too, Princess.” He looked down at me, smugness in his features. We both knew he wasn’t talking about the water from his chest and I was too near him, too close. The heat from his body was sinking into my skin, and about to set me alight.

  I pushed away and changed the subject fast. “Wow, you already got so much done, Quinn.”

  Quinn’s mouth was quirked at the corner. “I did. Thanks for my drink.” He held out an empty glass. “Glad I got to actually drink mine.”

  “I’ll get you both a fresh glass and leave you to it. Sorry about the lack of drinks. I was catching up with my dad.”

  Rushing back into the house I refilled the glasses with water and then I popped them on the windowsill just outside the door. Yes, I was a scaredy-cat, but I couldn’t risk such close proximity to Milo again right now.

  The rest of the day passed quickly. The house was a hive of activity and the radio went on, eighties tunes playing all afternoon. Juliet came over as promised to plaster the ceiling, and by late afternoon real progress had been made throughout.

  Although money was tight, I wanted to send out for pizza for everyone, but as tea-time approached Josh shouted for everyone to come over to the Waites’ garden. He’d set up the whole patio area with picnic style food: sandwiches, quiches, cold pizza, crisps, sausage rolls. Then there were soft drinks, wine, and beer. We all relaxed on the patio seating and enjoyed tucking in.

  “Thank you, Josh. I didn’t realise how hungry I was.” I told him.

  “Not a problem.” He smiled back and I realised I finally felt okay with Josh Waite; the uncomfortable start we’d had was now firmly behind us.

  Of course Milo had sat right by my side, but Josh made him help clear up. While he did that I turned to Juliet who was at my other side. “As soon as my house is done. Well, done-ish, girls night. You and Becca are both invited around mine, okay?”

  “Hell, yes. Get me out of here, constantly surrounded by the male species.”

  “I’d not even thought about that. You poor thing. Has there never been any other women…” I looked in Josh’s direction.

  “Not any that he’s ever let us know about. Think Mum did quite a number on him. I’m sure he’s had booty calls—he’s a bloke after all—but he’s never introduced a new woman to us, or even mentioned going on a date.”

  “I spoke to my dad earlier and he’s just started dating again.”

  “Oh. Your parents not together either?”

  I shook my head. “It’s a long story that I’ll save for girls night. Okay?”

  “Okay. But just answer this… I know you said there’s no you and Milo, but I’m not sure he’s got the memo. You going to break his heart? Because tell me now if you’re not interested and I’ll break it to the numbskull.”

  I sucked my bottom lip. “I enjoy your brother’s company, but he knows he’s friend-zoned right now. I told him I won’t date anyone I’m working with. I’ve come out of a bad marriage and so I’m a slow burn. It’s just how it has to be. I’ve not said no to him, but I’m yet to say yes. We’ll see how I feel when he’s finished work on the house.”

  “Fair enough. As long as he knows the score and is prepared to take the chance of an eventual let down.”

  “I know how you get all annoyed with your brothers, but I was an only child, and watching how you all look out for each other, well, it’s really heart-warming. I wish I’d had someone looking out for me like that, a sibling of some kind.”

  “Yeah, I moan, but I love them all, even if they do try to baby me and boss me around. And as for dating… can you imagine the poor guy I bring home? An overprotective dad and five brothers. He’d better be like a wrestler or something.”

  “Or… someone they already know a bit and approve of.” I winked.

  “I know where you are going with this, lady, and don’t. Quinn is laying turf, not the Waite girl.”

  I started laughing. “Guess he’s probably got a reputation already for hoes and planting his seed.”

  “Oh my god, no more, my ears can’t take it. You and my brother really are a match.”

  Milo plonked himself back down at the side of me. “I already told Princess that, but she’s scared of being burned.”

  Just as I began to feel a little uncomfortable Milo started laughing, “match, burned, get it?”

  Juliet groaned. “I need more wine to listen to anymore from you two.” She got up and walked over to the table.

  “So are you going to be good on your own tonight, or do you need me to camp out again? Although I don’t think Quinn would be too pleased about my lying on that new turf.” Quinn had gone home before dinner, saying he needed a shower and passed on hanging with us. I’d only had to shoo Becca away from the gap in the hedge once this morning. The car had gone from outside their house, so it looked like Rob had taken her away from her perving opportunities.

  “No, I’ll be fine. I’m enjoying this break after the hard work, but I’m also dying to get back inside and see what else I can do before I go to bed.”

  “Soon you might actually be able to go to sleep in your actual bedroom. Finn will have that heating done in the next few days. Scaffolding is coming tomorrow for the roof. It’s all coming together. Once the roof’s repaired we can get the spare room sorted. Tomorrow, let’s go pick you up a cheap suite for the bathroom, and I’ll work with Finn to see where I can start with that. Now, at some point that’s going to mean your bathroom will be out of action, so it’s a good job you have the downstairs loo. You can come shower at ours while that’s being done.”

  “Do you have any idea how bossy you are, Milo Waite?”

  “I’m not bossy, I just state facts. You can come to ours for a shower. Fact. You’re coming on a date with me once I’ve stopped working on your property. Fact.”

  “That is not a ‘fact’, Milo Waite, that’s a presumption.”

  “You can come on the date voluntarily or I’ll just pick you up and carry you there. Your choice, but it is happening. Fact.”

  I placed my now empty glass of wine down. “Well, I’m now on my way to my house. I thank you for your generous camping offer, but I can confirm that tonight I will be fine on my own. Fact.” I told him.

  He went in his pocket and gave me a business card with his mobile details on. “Just ring me if you need me. I’ll keep it on all night.”

  It was impossible to stay annoyed with this man. “Thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yep. You can’t keep my bed warm but you can keep a kettle hot. Have a brew ready for eight.” He winked.

  Ignoring him, I said goodbye to everyone and then I made my way back through the space between our gardens. As I looked at the old gate propped against the privet, I thought about getting it repaired and put back in
place, then realised that part of me didn’t want a barrier between me and Milo Waite.

  Oh Lord.


  I knew I was acting crazy when it came to Violet Blake. I couldn’t explain it even to myself so goodness knows what anyone else really thought. My brothers had always winded me up for being a goofball and talk of Rapunzel had gone on for years.

  It was strange thinking Vi had been married. That the imprint of her wedding to someone else still lay around her finger. Though I told myself her marriage was over, the fact was she’d loved someone else enough to commit herself, and a rage burned within me that another man had been so significant.

  I’d had girlfriends, but none had lasted longer than three months. None ever made me feel the ‘L’ word. I did wonder at one point if I’d built this fantasy woman up in my head so much that I was quitting my relationships before they’d even started. But as soon as I came face to face with Violet Blake it was like a defibrillator pumped my chest. Like my heart was beating properly for the first time. Keeping these feelings to myself was hard. And talking of hard.

  My cock was going to fucking break soon from being around her. I was actually fed up of having so many boners. I’d never had so many showers in my life so that I could take care of things, because I wasn’t using another woman to get rid of my lusty wiles. We may not be together yet but I was a one woman man.

  The week passed. Finn finished the central heating and plumbed in the new bathroom. The roof was repaired and I fixed where the damp had been. Juliet plastered. Cal put further electrics in and Silas came and painted. Slowly but surely Violet’s house of horrors became a gorgeous homely place to live.

  Silas had painted Vi’s kitchen cabinets white and the walls were a duck egg blue. I’d straightened the cupboards. As we returned from a shopping expedition where I’d help her transport home a cooker now the kitchen was finished, she walked in and let out a gasp.

  “Where did that come from?”

  Violet was looking at the floor. At the lino. No longer was there a disgusting cigarette burned carpet. Instead was a pale blue lino in a style of tiles with a white edging.

  “A client ordered it and then changed their mind.” Silas told her. “Believe it or not it was destined for the skip, so we brought it here.”

  She smiled at him. “I can’t thank you enough. I even looked at one similar to that when I picked the bathroom flooring, didn’t I, Milo?”

  “You did.”

  “It’s made this kitchen. Look at the difference now. Let me make us all a drink in my amazing looking kitchen.”

  “I need to get going, Rapunzel, but no doubt Milo will want one.” Silas said.

  “I’ll walk you out. I want to ask you about where damp has been on the walls.” I told him.

  Once out in the garden he turned to me. “Damp on the walls. Like you don’t already know what to do about that.”

  “Vi doesn’t know that. I just wanted to say thank you, for getting the lino down.”

  “And I gather you still don’t intend to tell her the truth?”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t see a receipt for £300 worth of lino on the side in the bathroom this morning.”


  “Don’t worry. I went and chucked it on your bed before anyone else noticed. Left over from a job, my arse. What are you up to, Miley? I know you have money in the bank but that’s for your own home, isn’t it?”

  “I’m hoping that is my home.” I confessed. “But if not, if Vi’s never meant to be mine, then I’ll make sure she’s comfy in that castle before I leave and find my own.”

  “She’s really got to you, hasn’t she? I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “I can’t explain it. Si. Truly. She just feels like she belongs to me.”

  “Well, just remember that right now she doesn’t, and I get the impression that Miss Blake wants to be seen to be independent. Despite our help she’s been determined to do a lot on her own.”

  “I know. She wouldn’t let me hold the bottom of the ladder. Said I was putting her off by commenting on her arse and she was more likely to fall off.”

  Silas patted my arm. “Just be careful that you don’t get hurt, Milo. Okay? Make sure that you’ve not built Violet up to be something she’s not.”

  “I haven’t. I’m just getting to know her slowly, and the more time I spend with her the more I like what I see. I didn’t dream up my ideal woman. The family took the piss out of me for my obsession with Rapunzel, but it was everyone else who made it out to be something huge. I just laughed about it while occasionally wondering what happened to the nice girl I’d seen across the way.”

  “If you say so, Miley. Now, is there manure on this garden cos I’m smelling bullshit. Oh look, Rapunzel is shaking a mug in the window, so I suggest you get back.”

  “And you’ll keep my secret?” I checked.

  “Always. That’s what brothers are for.” He fist-bumped me and walked away.

  “They say women can talk. You two were going at it like you were on your deathbeds and needed to get your last confessions out.”

  “Just having a quick catch up. Silas is always off out to a training session these days. It’s hard to catch him.”

  “Because he runs fast?”

  “Ha ha.” I took the mug from her. “God, I’m ready for a brew.”

  “When aren’t you?” Vi laughed.

  I loved seeing her laugh, making her laugh, hearing her laugh. This woman was under my skin. I just hoped it didn’t prove to be like a splinter and bloody well hurt.

  We took the drinks through into her living room. The smell of fresh paint lingered but now there was furniture and a sofa. Vi put mats on the coffee table for us to place our drinks on. There was pride in every new thing she did.

  “So what was the last place you lived like?”

  “It was a flat. A cheap flat as I wanted to save up, so it was furnished. Badly, but at least I didn’t have to shell out. Wasn’t to my taste but it was a place to sleep. This is my first home of my own. Where I’ve been able to make all my own choices. No one telling me they don’t like blue.”

  “Your ex didn’t like blue?”

  “No, he said he’d read it was a depressive colour. And he didn’t like throws, or too many cushions, or pictures on walls. The list went on. He was a fussy man.”

  “How long were you married?”

  “Just two years. After eighteen months I caught him fucking my best friend.”

  I spluttered out my coffee. “Pardon?”

  “He fucked my best friend. On our sofa. I came home from work with a migraine and found them at it.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not. Jay was a fake. I know that now. He was in love with the idea of love. He wasn’t in love with me, that became very clear. Anyway, I don’t feel like talking about my ex anymore. Let’s talk about something more fun.”

  Fun? My mind went blank. All I could think of was to distract her by talking about her new home.

  “Well, you have plenty of cushions, and blue, and pictures on the walls.”

  “And I’m going to get a dog.” Vi announced.


  She nodded, a smile breaking out across her face. “I always wanted a dog. Jay was allergic. Now my house is more or less sorted, I’m going to get a dog from the rescue centre. I saw just the one when I went to get my furniture from there. Yesterday, I called and made enquiries. They’re coming Monday evening to do a home check, so I hate to ask but can you put the gate back up?”

  “As long as I can still open it, I’ll hang it back up. I will even give it a sand down, and a fresh coat of paint or varnish.”

  “Thanks, Milo.”

  “And not that it makes any difference to your decision, but just for the record, I love dogs and I’m not allergic.”

  “That is fantastic news for the future.” Vi said and my heart thudded
. “You can dog-sit.”

  I pouted. “You got my hopes up then, Princess.”

  She giggled.

  “So.” I said looking around. “I reckon I’m done here now in terms of what you’ve employed me to do. Do you agree, Miss Blake?”

  Vi stilled and it was almost like I could see the thoughts flitting over her face. Like she was considering each room in turn and what was left to be done.


  Was that panic on her features?

  “So you know what that means. The rule about mixing business and pleasure no longer applies. I know you’ll miss me, Vi. That’s why you need to come on a date with me. Let’s say Sunday night.”

  Vi patted over her mouth with her finger. “What if I already have plans?”

  “I’ve thought about this. Tonight you’ll want to be on your own. Tomorrow night you’ll want to have the girls around to show off the new place to them, so I reckon Sunday will be just about perfect.”

  “You’re very sure of yourself, Milo. Are you really this cocky or is it bravado?”

  I was about to make a quip about just how cocky I was when Violet moved onto the sofa next to me and leaning over, she brushed her mouth over mine.

  My entire body froze in shock.

  Vi leaned back and winked. “Are you all talk and no action, Milo Waite?”

  My body reacted to her words and I moved, pushing her body underneath mine on the sofa. I raised myself above her while I ground my erection into her pelvis.

  She groaned.

  “Can you feel how cocky I am, Princess?”

  “Yes.” She gasped.

  I claimed her mouth with mine, our tongues tangling and I ran a hand down her neck, her chest, cupping one of those perfect tits in my hand. Vi pushed her pelvis further up into me.

  And then the doorbell rang.

  Why had I fitted a fucking doorbell?

  “Ignore it.” I murmured in between more kisses.


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