The Magic Of Betrayal

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The Magic Of Betrayal Page 6

by Britt Andrews

  Kai grunted, eyes flashing yellow. Oh shit, here we go. The shift came so fast that Bagheera's paws hit the floor before Kai's shredded clothes did.

  Saige screamed. Legit screamed, a high pitch sound that had Cam wrapping his arms around her and pulling her onto his lap. Right... she hadn't met Bagheera yet. At two hundred and fifty pounds, and an impressive eight feet long from tip of the nose to tip of the tail, yeah, that might be kind of terrifying.

  The stubborn as fuck fox didn't even move. The balls on this little animal were astounding.

  Bagheera towered over top of Maven, teeth on full display as he leaned down to thoroughly sniff the hell out of him. Maven did have the decency to roll over onto his back, which, in the animal world was always seen as a sign of submission. Good. The fluff ball doesn't have a death wish.

  And, I take it back. He's a wild animal. Just as Bagheera started to get closer to his face, the little grump gave a half second warning with his own snarl before launching himself up and biting the big black cat right on his nose. A wail came from Bagheera and he shook his head violently, a few drops of blood hitting the bedspread. Sloane intervened and grabbed Maven's snarly ass before Bagheera could retaliate.

  "Just go put him in the bathroom for now, Sloane," Saige offered, and Sloane quickly deposited him in the room and shut the door. That was probably the best choice if they were going to continue this bullshit alpha fight.

  Saige slowly crept off Cam’s lap. "Umm, hi, Baggie..." she addressed the bleeding feline softly, and his huge head turned in her direction, his tail slowly changing from the flicking of an annoyed cat, to one that had just laid eyes on something that he'd decided was his.

  The mattress creaked beneath his weight as he moved to her, dropping down into a crawling position that mirrored hers and looked ridiculous, but perhaps it was meant to put her at ease. Looked more like a predator stalking prey to me, but whatever. I took a big bite of my pizza, eager to see how this was going to play out. A hand on my back had my attention turning elsewhere, though. Sloane had materialized beside me, the heat of his hand warm enough to give me dirty thoughts.

  As if he knew the effect he was having, his hand trailed lower and he palmed my ass, taking his own savage bite of his pizza, his tongue licking his bottom lip after he swallowed and I gulped. A sexy smirk tugged at his mouth, and my own mouth gaped when his hand ran up the crack of my ass through my jeans. He turned his attention back to the introduction that was happening on the bed, leaving me wondering what the fuck had gotten into him to start giving me public displays of affection. Even if it was hidden, this was a first. And earlier, when he'd been so gentle and caring before going to The Pig with Kai and Gran?

  This was a new side of Sloane, and it was one I wanted to explore further. Was he finally ready to have a real talk about whatever was between us? The thought made my stomach clench, but before I could think on it further, commotion from the bed had my head snapping towards that direction.

  "Baggie! Quit!" Saige squealed, her body squirming underneath the big cat as he nuzzled, purred, and licked her face. That's another first. Are all men and beasts destined to act completely out of character around this woman?

  "Alright, let her up, Bagheera. She needs to finish eating, let us talk to Kai and see what he thinks about the fox," Cam ordered, and after one last lick, this one up the side of Saige's throat, he was gone in the blink of an eye and I was left staring at Kai's bare ass.

  "Hello, Sprout." Kai's sultry voice had me rolling my eyes, but I moved over to them, nonetheless. His lust was evident, as his mental shields dropped and the room was being invaded by it.

  "That was crazy! He... you... you're so big!" Saige exclaimed, grasping onto Kai's biceps as he hovered above her.

  "Oh, Cub... if we had a dollar for every time we heard that..." he trailed off suggestively and Cam's eyebrow raised at the use of a new, more sexual nickname for her. Cam’s lust was breaking through now and permeating so strongly I could hardly breathe.

  "K, put some damn clothes on, you animal. Nobody wants to see that pale ass," Sloane scoffed, standing near the bottom corner of the bed.

  "I bet yours is paler, Sloaney Baloney, but fine. If you can't handle this heat, I can cover up as not to offend your little sensitive eyes."

  Kai went to move off of our girl, but Sloane moved lightning fast and cracked his palm right across his ass and Kai yelped, "Yes, like that! You know how I like it!"

  Sloane scowled and we all laughed, but I saw the handprint that was left on his ass, and I definitely didn't miss the way Sloane's icy eyes were burning through my body when I glanced at him after taking in the mark he'd left.

  Cam stood, letting Sloane slide in his spot and I moved to where Kai had vacated, the two seamlessly sharing our girl, knowing we needed a turn to be next to her as well. Saige leaned against me and I lowered my face to hers, needing to be closer.

  "Guppy, I missed you," she breathed, running a hand through my dark curls that had fallen into my eyes. By the stars, this beautiful witch... and she was mine. At least for now.

  "Oh, sweetheart. I'm just so glad you're back here safely and we've found a solution to prevent that from happening again," I whispered, getting closer. "I will fucking destroy any man, mage, or demon who harms so much as a hair on your head, I swear to the moon, Saige. They will not know what beast is coming for them until it's too late, and it won't be death that I deliver," I promised, my voice changing slightly, my power rising inside of me, seeking something to twist and splice.

  "What... what will you do, Fischer? Tell me," she begged, and I was the tiniest bit surprised to see that she was clearly getting aroused by my darkness, if her increased breathing, dilating pupils, and wriggling thighs were any indication. I noticed Sloane's hand trailing up and over the curve of her hip, drawing little patterns over the material of her leggings.

  I loosened the restraints that I kept locked around the monster inside of me and he peered out at the goddess before us. Well fuck, if she liked the couple of glimpses she’d gotten up to now, she was going to love this shit. Letting my mind drop into the swirling black abyss that I lived in while I worked, I allowed the words to flow, my voice dripping with the blood I’d let run if anyone ever harmed this woman.

  "I'd convince their minds that they're in a coma, hook them up to fluids, and the bare minimum nutrients to ensure that they'd continue to survive. Then I'd search their minds to find their greatest fears, and I'd take those and devise the worst kind of nightmares they could ever imagine. Burning in hell would be a mercy in comparison. After a few weeks of that, I'd bring them out of the coma, let them see my face again before pushing them back into that hellscape. Nobody. Hurts. You. Ever. It will be the last thing they do, I fucking swear it."

  My nostrils flared as I exhaled sharply, and then her lips were crashing against mine. Groaning, I slipped my hand between her and Sloane, tugging her closer to my body, half of my weight resting atop her. Her tongue slipped between my lips and I was in real danger of coming in my pants. Then Sloane's lust hit me like a sledgehammer and I grunted when his hand landed on my hip, squeezing Saige between us even tighter.

  "Boss, why is this the fifth hottest thing I've ever seen?" Kai whisper shouted from the foot of the bed.

  Saige laughed against my lips, moaning when I chased her mouth, biting her bottom lip and then licking the sting away.

  "You're killing us, kitten," Sloane rumbled, rolling onto his back, adjusting himself.

  "Blame Fischer, he just disintegrated my brain and panties when he went all evil like that. Holy moon maidens, I need a breather." Saige sat up and started fanning herself with her hand, "Ugh, I'm too hot. I'm going for that shower now. A cold one."

  "Need help in there, baby?" Cam offered, his huge arms crossed over his chest.

  "No!" she shouted, pointing a finger at each of us as she got out of bed. "And nobody follow me either. I'll never cool off if you do. Oh, Kai, before I let Maven out, what's the verdict?"r />
  "If he's anything other than a fox, it's from some kind of magic I'm not familiar with. He smells like a fox, and usually, when we encounter other shifters, there's some kind of double consciousness that we can sense," Kai explained, and Saige nodded, opening the bathroom door.

  Maven stalked out and his eyes zeroed in on Kai. Oh hell. His pace never slowed or faltered as he made his way across the room and lifted his leg as soon as he was in range of Kai's foot.

  "You little shit!" Kai jumped, but not before a few drops of fox piss had landed on his leg.

  Maven chirped and then flew out of the room at an impressive speed.

  Sloane was full bellied laughing at this point and I had to admit, if Maven really was just a fox... he had the balls of a fucking lion. Saige disappeared into the bathroom so we took it upon ourselves to clean up the plates and empty drinks, and Cam went downstairs to grab some fresh sheets and bedding.

  When our girl emerged from the shower, it was clear exhaustion had taken hold now that the adrenaline had worn off and she'd eaten, the inevitable crash was coming. We all laid out on the bed with her, and while she explained more about her time in Besmet, we asked our questions, which generated more questions. But in the end, our girl fell asleep with her head nestled against my chest, at the center of our team, like she'd always belonged there. I was beginning to believe in fate, for the first time in my life.

  I'd woken up surrounded by men. Boxed in the middle of my bed in the most delicious way. How is this my life? Not wanting to disturb anyone, I eased myself into a sitting position, I simply couldn't lie down another second. Honestly, I felt... normal. No lingering tiredness, no unsettled feeling of doom, this felt like any other morning. Well, plus the added bonus of four sex gods in my bed.

  Cam's grip on my thigh tightened briefly as I shifted to put my back against the headboard, his golden hair fanned out across the pillow, his light eyelashes lying peacefully against his skin. My beautiful protector, he'd been such a safe haven for me the past week, someone I could count on, someone who I knew without a doubt wanted what was best for me. Cam was just a genuinely good, decent man. And stars knew those are hard to come by, but he didn’t just crave control. He needed it.

  Fischer was sprawled out as much as the tight squeeze could allow, one arm thrown over his head, the other resting across his stomach. My eyes took in the dragon wings tattoo chest piece that adorned his body, the rainbow of colors popping in even more as they contrasted with his beautiful skin. He looked so peaceful in his sleep and I smiled softly, happy that he could at least escape to his dreams for a break that he wasn’t able to find during the day. I wanted to take his pain away and make him smile, he was so gorgeous when he smiled.

  Sloane was laying in a ball with his cheek resting on Fischer's thigh. Even in his sleep, his broodiness was evident. Does the man never relax? Then I remembered the one time I did see him truly at ease, and that was with his dick crammed down Fischer's throat. Fuck. The memory of that was enough to get my blood heated. Sloane had opened up to me a little bit, giving me hope that perhaps there might be something between us that could grow, given some time and some mutual respect.

  Movement at my feet drew my attention, my eyes landing on Kai's, a saucy smirk on his face.

  "Hi," I whispered.

  "Let's go get some food and coffee... don't wake them yet, they need the sleep," he whispered back and I nodded eagerly, my stomach giving a growl at the prospect of breakfast. Kai slipped out of his spot and held his arms out to help me stand in the middle of the bed, encouraging me to hop over Cam with the assistance of his tight grip on my hips.

  Curvy women around the world, get yourselves some men who can toss you around like a ragdoll. Hottest shit ever.

  I brushed my teeth quickly, ran a brush through my hair, and snagged my robe to pull on over my nightgown. Kai took his turn after I finished, and then we crept out of my room silently, my hand tight in his hold.

  Moving to the kitchen, I saw that the damage caused from my magical explosion the other day had been taken care of, I'm assuming by Gran. The vine that had broken the window was nowhere in sight and the window replaced. Sighing, I reached for the coffee and I was suddenly spun around, Kai's dark eyes boring into mine and I swallowed roughly.

  "Gods damn, Sprout. I've never been more scared in my life." His hand pushed my hair back from my face, like he needed to see every inch of me, and I knew that if he could pull my soul open and get a look at that too, he would, just so that he could lay claim to every single part of me.

  "Kai." His name nothing more than a breathy whisper in the silence of the kitchen.

  In a flash of movement, my ass hit the countertop, my legs coming alive with a mind of their own as they wrapped around my shifter, pulling him as close as possible, his hard cock pressing against my core.

  "You. Are. A. Goddess." Each word was delivered with a purposeful thrust of his hips, my own hips moving to meet his. "Look at how needy you are for me, Cub." He ground against me once more, a moan escaping my lips.

  "I want you, Kai."

  A deep growl echoed against the kitchen walls and Kai tugged my head to the side, exposing the length of my neck to his mouth. His hot tongue ran a line of fire from my shoulder up to my ear just before I felt a nip of teeth against my earlobe.

  "Tell me what you want, Cub." His voice rumbled in my ear and my belly clenched low. "I need to hear you say it."

  "Please, I feel empty. I need you to fill me up and make sure I never, ever forget where I belong."

  "Fuck." He grunted, lifting me, and walking us over to the table. "I'm hungry, Cub. Slip those panties off and lay back." His tall, lean frame towered over me, and when he bit down on his fist as he watched me wiggle out of the lace that was separating us, I felt my heart speed up it's already furious tempo.

  "I'm going to sit right here," Kai said as he lowered into the chair at my feet, his hands pushing my knees apart, his gaze laser focused on my cunt, "and feast on my girl, but don't worry, Cub, I'll fill you up just as soon as I've had my fill of this pretty pussy."

  Holy shit.

  Kai's mouth landed on my center, his tongue moving like it was making love to my clit. Long, determined licks and the tightness of his hands on my thighs had my hips thrusting upward, seeking every bit of his mouth that I could possibly get. When he slipped his fingers inside of me, I called out his name like a prayer.

  "That's right, little Cub. You're mine. Mine." His fingers twisted upwards, hitting that sweet spot that promised detonation, but just as I felt that crescendo, he pulled back and I whimpered at the loss.

  "When you come, it'll be around my cock," he rasped, pushing his shorts down and resuming his seat on the chair. "Come sit on this dick, Cub." He stroked himself, fisting the wide base in his hand, and I moved with the purpose of a woman with an addiction. Straddling his legs, his hands squeezed my ass as he guided me to slide down all the way, our bodies joined as closely as possible.

  "Oh, Kai, please..." I begged, not knowing how to complete the request, but he knew what I needed.

  His mouth found mine and our tongues dueled for domination. Kai’s big hands encouraged my hips to grind, "That's it, take me deep. Tell me, Cub, tell me you're mine."

  Looking into his eyes, the yellow flashing against the black, "I'm yours, Kai, fuck. Gods, I love how you feel inside of me."

  My head was pulled back, Kai having wrapped my hair around his hand, my back arched when his mouth found my nipple. By the stars...

  A flicker of movement had my focus transferring to the entryway of the kitchen. Sloane was frozen in his tracks, the bulge in his gray sweatpants evident. Our stares locked onto each other just as Kai started pumping into me from below.

  "Ah, ahh, Kai. Oh, fuck." My fingernails sank into the curve of his shoulders, and his hand snaked between my legs, seeking out my throbbing clit. Noticing my attention had shifted, Kai turned his head, a smug ass look on his face.

  "Get over here, man. Look
at this beauty wiggling around on my cock. Have you ever seen anything so hot?"

  Sloane quickly crossed over to us, his fingertips moving slowly over the half moon indentations that my nails had left on Kai's skin. Sloane leaned in, his tongue running over one of the marks. Oh holy rings of Saturn, they're going to kill me. Kai groaned, and his cock somehow got even harder.

  "The sounds you make, kitten..." Sloane rasped, running a hand through his dark hair, his icy blue eyes staring a hole through me. Kai never stopped bouncing me up and down, encouraging my hips to slam against his, his big hands sinking into my ass cheeks. Sloane caught my chin in his hand, his thumb running over my bottom lip, my breath rushing over it with every movement Kai controlled.

  "Open, kitten."

  My mouth opened on its own when Kai's palm cracked across my ass, and Sloane seized the opportunity to slip his thumb into my mouth.


  "Oh fuck, Sloane," Kai grunted, and I followed Sloane's order. My tongue caressed and licked his finger, just like I'd do to his dick.

  Kai was gritting his teeth, but I was chasing the release now, my movements speeding up with each passing second. I needed this.

  Sloane leaned down and let out at a slew of the filthiest dirty talk I'd ever heard in my life.

  "Fuck her, brother. How's her cunt feel? Warm and wet like you want to just move in there and never leave?" Kai and I both groaned. "I can't wait to feel this mouth wrapped around my cock. She heats up like a furnace, don't you, kitten?"

  He removed his thumb from my mouth and reached down, tugging on one of my nipples, giving it a pinch that pulled a squeak from my throat.

  "I'm gonna..."

  "Yes, you are, kitten. Squeeze him, take his cum. All of it."

  "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," Kai chanted when I began to convulse around him.

  "Come with me, Kaito," I begged, his eyes fluttered closed at my wish and when they reopened they were yellow.

  "Not like this," he growled, standing up, pushing me back onto the table, never having pulled out, he leaned over me, and started... rutting? Is that the right word? The speed with which he was fucking me was animalistic. My screams were bouncing around the walls of the kitchen, and I couldn't even be bothered to care.


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