Living & Dying

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Living & Dying Page 2

by Sarah Spelbring

  Three Years Later

  "I still don't see how they got away with it. They left some fingerprints, mostly on the TV. Granted some of those are fragments, but none of them have turned up on anything else. They don't exist outside this crime scene." Mason's forehead was furrowed with frustration and ran his fingers through his hair.

  David looked over from his computer screen. "I don't get it either Mason. We've managed to identify a few other burglaries that might have been done by the same individuals, but none of those cases can tell us anything new either."

  Mason leaned back in his chair. "I need a goddamn break already." He folded his arms across his chest.

  Just then the phone on Mason's desk rang. "Detective Fletcher speaking. Yes." A pause, then "Yes, I'll be right there." He hung up the phone and grabbed his coat. "They caught a burglary in progress. They've tracked them to a series of alleys behind a liquor store. I'm going."

  "I have to stay here and finish off this paperwork. Damn, I wish I could go with you. Don't do anything stupid Mason, promise me that."

  "You have my word." With that Mason exited the police station with another officer in tow.

  He parked in front of a liquor store on 32nd street. He jumped out and ran inside. There he found an officer standing with the cashier. The officer looked up and pointed to the back of the store. Mason left and went around the corner and found another policeman.

  "Where did they go?" Mason asked.

  "We tracked them just down that little alley there." He pointed to his left. "But then we lost them, there's another team that's looking around some of the side streets but they haven't turned up anything yet."

  Mason nodded. "I'm going to have a look around too. I'll radio if I find anything."

  The officer nodded and Mason took off down the alley. The alley led to a side street that dead ended off to his left after a block. Three blocks to his right it opened onto another street. Mason turned right and went down two blocks and then turned into another alley.

  It was growing darker, Mason thought he packed a flashlight but after patting himself down came up with nothing. So he stayed next to the left wall as much as possible.

  He turned to his left when the alley opened into another side street. He continued hugging the left wall and looking around. It seemed to be nothing more than abandoned warehouses. He tried a couple of doors and found them locked.

  Mason went left again and took the next alley back to the first side street, staying to the right side this time. He paused for moment and looked up and down the street.

  He heard a faint noise. Mason pressed himself against the wall and listened again. Footsteps. He was almost positive he had heard footsteps in the next alley.

  His right hand slid down and unholstered his handgun. With his left he turned the safety off and positioned the gun in front of him. Mason shuffled a bit closer and peered around the corner.

  There was no street light at the other end of the alley, so he could see no further than a third of the way down. Mason pulled back and listened again.

  Nothing. So he waited five more minutes, and heard nothing more. Mason swore under his breath. He was sure he'd lost them now. They probably moved off under cover of darkness.

  He pushed away from the wall and took a few steps down the alley, keeping his weapon in front. Just in case. Mason thought he heard some scuffling. "This is police, come out where I can see you."

  He felt the bullet hit him before he heard it fired. Pain soared through his chest and flared out to the rest of his body. He lifted his gun and fired off a few rounds in defense.

  Mason felt weak and dropped to his knees. He was gasping for breath and his chest felt heavy. Crack! The other weapon fired again. Mason fell forward and stopped moving.


  About the Author

  Sarah lives thirty-five miles northeast of Mitchell, South Dakota, in a place nobody's heard of except close friends and family. She lives on a farm with her family and animal friends. In her free time Sarah works at her day job, knits, reads, and sometimes finishes writing whatever she is currently working on.

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