Until Brew

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Until Brew Page 6

by CC Monroe

  “Yes, sir,” JJ breathes when I release her. As she slowly climbs off me, I watch with enjoyment. This gorgeous goddess belongs to me now.

  The drive to work, we make small talk, sip on our to-go coffees, and eat our bagels. I drop her off at the site and see that motherfucker I already know is going to be a goddamn problem.

  “Hey. Parker is not a threat, okay?” Reading the expression so obviously worn on my face, JJ calls me on it.

  “Yeah. He better watch himself. I’m not kidding, JJ. If he gets out of line, you tell me. You don’t lie to me or hide secrets. Okay?”

  Licking the top row of her teeth, she nods, leaning across the front seat of my truck. “Who knew jealousy could be so… annoyingly sexy?” Giving me a soft kiss on the lips, she rubs at the stubble on my cheek. “I promise. Have a good day. Be safe.”

  As she climbs out, I watch her meet her team at the door of the house, and with one last wave, I drive off.

  Chapter Nine


  Today, I was convinced I would spend it obsessing over exactly what it meant to tell Brew that I’m in this and want to see where it goes. I was painstakingly incorrect. Parker took nearly a three-hour break, leaving us shorthanded with placing items and deliveries from the furniture store. Then the rest of the time, he was a ball of straight shitty attitude, and it was worse than taking care of a child in the middle of a terrible-twos breakdown. Thank God he put himself somewhere only he knows when the clients showed up to see the progress we made on the master suite. Of course, and thankfully, they loved it and were pleased, giving me a second to breathe.

  “What was Parker’s deal today?” Denise questions as we lock up the house. I sent everyone home after they completed their assignments, and Denise and I were the last ones here.

  “Right? I don’t know. Maybe his dad got after him. You know Mr. Jeffs is trying damn near everything to get his son in line to take over the business. I don’t see that happening.”

  She scoffs, agreeing, “Isn’t that the truth? Good thing he has you. I have no doubt you’ll take the throne if his only son can’t.”

  I gulp. No one else but Hanna knows about me wanting to start my own business after this project, and it’d be best if it stays that way. Besides, now with Brew in the picture, it would just complicate things and could cause red flags. This project has to be under my belt if I stand a chance at starting a business. This job is the shiny gold star of my portfolio, if you will.

  “Yeah, but really, all of you guys are amazing. Any of us could get it, and whoever does, I will be so proud of.” I go along with the charade.

  “Same, girl. And can I just say your house buddy is gorgeous. Talk about a good-time fling. Live that up while you can.”

  I nearly choke on my saliva. "Oh yeah. It’s just a fling. Nothing serious.”

  “I bet. JJ Marie isn’t the settle-down type. But I won’t lie, me and the other girls are mad jealous. Maybe he has some friends you can introduce to us while we’re here. We wouldn’t mind a fling like that.” She winks, and I laugh nervously.

  “Yeah, totally.” Hoping she doesn’t bring it up again, I just brush it off and throw up a quick thank-you to the gods when Brew pulls in at the same time as Denise’s Uber.

  We share pleasant goodbyes, and I greet Brew with a kiss as he helps me into the truck.

  The drive home is quiet, and I’m honestly exhausted, and I can tell Brew is too. A minute or so out from his home, he finally speaks.

  “I have some friends coming over tonight from the club. You want to hang out in the main house tonight, have a drink, and relax?” He rubs my leg gently, the sensation adding to my want to crawl into bed and drown in sleep.

  “Honestly, I would love to get lost in a bottle of tequila after all the hard work today, but I’m extremely exhausted. Maybe a raincheck?”

  He looks me over, seeing if there are signs of secrets or if I’m upset, but he must see I’m truly tired, as he gives a soft smile and nods. "Of course, baby. Raincheck. Let’s get you home and in bed. Me and the boys will keep it down.”

  Giving a genuine smile back, we fall silent again, pulling into the driveway of his house just then. We climb out, and he takes my hand, walking me to the guesthouse.

  “You know. I’ve been meaning to ask if you would like to move into the main house.” His voice is unwavering, not even a stutter.

  “Oh yeah? And is that so you have easier access to my body?”

  Brew laughs, a sexy, deep from the chest laugh.

  “There is that perk, but also so we can spend time getting to know each other. We are clearly avoiding all caution signs, and I believe you deserve to be treated like a woman, not a sex object. We both know that ship has sailed.”

  I blush, something I rarely do. “That seems fast. Don’t you think? Like moving in?”

  He searches my face, looking for a crack in the foundation, but he doesn’t see one. "That’s not what it is, but having you in my bed and in my room will allow us to spend our nights together. Talking. Getting to know one another. Believe it or not, JJ, I want to get to know you inside, not just your body.” That may be the kindest thing he has ever said. When I first saw Brew, I thought he was nothing but arrogant—possibly even a womanizer—but I’ve yet to see any side of that. Cocky, yes, but other things, no.

  “Okay, I think it’s important we get to know each another. I agree; we can try it… maybe every other night? You know, dip our toes before taking the leap?” I chuckle, as does he.

  “Baby, we are drenched at this point, and I think we both know this and have no way of drying off.”

  He’s not wrong, and maybe I need time to think tonight, rest, and reflect on exactly what this is and what it's becoming.

  “But I won’t tell you no. I will take the compromise. Now go rest, and if you need anything, call me or text me, and I will be out here in seconds.” As he kisses my forehead, I concede with a soft nod. Our hands unlink, and he waits for me to walk in and lock the door before he leaves. I make my way to the shower, closing the curtains so his biker friends don’t see me. That’s the last embarrassment I need. One too many men have seen my body since moving here. I’m at capacity.

  Climbing into the shower, I let the warm water wash away the stress of the day, wishing it could wash out the knots in my body as well, but alas. Once satisfied, I climb out and put on a comfortable pajama set, a silk camisole and matching shorts.

  I snuggle into the world’s most plush bedding and even more soft, full pillows and pull out my newest novel, Until Cece by my favorite author, KD Robichaux. I would never admit to many people that I’m a sucker for a great romance novel. Cheesy, sexy, dirty, and all alpha. However, something in this novel seems so familiar. Winston has this thing about him that reminds me of… Brew.

  “Holy shit,” I squawk with a slight laugh. Am I falling into love with an alpha male who just swept me off my feet and has no plans to let me go? This hits me like a train going full speed without brakes like that one Chris Pine movie, and I shut the book. Laying it down beside me on the bed, I turn on my back and look up to the ceiling.

  The woman I am is not the one I knew coming here. But Brew’s captivating, a stranger I’m doing my best to try to decode. But nothing. I can’t get him out of my head or even try to ignore what we are and where we think this truly could ever go. I’m going to head back to New York when this is all over. Right? I question, and before I fall down that rabbit hole there is a knock on the door.

  Knowing Brew has a key, I'm surprised he doesn’t just come in. Going to the door, I open it without a thought, and I nearly stumble back when I see the large, broad-shouldered man standing at well over 6’5”, with a beard and tattoos and a very intimidating look. And I’m not one to be easily intimidated.

  “Wow, hi. Um, can I help you?”

  His smirk would scare most, but I see a gentle giant type behind it.

  “He sure wasn’t lying. You are stunning, baby girl.”

��Deacon, I will fucking cut your dick off and shove it in places you won’t want it if you call my woman baby girl again.” Brew comes marching up behind him, his obscene statement so unlike the man I usually get to see when it’s just the two of us. “Sorry, baby. Did he wake you? I told you she was sleeping, asshat. You were supposed to have a smoke then come inside.” He punches his arm, and I laugh.

  “No, he didn’t. But I like seeing you two banter like children. It’s adorable, Brew,” I mock him, and he knows it, grabbing my hip and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Get back to the house before Dean takes all your money from the poker game. Your chips are down.”

  “All right, well, it was nice to meet you. I’ve never met one of Brews old ladies before.”

  “One of his old ladies?” I ask with a snarl, the scrappy side of me coming to the forefront.

  “Yeah, he’s usually not the settling down type, sweets.”

  “Deacon,” Brew warns again, the second endearment triggering him.

  “Sorry. See you later. Bye, JJ.” He leaves, and once he’s out of earshot, Brew pulls me in close, guiding me against him by my hips.

  “By the looks of that guy, you really are in a biker gang.”

  He understands what I mean most likely by the concern apparent on my face, but he throws his head back, laughing.

  “I told you already, we don’t kill people. This isn’t a TV show. Now don’t get me wrong, we have had—” He pauses, tilting his head from one side to the other, wracking his brain for a word. “—moments where we need to handle an abuser or two, but no killing or arms dealings or drugs. Like I said, we’re mainly a group of men who love bikes and…” He stops, and for the second time in five minutes, I feel… jealousy.

  “Women. You were going to say women. Weren’t you?”

  He doesn’t say anything, and that’s the only answer I need.

  “Brew, I don’t want to sleep with a man who is enjoying sleeping with others. I don’t know what kind of women hang around you and your biker friends, but I can’t imagine them being the cleanest or purest around.” My stomach is a mess, nervous that we are about to unveil the fact that I may really not be the only woman sharing his bed.

  “JJ, don’t even try that bullshit with me. I don’t allow women in my life, let alone this fast, close and personal. You think I have any time or even the desire to be with another woman? You think they stand a chance compared to what I now have under me every night?”

  Those jealous butterflies explode into arousal.

  “Brew...” I trail off, dropping my head, my forehead barely touching his chest.

  “You are all I want. I have spent most of my days and night when we aren’t together thinking of how the fuck I let this happen.”

  “Let what happen?” I peer up, my heart rate increasing, because I know what’s about to happen, and it will change everything.

  “Don’t make me say it, JJ,” he growls.

  “If you don’t say it, then I might just leave here when the six months comes.”

  The face he wears is dangerous, like my words were a threat. Weren’t they though?

  “Not a fucking chance. You’re mine now, and if you think I will ever let you leave me, you’re wrong. My love for you has no bounds, so don’t test its limits.”

  “You—you love me?” I whimper. How can he love me after only a couple weeks of knowing me? But what’s more, how the hell can I, JJ Marie, love him just as fiercely?

  “Yes, and you are driving me mad with it, JJ. I didn’t want anyone. Still don’t. But I can’t not have you. You knew what you could do to me, and you did it.”

  “But I didn’t.” I didn’t try to seduce or make him love me.

  “Exactly. You were fucking made for me. I can’t untaste you, unfeel you, and now I can’t unlove you.”

  “Take me,” I breathe out, unable to care about my exhaustion or his friends. I love Brew, and I don’t want to pretend anymore that I don’t. I don’t want to worry about what this means to my future or his, but more so ours.

  “You want me, baby? Want me to do things that only I can to you? That only a man who loves you can do?” My knees buckle, and he catches me. By habit, I let him take control, and he grabs my ass and lifts me. I wrap my legs around his hips. He kicks the door shut and leads me through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Our lips haven’t touched, but mine have found his neck. I lick and suck, leaving open-mouthed kisses anywhere I can.

  When he sets me down, I groan in protest. “Don’t worry, baby. I ain’t going anywhere. Undress. Unwrap what’s mine.”

  “Are we getting in the tub?” I question, and he smirks.

  “Yes, I know you had a rough day, and I want to make this time special and relaxing.” His soft side is becoming my favorite thing, because I’m really the only one who sees it.

  Removing my camisole first, my full breasts are his for viewing. Biting his lip, he doesn’t look away from me as I shimmy out of my bottoms, my full body on display now.

  “Fuck, you are so goddamn beautiful.” Reaching into his pocket, he removes his phone, and with one click, he calls someone.

  “Deacon. Everyone needs to leave. I’m calling it a night.” He eyes me up and down with a hunger that scares and arouses me.

  Suddenly, his face turns into a scowl, and he barks into the phone, “She’s fucking what?” He pauses, listening to his response, and I grow worried. I step up to him, wrapping my arms around his lean waist. “Tell her to leave. Get her out of my house.” Now I become more than worried. Who is she?

  Whatever Deacon responds is not what he wants to hear.

  “Fuck. I’ll be right there. Call her fucking friends and tell them they better come get her, or I’ll be calling the police. She knows she’s not allowed here.” The call ends, and I open my mouth to speak, but he stops me.

  “I’m sorry, JJ. Stay here, and I will be back. Get in the bath, and I will take care of this business fast.” Leaving me with his shoulders stiff and a scowl so engraved it may get stuck there, he slams the door and I jump, coming out of my own head.

  I’m not the kind of girl to just sit and wait. The man I’m in love with is clearly upset by some…woman, and I need to know exactly who she is. Throwing on my black skinny jeans and a sweater. I slide on my slippers and head toward the house. The second I leave the front door of the guesthouse, I hear a woman screaming.

  “You told me you didn’t want a relationship, and rumor around town is you have some new whore! Why, Brew? Why would you do this to me?” My stomach drops. An ex?

  Rounding the house, the scene is off-putting. Brew towers over a hysterical blonde with her hair a mess and her body on full display in shorts so damn short you can see the bottom half of her ass and a tank top pulled down enough for her cleavage to be in full view. All of his friends stand on his porch, watching the scene unfold. I walk with caution, but it does me no good. Her eyes spot me and turn to tight slits. If that look could bury me, it would’ve.

  “Her! She’s the one you want over me? Look at her—she’s plain and dull. You had me, Brew!” she screams, heading toward where I stand at the side of the house next to the porch. She’s fast, and Brew moves to stop her, and right before she gets to me, Deacon hops over the porch and stands in front of me, crossing his arms and guarding me from her. Brew catches her arm a mere step away from us.

  “Leave now, or we will have an even bigger problem. We are over, and I don’t want to see you at my house or anywhere near me and my woman. Got it, Lacey?” She has a name. Lacey sounds much sweeter than the woman it belongs to. Did he end it with her to be with me? Am I the one who caused this? I’m a lot of things, but a woman to come between a couple is not one of them. I don’t need to wreck a relationship to have one.

  Besides, when we started, this wasn’t what it is now, so why did he leave her for me? All these thoughts run rampant and take over, leaving me in a haze, not hearing what’s being said between the two. He moves her to her car as
she fights him. Deacon turns around and looks me over. “You good, J?”

  “Um, I don’t know. This was a bit much.” I try to not seem fazed, but I am. I never signed up to ruin a relationship and invite a crazy ex into my life.

  “That’s his ex from a year back. She’s insane. Real fucked up. This isn’t the first time she’s done this. I’ll let your man explain the rest.”

  My mind eases a bit when he says it’s been a year since they ended. But the scene has me on edge.

  Then the icing on the cake comes.

  “You whore! He will use you and cheat on you, and I won’t let you take him from me! You dumb bitch!”

  The JJ I know very well would pop off, the New Yorker in me a take-no-shit type, but this doesn’t seem like the right time. Lacey is erratic and unpredictable, and I don’t want to ever see her again.

  “Smart one you are, kitty cat. Don’t feed the monster. She’s not worth it,” Deacon praises, turning back around, still playing bodyguard for me.

  Slamming her door, she keeps yelling, refusing to leave. The only reason she doesn’t get back out is because Brew keeps his weight against her door.

  “Is she on something?” Being where I’m from, I’ve seen plenty of druggies, and I can’t help but see a lot of similarities in her.

  “Probably, she’s an alcoholic and has only gotten worse since Brew ended things.”

  Just then, a car pulls up, and a tall, skinny brunette climbs out. “Shit, Brew, I’m so sorry. Let me take her home. You think one of the boys can bring her car to her place?”

  “Deacon, why did you call my wife? Baby, you did not need to come get her,” a blond man—with more of a cleaned-up biker look like Brew—says. Taking the steps down the porch, he greets her at the car.

  “Bronx, I have to. She’s my sister. You know I have no option.”

  He growls, pulling her up against him. “We talked about this. She isn’t good to be around, and until she can accept the help, you aren’t to see her.” I can tell from where I stand her eyes are welling with tears. So wait, she is married to one of Brew’s friends, and her sister is Brew’s ex? This seems complicated. I have so many questions.


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