Chasing Love: A Billionaire Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 1)

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Chasing Love: A Billionaire Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 1) Page 37

by Kat T. Masen

  “Woo, go for it! Go, go, go,” Rocky chants, fist-pumping the air.

  “For Christ’s sake, Rocky, they aren’t going to do it in front of you,” Nikki berates him. “Okay, Charlie, same question.”

  “I’d answer, but Mr. Possessive over here can’t handle sex and my past,” she slurs.

  She has a point, but if there’s any moment to spill the beans it’s now, while I’m on the verge of a massive hangover tomorrow. Plus, I know part of her ‘dud’ sex encounter with Finn.

  “I think I can handle it. Finn and his pathetic attempt to get you off,” I tell her, uninterested.

  She shoots me an annoyed look, so I shut up.

  “I was seventeen. Finn and I had been friends for like, forever. One day we decided maybe it was fate, you know, us being together, so we lost our virginities to each other on the beach. It was cold, the sand was gross, and I chaffed because I couldn’t get wet. Plus, he was huge.”

  “How huge?” Nikki raises her brows.

  Charlotte holds her shot glass toward her lips with a knowing grin. “Not as big as some.”

  “Way to go, Edwards!” Rocky holds up his hand to high-five me.

  I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react, laughing as I shrug my shoulders. Charlotte slurs something else before bursting out into laughter and accidentally spilling the vodka down her tank top.

  “Okay, next question, since Nikki just lost that hand,” Charlotte puts her on the spot. “How many guys have you fucked? And I mean fucked, not blow jobs.”

  Nikki scratches her head trying to think, then she bursts out laughing for no reason.

  “I told you six… I think. There was the guy I lost my virginity to then he screwed my best friend, so I fucked his best friend after they won the state championships. Then there was John the science guy—”

  “Was he the guy with the funky spunk?” Rocky blurts out.

  Charlotte and I cringe in unison.

  “Yes, Rocky. Then there was Dave—”

  “Small Dick Dave?” Rocky snickers.

  “Yes, Small Dick Dave. Then, oh yeah, we can’t forget the twins. Michael and Matthew.”

  “You fucked twins?” Charlotte gasps.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t… what’s the word I’m looking for?”

  “Aw babe, not the twin story again,” Rocky whines.

  “You had an orgy with four girls.” Nikki points her finger close to his face. “What the hell are you getting jealous about?”

  “Yeah, but they weren’t hot like you.”

  Rocky tries to make kissy sounds toward Nikki, but she pushes him away, stubborn as usual.

  “You said it was the greatest experience of your life because one of them squirted on your face,” Nikki reminds him.

  I spit out my shot all over my chest and some even through my nose. Unable to contain my laughter, Charlotte joins me as she slaps the table, some poker chips falling to the floor.

  An hour later, I’m sitting in my boxers after going all-in, and Nikki calls my bluff.

  Charlotte is still winning but has lost one round costing her to lose her tank top. Several times, my eyes wander across to her chest, not that she cares. With the bottle of vodka almost finished, she’s determined to win.

  Nikki is down to just her underwear, and as much as I detest her, she has an amazing body. Then we are left with Rocky. His stack is gone, and so is his underwear. Sitting on the chair free-balling in all his glory, he’s quick to point out the temperature in the room is cold, hence his predicament.

  Charlotte grabs my cock then yells, “No, it’s not. Lex is as hard as a rock.”

  With my motor skills compromised, I don’t bat her away, wondering why I am hard considering it is cold in the room. Thank fuck I still have my boxers on.

  Two bottles of liquor are now finished before Nikki brings out the Sambuca. Jesus Christ, even I have my limits. Checking my phone, it’s just after midnight, and there’s a text from Adriana about stopping off for a late dinner, barely able to read it without squinting my eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Lex? Got a booty text from your string of skanks?” Nikki chuckles.

  “Babe, he got his booty right here.” Rocky points to Charlotte, who’s attempting to count her stack but keeps stopping at thirteen to start all over again.

  She finally catches the conversation, crossing her arms in defiance.

  “Yeah, Lex, what… am I your booty on the side? How many booties are you tapping?”

  “None at the moment since you won’t let me tap yours.”

  “Oh, snap!” Nikki squeaks, covering her mouth in shock.

  “Charlie, you’re giving the poor guy blue balls. No one wants blue balls, but when you’re married, it’s—”

  Nikki raises her hand, cutting him off. “It’s what, Rocky? I fuck you three times a week and blow jobs every other day. What the fuck are you complaining about? Plus, when Flow’s in town, I let you fuck me up the ass.”

  We can’t suppress the laughter as we roar in hysterics. This time it takes longer to recover. It isn’t even funny, but the damn vodka makes the painting of the trees on the wall hilarious.

  “But it’s not like every day, you know? I still have to jerk off in between.”

  “Lex, you don’t have regular pussy, so how much do you jerk off?” Nikki questions while attempting to pour shots in all our glasses. She’s way off because each glass has spilled over the sides and onto the table.

  “I don’t know. Before Charlotte it wasn’t very often, maybe twice a week. Now like five fucking times a day, and it’s still not enough,” I say, pouting like it’s the saddest thing ever to admit is happening to me.

  Rocky is roaring as he bangs his fists on the table. The chips fall over causing Nikki to laugh hysterically, and inadvertently, she spills her Sambuca all over her cards.

  “OMG, Lex, that’s so sweet of you,” Charlotte cries, placing her hand on her heart.

  “Fuck, Lex, you’re gonna get carpel whatsamajiggy,” Nikki slurs, sloshing her glass in the air. “Just marry Charlie already, then you can fuck her twenty-four seven.”

  “She won’t marry me,” I deadpan, my expression turning serious. “She’s too busy playing the field with Julian.”

  A small silence falls upon the room, a bit like a tumbleweed rolling by, followed by Nikki and Rocky laughing again.

  Charlotte’s lips curve upward into a smile as she half-covers her face by holding her cards up. “You’ve never asked me to marry you. Maybe if you did we could’ve had nine wonderful years of fucking our brains out. And I’m not playing the field, Julian is my fiancé. You’re my friend…”

  I can barely string my words together, and I want to say something, but I can’t figure out what. I stand, unsteady, and walk as straight as I can to the coffee table, grabbing the keys. Attempting to remove the metal circle loop thing which holds the keys together, I slide it out and walk back to the table.

  Kneeling on one knee, in only my boxer shorts, I motion for her to hold out her hand. I slide the ring onto her wedding ring finger.

  Charlotte touches the base of her neck, her shoulders loosening as she stares at her hand.

  “This weekend you’re my wife. You said nothing’s off-limits.”

  We may be overly intoxicated, but there’s a mixed emotion coming from her. With a blank stare, I can’t figure out whether she’s happy or sad. Searching her face for some sort of response, a flush sweeps across her cheeks as her mouth widens into a beautiful smile.

  Wrapping her arms around my neck, she places her lips on mine for a brief kiss before mouthing, “I do.”

  “Are we done with the corny bullshit?” Rocky complains, downing a shot then letting out a loud rasp. “Okay, fuckers, let’s play kill, fuck, or marry. Lex, you first.”

  That’s the last thing I remember before it all becomes a blur.


  I blink my eyes.

  It hurts. But why?

  I try again.

Fuck, it’s the sun causing the pain.

  There’s a ringing in my ear. I can’t figure it out and every muscle hurts when I try.

  “Lex… Lex?” The voice is getting closer. The ringing is a voice, and my name is being called. “Lex?”

  I open my eyes, barely able to make out that it’s my sister. “Adriana?” My voice is hoarse, and when I swallow, my throat burns. Tequila, vodka, strip poker—it’s all coming back to me now like a slap between the eyes.

  “Yes, it’s me. What the hell happened last night?”

  I attempt to sit up, only noticing now I crashed on the couch. So much for trying to sneak into Charlotte’s room. There’s a blanket covering me, my torso exposed, and thankfully, I’m still wearing boxers.

  Rubbing my eyes, I open them as wide as I can. “What time is it?”

  “Eight. What happened last night?”

  “We played poker, drank tequila, and I don’t know what else.”

  “So why are you half-naked?”

  “It was strip poker. Rocky’s idea.” I wince as my head throbs.

  Adriana’s high-pitched voice isn’t helping either.

  She laughs before getting up and heading to the kitchen. I can smell some aroma filtering through, and I am hoping Elijah’s cooking breakfast. Refusing to waste another minute wallowing in self-pity, I peel myself off the couch and head to my room.

  I find some Advil in the bathroom. Thank God because I’m paying for last night’s shenanigans. I take the longest shower in the history of mankind, then get dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

  Back in the kitchen, Adriana pours the strongest coffee I’ve ever tasted. I welcome it along with a gourmet breakfast Elijah places in front of me. I’m starving.

  Ten minutes later, Charlotte drags her hungover ass into the kitchen. She looks like hell. Gorgeous hell. She plonks herself on the chair, placing her head down onto her arms. “Don’t look at me,” she mumbles.

  Adriana starts rambling on about the beach while pouring her a coffee. Moments later, Charlotte snaps, threatening Adriana to shut the hell up because her voice is too loud.

  It takes over an hour for everyone to be ready for the beach. We’re all standing on the porch, towels and gear in tow. Nikki is sporting a massive pair of sunglasses, grumpier than her usual self, and biting everyone’s head off for talking.

  Rocky is surprisingly normal considering he belittled himself by licking vodka off the table. I have recovered to the best of my ability, and Charlotte, of course, looks like her sexy self again. She’s wearing a kaftan, carrying the umbrella and follows the rest of us down to the beach.

  We set up all our stuff, and the girls decide to catch some rays. Charlotte pulls her kaftan over her head revealing a skimpy yellow bikini. It looks amazing against her already tanned skin. The fabric barely covers her curvaceous breasts, and the bottoms sit low revealing her tattoo. I can’t peel my eyes away from her. She looks like she’s just stepped out of a Sports Illustrated cover shoot.

  The sun is hot, so Rocky decides to take Will in the water. We are running low on drinks, so I offer to get some more and surprisingly, Charlotte offers to come with me.

  Back at the house, I know we have ten minutes to spare before someone will come looking for us, so I don’t waste any time.

  Inside the kitchen she’s standing by the fridge with door open while grabbing some water bottles. Her pretty little ass is right there in front of me, and resistance is futile. I lean in, pulling her against me. Without hesitation, I slide my hand down her front and into her bikini bottoms. I begin rubbing my fingers slowly over her pussy, teasing her clit making me so fucking turned on.

  Desperately needing to taste her, she lets out a moan, my hands gripping her tight as I spin her around and carry her to the countertop.

  Standing in front of her, I use my mouth and tug her bikini top down, exposing her beautiful tits. Her nipples are hard, the desire ravaging within me as I roughly take them in my mouth.

  She tugs on my hair, begging me for more. Bending down, I push her bikini bottoms to the side and plunge my tongue into her drenched pussy. Her moans echo in the room, and with a sense of urgency, she guides me, telling me how she wants to be eaten, exactly how hard she wants me to suck on her clit.

  Knowing she’s close, I pull away, out of breath.

  “Lex…” her breaths are uneven. “Don’t stop… please.”

  I want her like this, begging me for it. I want her to be left in the same agony I felt. When the time is right, I’ll make her come, and it will be something she never forgets.

  I kiss her shoulder. “Sorry, baby. We’ve got to get back.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she mumbles under her breath while fixing her bikini. Stopping mid-foreplay hasn’t help me either. I’m fucking hard and need to blow to release the built-up tension.

  My eyes divert to her hand, where the ring I placed on her finger last night sits. I’m thrilled she’s still wearing it despite the circumstances of how I placed it on her. It may not have been a real proposal, but it still means something to me.

  “Apparently, this is what happens to married couples all the time. Remember you agreed to be my wife for the weekend,” I remind her, holding up her hand and kissing her finger.

  Charlotte jumps off the countertop, ignoring me as I try to grab her ass one more time.

  “Well, honey, if you’re my husband for the weekend, watch out because I don’t play fair.” She grabs the drinks, and I follow her out the door, taking the rest. Fucking cocktease.

  Back at the beach, we head into the freezing water. Afterward, we lay on our towels drying off and soaking up the sun. As we lay there, we talk about things, life in general. She opens up more about her grandmother and her time at Yale. She tells me stories about people we knew back at home, the ones she still keeps in contact with, mainly Finn.

  “So, what, is he still pining after you?”

  “He was never pining after me,” she says, rolling her eyes. “He married Jennifer. Remember, he was dating her back then? They have four kids. Kasey, Lauren, Jessie, and Milo.”

  “So, you guys never hooked up after I… you know?”

  “No, Lex. We remained incredibly good friends. He even came with Jen to my graduation.”

  So that explains the photograph I found on Google. I’m relieved. One more question in the big book of Charlotte mysteries answered.

  We talk a little more before deciding to head back. It’s lunchtime, and we were all famished. Before heading back to the house, Charlotte suggests we take a shower in the outdoor area located on the property. I’m quick to notice it’s hidden behind some bushes.

  As we stand there under the water washing the sand off us, she leans in to me and places her lips on my mouth, kissing me deeply.

  “Since I’m your wife, I guess I should keep up my end of the deal. What was it Nikki said? And blow jobs every other day?”

  Hearing her say that she’s my wife is enough to send the general out. She places her hands on my chest before sliding them down and into my shorts. Firmly, she wraps her hands around my shaft, stroking it gently all the while kissing my lips. Unable to talk, I groan into her mouth.

  She slides down, unbuttoning my shorts. As she squats before me, freeing my cock, I beg for her to take it all in.

  With her eyes staring up at me, looking so innocent and pure, I expect her to wrap her mouth around my hard cock. Instead, she latches on, sliding it between her perfect tits. I can barely breathe, cursing under my breath, warning her I can blow any second now.

  “You want me to taste you, baby? Is that what you want?”

  “Fuck, yes… please,” I beg.

  She runs the tip of her tongue along the head of my cock. The cold water still falls on us, but for the life of me, I can’t feel anything. My skin is burning, and the way she teases me with her tongue is only adding to the fire. I’m close, fucking ready to blow in her mouth when she pulls out, placing my cock in my shorts and standing
up with a satisfied smile on her face.

  “Charlotte, what the fuck?”

  Looking smug, I knew it was coming. “I’m sorry, dear husband of mine. It’s time to go have some lunch.” She turns off the shower with the biggest smirk playing on her lips. No one leaves me unfinished. As she begins walking away, swaying her hips on purpose, I grab her body, roughly pulling her back to me. Pushing her against the shower wall, I tug her bikini bottom aside, ramming my cock into her. Her groans intensify as I thrust harder.

  “It’s not nice to leave me hanging,” I grit, barely keeping myself together. “If you were my wife, I’d fuck you like this wherever and whenever… in our bed all night long till you begged me to stop.”

  A few more thrusts, and I pull out. She whimpers, her body collapsing onto mine.

  “Lex, nooo. Please… keep fucking me… please.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. You said it yourself, lunch is ready.”

  Adjusting her bikini bottoms back in place, I kiss her shoulder and start walking back to the house. I know I just pissed her off, but she takes it in her stride. She runs to me, jumps on me, and I piggy-back her back to the house. She keeps taunting me and I laugh. She’s too cute when she is angry.

  We are walking past the pool when she warns me, “Don’t you dare, Lex. If I go in, you go in.”

  I ponder what I should do, but it’s too easy to pass up. I jump in the water with her still on my back. She screams, and I accidentally swallow some water from laughing so hard. We swim for a few minutes before Elijah calls out for us.

  As we climb out of the pool, I make sure I’m behind her just so I can see her sweet little ass wet in front of me. She’s so fucking sexy in this bikini.

  We sit around the outdoor table as Elijah feeds us. My sister is so lucky to have him, especially because she can’t even boil water without burning it. Tonight, we had planned to go to a carnival—typical amusement rides, junk food, and games. Will is excited and wants to go on every ride, begging all of us to join him.

  After lunch, we all do our own thing, and when I say we, Nikki asks Charlotte to watch Will, so she and Rocky disappear as do Adriana and Elijah. Those greedy fuckers with their afternoon fucking sessions. What I wouldn’t give to be doing that with Charlotte right now. Charlotte, of course, is more than happy to spend some time with Will. We spend the warm afternoon swimming in the pool with Will keen to show off his swimming skills.


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