Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2

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Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2 Page 2

by Helen Bright

“I am the stuff of nightmares,” I whispered in his ear. Then I flashed my fangs and red eyes once more as I hissed at him.

  I heard the patter of water hitting the kitchen floor; when I looked down, I saw that Derek, Keeley’s father, had pissed himself. I looked into his eyes once more before I moved away from the puddle of piss that was now pooling on the floor.

  “Now Derek, you will forget all about what you have just seen. You understand that I am a good friend of Keeley’s, and she will be coming to stay with me for a few weeks. You will apologise to Keeley and Daisy when they come downstairs, and you will promise to visit with your doctor tomorrow and get help. Do you understand me? Tell me if you do?”

  Mind control doesn’t always work on drunks, but Derek nodded and told me that he understood, repeating everything I had just said.

  “Now clean this piss up, then bring any alcohol you have left in the house and pour it down the sink.”

  Derek nodded again, so I put him down, making sure neither of us stood in the puddle of urine. He brought out a mop and bucket from the cupboard behind him. I took it from him and filled it up in the sink. I handed it to Derek, but he swayed as he went to grab it, so I took it back, and opened the cupboard under the sink to search for some disinfectant. There was some lemon smelling antibacterial cleaning stuff at the side of some dusters, so I poured some into the mop bucket and set about mopping the kitchen floor. When I finished, I went outside and poured the dirty water down the drain. There was an outside tap, so I rinsed the mop and bucket out before I went back inside.

  Keeley was standing in the kitchen watching her father pour a bottle of whiskey down the sink.

  “What happened?” she asked hesitantly.

  “We just had a little talk. Your dad decided he needs to go to the doctor tomorrow to get some help. It’s best if he gets rid of any remaining alcohol to enable him to see that through.”

  “Did he now?” Keeley turned to look at me, smiling for the first time since I had picked her up earlier. Then she turned and went back upstairs. Moments later she came downstairs with two more bottles of the cheap whiskey that Mr. Singh sells at the local shop.

  “I found one in the airing cupboard under the towels,” Keeley said handing it to her father.

  “And this one was in the ironing pile.”

  I watched her father swallow hard as he took the bottles and began pouring them away. The smell of the whiskey combined with the lemon disinfectant wasn’t a pleasant combination. Out of the mouth of babes, little Daisy announced, “It stinks in here Mummy. Can we go to Josh’s house now?”

  Keeley nodded and I took Daisy’s hand in mine.

  “I’m sorry for the things I said earlier, Keeley. And, I’m sorry for upsetting you, Daisy. I didn’t mean to. I love you both, so don’t stay away too long,” Derek said quietly.

  “I love you too, Dad,” sobbed Keeley. “If you can get an appointment in the morning, I will come to the doctors with you.”

  Derek nodded and turned to me.

  “Look after them both. I’m sorry for earlier.”

  I nodded, stunned really, because mind control had not made him do that. I picked up a small black suitcase and the girly pink holdall which was behind Daisy, and we left for my SUV.

  Daisy was chattering away on the journey to my cottage, saying she really needed a suitcase with Queen Ellie on it because they were the best ones. Keeley was crying quietly, silent tears running a path down her cheeks. I took her hand in mine and held it for as long as I could while driving. When we got home I put the heating on as it had started to get a little nippy outside, then I took the suitcase and holdall into one of my spare bedrooms.

  Daisy came running in after me and scrambled onto the bed. She had taken off her shoes on my front porch and was now pulling off her socks and leggings.

  “I’m having a bath,” she announced.

  “Oh, are you now?” I laughed. Daisy got her head stuck pulling off her long t-shirt, so I helped her lift it off.

  “I suppose I better run you a bath then, Princess,” I said while rubbing noses with her. Eskimo kissing, she calls it, and it’s one of her favourite things at the moment.

  Keeley was standing in the doorway as I passed and I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as I went by.

  “Thank you, Josh, for everything you’ve done today.”

  “No problem Keeley. We all need a little help now and again.”

  “Can I run Daisy a bath?” she asked.

  “I will do it while you get her things together, you can use my bath. I’ll turn the Jacuzzi setting on so she has bubbles,” I said before I realised my mistake.

  “Joshua Bubbles,” Daisy shouted while bouncing naked on the bed.

  I just laughed and walked towards my bedroom so I could run the bath in my en-suite bathroom. Joshua Bubbles was what Daisy used to call me because I kept a few bottles of bubbles in my desk for her, for when Keeley brought her to visit.

  Since Keeley got her new job with Gregor, we have all rallied around and helped with childcare. I was thrilled that she let us do this. I had visited Keeley the day she gave birth to Daisy and had been a small part of her life ever since. She was the light in some very dark days for me, and I loved her so very much.

  While the bath was running, I called through to Nik in the office. I explained the situation and asked him to let Maggie know so she could come over and see Keeley later, I also told him I was taking a few nights off. I’ve filled in enough for Nik and Alex; now they could cover for me for a change.

  Keeley’s father was Maggie’s brother-in-law, so I wanted to let her know, and to see if they could accompany Keeley when she went with her father to see the doctor. It was going to take some persuading from them to get her dad to get some real help.

  I thought I could talk to her later about trying to get him into a private rehab centre. I know that the NHS is pretty stretched so he may have to wait to get into one of their places, but I could afford to send him somewhere good. I knew Keeley and Daniel wouldn’t want me to pay, but I can afford it, and if it makes Keeley and Daisy happy, I would do it in a heartbeat.

  Daisy came running into the bathroom and stopped at the side of the bath. I couldn’t tell whether she was amazed or scared by the bubbling bath. But she looked up at me in awe and asked, “Is it a magic bath?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “It makes you cleaner. Queen Ellie has one.”

  She looked up at Keeley and said, “Mummy, quick help me get in. Queen Ellie’s got one of these baths. Josh… put my pink bubbles in, because they make me really clean.”

  I watched as Keeley lifted her up and placed her in the bubbling bath.

  “Wow…” she said in such a little voice it was almost a whisper. Then she turned to me and asked, “Joshua, how come you’ve got a queen’s bath?”

  “I got it just for you Daisy, so that you and your mummy can come and stay with me.”

  “I love you, Joshua,” she said throwing her soapy arms around my neck and soaking my t-shirt.

  “And I love you too, Daisy,” I replied, smiling. Truth be told, I was a little choked up at that declaration, so I excused myself as I went to the kitchen to put a pizza in the oven.

  Twenty minutes later and Daisy was washed, dressed in her pyjamas, and sitting at the table eating a slice of pizza as we waited for Keeley. She had jumped in the shower after she got Daisy dressed, and when I heard her walk into the room, I got up to get her pizza and put it on a plate with the salad I had prepared. When I turned around, I got quite a shock. Keeley was standing at the side of my table wearing little pyjama shorts, a tank top, and nothing else.

  Keeley was a beautiful woman. She stood around five-foot-ten with long blond hair that she always wore in a surfer chick style. She had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, sexy full lips and just a smattering of freckles across her nose. Keeley had one of the hottest figures I have ever seen on a woman; with long legs and bigger than average pert breasts, the nipples of which we
re currently standing proud through the thin tank top that she wore. She looked like a goddess, and it took a while to register that Keeley was speaking to me.

  “Josh, hey, I said you didn’t need to cook. You’ve done more than enough for us already; I could have done that.”

  “It’s no problem, Keeley. It’s nice to have someone to take care of. I am usually on my own now that Nik and Alex have their ladies, so it’s good to have company.”

  I pulled a chair out for her to sit on and I grabbed the orange juice and glass from the kitchen counter and poured her a drink. Then I sat down next to Daisy and proceeded to eat without glancing at Keeley at all. As soon as Daisy had finished, she got down from the chair and ran straight toward the TV.

  “Please, Josh hurry, put Ellie the Fairy Queen on before I have to go to bed.”

  “Daisy you need to brush your teeth first before you watch the telly.”

  “Aww Mummy, do I have to?” said Daisy as she hid behind my leg.

  “If you don’t, then there’s no Queen Ellie. Your choice,” said Keeley trying to sound stern.

  “Aww, okay. But only if Josh puts the toothpaste on the brush for me.”

  I took her hand and started towards the hallway.

  “Our toiletry bag is in your bathroom Josh, sorry. I forgot to take it to the other bathroom after my shower.”

  “That’s okay, Keeley. I’m not bothered which bathroom you use.”

  We walked towards my bedroom, and Daisy ran to my bathroom to grab the bag containing her toothbrush and toothpaste.

  I sat on the side of the bath and squeezed the strawberry flavoured toothpaste onto a pink fairy toothbrush. Only when Daisy started to brush her teeth did she stop talking. So this is what everyday life is like when you have kids.

  I loved it!

  I was sorry that Keeley’s dad was giving her all this grief, but selfishly, I was glad Daisy and Keeley were here with me. I lifted Daisy up so she could spit her toothpaste out in the sink and rinse off her toothbrush. She told me how important it was to have clean teeth, because if you don’t, the dentist doesn’t give you a sticker.

  Armed with that knowledge, off we went hand in hand back to the kitchen where Keeley was washing up at the sink. I wanted to walk up to her, wrap my arms around her front and kiss her bare shoulders. I really shouldn’t be having these thoughts again. She had a tough time today, and the last thing she needed was me making a pass at her. She needed to feel comfortable here, so I needed to stop these lustful thoughts. To be honest, they weren’t all lustful. I would be just as happy to hold her.

  I put the film on and settled down on the sofa with Daisy on my knee. Keeley came to sit at the side of me and to my surprise leaned towards me and put my arm around her shoulder. I placed a kiss on the top of her head, and also one on Daisy’s head.

  “My two pretty princesses,” I said as I pulled them both in for a hug.

  “No Josh, I’m a queen now, like Ellie,” said Daisy haughtily.

  “Oops, I forgot,” I said as I tried not to laugh. “My pretty princess and queen.”

  I felt Daisy smile through my t-shirt, then we settled down to watch the film. Within fifteen minutes she was fast asleep.

  I was just about to get up and put her to bed when there was a quick knock at the door before Maggie walked in. Keeley turned and put a finger to her lips and then pointed to a sleeping Daisy, Maggie nodded and tiptoed towards us. She bent to kiss Daisy on the head and I joked that I thought she was going to kiss me, so she planted one on my cheek. I stood up with Daisy in my arms and Keeley went to take her from me.

  “Let me put her to bed Keeley; then you can explain what’s been going on to Mags. I will make us all a drink when I come back,” I whispered, trying not to wake Daisy.

  She nodded her head, then kissed Daisy before I took her to the guest bedroom.

  Daisy had fallen asleep on my sofa a few times over the last few months when I had looked after her while Keeley was at work. But putting her to bed was just so different. It made me feel what it would be like to be this little girl’s father. To care for her every day, feed her, clothe her, pick her up from nursery, bath her, brush her teeth and then put her to bed. It’s such a good feeling at the end of the day to think you are an important part of her life.

  If only Keeley didn’t see me as just a friend, or even worse, family. If only it would be okay to have the thoughts I had been having about her for so long.

  After tucking Queen Daisy in with her pink teddy, I made my way back to the hallway, keeping the bedroom door open slightly so we would hear Daisy if she woke up. I tiptoed as lightly as I could back to the room but paused in the doorway when I heard my name mentioned.

  “Then we came back here with him and got settled in for the night. I honestly can’t thank Josh enough lately, Aunt Mags. He’s been a great friend to me,” I heard Keeley say.

  “Is that all he is Keeley, a friend?”

  “Sadly, yes. I’m sure Josh still sees me as that awkward teenage girl that got knocked up. He only sees me as a friend.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that Keeley, but whatever happens, don’t hurt him. Josh has a big heart and I would hate to see it broken.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt him Aunt Mags. That’s the last thing in the world I would ever want to do.”

  Interesting. So Keeley would like me to see her as more than just a friend. If she only knew how I felt about her. But how did I tell her? I wasn’t sure how to play this, but the fact that she and Daisy are living here with me should make it a little easier. I shook off my thoughts for the time being and walked into the room.

  “Daisy’s out like a light, but I’ve left the door open a little in case she wakes up.”

  “Thanks, Josh. I will make us all a drink, what would you like?”

  “Nothing for me,” said Mags as she got up from the sofa. “I’m going back to work. I’m glad you are taking a few days off Josh; you’ve earned the rest after all the hours you have put in over the past few months.”

  “Thanks, Mags, are you sure you won’t stay for a drink?” I asked.

  “No, I’m sure. Let me know in the morning if your dad’s got an appointment. It doesn’t matter what time. I will make sure I get Dave to go with you. After all, he is your dad’s big brother, so he can try again to get him straightened out.”

  “Thanks, I promise I will ring, but don’t hold your breath,” said Keeley sadly.

  Mags kissed Keeley on the cheek and I saw her to the door. She hugged me and told me she would call us tomorrow.

  I watched her get into one of the compounds golf-cart type buggies that we used to get around the place. I locked the door and turned to walk back to the sofa.

  Keeley walked towards me with two cups of tea. I took one from her and sat down. She sat beside me and picked up the remote control.

  “What do you usually watch Josh?”

  “Not a great deal really, because I’m usually at work at this time. What would you like to watch?”

  She flicked through the channels and chose Dark. I liked that show too, so we settled down on the sofa like we had before, with Keeley leaning into me and my arm around her.

  I knew then this is what I wanted every night. To be with Keeley like this. Daisy fast asleep in my home after our day together. This is the perfect way to live.

  I finished my drink at the same time that Keeley finished hers, so I took the cups and placed them on the lamp table at the side of me. Then I pulled Keeley closer.

  She smelled like the raspberry body wash she used on her and Daisy. It was lovely, but so was Keeley’s own scent. I ran my fingers up and down her bare arm and marvelled at how smooth her skin felt on my fingertips. I moved them around in lazy circles over her upper and lower arm. Then all of a sudden another scent hit me. Keeley was aroused. I didn’t know what to do with this knowledge. Did I carry on as I was doing? Did I mention that I knew she was turned on?

  In the end, I just carried on as I wa
s, until she shivered.

  “Are you cold Keeley?”

  “A little, I forgot to bring my bathrobe.”

  “Well you aren’t wearing much so here, have my t-shirt,” I said as I stood and pulled it over my head.

  Keeley looked up at my naked torso and I watched breathlessly as she licked her lips. I handed her my t-shirt, but she didn’t put it on.

  “Suit yourself,” I said as I sat down beside her. I put my arm around her again, but it was her that was running her fingers over me this time. All around my chest and down to my abs. Oh fuck, my cock was twitching, and there was nothing I could do to stop it as long as Keeley still touched me.

  “Keeley,” I warned through gritted teeth as I tried so hard to make my saluting cock stand down.

  She looked up at me and whispered, “Josh will you kiss me, please?”

  Keeley didn’t have to ask me twice. I cupped my hands around her face and leaned in to kiss her, softly at first, then before I knew it we were both kissing each other with as much passion as either of us could bring; and we couldn’t seem to stop. Keeley moved so she was sitting astride me, then she took off her tank top, baring her perky breasts. I touched her from her collarbone down to her belly button until she groaned, and grabbed my hands placing them on her breasts. They felt soft and full, and her nipples were begging for my attention, so I took them one after the other into my mouth.

  “Yes, oh god Josh, that’s so good, don’t stop.”

  I didn’t stop. Instead, I slipped my right hand down into her shorts. Keeley gasped when I ran my middle finger between her bare folds. I found her clit and rubbed it as she rocked her pelvis into my hand. Suddenly her movements faltered, and she cried out as she came all over my fingers.

  When her breaths were coming back to near normal, I took my hand out of her shorts and put my fingers in my mouth, getting the taste of her creamy essence.

  “Take off your shorts; I want to taste you, Keeley,” I told her, my voice sounding hoarse.

  “Not out here Josh. Daisy could come out and see us.”

  “Oh shit, yeah, sorry. You got me carried away there. Will you come to bed with me? We don’t have to do anything Keeley. I just want to hold you,” I said as I looked into her eyes.


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