Two for Alex

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Two for Alex Page 10

by Claire Thompson

  Daniel laughed. “No, I messed up all the time. Not in the same way as you. I could control myself in the jerking-off department.” Alex wrinkled her nose as he continued. “My issues are more about wanting to control the scene. It took me some time to accept Liam’s choice without trying to get what I wanted or thought I wanted in the process. We’re so close now, so connected that what he wants for me always turns out to be what I really want for myself. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. He knows my limits and he’s not afraid to take me right to the edge. My only job is to trust him enough to let him do it.”

  “Wow,” Alex said softly, suddenly longing for the kind of connection Daniel spoke of, aware she would probably never find it. She was too closed off—she could never open herself enough to trust someone so completely. Perhaps love did have something to do with it? She shook away the thought.

  Wordlessly she followed Daniel to Liam’s study, feeling like a schoolgirl going to see the principal after having been caught cheating or chewing gum in class. It was strange to be naked while Daniel wore his shorts. She wished she had the cover of clothing but understood the intention was to leave her feeling that much more vulnerable.

  Though the door was open, Daniel knocked lightly on the doorframe. Liam looked up from his papers and smiled. They entered the room. Daniel sat on the sofa to the left of Liam’s desk. Alex stood uncertainly, not quite daring to sit without being invited to do so. She crossed her arms over her body, glanced at Daniel and at once dropped them again to her sides. Her hair was hanging in her face but she didn’t brush it back, glad for the bit of cover it afforded her.

  “Are you ready to speak in a more civil tone, young lady?” Liam asked. Alex bit back a grin at this term and suddenly felt more relaxed. She nodded. “All right then. I want an account, in your own words, of what happened today in the garden. Remind me first what the express rule was regarding touching yourself without permission.”

  Alex swallowed, no longer relaxed. She glanced again at Daniel as if he could give her some kind of reprieve. He was looking not at her but at Liam. She turned back to face him, biting back a sigh. “The rule is, um, no touching, no playing with myself unless you or Daniel expressly tell me to do it.”

  “That’s correct. And so what happened while you were weeding?”

  “Well, um, you see. I didn’t exactly mean to, that is—”

  “No. Stop that. I don’t want to hear your excuses or an outline of your intentions. Just describe what happened. Be as honest as you can.”

  She looked at him then, really looked into his face. His dark brown eyes were kind, his expression earnest. He wasn’t setting her up to be embarrassed and humiliated as she’d assumed. He really seemed to want to understand what drove her to willfully break an express command, especially after claiming she yearned for the lifestyle he offered.

  She might as well put it all out there. What did she have to lose? They would reject her or accept her based on their own criteria. She doubted what she said now would have much impact either way. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted herself at this point.

  “Okay, here’s what happened. I was daydreaming about how hot it was watching the two of you having sex in front of me. I’ve never been whipped the way you did last night. I’ve never been made to orgasm while tied down, not even sure who was touching me. I’ve never been left alone while two men went off to make love to each other, leaving me naked and locked in a cage. The whole thing kind of got to me.”

  Liam nodded, his attention fully on her. “I understand. Go on.”

  Encouraged, Alex continued, “And this morning, the way you touched my cunt and ass, knowing you were arousing me and then just leaving me on fire. I was just so turned-on, you know? I mean, I know that’s no excuse. I know I don’t have the discipline Daniel has. But I honestly didn’t willfully set out to disobey you. It just sort of happened. I wasn’t intending to make myself come. I was just trying to take the edge off, I guess.”

  “What else?” Liam asked.

  What else?

  What did he want from her?

  She decided to say it all—everything that had been building in her mind since arriving.

  “Okay. I know you guys are used to this lifestyle. You take it seriously and it’s a romantic, beautiful thing between the two of you. I’m just this object, this ‘toy’ I believe you said last night to Daniel. I guess because of that it doesn’t feel real to me. Or maybe just not yet, I don’t know. Yesterday was incredible. I’ve never been so turned-on or so challenged in my beliefs about what it means to be submissive. I think I’m starting to realize what I claimed I wanted and what I really want might be two different things.

  “Watching Daniel submit to you and observing how he carries himself and how obviously devoted he is to you made me realize there might be an element to all this I never took into account.” She paused, looking again at Daniel, who was watching her, and back toward Liam. “I guess,” she said softly, confused by the tears she felt behind her eyes, “that element is love.”

  Chapter 8

  “You’re kidding. You’ve never used a butt plug? Not even for training?” Daniel held up a slim anal plug made of black silicone.

  “Nope. Anal sex was never my thing,” Alex answered emphatically, hoping this wasn’t going where she knew it was. They’d finished the delicious meal Daniel had prepared. The dinner conversation had been light and casual. Both men had steered the discussion away from D/s and Alex’s transgressions, much to her relief, with the talk focusing instead on current events, Liam’s job and Alex’s writing career. They finished the bottle of wine between the three of them. Alex had found herself relaxing, almost forgetting she’d been caught and punished and probably wouldn’t be permitted to come for the foreseeable future.

  She had tried to linger at the table, even though she was excited about the night to come, hopeful tonight she would be invited into their bed. Her more practical side recognized this probably wouldn’t happen. She was still somewhat in disgrace with them, she knew. She had no idea how long the statute of limitations on submissive misbehavior lasted. She thought of asking Liam, using exactly that legal jargon, but quickly decided against it.

  She ate her second bowl of ice cream while the two men looked on with amused tolerance. She’d always had a huge appetite for her petite size, and with the amazing food Daniel put on the table, she wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. For all she knew, in a week’s time she’d be back in her efficiency apartment, staring at the frozen dinners stacked like bricks in her tiny freezer.

  Finally, her bowl was empty and she could delay no longer. Liam went to take a quick shower after conferring privately with Daniel for a moment about the course of the evening’s events.

  Alex and Daniel now stood side by side over the open chest set against the wall where the whip collection hung. Inside were myriad toys, including wrist and ankle cuffs of both leather and steel, nipple clamps, blindfolds, collars, cock rings and the dreaded anal plugs that ranged in size from small to absurdly large, at least in Alex’s virginal estimation.

  Daniel laughed. “Well, don’t you think maybe you picked the wrong type of guys if you’re not interested in anal sex?”

  “I like to watch it. Just not do it,” Alex retorted.

  “Have you ever tried it?”

  “Well, no, but—”

  “Why not?”

  “Why should I? I’ve got something better.”

  “Matter of opinion,” Daniel snorted, and Alex bristled. He patted her head condescendingly. “All I’m saying is don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it. You’ve been shutting yourself off from a whole realm of pleasure. Luckily for you, your sheltered days are over. Liam wants you to wear a butt plug tonight. I’m going to insert it for you while he watches.”

  “No!” Alex burst out before she could stop herself. Reflexively she put her hands over her bottom. She had been permitted to put on a sundress for dinner, which she s
till wore, but panties and bra had been forbidden.

  “No?” Daniel said. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

  Alex hastened to explain. “I mean, it’s just, I’ve never done it. It will hurt. You said I wouldn’t be harmed.”

  “Of course we won’t harm you, but you know as well as I do that a little erotic pain is a good thing. Don’t pretend to be so naïve. Do you want to submit to us or not? And it doesn’t have to hurt either. The key is to relax. To receive it as you receive everything from your Master—with openness and complete trust.”

  He stroked her arm, his voice gentle. His expression was kind and Alex relaxed, at least a little. “I’m glad in a way you’ve never used a plug. I’m even glad you’re afraid. What I mean is, because of that, this will be a true act of submission for you. You’ll allow this to happen not because it gets you off but because it pleases us that you do so. You want that, don’t you?”

  Alex looked into his earnest, expressive eyes. She thought about the way he and Liam stared into one another’s eyes with such complete understanding and mutual adoration. Was such a connection forged because of their D/s relationship? Could she ever hope to aspire to such a connection?

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I do.” Though she was frightened of having that ominous-looking thing penetrate her tight nether entrance, she found herself thrilling on a primal level to the submissive aspect of it all. Perhaps she could redeem herself just a little bit in their eyes if she managed to handle this without making a fool of herself in the process.

  When Liam entered a few moments later, he found Alex draped over the same wide, low stool Daniel had tied her to earlier in the day for her punishment, only this time she was lying face down, her ass pointed toward the ceiling, her hair hanging down in sheets of gold touching the rug.

  She heard rather than saw Liam come in. Daniel had promised they would start with the smallest plug. Start with it. She hoped they ended with it, but she tried not to dwell on that, focusing only on relaxing her body and opening her mind to this latest bit of erotic torture.

  Alex knew it might be considered odd she’d never had anal sex, given all the sexual experimentation she’d done over the years. Even Cheryl and Greg had done it on occasion, as Cheryl had confided to Alex. She’d said she kind of liked it mainly because Greg had been so excited to try it and he’d filled the room with scented candles and rose petals strewn over the bed to make it romantic for an at first hesitant Cheryl. She’d been pleased, she said, to have finally done something Alex had never tried.

  She wasn’t entirely sure herself about her hesitation. A few of her lovers had suggested it, but she’d always managed to avoid it, even with dominant lovers. They had been happy enough to stick to the more traditional routes of sexual satisfaction.

  The hem of her dress was lifted and Alex felt the cool air of the room against her now exposed ass. Her heart began to patter as fingers stroked over her ass cheeks and slid gently into the cleft between them. “Is the slave ready for the plug?” Liam said above her.

  “She’s a virgin,” Daniel said.

  “You’re kidding.” Liam echoed Daniel’s earlier words.

  Alex stiffened with annoyance. She had obeyed them, hadn’t she? She was lying dutifully, waiting for someone to shove that phallus into her poor bottom, was she not? Would she also be subjected to another round of amazement and dismay by her bisexual hosts?

  “We’ll have to remedy that right away then,” Liam continued. “Good thing we have several sizes. She’ll need to be opened properly if she’s to take either of us in the ass.” Alex closed her eyes, willing herself to calm down. She had wanted them to make love to her, yes. But not like this. She tensed when Liam said, “Go ahead, Daniel. Insert the plug. I’m sure Alex is eager to redeem herself.”

  Daniel knelt behind her. Placing a hand on either thigh, he pushed her legs apart. He slid a pillow beneath her hips, forcing her ass higher. She had never felt so exposed in her life. She gripped the legs of the stool, praying she could handle this.

  Daniel stroked her back as he leaned over her. “Relax. I won’t hurt you. I know what I’m doing. The key is to relax, Alex. Submit. Let go. I know you can do it.” His voice was soothing, his hand leaving a trail of desire along her flesh. Despite what was about to happen, the idea of being tied down thrilled her as it always did. She would trust Daniel. What choice did she have?

  She flinched slightly as cold lubricant was smeared over her puckered hole. A second later she felt the hard tip of the plug. Involuntarily she clenched her muscles. “Relax,” Daniel whispered, and she let out a deep breath, forcing herself to let go. He pressed gently but steadily. It really didn’t hurt at all, she was very surprised to realize. The thought came a moment too soon as a sudden pain shot through her rectum. “Ouch!”

  “That’s it.” Daniel patted her bottom and pulled down her dress. “You took it all. Congratulations. You are no longer a virgin.” As Daniel pulled her to her feet, Alex experienced a strange combination of chagrin, arousal and submissive pride. She’d done it. With only one yelp at the very end. Her bottom felt full but it didn’t hurt at all. In fact, it felt sort of good. Not that she’d admit that to them. Let them think it was a “true submissive” act.

  “Your turn, Daniel,” Liam said with a slow smile. His eyes were bright, his erection clearly outlined in his pants. Would they ever permit her to watch them have anal sex, she wondered? Last night they’d left her caged while they’d gone to their bedroom to make love. Perhaps tonight, if she behaved and obeyed, she would be invited to join them.

  Daniel pulled down his shorts without the slightest hesitation, kicking them neatly aside. He knelt without any show of self-consciousness, lowering his forehead to the carpet as he reached back to spread his own ass cheeks for his Master. Alex stood wide-eyed as she watched Liam select a much larger plug for Daniel.

  Daniel stayed perfectly still as Liam slowly slid the phallus into his body. He issued a small grunt when the thick base slipped past the ring of muscle at his entrance. At Liam’s tap to his shoulder, Daniel stood, his smooth body glowing golden tan in the soft light of the room. His long, thick cock jutted out from his body, the large shaven balls heavy beneath it.

  Liam turned to Alex, the pride evident in his voice. “Isn’t he magnificent?”

  Alex had to agree he was. “Yes, Sir,” she replied sincerely. It was all she could do to keep from throwing herself on Daniel, tackling him to the ground and straddling that gorgeous erection.

  Liam was watching her, a half smile on his face. Alex flushed, aware her lust was naked on her face. “Take off your dress,” he ordered. “Let me see your ass. Are the marks still there?”

  Alex pulled her dress over her head, turning around self-consciously.

  Liam walked behind her, his fingers sending electric trails of desire over her flesh. “Smooth as cream. We’ll have to rectify that, hmm? Maybe tonight we’ll try the cane. Daniel ordered a wicked rattan cane he’s been eager to try out.”

  Alex let out a long, slow breath. Liam seemed to have an uncanny knack of homing in on precisely what scared her the most.

  He was watching her. “I know you said you don’t like the cane. Daniel will teach you to love it as he has come to.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Sometimes,” he said softly, “those things we most fear are what we most crave, if we can find the courage to experience them.”

  While Liam had been talking, Daniel had moved to the toy chest, from which he removed a long cane. It had a curved grip that looked like the handle of an umbrella only thinner. He swished the cane experimentally.

  As it sliced the air with a whistling sound, Alex flinched. Despite her fear, her cunt was throbbing. All day, she’d been kept on the edge of sexual arousal. If she didn’t get fucked soon, she was going to explode.

  “Leave the cane for a moment, Daniel,” Liam said. To Alex he said, “Let’s see what kind of technique you have when sucking a man’s cock. Daniel sa
ys you have some potential but there’s work to be done. Get on your knees. Keep your hands behind your back.”

  He tapped Alex’s head as she’d seen him tap Daniel’s and she sank at once to the floor, trying for Daniel’s grace, but coming nowhere near it. Daniel stood in front of her, placing his hands lightly on his hips for balance. She knelt up and opened her mouth, his already familiar warm, musky scent assailing her nostrils and arousing her further.

  If they’d been vanilla lovers, she would have dropped one hand to her sex, fondling herself to take the edge off as she sucked her lover’s cock. But, she reminded herself sternly, he was not her lover. He was her Master for a week, and nothing more. She had two Masters, and she was their slave girl, there only to do their bidding and submit to their erotic whims.

  She grinned at herself, aware she was imagining herself as one of the heroines in her erotic romance novels. In the novel, both men would fall hopelessly head over feet in love with her and they would all three live happily ever after…

  The reality was considerably less rosy, she knew. Two bisexual lovers firmly ensconced in their relationship would be very unlikely to find a place either in their hearts or their lives for a not-very-submissive masochistic female.

  Not that she wanted a place in their lives or hearts. She was here to learn. And in that regard, it truly was an amazing opportunity. She had been wise to choose men who wouldn’t be reduced to putty in her feminine fingers. They could really teach her about submissive grace without gumming up the works with romantic nonsense.

  Daniel nudged her lips with the spongy head of his cock. Eagerly she parted them, aware of Liam’s critical eye upon her. With as much skill as she could muster, Alex set about a slow, erotic tease, massaging and licking the length of Daniel’s shaft with her lips and tongue. Daniel pressed deeper into her mouth and she felt the familiar gag reflex begin to rear its ugly head. Desperately she fought herself for control, willing her muscles to relax, to accept, to take what was given her.


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