The Magic Of Betrayal

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The Magic Of Betrayal Page 9

by Britt Andrews

  Smirking, I leaned forward, breaching his tight ring of muscle that had my balls jumping, and my head tipping back on a groan.

  Inch by inch, I slid inside of him, his pleas building the tension higher and higher.

  "Stop teasing me, fuck me like you fucking mean it," he snapped and I cracked his ass so hard, the sting on my palm had me wincing.

  "You don't tell me what to do, pet. You're not in charge here. If I want to fuck you long and take hours to do so, I fucking will. If I want to fill your ass with my boiling hot cum and let you stay in this position with it leaking from your body, then I will. If I want to make you gag on my cock afterwards, never letting you get the release you're looking for, I will. Do. Not. Test. Me."

  Slamming forward, my balls touched his as I was buried to the hilt. He cried out, and I fucked him viciously, his grunts were music to my fucked up soul.

  "Sloane!" he cried, chanting my name like I was some kind of deity that could save him from the brink of insanity.

  Feeling the familiar shiver of impending orgasmic bliss, I slipped two fingers into his ass with my cock, stretching him even further. Fischer cried out in surprise.

  "That's it, pet. Take it. I could fuck you through this fucking table. My balls are bursting and I'm going to give you all of this hot load right up your cock loving ass. Grind against me, work my cock."

  Despite his hands being tied behind his back, he rocked his hips like a good boy, and wiggled around on my dick like it was his personal throne. Pulling on the rope, I freed his hands.

  "Get up there." My dick slipped from his ass, and he climbed up on the table, legs spread, and a hand pumping his cock wildly. His eyes met mine as he looked over his shoulder, and I was looking into the gaze of Fischer, not his monster. Good.

  "Make me come, please," he begged.

  Grunting, I stepped up, and slammed into him once more, thrusting in and out, hitting a new angle with the leverage I was now able to get.

  "Shit, shit, shit."

  "Squeeze my cock, Fischer," I groaned, fire licking down my spine, I was going to burn the fuck up if I didn't come soon.

  He clenched hard and I lasted another few thrusts before I was shooting ropes of cum into his ass. Fish cried out beneath me as he came, my name on his lips, and my handprints branded on his ass.

  "Fucking. Fill. Me. Up." Each demand was met with a push of his hips.

  "Fuuuuuck!" I shouted, breathing heavily, collapsing on his back, little movements from my hips ensuring that all of me was inside of him.

  We were frozen like that for a few moments before I stood and slipped out of him, a string of cum still connecting us.

  "You fuck like a monster," he chuckled.

  "Because I am one. But so are you."

  We cleaned up and got dressed quickly. Just as we were about to walk out, Kai came running in, a wild look in his eyes as he searched the room, when his gaze landed on the ashy remains of Chan, he cursed.

  "What is it, K?" Fischer asked.

  "The address was wrong. There was a note left there that said 'Fuck you, brain mage. Better luck next time.'"

  Fish's eyes widened. "But, I saw it. That's not possible!"

  "They knew we'd find Chan. Someone planted those memories to protect the real location. It's likely he didn't even know it in order to make sure you didn't get a hold of the truth," I mused, my fists clenching at my sides.

  "That's all that was there? A note?" Fischer inquired, his fingers tapping against his thigh.

  Kai looked away, and my stomach clenched. Fuck.

  "Tell me, damn it!" Fischer roared.

  "Ten bodies. Fresh. Our agent was amongst them. All of them gutted," Kai said softly and glanced at me, something passing in his eyes that made me swallow hard. Fischer noticed.

  “What aren’t you saying?” Fischer breathed, teeth clenched.

  Kai looked down at his feet, running his hand over his face before he quietly told us, "A few of them were teens."

  "Motherfuckers!" Fischer yelled, running over to the table and throwing it across the room, the clanging of the metal nothing more than a loud reminder of our failure. The chair was next, Chan's ashes flew through the air, sunlight coming through the window catching them as they filtered down to the ground.

  "It's not your fault, Fish," Kai said, approaching slowly.

  "The fuck it isn't! And now he's dead so I can't even do a more thorough search. Fuck, I must've missed something. I missed something, didn't I? DIDN'T I!?"

  "Fischer!" I barked, my dominant tone in full force. His head swung in my direction, tears were welling in his eyes. Fucking hell. His knees hit the ground, and that was the mission that had sent Fish into a swirling hole of darkness and murder that still plagued him.

  "I can't do it, Sloane. Leave it." He stood up and walked away, leaving me sitting here to stew over what the fuck we were going to do when it seemed every day brought forth new bullshit, the stars were intent on fucking up my life. They should know by now though, I don't go down without a fight. And I won't lose my brothers. I fucking refuse.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I absentmindedly slipped it out and tapped the screen to see a text from Larson requesting a call. Fuck. The hits just keep on coming. I replied asking for a few moments as I beelined for the bathroom, locking the door and flicking the air vent on before turning the shower on full blast. At least Kai wasn’t here with his damn cat ears.

  Hitting call, Larson picked up after a couple of rings, his deep voice coming through the line.

  “Sullivan. I trust things are going well? Has the girl woken up?”

  “Yes, things are going well. She woke up late last night, there’s some bizarre shit going on in this town, Sir,” I replied, unsure really where to even begin and why I had this weird as fuck tight feeling in my chest thinking about spilling these details, the whole thing was starting to fuck with my head.

  Larson hummed to himself, and I could just picture him sitting behind his huge ass mahogany desk, a glass tumbler clutched in his large hand, dark amber liquid swirling as he pondered what I had said.

  “Tell me everything,” he finally responded and the tightening in my chest increased.

  It took me several minutes to tell him all about the shit that had happened, and I left nothing out, well, except for Kai’s mate bond. That was a highly personal bit of information and not something I was willing to go behind his back on. He’d tell Larson when he was ready.

  I’m an operative, one of the fucking best in the whole damn field, and it was time I remembered that. We’re going to find this woman, hand her over to Larson, get awarded with personal time off and have unlimited company resources at our disposal to get some gods damned answers for Cam. I could only hope that Red was innocent in all of this. My brothers would be crushed if she weren’t, especially Kai. He would be destroyed beyond belief if she wasn’t. Thank fuck he was the only one mated to her.

  The other two were just obsessed. And I got the appeal, she was sexy as sin, but at the end of the day, this was an assignment. A job. How would Red feel when she realized the three men she was fucking had been lying to her from the start? Fuck, she might be the one kicking their asses to the curb. Either way, I didn’t see this ending well.

  “Very bizarre indeed.”

  What was maybe even stranger was that I could swear to the moon I could hear him smiling.

  “Her mother will show up eventually, and we must be prepared to act when that time comes. With the girl being unwell, it wouldn’t surprise me if Laura showed up sooner rather than later. She might be a shit mother, but I think her curiosity might be stronger than her maternal instincts. I’m sending in reinforcements, can’t be too careful.”

  Reinforcements? What the fuck? We didn’t need any fucking back up.

  “Sir, all due respect, we have this situation well in hand. It will look suspicious if more guys show up in this little town, we caused quite a stir just by moving in.”

  “Hmm, I see
your point. Good call. I’ll just send one then, I’ll make sure he’s briefed on everything and ready to jump in as soon as he arrives.” He paused, “And Sullivan?”

  “Yes, Sir?” I asked reluctantly. What are people going to think when they get wind of Larson sending in a fifth man? Is this person going to be expected to “get close to Saige” like we had? We don’t need anyone else seeing how deep we are into this mess.

  “I don’t think I need to remind you of the importance of this mission?” he questioned, his voice hard.

  “I’m a professional, Sir. You assigned us to this for a reason. We know what we’re doing and I’m the best you’ve got.”

  Shit, was that too forward?

  A laugh came through the line. “You’re ballsy, I’ll give you that. Keep up the good work. The new player will arrive tomorrow morning.”

  The line went dead.

  Well, fuck me.

  Normal. That’s what my life had been up until very recently, and now, well… shit was anything but normal. I’d fallen into the pattern of daily life, basically on auto-pilot at all times, not even realizing that I’d been missing key parts of myself.

  Kai had been sleeping over every night, and I’d never slept better than I did when he wrapped his strong arms around me and purred deeply against my neck. We’d whispered and laughed late into the nights between kisses and some of the hottest sex I’d ever had, I was one lucky witch. We’d talked about our favorite things, our dislikes, Kai had confided in me about his struggle with depression, and I told him about what it was like growing up with the type of mother I had. Kai was so attentive to me, his fingers always finding a point of contact on some area of my bare flesh and my desire for him never stopped. In fact, the more we had sex, the more I craved him.

  The other guys had backed off a little, though Cam and Fischer had popped into the shop several times while I was working, often just sitting at the bar and keeping me company. But I was beginning to miss them. However, I knew this intimate one on one time was what Kai and I needed, and I’m sure Baggie was pleased with all of the attention. Last night, Kai allowed Baggie to take over for a while, letting him run through the forests and who knows what other kinds of shit that panthers liked to do. In the end, I wound up sleeping with a huge panther playing big spoon, Maven was the little spoon, and I was squeezed right between them. Bagheera was a gorgeous animal, his fur was sleek and shiny, faint spots barely showing on his coat. In certain lighting, his coloring glimmered like an oil slick, making him look like he belonged in another realm.

  It had been a few days now since I’d woken up from my sleep coma… what the hell am I supposed to call it anyway? It was time to face reality. Today, the guys had some work to do, something about meeting up with another co-worker, and after I'd assured them five hundred times that I'd be fine, they relented and left me to my own devices for the day. Maven and I were headed to the park to meet up with Miranda for some girl talk and wine, she'd been texting me constantly asking me about the guys and I needed my friend so I could just get everything out there.

  The sun was shining, the weather eagerly catching onto the fact that it was June now and summer was in full swing. The warmth on my skin reminded me of Sloane’s hands, and my thoughts turned to that sexy asshole... he'd been quiet lately. I'd thought we'd turned a corner, especially after what had happened between us in the garden, but I was getting all kinds of mixed signals from the guy, and I wasn't going to chase him. Either he was interested, or he wasn't, but I was starting to get the feeling that he might be feeling intimidated by my relationships with the others. He just seemed like someone who thrived on structure and routine, and here I was knocking it all to shit. I felt for him, really, but I wasn't vindictive or nasty. My feelings toward Cam, Kai, and Fish were legitimate, and I'd told Sloane where I stood regarding him. The ball was in his court.

  Heading down to Peridot Park, Miranda and Annie were already waiting for us at the pavilion, and I smiled when I saw the chalk artwork that Annie had been busy creating. There were a ton of little Maven drawings, many of them depicting ice cream cones and a stick girl who obviously was Annie.

  “I love these drawings, you’ll have to make me some new ones to hang at the shop,” I told Annie as her little pink faced cheeks lifted from the ground to take us in. Squealing, she tossed the chalk and gave me a fast hug before setting her sights on Mave.

  "Hey girl, long time no see." Miranda smiled at me from the picnic table she was sitting at, her chocolate brown hair fell in thick waves and was so shiny, I wanted to touch it. But I wouldn't, because I did that to someone the last time I was in this pavilion and it was awkward as hell. Not that Miranda would bat an eye over it, she was used to my quirkiness... but I was trying this whole new thing called thinking before I act. So no, do not touch the shiny.

  Sighing, I sat down across from her, dropping my backpack on the bench beside me. "No kidding. It's been kind of crazy lately."

  Annie and Maven were running around the park, her laughter was the sweetest sound. Not even grumpy Mave could resist her cuteness.

  Miranda wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh as she leaned forward. "Tell me everything. How does it work dating three men? Are they cool with it, like, for real? No jealousy? Do you keep them on a schedule?"

  "Okay, settle down," I giggled. "No. There's no schedule, and, so far, no jealousy. Kind of crazy right? It's actually been... amazing. They're different from one another, so I feel like each relationship is defined and its own 'thing'. I get distinct things from each of them."

  "And?" she prompted, smiling at me like a kid who was about to be handed a lollipop.

  "And what?" I played dumb and she kicked me under the table, "Ow! Okay, fine, you violent witch. The sex is fucking mind blowing. Unbelievable."

  Miranda squealed and clapped her hands in front of her chest; she really was my personal cheerleader. Every witch needed one of those. Someone in your corner that you knew you could always depend on. That kind of friendship was rare and hard to come by, so once you had it, you didn't let go for anything.

  Whispering, she asked, "Do you... you know... do it with more than one of them at once?" Her cheeks bloomed into a nice pink and I had no doubt mine matched.

  "Well, I have. A couple of times, and that was just next level shit.”

  My smile grew as I thought about those couple of times, and damn, I needed to figure out how to get that to go down again.

  Miranda sighed. "Girl, you’re glowing. I'm so happy for you, you deserve it."

  Studying my friend, she looked better than she had when I'd given her the moonstone a few weeks back, but she still wasn't one hundred percent.

  "How are you, babe? Sleeping better?" I asked, scanning her face for the truth she may not give me with words.

  "Yeah, the stone seems to have done the trick. Annie's been good too, as usual. It's just a lot, working, full-time mom life, keeping up with the house...” Her finger traced the wood pattern in the table and I frowned slightly at the change in her demeanor. She was so strong, but she was clearly tired. Then, in true Miranda fashion, she rallied. “I think I need to get laid. We should go out sometime soon."

  Barking out a laugh, I shook my head. "Gods, I haven't been dancing in forever, maybe for my birthday? It's coming up, ya know?"

  "Hell yes, that sounds like exactly what I need. I'll let my mom know I'll need her to keep Annie at their house that night. I'll need a kid free zone to bring back my catch of the night." She winked and crossed her fingers.

  "You need a man who has his shit together, who can take care of you for a while.” She was prepared to snap at me over that, but I held up a placating palm. “Listen, babe, I know you can take care of yourself, and you do, but you deserve someone who adores you, protects you, who helps carry the load equally. And a big dick probably wouldn’t hurt, either.” I rushed the words out and we both laughed like hell. Taking a deep breath, I took her hands in mine, and looked into her chocolate brown eyes. “W
hoever snags you is the luckiest guy in this realm," I told her, and that was the truth. She was a genuinely good person with a huge heart, and Annie would just be a bonus dose of goodness.

  There was a young couple walking our way, hand in hand, and when I realized who it was I made sure to look closer. Sam Campbell, the depressed teen that Fischer had pointed out to me a month ago at the cookout, was strolling along with a love struck expression as he gazed down at his girlfriend.

  “Who’s that with Campbell?” Miranda asked, tracking them just like I was.

  “Oh, that’s Robin. Mayor Edgerton’s daughter. Must be a new relationship because news like this would’ve already been spread through town like wildfire otherwise,” I noted and my bestie nodded.

  “They’re so cute together! Look how happy they look. Ah, young love,” Miranda sighed dreamily and I chuckled. But she was right.

  My phone vibrated snapping me out of my staring and I laughed when Kai's 'name' popped up, one of his own choosing. I hadn't told anyone yet about the mate bond, I just wanted to keep that information close to my chest for now, at least until all of this weird shit settled down and we had more time to explore what our relationship was going to look like.

  Alpha Beast: Hey, Sprout, just wanted to say I miss you, and I can't wait to bite you and then lick it all better.

  By the stars, heat bloomed between my legs just thinking about it. He'd been biting me constantly during sex and it was the hottest thing ever, but then when he licked the marks afterward? It made me want to wrap myself around him like a monkey and insist that tongue never leave my body.

  Another text came in before I could even consider what to say in response to his message.

  Alpha Beast: Daddy wants to know if you're being safe. I told him to back off but he got that dad look on his face where he just looked so disappointed in me that I let it go. So, are you?


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