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by Meg Silver

  She controlled it, but only just, and for the next ten minutes or so, Corset gave her a breather while she disappeared behind the blind. Highwayman had taken up position nearby, but never moved a muscle as far as Amanda could see in her peripheral vision.

  After a time, something caught her eye behind him. She relaxed her arms against the restraints and turned her head to watch as, at a table just outside the glass, a man and a woman began a show of their own. The man, who wasn’t horribly tall but very handsome with dark hair and eyes, drew the woman—also petite with similar coloring—to her feet. Amanda had expected him to kiss the woman, but instead as he stepped closer, he gathered the woman’s skirt up over her hips, then slowly peeled her white lacy panties down to her knees. He took another step or two forward, forcing his partner back against the tabletop until she sat on the edge and lay back, much the same as Amanda lay now.

  The man stripped the panties off, then quite forcefully yanked the top of the woman’s dress down to expose her breasts and their brown, half-dollar-sized nipples. The man then motioned a couple people over and positioned them alongside the woman to hold her knees apart and down.

  Amanda couldn’t have looked away, wondering whose fantasy this was; the man’s, the woman on the table, or one of the bystanders. She wondered, too, if she’d ever find out.

  Someone else came up beside the man, another woman, and undid his belt and fly, then lowered his pants. He stepped out of them while another man moved in behind the first, reaching around him to stroke a pulsing, erect cock.

  While the first man bent to tongue the woman on the table, the others went to work on him. Amanda could not take her eyes away from that woman on the table. Clearly lost in pleasure, the woman turned her head from side to side, her chest lifting off the table as she panted and writhed, held down by many sets of hands while her lover lapped and tasted and feasted.

  The sight warmed her and pleased her, and she wished with all her might that someone might relieve her that same way. She could feel the wetness of her arousal leaking out around the dildo, a rivulet dripping down over her anus to the platform beneath.

  She watched, envious, as the man outside the glass lifted his mouth away from the woman’s pussy, then shook the others off so he could trace the tip of his penis along her slit, wetting his head. Then he grabbed onto her hips, still prolonging the act of penetration, sinking in only an inch or so before pulling back.

  Watching the play of muscles in his back and buttocks, Amanda sighed and turned her head so she could see only the ceiling once again. Curiosity got the better of her before long, however, and she peeked off to her other side, only to be greeted by another enticing sight. A man stood bound, his nude body fit and muscular, stretching up toward the hook where his restraints were hung. A woman was on her knees before him, taking long pulls at his cock with a full-lipped mouth even while another man thrust into him from behind.

  Envy raced through her anew as her body pulsed in empathic time with the man’s powerful thrusts. She’d give almost anything to be fucked like that right now, to have her pent-up tension relieved. Even still, she’d never felt so utterly alive and vital, reveling in every moment of sensual longing.

  She continued to watch, starving for satisfaction, until Corset’s return. Amanda arched her back, nipples tight and tingling with pleasure-pain, begging to be touched and relieved. Corset ran a palm over Amanda’s right nipple in a gesture that was at once possessive and commanding. As the woman stepped further into view, Amanda could see a new addition to Corset’s costume, a black leather harness similar to the one she wore. Corset had filled herself with a placebo, too, but on the front of her harness was a strap-on phallus, black and thick.

  Amanda squirmed on the platform, spreading as wide as she could in invitation, anxious to put the strap-on to use and nearly wept with frustration as Corset paused to remove Amanda’s harness and nipple clamps, then untie her arms. Highwayman appeared to change the platform back to the hinged version. Amanda didn’t need direction this time. She rested her hipbones against the platform while Highwayman carried over a padded bench he slid in front of her knees for her to kneel upon.

  She climbed on, her mind racing ahead to why she might need the extra support, hoping, near desperation now, that Corset meant to use that strap-on, long and hard until the need had been fully and repeatedly satiated.

  Corset, however, did not seem satisfied that they were putting on enough of a show. She tugged a reluctant Highwayman into position between the pole and Amanda, who found herself at the perfect height to relieve his straining erection. She pondered whether Corset really meant her to take him into her mouth, and decided she must as the struggle in front of her ended with Highwayman bound tightly to the pole.

  Resting on the platform and bench, Amanda reached up and slowly pulled at the ends of the cord lacing the front of his pants closed, and once she did, his reluctance evaporated.

  She forgot about her own need for a while as she gently freed his penis from boxer briefs, careful to lower his costume trousers enough that the crowd could see a taut, high ass. His erect cock was every bit as thick as the dildo, and nearly as long.

  In fitting with the show, she teased him for a time at first, letting her hands roam his thighs, tracing the long firm lines there, and feeling a distinct shudder go through his frame when her fingers whispered over the sensitive patches just inside hip bones. The telltale sign that he liked what she was doing encouraged her to become more aggressive, tracing feather-light circles on his balls and darting her tongue against the tip of his penis.

  It wasn’t long before his motions began to betray him. He liked what she was doing and struggled to remain still, and she finally took the long length of him in one hand and began to firmly work his balls with the other while taking the tip of him inside her mouth. She could feel him trying not to strain forward, and she liked that he had to battle for control.

  She took him as far into her mouth as she could, relaxing her throat muscles, trying to take him still deeper when she felt Corset come up behind her, positioning the tip of the strap-on against her cunt lips.

  When it slipped gently, easily inside her, she closed her eyes a moment and translated her gratitude onto the Highwayman’s cock, giving him a strong suck that drew out a growl of agonized, helpless pleasure. Liking the sound, she pushed her head down until the tip of him was right at the back of her throat again and she was almost gagging, then trying anew to relax and take him ever deeper.

  Corset, meanwhile, seemed to have been enthralled by her actions, holding still so that she didn’t accidentally push her sharply forward.

  Amanda realized Corset should be in control, not her, and raised her head. Immediately, Corset thrust forward, driving the strap-on deep inside, filling her, and driving her forward onto Highwayman’s cock. Understanding now, she cupped his balls, grabbed the base of his shaft, and let Corset set the pace. Each thrust brought her head down, and she sucked him hard, coaxing him to a release she hoped was almost as powerful as the one taking shape inside her as Corset pounded into her, again and again, strong and relentless.

  The building orgasm made her moan against Highwayman’s cock, and she felt a shudder go through his legs. He was trying so desperately not to move that she almost felt bad for him.

  Finally, she could fight off her own orgasm no longer and it struck with paralyzing force, clenching every muscle and leaving no nerve unaffected as her pleasure rocketed and careened and grabbed at the strap-on. She clung to Highwayman’s cock, sucking harder than ever, his breathless “Oh my God” piling on the satisfaction.

  Corset paid them no mind whatsoever, continuing to grind away, adding gentle smacks on her flank and drawing the orgasm out into a near-painful, glorious seizure of utter ecstasy.

  Still Corset did not relent. She continued to thrust on and Amanda continued to enjoy the new, firm and unfamiliar rhythm set up by a female partner. It was by no means gentler, just different, and she fel
t languid now, though not completely satisfied. All of this was new to her, and she still had an appetite for more. She took it out on Highwayman who, after another few strokes of his balls and deep pulls at his cock, couldn’t hold out. He gave in to the need to thrust, shaking hard with the effort to restrain his motion and not hurt her. Five, six, seven times he pressed himself deeper and she sucked hard until finally he went still, quivering, his body locked with the first strike of release.

  His control slipped a fraction as his pleasure got the better of him, and she had to concentrate hard not to gag as he jolted reflexively forward. Behind her, she felt Corset grab onto her shoulders and lift up, hissing a whispered caution. “Careful.”

  Amanda was slow to let go of Highwayman, tasting him, swallowing him, and he seemed equally reluctant to withdraw, but then a fourth person had entered the shadowbox. Male this time, and completely nude save for the mask and powdered wig. A new prop had arrived, and the sharp slap Corset planted on Amanda’s ass was a clear order of dismissal.

  She remembered abruptly that this was a test, and quickly obeyed, now worried that Corset’s reprimand might cause trouble. She hurried behind the blind and wiped at her chin, struck by the notion that Corset or Highwayman might pass her in the hallways or on the grounds, and none of them recognize the other.

  Kara caught her at the bottom of the steps. “Wig, mask and heels can go in the dressing room hamper. Steph wants you to get showered up, grab your next costume change, then report to the Hall.”

  “The what?”

  “The Hall. The big theater-looking thing, two doors down from the office building. Can’t miss it. Now hurry up. I’ve got someone waiting in the chair. I can’t babysit you all night.”

  Amanda hurried back toward the same dressing room they’d used earlier, and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the person in the chair. The man was an A-list actor.

  Behind her, Kara said. “It’s not really him, though I’m flattered you were fooled. Means I’m getting better with the latex.”

  “That’s a mask?”

  “Sort of,” Kara said with a clear touch of pride. “He’s a dead ringer to begin with, but I use latex patches to enhance his cheekbones and brows. Pretty good, huh?”

  “Very.” Based on the actor’s popularity, she would imagine this lookalike did a roaring trade with women and other men alike.

  Remembering yet again about the tests, she asked Kara about the change of costume, and this time was handed a black ponytail holder and a simple black satin mask. Kara instructed her to shower off the glitter and wear street clothes to the Hall. She would be there for half an hour or so before moving on to her next gig, which called for her to be nude save for the mask again. This time she was to braid her hair, and would take instruction from someone named Thomas.

  “He’ll meet you at the Hall once you’re done there. Go hit the showers so you don’t miss anything.”

  After quickly scrubbing away the glitter, powder and primer lotion, she towel-dried her hair, tore a brush through it, then raced back into her clothes. She got turned around briefly out on the grounds, but soon found the Hall once she located the office building.

  The Hall did look like a theater, stretching several stories high with an arched roofline. Inside, she found herself in a lobby, and though she was unsure what she was meant to do, followed the small crowd of people who were heading into the theater. It wasn’t a large house, maybe two hundred seats between the main level and the balcony, but at least half the seats on ground level were filled.

  The stage area was dark. All she could make out as she took a seat toward the back was the glint of chrome on what looked like a drum kit. She didn’t have to wait long to see the rest; the house lights came down and a laser-light show came up along with the type of ethereal, vaguely driving music one would hear for a rock concert warmup.

  Amanda smiled a little, wondering if this was someone’s rock-star fantasy, and whether they’d actually play or sing, or fake it to an adoring, head-banging audience.

  That’s not at all what happened. In fact, she wasn’t at all sure what the heck she was witnessing when three unfamiliar people, two men and one woman, came on stage and took their places at drums, bass and guitar. Then a fourth person came out, this one very familiar. Anyone who’d ever picked up Rolling Stone magazine would recognize that face and that hair. They would also remember he’d disappeared off the face of the planet ten years ago, telling the rest of his band and the record company to fuck off and die as he went. Rumors had ignited the gossip shows and columns for months afterward, the incident legend among rock music fans.

  As far as Amanda knew, he hadn’t been seen since, but unless this was another of Kara’s latex jobs, the man who’d just taken the stage was the real thing. But what the heck, she wondered. Why would he need to fantasize about being a rock star? He’d already been one,.

  She realized she was gaping at the stage, but didn’t care. No one could see her when it was this dark, and as the piped music turned over to the players on stage, she watched the man, the legend, take an awkward step toward the mike with all the enthusiasm he might show when about to stick his head into a blazing furnace. She couldn’t help but notice, either, the sudden spike through the crowd around her, a certain electric air of anticipation, everyone’s eyes fixed center-stage. The music drove onward, and just when the man seized the microphone and would have started the first verse, his mouth opened, but all that came out was a small choked sigh of frustration.

  Around her, the crowd let out an equally frustrated groan while the man on stage closed his eyes and shook his head. The band, meanwhile, kept on, seamlessly repeating the intro bars, giving him another chance.

  This time, same result. He opened his mouth, but all that came out was a breathy croak. And even over the music she could hear him swear, and watched as he lowered his head to rest his forehead against the mic for a moment, his body language a flood of failure. After taking a deep breath, he gathered himself, shook his head again, and stalked off stage.

  She continued to stare after him, wondering what in the heck she’d just witnessed while the crowd muttered and began to empty the hall. On the wings of stage left, she saw Steph step out to field the man midflight.

  Now the question became where she’d find this Thomas; Kara had said this would last a half-hour or more, but it had taken less than ten minutes. What should she do? Wait in the lobby and hope she overheard some explanation while she waited?

  Anxious to hear what it was all about, she filed out with the others, still hearing nothing beyond disappointed complaints when, just outside the lobby doors, someone took her elbow.

  She turned to find her captor was a very tall man with long, shaggy dark hair, and handsome enough to make her do a double-take.

  He ignored it, probably accustomed to that kind of reaction. “You’re the new girl?”

  She nodded and followed after him as he led her back out into the grounds. They were crossing in front of the office building when he said, “I’ll bet you’re wondering what just happened in there.”


  “Good. Keep wondering, and learn to ignore curiosity. You’re gonna see people you recognize, and not all of them will be lookalikes. They come here to have certain needs met because they trust that Steph won’t allow what happens here to show up on some blog the next morning. Destroy that trust and hundreds of lawyers will descend to grind you into a shallow, sticky puddle.”

  “I sorta inferred that from the twenty-seven-page confidentiality contract I signed.”

  Thomas snorted. “Are you sure you really belong here?”

  Never one to mindlessly placate, she actually thought before she spoke. “Well, I like the idea of fantasy fulfillment. I guess I should wait to make up my mind until after I have a better idea what it actually takes, and whether I’m any good at it.”

  Thomas’s brows rose. “Yeah, you definitely don’t belong here.”

hat? Why not?”

  “Steph will figure it out before long. Until then, work hard. It’s not difficult. Or at least most of it is easy, as long as you remember that fantasies work a lot like confessions. People are really into it while it’s happening, but afterward, things can get awkward.”

  She thought about that for a while as they walked, trying to decide why he felt she didn’t belong here, and what, exactly, he’d meant to tell her or warn her about. Maybe he thought she’d come here to find herself a sugar daddy or something, and how it wasn’t likely to work out.

  She didn’t challenge him on it and he didn’t elaborate, changing the subject instead. “I don’t know what Steph’s thinking. Hell of a risk she’s taking, allowing you into that hall. Anyway, we don’t have much time before we need to start, so let me explain what you’ll need to do.”

  They walked with purpose along the lakeshore while he explained there were three bread-and-butter fantasies that went on almost all the time: the exhibition-slash-voyeur fantasy, the threesome fantasy, and the forced seduction fantasy. The last, forced seduction, had varied themes and settings, and tonight she’d have a small part in just one of the many flavors offered at Fantasy Heights.

  “This couple we’re working with tonight,” Thomas explained, “is a married couple, here to celebrate their nineteenth anniversary. They’re doing the savage seduction theme, where they’re both kidnapped and the only way they get free is by submitting to the savage.”

  Her job was to play the handmaiden that prepared the captives for Thomas, who would play the savage. She was to wash both clients and massage them in oil, arousing and teasing. She wasn’t to speak for any reason, no matter what they said or did, nor was it her responsibility to bring either client to climax.

  “It happens during the massage sometimes,” Thomas said. “So don’t worry if one of them comes, but your job is only to tease and arouse, then let me take over. Just remember to keep your mouth shut. Anything you say could ruin the fantasy.”


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