The Magic Of Betrayal

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The Magic Of Betrayal Page 30

by Britt Andrews

  A small group of women were in our direct path and the way their eyes lit up when they landed on Bram and Khol, I had to bite my tongue. The four of them curtsied when we got close enough, they looked young, maybe a couple of years younger than me. Then again, they were demons so they could've easily been hundreds of years old and I wouldn't know.

  "Ladies, thank you for coming this evening," Bram addressed them, nodding his head.

  A few giggled and I tried really hard not to roll my eyes, but maybe if I did, then I wouldn't have to look at the fuck me stares they were giving him.

  "It's our pleasure to be here to celebrate with you tonight," one of the demon girls said, innuendo clear.

  "And we're so happy you're back too, Khol," another one gushed.

  Okay, so they're just going to act like I don't exist?

  "Maybe you two can come find us after?"

  My eyes widened at the brazen balls on this bitch. And when she reached forward and touched Bram's arm, I didn't think. I reacted.

  A snarl that I didn't even know I was capable of burst from my mouth and I felt my wings snap out, fast and angry as I stepped in front of Bram and narrowed my eyes.

  "Do not fucking touch him," I growled, the hair on the back of my neck lifting, almost like a wild animal's would when they felt threatened.

  The four of them gasped and clutched their non-existent pearls, but it was a little late for the innocent act. They had just been propositioning my man and my father for some kind of orgy.

  Bram and Khol both chuckled behind me and I felt Bram's large hand wrap around my waist, tugging me back against him. My heart was thrashing in my chest but the longer he held me, the more I felt like I was able to calm down.

  "I’m otherwise engaged. If you'll excuse us, we have a dance to start," Bram announced, pushing us past those women and I glanced back to make sure they kept their distance, but I did see Khol wink at them. Ew.

  Bram ushered us to the middle of the large room, staring down at me with amusement.

  "What?" I snapped.

  "You were jealous," he said all smug like.

  "You're mine, Bram Carlisle," I told him firmly. Surprised by how much I meant it, but it was the truth. He cocked his head, studying my face. "I wanted to rip her arm off even after she backed away just to make sure she could never touch you again," I admitted, and I didn't feel guilty about it either. There was just this part of me that felt pleased with my actions because I had defended what was mine.

  Bram smiled. "That's our bond, Goldie girl. I've been waiting for you to accept it, feel it, let me in. I told you long ago that you were made for me, princess."

  My arms wrapped around his neck as I tugged his face down to mine, capturing his lips in a claiming that everyone in attendance would see. They needed to know their prince was spoken for, and the thirsty bitches needed to back off. He groaned against my lips and people started cheering and applauding our performance, just before the music started playing softly.

  Bram pulled back, smiling widely. "Let's move, Goldie. Follow my lead," he ordered and then we were floating across the stone floor. He held me tightly as I let him direct my body, spinning me at the right times, pulling me close, and then letting me twirl out of his embrace. He was clearly an experienced ballroom dancer, he moved with confidence and sex appeal that was just all him.

  As he tugged my arm, spinning me against him so that my back was to his front, I turned my face to look up at him and we paused for a moment, staring at one another. His mouth landed on mine and the cheers from the room were deafening. Warmth was spooling in my core and I thought about what it might be like to claim him fully.

  Bram looked sharply away from me, and I realized his father was standing next to him, hand stretched out, waiting for me. Was this part of their tradition? Did I have to dance with him? The thought of his hands on me made my skin crawl.

  "Miss Wildes, may I have this dance?" Thane bowed and I flicked my eyes to Bram. He looked murderous, but he gave me a slight nod. Okay. This was something I had to do. Hopefully, it would be over soon.

  He placed his hand on my waist, squeezing slightly too hard and I winced against the pain as he gripped my other hand and began moving us around the room.

  "My son is quite taken with you, Miss Wildes," Thane stated, his eyes flashing with something I couldn't put a name to.

  "It's mutual," I told him as he tugged me closer against his body.

  "Yes, well, he's not king yet, is he?" he asked, sliding his hand down from my waist to the exposed skin at the base of my back.

  "What does that mean?" I bit out, trying to remain somewhat calm and polite, but I didn't like his hands on my skin. It made me think of Bryce.

  "It means that I have been without a wife for quite some time and I have been looking for a suitable replacement. The fact that you will be able to bear more of my children makes you perfect for me. You'd be queen, my dear," he whispered in my ear and I felt the blood run from my face.

  "That- that is quite an offer, Your Majesty, but I'm afraid I cannot accept."

  The music in the room was speeding up, the notes hitting a crescendo as I looked into Thane's eyes, and for the first time since I'd stepped through that portal I felt true fear.

  "I think I'd better just—" I tried to squirm from his grip, but he dropped my hand and held my waist with his two large hands, keeping me from going anywhere.

  "It wasn't an offer, my dear. I was simply telling you what would be happening. You will be my wife, and you will give me more children. Now, follow me," he ordered and I stared at him with my mouth open. Where is Bram? Where is Khol?

  Thane guided me up the steps to the raised platform that held his throne and all eyes were on us. My stomach was churning, I needed to get the fuck out of here. Something bad was about to happen, I could feel it.

  "Great citizens of Besmet!" Thane boomed and the room quieted. My eyes were darting across the room wildly, searching for the only two men here who I thought might give a shit about what was coming. Then I spotted them, against the back wall of the room. Those women from earlier were running their hands over their bodies, but my eyes were locked with Bram's. The way his were moving, I knew something was wrong. It was the only part of him that was moving. They were frozen like that. They wouldn't be able to save me now.

  "Allow me to properly introduce Saige Wildes, daughter of Khol the Merciless, and future queen of Besmet!"

  Applause rang out and trumpets started blaring loudly. This isn't happening. This can't be happening.

  "I'd like to say that I would be able to wait to claim this woman until after our wedding, but with times as dire as these, I don't think any of you would mind if I put a royal Carlisle baby in her belly?" Thane bellowed, holding his hand out as his other one held me tight against his body and once again, the crowd cheered. Maybe they thought I wanted this, that being a queen is all any woman here would hope for in their life, but if Thane tried to put his dick in me, I would chop it off.

  "How about a public demonstration?" Thane asked, his hand sliding up on my waist, brushing the side of my breast that was only covered by thin mesh.

  Looking at Bram and Khol again, their faces were red and murder was in their eyes. They had no idea this was going to happen. That much was apparent.

  I needed to get to them. Quickly, before this went any further. If I harmed the king though, would they kill me? They needed me, right? Maybe I can just subdue him long enough to escape.

  When Thane moved behind me and lowered his mouth to my shoulder, I felt like I was going to faint. Or throw up. Or probably both. Breathing in deeply, I called on my green magic and felt it flicker in response. I felt his mouth open, trailing wet kisses up my neck and I swallowed bile as I waited patiently for his hands to leave my waist.

  They did, finally. Just as I figured he would, he slid his hands down to cup my ass and that's when I made my move. Small vines exploded from my hands, seeking out his wrists and securing them tightly, I
didn't even hesitate for a second before I jumped and let my wings carry me halfway across the room, my feet hitting the stone floor just as the king roared, "Get her!"

  But that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to let him rape me. I was strong, and I only belonged to men I chose to give myself to. There was screaming and the off note chord of a violin as the music came to an abrupt halt. Bram's eyes widened and I held my hands out, more vines coming to my aid and a symphony of gasps rang out around me as the vines pushed all of those handsy bitches away from him and Khol. People were diving out of my path, yelling for more guards, but I didn’t stop. I wouldn’t. There was movement at my back and I knew I only had moments before I'd be captured and then who knew what they'd do to me.

  Both men in front of me were frozen, just like Khol had done to the guys in that warehouse before. How am I getting us out of here? I needed to jump. Fuck, fuck.

  I slipped my hands into theirs and remembered what Bram had told me about jumping. You just picture in your mind where you want to go and use your mind to push it into motion. Jump. Why can’t I just open a fucking portal? Of course nobody wants to teach me that. I thought about Bram's living room, if we could get there, we could regroup. Plus, we'd be far enough away that whatever Thane had done to them would wear off. Guards were running straight for us, hands reaching, wings extended, faces angry. I kept my thoughts on Bram's house. Jump. Jump. JUMP!

  The three of us hit the rug in the living room.

  "Holy shit, holy shit, oh my moons," I swore, my breathing ragged as I searched the room to make sure they were with me and we were alone.

  "Khol, you okay? We need to get out of here. Now. He'll come looking here first.” Bram scrambled to his feet and Khol was hot on his heels.

  "Where are we going?" I breathed, my heart pounding so hard I thought it might burst.

  Bram looked at me over his shoulder as he threw his hand out toward the empty space to his right, the portal shimmered and grew instantly.

  "Emerald Lakes," he reached for my hand and Khol grabbed my other, "now."

  The two of them pulled me through the portal just as I looked back and saw armed guards bursting through Bram's door.

  Home, I'm going home. My heart skipped when I thought about seeing my guys.

  Fuck, I've missed them so much.

  This was becoming a shit show.

  Kai was off the rails, his depression was in the driver’s seat and until we got Saige back, I didn't see how that would change. The mate bond was probably making it worse. I would say it sucks to be him, but his shields had slipped and I could feel everything he was broadcasting, and on my own level, I understood. Having him around was uncomfortable though, and the beer run he took earlier was actually a relief.

  Cam was refusing to face reality. Silly viking. He still kept a good hold on his shields, but try telling that to the gods damn storm cloud that followed his gigantic ass around. He did nothing except research and strategize with Laurie and Bette. I listened in, of course. But I really hadn't seen anything that would suggest any of these plans would end in success. Much to my dismay, I also hadn’t been able to catch Laurie in a moment of vulnerability, either.

  I was in control these days. After Saige convinced Fischer to let me out of my internal prison the night we'd fucked, he hadn't really locked me back up. Then, at the warehouse, it was like he dropped all shields and begged me to take over. Too much pain for him to take. That was fine. I lived off pain and blood. This is why he needed me.

  The interesting part of all of this was that I really did miss Firefly. I liked her spirit, her sassiness, her unabashed ability to just be herself. Fischer could really take some pointers from her in that department. It was high time he stopped denying that I was a part of him. He’d been a wreck ever since the warehouse. Realizing his beloved Sloane had been in love with him and yet betrayed him so blatantly… tough pill to swallow. Pfft, I was sure Saint Fischer would be back soon, ready to send me back to the mental prison he saved just for my bad boy ass.

  The sun had set an hour ago, Sloane would be here soon.

  Sloane. The motherfucker who always tried to keep me locked up. Well, I'm out now, and I'm not going fucking anywhere. And if he thought he could try that alpha shit on me, he had another thing coming. Fischer put me in charge because it was too much for him to feel. I suppose feeling heartbreak from other people was easier to swallow than your own. Either way, I was going to keep the both of us safe, and I needed my Firefly. Also, I was desperate for some bloodshed, but I swallowed that down.

  "Fischer?" Bette asked, and when I blinked in her direction, I realized it was likely not the first time she'd addressed me, but also, that wasn’t my name.

  "Yes?" I answered.

  "Are you okay? You've been really quiet." She stood beside me and we both stared off into the darkness. Laurie was out there in the woods, setting up who knows what. She was also still blocking me from her emotions, but I didn't want to rock the boat if she was willing to help us. Some people were just more private, though I did wonder where she'd been trained to learn such a skill.

  Not looking at her, I answered, "Yes. I'm fine. I’m ready to see if this works tonight."

  She hummed in agreement. I knew she was anxious, because unlike her daughter, she did nothing to hide her feelings. Bette's feelings fluctuated between angry, sad, anxious, and worried. ‘Probably should ask her how she is, asshole,’ Fischer reprimanded me and I rolled my eyes at the polite prick.

  "And you?"

  "I just want her back," she gritted out. There's the anger again.

  The roar of an engine in the distance had me clenching my fists. I knew exactly who that engine belonged to.

  "I'm going to go grab some things from my place. I'll meet you guys down there." Bette walked away toward her cottage and I heard the crunch of gravel as Sloane got closer to the house.

  Letting myself back inside, Kai and Cam were in the kitchen, having a beer.

  "Sounds like Sloane is here," Kai stated. Captain Obvious, this guy.

  Cam grunted and I said nothing as I dropped into the seat beside Kai. The shifter seemed to be a little brighter in the eyes tonight. The despair wasn’t rolling off of him like it had been, so maybe he did have a bit of light left in him. The door to the mudroom squeaked and I stared down the dimly lit hall waiting for him to come around the corner. Sloane appeared a second later, his eyes catching mine instantly and I smirked, which didn’t match Fischer’s heartache at seeing the asshole. Sloane’s heavy boots thudded on the hardwood. Dark jeans wrapped around his thighs and a black Breaking Benjamin t-shirt was tight against his chest.

  Sloane’s eyes widened a little when he realized it was me, Faris, smirking at him, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on. Good, let him wonder. I’d pushed Fischer down into our psyche and the others hadn’t been bothered by having me around all this time, so he could suck it. Literally. Granted, they didn’t technically know Fischer had left the building, but they knew something was off. We all watched as Sloane removed his backpack and gently sat it on the ground, but before he could get it unzipped, Maven exploded from the thing, growling.

  "Didn't have anywhere else to put him while I rode over," Sloane explained as Maven scowled at him.

  "You literally piss off every living creature you're around, huh?" I asked, slouching back in my chair, watching his face.

  "Fischer, I'm sor—" he started, but I cut him off.

  "Good for you. Can we get on with this?" I stood up looking at Cam, but he was staring at Sloane.

  "Yeah, let's do that," Cam agreed with me, but I waited for the explosion that was brewing.

  Sloane sighed, his pain clear. In fact, that was the majority of his emotions right now. He was hurting, big time. He was ashamed, embarrassed, scared.

  Boo hoo.

  "I am so fucking sorry. I fucked up and I have been doing everything since to find a way to fix this, to get her back."

  Cam stared at Sloane for a
n uncomfortable amount of time before running a hand through his long hair and rising to his feet.

  "I don't trust you anymore, and I certainly do not forgive you. I'm not sure I will ever be able to forgive you. But let's get our asses out there and try to get Saige back. That's what's important tonight, not our bullshit," he added, staring at each of us. A warning. Stay focused.

  Not bothering to wait, I turned and walked out to the backyard. There were flames dancing in the distance and I guessed that was where we were doing this spell. As I led the way, I felt a twisting in my head, he wanted to come out.

  ‘It's my turn,’ I thought to him, shoving his presence down deeper.

  Nobody spoke as we marched through the woods to a small clearing where Laurie was finishing setting up. Bette wasn't here yet. Maybe she wouldn't come.

  There were four chairs arranged in a square, facing inward. Laurie had a basket at her feet that she pulled different things from and sprinkled over the ground, mostly in the middle of the chairs.

  "These seats for us?" I asked, tilting my head toward them when she looked up from what she was doing.

  "Yeah, this spell is going to take a lot of power, so you guys might as well sit while we do it."

  I stalked over to the chair closest to her little basket and sat my ass down. Hopefully, this wouldn't take long and then I could get back to my own plan of how to fix this shit. Which consisted of heading to the nearest city and finding a demon and forcing them to open the fucking portal. I wasn’t even gonna ask. We were beyond pleasantries. I’d slip right in and plant the thought right in their head. Problem. Solved. We should’ve done this days ago.

  "Evening, gentlemen. You must be Sloane," Laurie said to him over her shoulder as she knelt down and added a few more things to the grass before pressing her palms down flat and pushing her own magic into the ground.

  "I am, and you must be Laurie." Sloane shifted on his feet and I picked up immediately on his nerves and... regret. Regret is a bitch. That's why you should always be damn certain that what you're doing is what you want because we almost never get a second chance to fix it. I sure as shit don’t. That’s why everything I do and say is intentional. When you don’t get the luxury of correcting mistakes, you learn real fast to act with purpose and with confidence because there’d be no time for apologies. He was learning that lesson right now.


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