Old Porn Star

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Old Porn Star Page 3

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  I continued to smile. “Yeah, I could tell.”

  She placed her hand in mine, looking like she was in a daze. I shook it.

  “So you and him really aren’t fucking?” she said.

  “Jennifer!” Papa said urgently. “Just leave!”

  She let go of my hand and stood, then she walked to the door. When she got there she turned around and looked at Papa. “Are we still on for next Thursday?”

  “Just go,” he said. “I’ll text you.”

  “Nice meeting you, Chloe,” she said, before turning away and slipping out through the front door, closing it behind her.

  Papa and I both stared at it, as if we didn’t want to face each other.

  Chapter 6

  I finally turned to Papa and said, “Well, that was interesting.”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry that happened.”

  “So it’s true? You and her?”

  He sighed again. “Yes.”

  “And she mentioned there were other girls?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Papa, she’s thirty-five years younger than you.”

  His eyes met mine. “Age is just a number.”

  “Actually, it’s kind of impressive.”

  “We shouldn’t be talking about this.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s my personal life. You’re my granddaughter, but that doesn’t mean you should know everything about me.”

  I stared at him a long moment, wondering if I should say what I was about to. Finally, I spoke.

  “I know one thing about you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Rex Hammer.”

  His eyes went wide for a moment, then he regained his composure.


  “Rex Hammer.”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “I think you have. You are him.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I saw the movie. Gabby’s dad has it in his old VCR collection. Chain Gang is the name of it.”

  He stared at me. I knew he wanted to lie and keep denying it, but he knew that I knew. His shoulders slumped.

  “Unbelievable. I did that one time, and my granddaughter happens to see it.”

  “I was wondering that. So you only made one movie?”


  I slid over on the couch, giving him room. “Sit down, I want to hear about it.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Just sit.” I patted the cushion beside me.

  Reluctantly, he walked to the couch and sat.

  “So that was the job?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The job that came up and allowed you to make enough money to buy the used limo.”

  He nodded. “Yes. That was it.”

  “I thought so. So it wasn’t unloading a truck?”

  “Sorry. I lied about that. I’m sure you understand why.”

  “Of course. If I was in a porn movie, I wouldn’t want my family to know.”

  “Have you told anyone?”

  “No way. I would never.”

  “What about Gabby?”

  “She had no clue it was you. She thought you were hot though.” I grinned.

  He rolled his eyes. “Please.”

  “Did Nana know?”

  He gave me a curious look. “Know what?”

  “That you were in a porn movie. Or did you keep that secret from her?”

  He became even more perplexed. “Chloe, I thought you said you saw the movie.”

  “I did. Chain Gang.”

  “Did you watch all of it?”

  “Yes. It was very sad at the end. I almost cried.”

  He continued to stare at me with a puzzled expression. “And you didn’t recognize her?”

  “Recognize who?”


  “Huh? What about Nana?”

  “That was her. The woman who played my wife in the movie. That was Heather.”

  I gaped at him in surprise. “No way!”

  “That was her,” he insisted. “Those types of movies are notorious for being low budget, and when they were looking for an actress to play my wife, and said it would pay a couple grand, she leapt at the chance. Told me she’d rather have me screwing her than some stranger.”

  “Holy shit. I watched my grandparents screw. I didn’t even recognize her.”

  “Did you recognize the baby?”

  It was my turn to look confused. “Huh? The baby?”

  He smiled. “That was Jeff. Your father.”

  “No fucking way!”

  He chuckled. “Yep. Unfortunately, he wasn’t paid for his role.”

  “Unbelievable. Does he know he’s in a porn film?”

  “No, and you’re not going to tell him.”

  I thought of something. “But I thought you said you were faithful to Nana.”

  “I was.”

  “But I saw you in the movie. You know…”

  He shook his head. “I told you I was faithful to my wedding vows to Heather. We weren’t married when it was filmed. Heather got pregnant and had Jeff, but we held off on getting married until our finances were better. Being in the movie allowed us to get married.”

  “That’s neat. So you don’t regret it?”

  “Not at all. It was kind of fun. The director asked me to do more movies, but I was in love with your grandmother, and knew being a porn star wouldn’t let me have a normal life with my family. So it was only one movie.”

  “Do you ever get recognized from it?”

  “Oh yeah. Happens every now and then. Mostly by women in their fifties who saw it back then. I’ve been propositioned many times.”

  “But you never accepted any of those propositions?”

  “Like I said, I’ve never broken my vow to Heather.”

  I nodded in understanding. “So now that she’s gone, you’re not breaking your vow.”

  “Exactly. For two years after her death, I was too numb to even consider having sex again. But eventually the desire returned. And as you can see with Jennifer, I’ve given in to those desires.”

  “And there are others?”

  “Yes. It seems that the young women these days are much more forward than they were when I was young. They have no reservations about sleeping with older men, and they aren’t shy about letting you know it.”

  “Who’s the oldest?

  “A widow two streets over. She’s thirty-four.”

  “And the youngest?”

  He winced. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “A girl I met at the library.”

  “How old?”

  “She tried to seduce me, but I made her wait.”

  “Wait? Wait until when?”

  “Until her eighteenth birthday.”

  Chapter 7

  I stared at my grandfather in surprise. “Seriously?”

  “You said you wanted to know.”

  “You’re fucking an eighteen-year-old?”

  “Chloe, don’t be crude.”

  “I’m eighteen.”

  “I’m aware of that. I was at your birthday party.”

  “Jeff is my stepfather.”

  “What’s that got to do with it?”

  “What if he and Mom had never met? I’d be an eighteen-year-old girl out there who you didn’t know.”


  “Don’t you see? I could be that eighteen-year-old.”

  “But you’re my granddaughter.”

  “But what if I wasn’t? What if my mom never met your son? I’d be a stranger to you. We could’ve met at the library. And then we could have…”

  “Could have what?”

  “You know. Had sex.”

  “Chloe, don’t say that.”

  “Why? It’s true. If you’re screwing eighteen-year-olds, I’m an eighteen-
year-old. If not for fate stepping in, I could be visiting you on Thursdays.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? Do you think I’m pretty?”

  “Of course you’re pretty. You’re beautiful.”

  “I mean if I wasn’t your granddaughter. Would you think I was beautiful?”


  “And sexy? Be honest.”

  He stared at me for a moment. “Yes, you’re sexy.”

  “So if we were strangers and met somewhere, say the grocery store or the library, and I came onto you, would you turn me down?”

  He stared again, but didn’t reply.

  “Be honest now,” I said.

  Finally, he relented. “No, I wouldn’t turn you down.”


  “So what’s your point?”

  “I don’t know. I just think it’s weird you’re out there screwing eighteen-year-olds.”

  “What can I say? I’m attracted to youthful beauty. I’m not going to apologize for that.”

  “I’m not asking for an apology.”

  “Are you saying you want me to stop having sex with younger girls?”

  “No. I want you to be happy.”

  “Then what is it, Chloe? What’s bothering you?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  He leaned back. “I’m not involved in any serious relationships. I’m just having fun, and the girls know it. No one’s getting hurt.”

  “Do I know the eighteen-year-old? She might’ve just graduated with me.”

  He shook his head. “No. She doesn’t go to your school. She goes to Jefferson on the other side of the city.”

  “So I don’t know her?”

  “Not that I know of. I’ve never mentioned you to her.”

  “Okay, because that would be weird.”

  “Yes, it would be. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I was just in shock there for a while. It’s not every day you find out your grandfather is an amazing stud, screwing young women.”

  “I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”

  “Well, I did see the movie first, so I knew you were…” my voice trailed off.

  “I was what?”

  “You know. Um, well-endowed.”

  He smiled. “It certainly is an asset.”

  “Yeah. Gabby was in love with it.”

  He chuckled. “She’s a cutie. Maybe you should send her over.”

  I stared at him in surprise. “What?”

  He laughed hard. “I’m joking. I could never do that.”

  “Whew. You scared me for a moment.”

  “Look, now that you know all of my secrets, I think we can talk more freely with each other. Do you agree?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

  “Like if you have any questions about sex you want to ask me, no matter what it is, just ask away.”

  “Okay. And if you want to hear about sex from a teenage girl’s point of view, you can ask me.”

  He smiled. “I do have a question for you. About sex.”

  I was a little bit surprised, but I said, “Sure. Ask me anything.”

  “Are your parents aware you’re sexually active?”

  “Mom is. But I get the feeling that Dad isn’t. He says things sometimes that make me think he thinks I’m still a virgin.”

  He nodded. “He does. He’s mentioned it to me.”

  “Really? Dad talks about my sex life with you?”

  “In vague terms. I’ve only experienced raising a son, and as a father, you’re kind of rooting for them to have sex, even if you don’t say it out loud. But I’m guessing it’s different with a daughter. You’re more protective of her. And perhaps a little more in denial about things.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  “How did Sarah react when you told her you were having sex?”

  “I didn’t tell her. She found out.”

  “How did she find out?”

  “This was about a year and a half ago. I was over at Matt’s, my boyfriend at the time, and we were watching TV in his downstairs game room. His mom said she had to run out to the grocery store, and would be back in about an hour. After she left, Matt wanted to have sex, but I was having my period, so I told him I’d–”

  I stopped, remembering I was talking to my grandfather.


  He smiled. “Chloe, remember what I said. We can talk about anything now.”

  “Oh yeah. Okay, I told him I would blow him instead.”

  I looked for a reaction to my crude words from my grandfather, but there was none. He was just patiently waiting for me to finish my story.

  “Anyway,” I continued, “I started blowing him, and I guess we really got into it, since we didn’t hear his mom come home because she’d forgotten her shopping list. She came downstairs and caught us in the act.”

  “Oh my.”

  “Yeah, she kind of freaked out and said I should leave. By the time I got home, she’d called Mom, who was waiting to give me the talk. She asked if I were a virgin, and I said no. Then she asked if I was having safe sex, and I said yes.”

  He nodded. “That’s good.”

  “Getting pregnant is the last thing I want to do. So she made an appointment for me at the gyno, and got me on the pill.”

  “And she didn’t tell your father?”

  “I guess not. Maybe she figured he wasn’t ready for that news.”


  “Now it’s my turn.”

  “Your turn for what?”

  “To ask you a sexual question.”

  He smiled. “Go ahead.”

  “What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done sexually?”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve done some pretty wild stuff.”

  “Tell me.”

  Chapter 8

  Papa thought for a moment. “Hmm, which one should I tell? Oh, I know. I think you’ll like this one.”

  I smiled, settling in for his story.

  “Back when I was growing up, I had a lot of relatives living around me. My father had three brothers, and they all lived in the same town. So I had plenty of cousins, and a few were my close friends. One of those cousins was Rhonda, my Uncle Steve’s daughter. We were the same age, and although we weren’t best friends, we got along okay.”

  “When we were both seventeen, our parents decided we were all going on summer vacation together. So they pitched in and rented a beach house for a week. Let me tell you, the first time I saw Rhonda in a bikini, wow, she’d really grown up into a beautiful girl.”

  I stared at him in surprise. “Your cousin?”

  He shrugged. “I was seventeen and surging with hormones. A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl. And it turned out she was thinking the same thing about me.”


  “Yes. It took us a few days, but finally I asked her if she wanted to go for a midnight walk on the beach. She said yes, and we snuck out of the house one night and went down to the water. We found a secluded spot, and we did it.”



  “You had sex with your cousin?”

  “First cousin.”

  “Wow. How was it?”

  “It was pretty amazing. Here was a girl I’d known for practically my whole life, as a relative, and now we were doing this together? It was kind of mind-blowing, actually.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “I guess we were both a little embarrassed about it, since we didn’t do it again during the trip. And then when we got back home, we never really talked about it. It was like we were both ignoring it, as if it’d never happened.”

  “So you two never screwed each other again?”

  “No, just that once. I ran into her about twenty-five years later at a family reunion, and we finally talked about it. We both decided we had nothing to feel guilty about, and maybe if we both weren’t married, we’
d even give it another try. But we both had spouses, so it didn’t go any further.”


  “Yeah, it was pretty wild.”

  “I have a question for you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why did you think I’d like that story?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you started, you said you thought I’d like it.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “Just a hunch. Did you?”


  “Then I was right.”

  I grinned. “So you think I’d be into fucking a relative?”

  He returned my smile. “I’ve always thought you were open-minded. Your reaction to seeing my movie confirms that. Lots of girls would’ve gone to their parents and told them. But instead you didn’t make a big deal out of it, and you gave me a chance to explain myself. Even though we’re not related by blood, I feel we’re kindred spirits.”

  I swelled with pride. “Kindred spirits. I love that idea.”

  “And as you said, perhaps if not for fate, you and I might’ve met under different circumstances.”

  “That’s weird, huh? The thought of you and me meeting as strangers, and then…”

  “And then what?” he asked, his eyes locking on mine.

  I met his gaze. “And then us screwing.”

  He nodded. “Yes, that is weird to think about. But then again, it takes two to tango.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, I’ve already admitted I’d be attracted to you. But there’s not that many eighteen-year-olds who are attracted to fifty-five year old men. The chances of you being one of them are slim. So no, the chances of us getting together if I weren’t your grandfather aren’t that great.”

  I stared at him for a long moment before answering.

  “A few days ago, I would’ve agreed with you. I’ve never been attracted to older guys. Sometimes I’d fantasize about having sex with one of my teachers, but that was just a fantasy, and the ones I thought about were all in their twenties and thirties. That was about my limit.”

  “And now?”

  “Well, since I saw the movie, my opinion’s changed.”

  “How so?”

  “To be honest, you kind of opened my eyes to the possibility. Seeing you in the movie while knowing you now, it made me realize that older guys can be sexy too. And then seeing that you were with Jennifer kind of sealed the deal. I mean, if a beautiful girl like that finds you attractive, then why can’t I?”


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