Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three

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Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three Page 19

by Long, A. L.

Dylan still didn’t have the answers she needed when she woke the next morning. Rade had been so withdrawn from her that their night was spent miles apart as Rade laid on one side of the bed and Dylan on the other. So it was no surprise to find him MIA from the penthouse.

  Strolling into the kitchen, she found Lilly already awake and ready to go. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, Dylan pulled up a seat at the breakfast bar next to Lilly. Lilly couldn’t stand the silence any longer. Looking over to Dylan she said, “Spill.”

  Once Dylan began talking, her emotions got the best of her because the waterworks began falling. She had no idea what Rade was keeping from her.”Why won’t he tell me, Lilly? We’re engaged now. That has to mean something,” Dylan sobbed.

  “I know, girlfriend. Men and their secrets,” Lilly said perturbed.

  “Well, I’m not going to let this ruin our day. I’m going to get ready for our day of complete bliss,” Dylan said as she turned in the direction of her room.

  The spa was packed when Dylan and Lilly arrived. It wasn’t as high end as La Mirage, but it was still classy. After their mani-pedis, facials, and Brazilian waxes, Dylan and Lilly headed out for their shopping spree. In between shopping, they managed to grab lunch at Harlow’s. Even though it took some time to get seated, it was well worth the wait. As Dylan looked around, she could see several men dressed in business attire as well as women. It wasn’t until she looked over to her right that she just about lost it. Chloe was sitting three tables away with another attractive woman. Trying not to stare, Dylan looked closer at the other woman. It was then that she realized that she recognized the woman from the park. With the chatter that was taking place, Dylan couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

  Chloe looked up, catching Dylan looking right at her. Dylan tried to act inconspicuous, but she was caught. Pretending to look at the menu, Dylan ignored the fact that Chloe was walking towards her table.

  “Fancy seeing you here, schoolgirl,” Chloe hissed.

  “I don’t know why you continue to call me that, but I’m guessing it’s because you feel threatened,” Dylan hissed.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not threatened by the truth. In a few days it will only prove that you are nothing but a distraction. London is beautiful this time of year. Rade is going to love it,” Chloe declared.

  Dylan didn’t comment. She knew that Chloe would be in for a rude awaking. Dylan was almost ready to announce her engagement with Rade, but decided that it was more fuel for the fire. Dylan couldn’t wait to see the look on Chloe’s face when she showed up at her parent’s house with Rade on her arm and her diamond ring in plain view. Now more than ever, she couldn’t wait to go to London.

  “Who the hell was that, Dylan? Was that Chloe? What was she talking about, Dylan?” Lilly asked confused.

  “It doesn’t matter because that bitch is about to get a taste of her own medicine,” Dylan said with disgust.

  “Well, she looked like she was pregnant. What did she mean about Rade loving London? Aren’t you leaving with Rade for London in a few days?” Lilly asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

  Dylan thought it would be best to tell Lilly what was going on. She hated keeping things from her, but knew it was only a matter of time before Lilly figured out the real truth about Rade’s relationship with Chloe.

  “Lilly, there’s something that I need to tell you and you have to promise not to judge until I tell you everything,” Dylan advised.

  After Dylan explained everything to Lilly, she was more confused than she was a minute ago. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So let me understand this. Chloe is having Rade’s baby, but only because she somehow got him to have sex with her. But since he was drugged and can’t remember, there’s no way to prove she took advantage of him, and the only person who knows for sure is dead,” Lilly explained, exasperated.

  “Yep, that about sums it up,” Dylan replied.

  “I don’t know about you, girlfriend, but that is so messed up,” Lilly admitted.

  Dylan tried not to think about Chloe and what she said. Instead, she focused on her friend and how things were going in Paris. Dylan admired Lilly for leaving New York and going to France. It was a place Dylan dreamt of going ever since she was a little girl. Hopefully when the dust settled, she would seriously think about going. It would be nice to go there with Rade. “How grand it would be to get married in Paris,” Dylan thought to herself.


  Dylan was sad to see her friend leave. Spending only two days with Lilly wasn’t near long enough. It was nice having someone that she could talk to. Lilly was the only friend Dylan had. Even as they grew up together, they shared everything.

  Richard drove them to the airport. Dylan would have loved for Rade to ride along, but as always, he had a pressing matter that he needed to attend to. Dylan felt empty and alone on the ride back to the penthouse. She hated goodbyes. It was always so difficult for her, especially when she had to say goodbye to Lilly, who was more like her sister than her best friend.

  Getting to the penthouse, Dylan was greeted with silence. She thought for sure that Rade would have been home. With only tomorrow left before they left for London, Dylan decided to take the time to get ready for the long trip. Rade hadn’t let her know the specifics about the visit. Dylan wasn’t even sure how long they would be staying, but if she knew Rade, it was going to be a very short visit.

  After doing research, Dylan found that the weather in London was a little on the chilly side with temperatures running around sixty degrees. It was also more than likely that the weather would be rainy at times. She wanted to make sure she packed accordingly. The last thing she wanted was to be underdressed for the weather conditions.

  It was getting late and Rade was still not home. Dylan decided to send him a quick text.

  Dylan: Where are you?

  Rade: At the office.

  Dylan: When are you going to be home?

  Rade: Late, don’t wait up.

  Dylan: Okay. Love you.

  Dylan waited for a response, but was disappointed when her cell showed no new texts. She thought it was odd that Rade didn’t respond to her. Pushing her thoughts aside, Dylan decided to call it a night. She had a big day tomorrow at work. She needed to tie up some loose ends before leaving on her trip overseas. What she really needed was an assistant. Someone who wasn’t Asian or gay.

  It was after two in the morning when Rade finally got to the penthouse. He was beat and no closer to finding out where Michael was. Richard had received a tip from an old friend who spotted Michael going into a bar off of Twelfth Avenue. The problem was, by the time he and Richard arrived at the sports bar, Michael was long gone. When Richard had asked the bartender if she recognized the man in the photo he showed of Michael, she said she did and that he must have stepped outside for a smoke because he hadn’t paid his tab yet. An hour later, Rade was paying Michael’s tab with frustration. Michael managed to slip through his fingers. One consolation was that he was a regular and usually came in every night around ten. At least this was something. Rade knew he couldn’t spend every night in the bar until Michael showed up, so he instructed Peter and Josh to watch the place for him.

  Walking into the bedroom, Rade could see Dylan’s perfect form lying in the bed. He could also see that she had his pillow nuzzled close to her body. God, he loved this woman. Removing his clothes, he slipped into bed beside her warm body. Pulling her close to him, he heard her soft whimper. Unable to hold back, he nestled his woody in her soft heat. He knew it was late, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Feeling her heat, he pushed her panties to the side and pressed his hard shaft between her thighs. Dylan stirred at the invasion. Rolling on her back, she slipped her hands down her stomach and quickly glided her panties from her body. It didn’t matter that it was late. All she wanted was to feel Rade inside her. Rade cupped her face and lowered his lips to hers. Kissing her tenderly, he whispered. “God, I will never get enough of you.” Wi
th that, he resumed his kiss and took in the warmth of her mouth.

  Positioning his body over hers, Rade spread her legs wider as he gently thrust inside. Her folds were wet and ready to consume him. Lowering his head, he captured her nipple and began kissing and sucking it into a taut peak. With one hand on her other breast; he slid his free hand down her body until he was met with her wetness. Tweaking her clit, he moved his finger deeper and deeper inside her. He needed more. He needed to taste her sweet honey. Sliding down her body, leaving tender kisses in his wake, Rade took what was his. Feeling her back arch, Dylan gave Rade what he was searching for. As soon as his mouth captured her clit, her body began to burn like a raging fire. There wasn’t one inch that didn’t feel like it was going to combust. Powerless, she let the surge take over, leaving her body weak and sensitized, yet thirsting for more.

  Rade pulled Dylan’s limp body to his, positioning her tender folds over his throbbing cock. He needed to be inside her. Raising her hips, Rade carefully lowered her body down on him. The minute her warmth shielded him, he was lost. Never had he experienced the way her body took him. The way her walls gripped his cock as he moved inch by glorious inch inside her. Thrusting harder, Rade was close to his own explosion. Dylan accepted him as he plunged deeper within her channel, deeper than he had ever been before. When her walls tightened, it was all she wrote. He was hers as he spilled his seed deep within her.


  When Rade’s Gulfstream landed at Heathrow, Dylan couldn’t have been happier. Even though she had slept most of the way, she was glad to finally touch down after the seven hour flight. Rade invited Richard along not only as a driver, but also to keep an eye on Chloe. Rade knew once Chloe found out that Dylan came with him to London, she would be planning her next move.

  It wasn’t a surprise that a black Land Rover was waiting on the tarmac when they landed. Richard exited the private jet first, making sure the luggage was transferred from the plane to the SUV. Emerging from the plane, Dylan took in the clean air that London offered. The air was humid, but refreshing. Richard put the luggage in the back of the SUV while Rade assisted Dylan into the vehicle.

  As Richard drove, Dylan took in the sights of London. Even though it was September, the trees were beginning to change. The countryside was breathtaking. The drive took only thirty minutes once Richard maneuvered out of the airport. Dylan continued to look out the window, taking in the architecture of the old English buildings. Passing the Natural History Museum, Dylan was in awe at the large building with its beautiful design. It was the most amazing exhibition of Victorian architecture she had ever seen. So many of the buildings they passed were just as amazing. Even when they drove through Hyde Park Corner, Dylan couldn’t believe the structures and statues she saw. It was beautiful. Everything about the city was beautiful. Dylan hoped that they would be able to visit some of the sights while in London.

  Richard pulled up to the Claridge Hotel, leaving Dylan even more impressed. The hotel was magnificent with its timeless elegance. As Rade exited the Land Rover, he was greeted by a friendly man with an English accent. Assisting Richard with the luggage, a bellboy rolled a brass luggage cart through the double doors of the hotel. If the outside of the building wasn’t impressive enough, the inside left Dylan beyond speechless with its marble flooring and impressive archways. Even the chandeliers sparkled with grandeur.

  Once checked in, Rade and Dylan were led to a set of elevators where the bellboy pushed the top floor on the panel. When the doors opened to reveal their room, Dylan was again speechless. The penthouse was more beautiful than the hotel. Walking to the double doors that led to the outside, Dylan thought she would never get used to the sight in front of her with the panoramic view of Brook Mews, Davies Street, and the Houses of Parliament. Taken in by the view, Dylan didn’t hear Rade walk up behind her.

  “How about we freshen up and go out to eat? I know of just the place along the River Thames,” Rade said, placing a soft kiss on Dylan’s neck as he pulled her to him from behind.

  “That sounds wonderful,” Dylan admitted, turning to face him.

  “Tonight it will be just us,” Rade began. “Tomorrow we will meet with Chloe’s parents and soon they will know the truth about us.”

  Rade thought it would be romantic to take a carriage ride through the city, so it was only fitting to make the arrangements. With a little effort and a lot of money, he was able to get a local carriage company to accommodate his request.

  Nothing could have prepared him for the look on Dylan’s face as the coachman pulled up in front of the hotel in a horse-drawn carriage. Rade wanted to make sure this was a night that Dylan would never forget.

  When they arrived at the restaurant, the coachman was dismissed. Even though the ride was a little chilly for Dylan, nothing could have stopped her from experiencing another first.

  Rade escorted Dylan into the restaurant knowing that he had made points with her. A hostess with an English accent greeted them and led them to a table outside the restaurant. The evening was a little cool, but having dinner along the River Thames was going to be another first Dylan wasn’t going to pass up.

  After Rade had placed their order, though Dylan had no idea what he ordered since he ordered it in French, Rade raised his wine glass. “Here’s to a wonderful evening.”

  The evening was perfect and the meal was exceptional. Dylan never had wild duck before. It was so delicious, she couldn’t describe the way it melted on her tongue. After they finished the main course, the waiter brought a caramel soufflé and Armagnac ice cream. Dylan thought she had died and gone to heaven the way it took over her taste buds.

  Finishing their meal, Rade suggested they take a walk along the river to burn some of the meal they consumed. There was so much to see in London that Dylan knew there was no way she would be able to see everything on their short visit. As they walked on the brick pathway, Rade pulled Dylan to his side. Stopping just short of the Tower Bridge, Rade turned to face her. Dylan was confused by his sudden pause, but when she looked up at him, she knew it was to capture a kiss. When his lips met hers, it took everything she had not to beg him for more. She knew they were in a public place, but with the feel of his lips on hers, it didn’t matter. All she wanted was him. “Take me home,” Dylan softly said.

  Rade must have called for Richard, because no sooner than he broke from her, Richard pulled up to the curb, ready to take them back to the hotel. It wasn’t long before they arrived back to the room with their hands all over each other. Entering the penthouse, Rade pushed Dylan against the wall, causing a picture hanging in that spot to tip. His need for her took over as he began tearing away at her clothing. Pulling her top over her head, his mouth was on her taut nipple, sucking and kissing, unable to get enough of her. Ripping her lacy bra, he needed more of her. With his other hand, he found the clasp of her skirt and rid her of it within seconds. Her panties were next, only he couldn’t wait until they were off. He wrapped the delicate material around his fingers and with a forceful tug, the scrap of lace was removed. Dylan knew the minute the material dug into her skin, a mark would be left behind, like so many times before. There were no words that could express the hunger they had for one another. Rade’s hands fell to Dylan’s ass, clutching the soft flesh until her body was lifted from the marble floor. With unhampered desire, Dylan wrapped her legs around Rade’s waist, needing to be closer to him. It didn’t take long for Rade to slide his trousers down his legs and thrust his engorged cock inside her warm channel. Dylan just about came undone at the sudden invasion. Trying to adjust to his large girth, Dylan adjusted her hips so that she was better able to take his ample shaft. “God, do you know how good you feel right now?” Rade moaned with desire.

  Unable to hold back his control, knowing that he might hurt her, Rade plunged to the hilt, swearing that he could feel her womb as he pressed deeper inside her tight channel. Hearing Dylan’s scream, he knew he was home. Dylan’s juices spread like wildfire as her wal
ls tightened around him. Letting her walls consume him, he thrust one last time before his own need took over, spilling his seed inside her.

  Rade gently lowered Dylan to the floor still holding on to her. Meeting her lips with his, he claimed what was his. His hunger for her strengthened with each pull of her body. Lifting her once again from the floor, he carried her in his arms to the bedroom. Laying her gently on the bed, he went to his suitcase and removed a tie from one of the compartments. It was the only item in the suitcase that he instructed the hotel butler to leave. He wanted to make sure he could obtain it in a hurry. He didn’t want to waste time hunting it down.

  “Put your arms above your head, Sweetness,” Rade instructed as he moved closer to her.

  Taking her wrists in his hand, Rade began to loop the silky material around her wrists. When he was satisfied that the cloth was tight, he secured the ends to the headboard. Lowering his body between her legs, he spread them wide to accommodate his body. Looking down on her, he was ready to worship every inch of her perfection. Beginning at her feet, Rade placed wet tender kisses on her soft skin. Admiring her red toenails, he started moving up her body, leaving no part of her soft skin untouched. By the time he got to her knees, Dylan was beyond frustrated. All she wanted was to have him inside her. “Please, Rade, I need you,” Dylan moaned.

  “I want to hear you beg, Sweetness,” Rade said demandingly.

  “I need you inside me, Rade. Please, I need you to fuck me,” Dylan pleaded.

  Continuing his assault, Rade wasn’t done taking what was his. He knew it was killing Dylan not to have his cock inside her, but this was what she needed. It had been too long since she felt his control. He needed to let her know that her body was his, her desire was his, her orgasms were his.

  Hoping to gain his attention, Dylan began rocking her hips. She wasn’t sure what it would take for Rade to give her what she needed. “You need to be still Sweetness, otherwise this will stop,” Rade ordered.


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