Ever Lost: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

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Ever Lost: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance Page 10

by L. E. Bross

  “Tink, I’m coming to get you, so don’t give up on me yet,” I whisper to the night.

  There’s no reply except for a shooting star streaks across the sky, but it's all the answer I need.

  I’m alone in the kitchen, eating my cereal in my uniform, when X strolls in.

  I pause, the spoon of Lucky Charms halfway to my mouth. Yesterday they were gone before I even came downstairs. Hanna doesn’t come in until late morning on school days, so they all just grab something on their way out.

  X leans back against the island and crosses his arms over his chest. I try to ignore the way his button-up shirt stretches over muscle. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes that makes me nervous. X barely acknowledged me in Study Hall and Environmental Science yesterday, and he’s supposed to be the chatty one.

  “So, troublemaker,” he says, “what the fuck game are you playing?”


  “Last night. You deliberately trying to goad Ry? You fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us, babe.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  X saunters over and drops down onto the bench next to me, way too close for my comfort. Always too close.

  “I saw it all. Talking to Hook, making my boy lose his shit. I don’t know what you said to him when he brought your ass home, but his demons were right on his heels when he got back. Did you know he almost wrecked his bike after everyone left, trying to outrun ‘em?”

  Panic shoots through me and I glance at the door that leads to the foyer as if I can see for myself whether Riot is hurt. X’s stare drills down inside me like he’s looking for the answers because I won’t give them.

  “Few scrapes but nothing serious. The thing is, he doesn’t let anyone get in his head. But you did.” He leans over, too close, the sunlight picking up the gold flecks in his eyes. “So what did you say?”

  “I...we barely even talked. He dropped me off and then left. If anyone should be mad, it’s me. I’m not a child and he has no right getting all up in my face constantly bossing me around. Telling me who I can or can’t be with.”

  A real smile breaks out over his face and he sits back, his arm draped on the windowsill behind me. I swear I feel his fingers brush against my arm and I fight the reaction it causes.

  Two of the three boys have serious boundary issues.

  So why doesn’t it send my walls flying up?

  Why do I let them get away with it?

  “I knew you were trouble the second you walked into the kitchen,” he murmurs. “But I think there’s more to you under that prickly exterior. I think my boy sees it and it’s pissing him off.”

  I bristle but he’s looking at me like he’s finally noticing something and I’m not so sure I want him to see it. Finally, with a contemplative look, he slides from the seat and saunters from the kitchen.

  “See you in Study Hall, babe,” he throws over his shoulder. “Be ready to study ‘cause I got some questions about Chemistry.”

  “We don’t have Chemistry!” I shout, but he laughs and yells sure we do before I hear the door shut. I fell right into that one. I drop my head onto the table and thump it a few times for good measure.

  I think I prefer it when he doesn’t notice me.

  I leave early to meet Baz, and pull into the parking lot a few minutes later. I don’t see Riot’s car and exhale a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I’m not sure if Baz is here until I see him get out of a low riding sports car. One I haven’t seen in the side garage. My breath catches as I take him in, striding toward me. His dark green canvas bag is slung over one shoulder and he hasn’t bothered putting his jacket on yet. Not that the guys wear them much longer than homeroom but still.

  I climb out and lean against the driver's side door.

  Muscles play under the rolled-up sleeves of his white button-up and his tie hangs around his neck, untied. It’s sexy as hell and very distracting so early in the morning. He comes to a stop right in front of me and pushes his glasses up.

  A wave of delicious scent fills my lungs. Body wash or maybe cologne? I’m not sure but it suits him very well. I subtly lean closer and inhale again.

  “Hey, you ready?” For one second I forget what he’s asking me and my mind drifts toward what I’d like to be ready for. He tilts his head. “You needed help with something?”

  I nod because the cat suddenly has my tongue.

  I need to get a grip on my libido because she can’t decide which of the three she likes better, even though the correct answer is supposed to be none. Baz gives me a lopsided smile and my pulse speeds up. Stop it. I can’t be lusting over all the boys in the house. I’m supposed to be focused on one who doesn’t sleep just down the hall from me.

  I push away from the car and he falls into step next to me. We walk into school side by side.

  “How’s it going so far?” he asks, holding the door open for me. “Were you able to get your assignments okay?”

  “Yeah, it was a piece of cake. Though I was up late, getting everything done. Not sure how you guys stay out so late and don’t fail every class.”

  He gives me that crooked smile again and I melt. Maybe he just uses it against the teachers and gets anything he wants. Like perfect grades. It wouldn’t surprise me, I’d give him an A+.

  We’re walking close but not so close that I’m uncomfortable. He seems to understand it without me saying anything. It’s like a bond we share and I want to ask him about it, but I know from experience that talking only happens when the person wants it to.

  “So what did you think of the race? Have you ever been to one before?”

  “It was pretty amazing,” I admit.

  His eyes sparkle behind the glass. “It’s fucking amazing,” he says with a laugh. “You should try riding sometime.”

  “Maybe I will.” God, am I flirting with Baz?

  He catches my eyes and stares a little longer than necessary. Heat crawls up my cheeks, and he ducks his head. We make our way to the library and he takes me to a table in the back. Not that there’s anyone here this early to disturb us. I sink down into a chair and he sits next to me, pulling out a laptop. It’s thicker than the one I have and when he opens the top, it looks like something top secret the military would use.


  He grins and starts to type. “So what did you need help with?”

  I’m really not ready to tell anyone about Belle, but I hope he can still help me.

  “I want to...find someone.”

  After a moment of silence I look up and into his eyes. I see nothing but understanding there.

  He types a few lines of what looks like code and the screen blinks. As he waits, I see him playing distractedly with his tongue stud, and yes, I wonder what it would feel to kiss him with it in. Would it be weird? And what about on other parts of my body?

  I shift in my chair, unable to move my gaze from his lips.

  “Okay, what do you know about this person?” he asks suddenly and I jump, caught mid-fantasy and blush. Shit.

  “Umm, I don’t.. I’m not sure…” Panic has me stuttering and I can’t quite figure out how to make my brain and mouth sync back up. “I don’t know where my mother is,” I blurt out then want to smack myself upside the head.

  Where the hell did that come from?

  Why her of all people?

  I don’t care about the woman who couldn’t be bothered to look after her own children. Who left one in charge of the other for weeks at a time. A seven-year-old shouldn’t have to figure out how to care for a colicky newborn.

  I have no idea why I said that. I haven’t thought of the woman who gave birth to me and Belle for years, since the day she left for good not long after Belle was born.

  “Do you know where you were born?” Baz asks.

  I’m not sure can keep up this thoughtless charade. It makes me sick to think I care enough to want to find her, even if it is a lie. Tears burn my eyes and I blink them back, determined not to
let them escape. I am not the person who cries over fucking shit I can’t control. If that were the case I’d be weeping nonstop.

  I think maybe this was a bad idea.

  “Look, I’m not sure I thought this through. I don’t think I’m ready yet.”

  I stand quickly and grab my bag, wrapping my fingers around the strap to keep him from seeing how it shakes. Baz clears his throat and looks up at me through those killer eyelashes. There is nothing but compassion in his deep brown eyes.

  “Take your time, okay? You know where to find me, I won’t push if you’re not ready. But if you are, this computer can find almost anyone. It’s got Panchard software, which is the best in the world.”

  “Find a needle in a haystack, huh?” I quip, grateful that he's letting me go without demanding an explanation.

  His eyes dance with pride. “It really can. I wrote part of the program, so I should know.”

  If that’s true I wonder why Peter needs this timepiece to find Wendi. I keep my questions to myself, though. Maybe there’s something, or someone, Peter can’t find after all.

  “Ever,” Baz says as he packs up his computer. “Whoever you’re looking for, maybe knowing where they are will help you decide if you want to find them. Sometimes having the information is much more powerful than using it, because you get to decide what to do with it.”

  “Thanks, Baz.”

  I leave with a strange feeling in my chest. He’s different when the other two aren’t around. Softer. There's a lot more going on with him than I expected. His words make me wonder about his story. Where he came from and how he ended up with Riot and X.

  How all three ended up with Peter and Wendi.

  As soon as I step out of the library, I have to stop and orient myself. I think my locker is down the hall on the left so I start that way. I don't hear the footsteps but a sudden arm around my shoulders makes me lash out before thinking. I lock my fist and drive my elbow back as hard as I can.

  The oof of air forced from lungs is satisfying until I turn and see Luc standing there, holding his stomach.

  “Nice reflexes,” he grunts. “I think you just missed my spleen.”

  I’m mortified and step close enough to lay my hand on his arm. “Shit, are you okay? I reacted without thinking.”

  “If you’re offering to play nurse, complete with the outfit, then no, I am definitely not okay.” He grins like a little boy asking for a cookie and I backhand him. Gently.

  “I am not.” I have to laugh at his exaggerated pout.

  “What are you doing here so early?” he asks, falling into step next to me.

  “I could ask you the same thing. Besides accosting poor defenseless females I mean.”

  Luc snorts. “Defenseless, huh? I have a feeling you were taking it easy on me.”

  I wasn’t, but I let him think it.

  “So…” I hedge, trying to push him in the opposite direction of me. “Didn’t take you as the get to school early type.”

  “Baseball meeting. Coach likes to have them at the ass crack of dawn for some reason. Then he wonders why half the team gets detention for falling asleep in class. Especially after a late night like last night. Which reminds me, we didn’t get much chance to talk before we got interrupted.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. Peter told the guys to watch out for me since I’m new and all and I think they’re taking it a little too seriously.” The lie falls flat between us and I can tell from the look on his face he doesn’t believe me. There’s an eagerness to him that speaks volumes, and it has less to do with me. But that’s okay because it also plays into my plans.

  I get to my locker and push my thumb against the pad. Luc leans back next to me.

  “So if I asked you out for say, Friday, what would they do?”

  Bingo. Like taking candy from a baby. I fight back a grin. At this rate Peter better already be looking for Belle because I’ll have this wrapped up in no time.

  I give him a wink. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right?”

  A laugh bursts free. “I was right. Trouble. So it’s a date then?”

  I nod and with a self-satisfied smile, he starts down the hall walking backwards.

  “Excellent. Because there’s another race and knowing you’re there waiting at the finish line? Motivation to win.”

  I keep smiling, but inside I kick myself. I can’t imagine a worse place for a first date with Luc, but he knew exactly what he was doing. I can see it in the way that he swaggers down the hall, waving over his shoulder.

  I turn back around to grab my English book and feel a presence. Luc must have forgotten something. Except it’s not him.

  “Ever Darlington.” Ice slides up my spine and I finish in my locker before closing it and turning around. Trey is right there, towering over me, too close for comfort.

  I look over his shoulder, but Luc is long gone and the halls are empty.

  “Making a date with Luc? He could never resist an easy lay.”

  I grit my teeth and try to step around him but he moves with me, a mocking grin on his lips.

  “You’re sleeping under their roof and I know them well enough to know that you’re probably fucking at least one of them by now. Maybe all of them?”

  What the fuck right does he have to talk to me like that?

  “Back up,” I grit out.

  When he refuses and lifts an eyebrow like he’s waiting for me to make him, rage rushes through me and I clench my hand into a fist. He’s too close to get a good shot in, but I can still lift my knee. I shift so that I’ve got a good angle. He must know it, too, because he comes closer, preventing me from getting any room to move.

  Alarm rings in my ears and I fight back the sour taste in my mouth.

  “What the fuck is your problem, Trey?” I clench my teeth tight so that he won’t see the way my jaw trembles. I still have the scar from the last time a guy backed me into a corner.

  Fury fills his eyes, making his face red and features tight.

  “What fucking right do you have, a nobody like you, to live in that house? All of you should be sent back to the gutter. Nobody wanted you before, so it’s not like you’re losing anything.”

  My mouth drops open. “You do know they lost their mom, right? Peter lost his wife.”

  Trey snorts and a dark look flashes over his face. “Wendi wasn’t their real mother. Maybe she ran because she was tired of fucking pretending to care.”

  The muscles in his jaw flex and jump, like he’s grinding his teeth together. The darkness in his eyes grows deeper, eating away at the blue, and in the depths I see a hint of raw pain.

  What the hell is that about?

  “Did you know her?” I ask cautiously, trying to steer him away from his anger. All I need is a small opening.

  His body goes rigid.

  “Not at all, but I know them.” He comes back to himself and looms menacingly over me, hands fisted at his side. “And they destroy everything they touch. Stay the fuck away from Meri, and Luc doesn’t need some skank STD, so do him a favor and stay away from him, too. In fact, you should just fucking disappear period.”

  The hostility coming from him now is off the charts. I haven’t seen or heard another person this whole time. Would he really do something in school? I push back into the lockers but they are solid against my spine and leave no room between us. I look around frantically, trying to find the nearest exit as my heart tries to pound its way out of my chest.

  I know that look in his eyes and he wants to hurt something. Or someone. Me.

  A whimper claws its way from my throat.

  “Back the fuck up, Smalley.” The menacing growl comes from my right and I look over and see Baz. His gaze moves from Trey, narrowing at how close he is to me. It’s obvious that he’s got me backed up against a wall. That he’s furious.

  Baz’s entire demeanor changes and he’s no longer the nice computer guy. A very pissed off fighter stands there now, shoulders squared, muscles tensed and rea

  “Now,” Baz barks.

  Trey moves enough so I can slip past and I hurry to Baz’s side. He drapes an arm over my shoulder and pulls me close. Trey glares at us, his eyes moving from where Baz touches me to my face.

  His lip curls into a sneer.

  “I knew you were fucking them.”

  Baz shifts so that I’m tucked protectively under his arm. Heat from his body envelopes me in a cocoon of safety and I exhale a shaky breath.

  “Ry’s on his way in, Trey, you want another round? Didn’t learn your lesson the first time? Want him to break your other arm?”

  I’ve never heard this menacing tone in Baz’s voice before. It’s hard, threatening. He sounds a lot like Riot right now.

  “Fuck off, Baz. If he’s so hot to defend her he ought to know that she was climbing all over Luc’s dick a few minutes ago. They have a date Friday. How do you think ole Ry is gonna feel about that? One of his spreading her legs for him? Fucking slut.”

  Red tints my vision and I shove away from Baz. He barely has time to grab my wrist, yanking me back to his chest and pinning me there with one arm. It doesn’t stop me from struggling to get free. Or from shouting at the asshole.

  “Fuck you, Trey. All we were doing was talking. And I don’t fucking belong to anyone.” I yank against Baz’s grip again because I want to sink my knee into Trey’s balls so hard they’ll come out his throat.

  “Ever,” Baz grits out close to my ear. “Unless you want to cause a whole lot of shit to blow up, shut it down right now.”

  “That’s right, rein your bitch in, Baz,” Trey sneers.

  I feel Baz stiffen and growl under his breath.

  “Trey, I swear to fuck if you don’t walk away right now, I’m going to make sure you aren’t able to walk, much less run after a fucking ball for the rest of the season.”

  After another few minutes of glaring, Trey storms off in the opposite direction and when he’s gone, Baz lets out a long sigh.

  “Well that escalated quickly.” He loosens his grip and I take a step away from him, smoothing down my blouse and glaring in the direction that Trey disappeared. If I can find out which car is his, I’m going to slash that fucker’s tires.


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