Two for Alex

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Two for Alex Page 21

by Claire Thompson

  “Oh. I’m good. I’m fine, thanks.” She stood, hugging her naked body.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and shower and groom. That way Liam can inspect you sooner and we can give you your present before he leaves for work.” Something shifted in the smiling eyes and Alex was at once on her guard.


  “You’ll see. Part of your training.”

  Alex loved presents—who didn’t? She ignored the niggling warning sparked by the dark flash in Daniel’s expression. Her mind rolled over the possibilities—a beautifully tooled slave collar of soft, supple leather? A satin corset that cinched in her already narrow waist and made her breasts look bigger, spilling over its boned edges? “What? What is it? What did you get me? Come on, you can tell me.”

  Daniel laughed, shaking his head. “You’ll see soon enough, though I’m not sure present is really the right word. Liam’s up early too, so be ready in fifteen minutes.”

  Not sure present is the right word… That didn’t bode well, though Alex had no idea now what the thing might be. She decided to put it from her mind and just wait and see.

  She showered, using the mirrored shower door while grooming to make sure she didn’t miss any spots. She dried herself quickly and applied a rich lotion that gave her skin a silky-soft feel.

  Returning to the bedroom, she made the bed and glanced at the clock. Liam was very punctual, which meant she had about two minutes to wait. She positioned herself with her hands laced loosely behind her head, her eyes fixed on the pendulum swinging rhythmically in the clock mounted on the wall beside the door.

  It was surprising how quickly she had become used to being naked or nearly naked around the two men. She was permitted clothing when working outside in the gardens, of course. But other than that, she rarely wore more than a simple sundress with nothing beneath while doing house chores. When being trained, exercising or during play, she was kept completely naked except for the silver cuffs at her wrists.

  Daniel too was naked or nearly much of the time, at least when Liam was home. While Liam was at work Daniel usually wore shorts and a T-shirt, perhaps to highlight his status as Alex’s Dom, even if he was sub to Liam.

  Liam walked into her bedroom and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  With some difficulty Alex kept her eyes straight ahead as she was required to do during inspections. “Good morning, Sir.”

  As he had each morning during her first week, Liam ran his fingers lightly under her arms, checking for smoothness. Standing close in front of her, he moved his large hands down her sides, making her shiver with pleasure at his touch.

  He cupped her cunt, easily accessible between her spread legs and moved his fingers along the smooth labia. Though his touch ignited her, she held herself still, determined to show some discipline after losing control the night before.

  He pushed a finger into her tunnel and she pressed her lips together to keep from moaning. Quickly she parted them, remembering the standing rule never to close her mouth completely in front of her Masters.

  But Liam hadn’t seemed to notice. “Wet as usual, hmm?” His voice was teasing. He pushed a second finger inside her and this time Alex couldn’t help the small groan that escaped her lips.

  “I asked you a question, slave. Answer it.” He moved his fingers inside her, sending electric sparks of lust hurtling toward her nipples.

  “Yes, Sir. I can’t help it, Sir.”

  “I don’t want you to help it. I like you wet. It should be your constant state.” He withdrew the fingers and moved behind her. Alex bent forward and grasped her ankles for the second half of the inspection.

  Though she wasn’t shy about her body, it always embarrassed her to assume this position, her cunt and asshole prominently displayed for Liam’s clinical review.

  She stiffened but held her position when she felt his finger circling her nether entrance and pressing into it. “We’ll continue your anal training now that we’ve got you fulltime,” Liam informed her. The finger fell away and she felt the tap to her shoulder.

  She stood, again placing her hands behind her head. “Good. You passed inspection. You may put on a tank top but no panties. Come down for breakfast. We’ll eat a little early so we can both give you your present before I leave.”

  Wearing a top but no bottom served to make Alex even more aware of her naked sex. She shook her hair, nearly dry, from her face, spritzed a little of her favorite perfume behind her ears and on her thigh and hurried out of the room, desperately curious and a little afraid of what awaited her.


  Daniel was just ladling hot scrambled eggs onto Liam’s plate when Alex walked into the kitchen, a shy smile on her face.

  Though Liam preferred the tight clench of a hot ass wrapped around his cock, he didn’t mind the occasional velvet massage of a cunt. He’d very much enjoyed the one time Alex had straddled his cock while Daniel took her ass from behind.

  He fully planned to use her properly going forward. In fact, just the thought of it gave him an erection. It was curious to think he’d brought Alex into their lives mainly as a toy for Daniel, but she was rapidly becoming much more than that.

  He glanced at Daniel, who had finished serving the food and taken his place at the table. This is the man I love above all things, he reminded himself. Alex was an exciting new addition to their lives but she would never supplant Daniel in his heart.

  At Liam’s invitation, Alex sat down. She looked down at her plate of eggs and grilled ham. Reaching for a piece of buttered toast from the stack in the center of the table, she remarked in that low, slightly saucy tone of hers, “All this great food is going to make me fat, Daniel.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll work it off you.” Daniel laughed and Liam joined in. He tucked into his breakfast, eating quickly. He was eager to see Alex’s reaction to the toy they’d procured for her.

  He noticed Alex was hardly eating, but rather pushing her food around her plate in a nervous way. He was pleased to note she didn’t whine or beg to know what was waiting for her. At least some of her training was taking effect.

  Daniel, whose appetite was always hardy, was steadily working his way through a mound of eggs and ham, as well as several pieces of toast.

  When he was done, he turned to Liam. “Should I go get it now?”

  “Yes.” He turned to Alex. “Stand at attention by the table.”

  She stood at once, nearly toppling her chair in her eagerness to obey. She thrust her chest forward, legs spread, arms gripped behind her back at the elbows, chin raised, eyes ahead. Her nipples were prominent against the thin cotton of her dark blue tank top.

  Daniel returned a moment later. Pushing aside the dishes on the table, he lifted the tissue paper that covered the gift. Alex was twitching with the effort to hold her position and not peek.

  “It’s okay,” Liam said. “You can stand at ease. Go ahead and look.”

  Alex dropped her arms and turned expectantly toward the table. She stared. “What—what is that?”

  “It’s a chastity belt.” Daniel lifted the series of leather straps and buckles, holding them up for inspection.

  “A…what?” Her voice trailed away. It was pretty evident she’d been expecting something else.

  “Daniel and I have been discussing the areas where we think you need the most training. One is getting your ass used to being penetrated—obviously a must in this household. But even more important is helping you to really understand your position here as our sub girl.

  “So far, you’ve done really well, Alex. I’m not criticizing you, please don’t think so. But you have to admit, last week we caught you with your hand in your cunt several times, despite express orders to the contrary. Then, by your own admission, this weekend you did it again.”

  Liam stretched his legs out, shifting to accommodate the erection poking in his underwear. He glanced at Daniel and back toward the sexy, nervous girl standing in front of him, thinking ho
w fucking incredible his life was. Aloud he said, “Daniel came up with an excellent idea. A chastity belt is a perfect way to accomplish a number of goals at the same time. You want to explain, Daniel? Then we’ll put it on her.”

  Daniel stroked one of the leather straps. “A chastity belt is good for the obvious reason of keeping your hands off our property. This particular belt has three locking points—one on either side of the waist and one at the crotch. The crotch strap is flared in both the front and the back. The leather codpiece fits over your cunt and is locked into place. Of course you won’t have the key—I will.” He lifted a gold chain from around his neck, a small key dangling at its center. Liam had the other key.

  “In addition to preventing you from stealing orgasms a chastity belt reinforces your understanding of ownership in a very effective way. Obviously, you can’t touch yourself. But beyond that you won’t be able to use the toilet without my express permission and assistance. You’ll appreciate on a very basic level that your body is no longer your own.”

  Alex’s eyes, always large, seemed to fill her face and her mouth had fallen open. “I have to ask you to pee?” she whispered, her voice wavering.

  “Yep, among other things.” Daniel’s grin was wicked. Liam could see he was really enjoying himself. “Which brings me to this last point.” He picked up the anal plug that had come with the belt and waved it toward Alex.

  “The flared leather codpiece that fits over your ass is designed to keep a butt plug firmly in place while you go about daily chores or whatever else I have planned for you. You’ll be used to it in no time and we can gradually increase the size until you’re ready to accommodate a cock even Liam’s size with ease. Any questions before we strap this on?”

  Alex’s face was scarlet. She pressed her lips together and sucked in air through her nose. She parted her lips and let the air out through her mouth. Liam waited for the protests and the reasons why she couldn’t possibly tolerate the chastity belt.

  “Um…I think maybe I should pee?”

  Daniel glanced at Liam, who nodded, unable to hide his grin. While Alex was out of the room Daniel put the belt beside the anal plug. “We should probably wait on the butt plug until later, since you have to leave in a minute. Should I just put on the belt for now?”

  “Yeah. That sounds good. I want to see how it looks,” Liam said with a wink. He moved to Daniel and took him into his arms. “I love you,” he whispered. “More than anything.” He licked Daniel’s lips in a slow, sensual glide before inserting his tongue into his lover’s mouth.

  Daniel sighed and pressed his rigid cock against him. Liam kissed Daniel long and deep, folding his arousal for their new slave girl into his strong feelings for Daniel. He reveled in Daniel’s ardent response and the way he seemed to melt in his arms.

  If only he didn’t have to go to work. He was tempted to cancel his appointments for the day but remembered an important probate hearing it was essential he attend. Sometimes he envied Daniel his self-imposed retirement to take care of the house and grounds.

  Liam found himself wondering for the first time if maybe he too might scale back some in his law practice. He was a partner at a small but prestigious firm in the city and at thirty-four he’d already made enough money to retire and live off the income of his investments if he wanted to. Though he certainly wasn’t ready to retire, maybe he would pull back some, at least for a while. Things were too much fun at home to be out of the house five days a week.

  He let Daniel go and they saw Alex standing there looking adorable and timid, twisting her hands nervously in front of her. Daniel picked up the belt again. “Come here. Take off your shirt. We’re going to wait on the plug for now. You can get used to the belt by itself first.”

  Relief washed over Alex’s face. One never had to wonder what she was thinking, Liam grinned to himself. She pulled the tiny tank top over her head and shook her hair from her face.

  Daniel fitted the strap between her legs, positioning the thick leather codpiece over her sex and sliding the back codpiece over the thin leather strip he fitted between her cheeks. He tightened the belt around her narrow waist and locked it into place above either hip. A third silver lock bumped provocatively against her leather-covered sex.

  They both stood back, admiring how hot she looked. Liam turned to Daniel. “Maybe I should get one for you too, hmm?”

  “If it pleases you, Sir,” Daniel said huskily. Though he knew Daniel far better than Alex, Daniel wasn’t nearly as easy to read. His cock was erect in his shorts but then his cock was almost always erect when Liam was around, a fact that pleased him enormously.

  Liam glanced at his watch. “I have to go, damn it, or I’ll miss the train. I’ll try to get away early.” He kissed Daniel on the lips and leaned down to brush Alex’s cheek. They followed him from the kitchen to the front hall.

  He lifted the briefcase Daniel had placed on the side table beside the door and stood still a moment, wavering. Forcing himself to be a grown-up, he said lightly, “I’ll see you two tonight. Be good.”

  Chapter 5

  Daniel folded in the heavy cream and bit of orange peel, dipped his finger into the cheesecake batter and tasted it. Perfect. He was just pouring the mixture onto the shortbread crust he’d made in advance when his cell phone rang.

  He wiped his hands on the back of his shorts and reached for the ringing phone, answering without looking at the screen. “Daniel Spencer.”

  “Hey, Dan, it’s Scott. How are you?”

  Scott Jordan had purchased Daniel’s landscaping business six months before at a substantial profit to Daniel. As part of the agreement, Daniel remained on the books as a consultant, offering his expertise and connections in the business on some of the larger projects Scott brought in.

  “Hey, Scott. How’s it going?”

  “Going great. We have more business than we can handle. I’m thinking of adding two more fulltime guys. That’s why I’m calling, actually. We just got a big project and it’s right in your neck of the woods. Some muckety-muck from the city bought himself a six-million-dollar beachfront villa in Westport and his wife doesn’t like the landscaping that’s there now. She wants to tear up the place and give it her own unique stamp, her words. That’s where you come in, buddy. I’d appreciate it if you could meet with her, get a better idea of what it is she wants and work that magic of yours.”

  “Sure. When did you have in mind?”

  “Next Monday okay? Mrs. Carson says she’ll be available any time after that date. I could give you her number and you could work directly with her, if that’s okay.”

  “Not a problem. Go ahead, I’m ready.”

  Scott gave him the number, made some small talk and rang off. Daniel finished transferring the cheesecake batter into the springform pan and placed it carefully into the oven. He set the timer and stood back thinking about his next chore.

  “Sir?” He turned to see Alex standing in the kitchen door, her legs crossed, her hands pressed against the leather codpiece on her chastity belt. “I need to pee.”

  He led her to the small bathroom off the front hall. Kneeling in front of her, he lifted the chain over his head and used the key to unlock the chastity belt. There was a red mark around her waist where the leather had been cinched. He made a mental note not to put in on quite so tight when she was done peeing.

  She stood uncertainly, watching him. “What?” he asked.

  “I have to pee.”

  “I’m not stopping you. Go ahead.”

  Alex bit her lip and nodded. Daniel was amused as he watched her twisting and squirming her way toward the toilet.

  On a sudden evil whim, he added, “Lift the seat. Then straddle the toilet so I can see you pissing. It’s a good lesson in letting go of your modesty.”

  Alex’s cheeks suffused with blood but she obeyed him. After a few seconds the urine streamed down between her legs, splashing into the water. Still blushing, she reached for the toilet paper.

el’s cock had hardened while he watched her pee. It wasn’t that he was into water sports. It was more the thrill of her vulnerability. She had been forced to commit this very private act in front of him as a gesture of her submission to him.

  He intercepted her hand. “I’ll do it. Put your hands behind your head and stay over the toilet.” Daniel tore off some toilet paper and reached between her legs to wipe her shaven cunt. He dropped the tissue into the toilet and depressed the handle.

  He was standing close enough to her to smell her perfume, something light, floral and very pleasing. On an impulse he dropped his hand to her still-spread cunt. He found the entrance and pressed a fingertip inside her. She was wet, as always. He moved farther inside her, pleased when she shivered and uttered a barely audible sigh.

  He withdrew his finger and rubbed between the labia, drawing the finger over her clit and moving in a light circle over the hood. Alex shuddered and her eyes fluttered shut.

  She was so easy—there was no other word for it. She was a sexual slut who could never get enough. Feeling especially sadistic, Daniel continued to stroke and tease her until Alex was moaning, her hips gyrating in time to his touch.

  All at once he pulled away and stepped back. He could smell the alluring scent of her lust. “You’re about to come, aren’t you?”

  Alex’s eyes opened though they didn’t seem focused. “Yes, please, Sir,” she whispered. The greedy girl had just come the night before, yet here she was, shuddering and gasping, begging for more.

  “It’s good to want things.” He smiled. “Now get over here so we can cover that greedy cunt before you get the idea you can come whenever it suits you. Don’t forget, you gave that body willingly to Liam and me. It’s not yours anymore. If and when you come, it’s because we say so.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex breathed, her chest heaving, the nipples like stiff pink erasers at their tips. He saw the glitter in her eyes that he’d come to recognize as submissive desire. While she was truly suffering by the denial of her sexual release, ironically it was the same erotic suffering that thrilled her to her core. Daniel well understood this reaction as he too experienced it whenever Liam exerted his sensual power over him.


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