The Serpentine Butterfly

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The Serpentine Butterfly Page 60

by Addison Moore

  “It’s well past her bedtime. She tends to get a little animalistic if you feed her after midnight,” Lizbeth says, hoisting a sleeping Beau over her shoulder. “Let’s get these two little monkeys home.” She gives each of the boys a tender pat to the head. “Two more precious little monkeys are about to join us tomorrow. I’ll get everything ready for you two.” She blinks back tears.

  Tad gesticulates while trying to avert a medical incident of his own. “That officially makes us a zoo, Lizbeth. Believe you me—it brings tears to my eyes, too.” His brows dip into a hard V. “Good night, kids. Try not to procreate while we’re gone. You’re shooting with a defective weapon, Greg.”

  “Tad Landon!” Lizbeth hurls his name across the room like an expletive. “Take that back.”

  “Take what back? Everyone knows you’re supposed to have one at a time.”

  Lizbeth smacks him on the head and keeps doing so until they’re well out the door.

  “Both of you”—Lizbeth turns to Skyla and me—“take your shirts off and bond with those babies! Skin-to-skin, Skyla! Just the way I taught you!” The door closes before she can get another word in.

  A quiet hush falls over the room. I glance around, and it’s just the four of us.

  “Where’s Logan?” My stomach drops. I hope to God I didn’t offend him. In all honesty, I don’t remember what I was actually saying or thinking when I walked in. I’m hoping that I kept all the negative comments to myself.

  “He left—Daddy.” Skyla breaks out into a huge grin. “Can you believe this? God, they’re so adorable. They’re the spitting image of you!”

  I lean back and examine them in detail, tiny warbling dimples that dig in and out in their sleep—twitching smiles, those familiar lips, the high cheeks—God, they even have my brows.

  A gentle knock erupts over the door, and we turn to find Demetri darkening the entrance.

  I’d kick him out, but I know this moment is inevitable.

  “I won’t stay.” He slashes a line through the air with his hand. “I simply wanted to see them with my own eyes.” He speeds over, moving quicker than I’ve ever seen him slither.

  Skyla takes in a breath and gives a single nod.

  Demetri steps in close until his dark presence hovers above us. I study his face like my life depended on it. I know what I heard when I touched the second baby with my lips. It was that cryptic warning Wesley delivered almost a year ago regarding what would happen if I broke faith with the Steel Barricade. I did break faith with the Barricade. And now the price is suddenly far too high, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. But he’s here—Demetri, the master of disaster. I’m his. Perhaps there is still a way.

  “Magnificent,” he says as if he were admiring expensive art he was about to acquire. “You did well. Both of you. All of my love.” He gives his evil villain half-nod and heads out the door.

  “Creepy.” Skyla shudders, and Baby Two stirs to life. She offers him up, and I take him, cradling this inexplicably light, beautiful being in my arms.

  “I’m going to protect you forever,” I say it straight into his sleepy eyes. “And your brother and Mommy, too.”

  A tear glides down Skyla’s face, fast as a shooting star.

  “Names.” I try to clear my throat. “Let’s do this. Any ideas?”

  “I don’t know.” She twists those bright pink lips, and I can’t help but lean in and steal a kiss. Our little family in such close proximity feels like heaven. “In the meantime, you heard my mother. Shirt off, Oliver.”

  “You first.” I twitch a smile. I help pull her gown back, and she unswaddles the newborn in her arms until his soft pink flesh is lying over hers.

  “Heaven,” she whispers, closing her eyes.

  I hand her the baby in my arms and unbutton my shirt.

  “Okay.” I pull the baby close to my chest, unwrapping him just enough until his searing skin lands over mine. “You’re right. This is heaven. This, right here, is paradise personified.” Skyla and I bask in the glory of this beautiful moment for an unmarked stretch of time. “I was thinking that baby number one should be named after your father—Nathan.” A smile curves up my lips as Skyla buries her gaze in mine. “And this one, we can call Barron. I know we talked about it, but I’d like your father to have our firstborn’s name. And, I know my dad will be pretty excited, like through the roof to have one of our children named after him.”

  “It’s perfect.” She laughs through tears. I want to remember her like this forever. Skyla with the baby’s glowing pink skin next to hers. I’d swear on my life they just sighed at the same time. It’s a beautiful sight, and I never want to forget it.

  “Is your dad’s full name Nathaniel?” I’m embarrassed I don’t know this, and in the back of my mind wonder if Logan does.

  “Just Nathan. And I know he’ll be excited—through the roof as well.”

  Another knock comes from the door. This time an illuminated body walks right through it—Candace followed by the Sector twins and Rothello of the Soullennium.

  “Well, that was subtle.” Skyla holds Nathan a little closer. “You know, on Earth we still go through the trouble of opening the door before walking into a room. I see you brought your posse.” She holds up the baby slightly. “I have mine right here.” She grins with pride.

  “Congratulations!” Candace glides over and plucks Nathan right out of Skyla’s arms. “Oh dear, aren’t you the most precious little thing!” She reaches down and scoops up Barron as well. “And you are equally splendid!” she sings, her eyes sparkling with happy tears. I would be lying if I didn’t say I feel immense relief that she’s just as pleased with Barron as she is with Nathan. For a minute, I was afraid this would turn into a Logan-Gage situation. “I’ll have you both know I’ve ordered a jubilee in the ethereal plane in your honor.” She pecks a kiss to each child before looking to Skyla. “Sage sends her love.”

  “Why didn’t you bring her?” Skyla struggles to sit up, so I fluff her pillow and raise the bed for her.

  “She’s with Nathan, love.” There’s a genuine sadness in her eyes. “We all agreed it would have been too much for you. It’s nearly four in the morning, Skyla. You haven’t slept. You’ve had a hard labor. We’ll do something soon.” She gives a sly wink like maybe we won’t.

  “I did have a hard labor, didn’t I?” She unabashedly glares at her mother. “What the heck was up with that?”

  “Should I gift you a free pass out of every rough patch, Skyla?”

  “Ha! Do you ever?”

  Candace softens. “If I gave you that honor—if either Gage or Sector Marshall alleviated you, then what camaraderie would you have had with the women of the world? Skyla, you are a leader, and a leader cannot sidestep harsh realities. It’s your job to be one with the people.”

  Skyla’s cold, blank stare says it all. “And no epidural? Did you have a natural delivery, Mother?”

  “Yes—in fact, I did.”

  “And you wanted the same for me?” Skyla waves her off. “You’re worse than Lizbeth. I wish the two of you would go off in the woods with Chloe and have a million natural childbirths one right after the other. But, please, for the love of God, let me make my own decisions—especially when it comes to my body.”

  Candace lets the words sink in before carefully handing the babies to me.

  “Oh, Skyla.” She swipes her finger over her daughter’s cheek. “You were bought with a price. You are no longer your own.” She lowers her gaze. “I apologize for the discomfort you went through. Let me know if there’s something I can do to make it up to you.”

  “I’ll have a list to you by morning.”

  “And I’ll have a basket full of muffins sent to the Landon residence,” she counters. “Expect me more often. Those little boys each bear a piece of my living soul.” Her eyes snap to mine. “A piece of me, and a piece of your father. Can you imagine that?” She strides toward the door. “I love you all. It’s hard for you to believe, but it is the tru
th. Words written in blood like fire over stone.” She walks right back through the door, and each of her entourage follows suit.

  “Creepy.” I give a lopsided grin at my beautiful wife—at my beautiful life. “Nathan and Barron.” I test it out on my lips as I lift them each in turn.

  “Nathan and Barron.” Skyla holds her finger over Barron’s hand, and he curls it around her finger. “My heart just exploded into a whole deeper level.”

  I press a kiss to each of them. “We really do have it all.”


  Happy For You


  There is a lot to be said about experience, about traveling in someone else’s footsteps and gleaning the inroads of forsaken knowledge. That’s what last night felt like. I was right there with Skyla every breath of the way, and yet, I wouldn’t let myself forget those babies, her life-altering experience, was strictly tied to Gage. It would have been too easy for me to glide in the opposite direction. Me clinging to the woman I love as she’s about to give birth to our child—children. I had to keep reminding myself this wasn’t a dream, some fantasy come to life. This was Gage Oliver’s reality—my privilege to attend, nothing more. My heart ached for Skyla and for Gage. What the hell was he thinking? More to the point, where the hell was he? I didn’t want to probe. Once the room was bum-rushed with any and everyone we knew, I figured it was their moment to shine, no use in me bringing down the party. I’m sure Gage feels worse than shit for missing the birth of his firstborn. My heart breaks for him all over again.

  My phone buzzes and twirls on my nightstand, pulling me further from this hazy fog I’ve been in for the last few hours. Sleep couldn’t find me. Not that I need it.

  My fingers fumble for my phone. It’s a text from the proud papa himself.

  Would you mind coming to the hospital and keeping Skyla company? I need to help Lizbeth get some things together. The boys are coming home later.

  I answer right back. Be right there.

  I’m out of bed and into the shower, dressed, and out the door in record time. My heart pumps wild with a renewed adrenaline. The fresh Paragon morning fog offers its wet kisses as I jump into my truck. I’m feeling more alive than ever, and a part of that is due to the fact Gage asked me to be with Skyla. I’ll admit that a majority of last night’s lack of sleep had to do with the fact it felt as if a door had slammed in my face. It’s stupid and selfish—especially since I love those little boys as much as Gage does. I suppose my greatest fear is to be shut out of their lives. Unneeded. Unwanted. Gage has achieved every dream I’ve ever had with Skyla, and, it’s right for them, especially considering the fact I’m dead. Not only am I dead, but I’m practically dead twice over.

  I cast a heavy glance to the sky.

  Just what in the hell is Candace Messenger doing with my life anyway? She brought me back, only to let me fall by the sword once more—literally. I know she wants me with Skyla, but I also know she has no clue that it will never happen—and I’m going to be the one that makes sure of it. She might think she’s moving me in that direction, but I’ll snatch heaven right from under her in order to keep my nephews’ brand new family intact.

  Skyla was Gage’s destiny all along. I’m just some transplant from a different time, handpicked by the high priestess of destruction to rein more horror on Skyla’s life. Nope. I’m done playing along—hell, I didn’t even realize I was a pawn until last night. Skyla’s life is no game. Gage is her forever. I’m simply a bump in the road they had to endure.

  I pull up to the hospital and glide into the first spot I see. My eyes ride up seven levels to the floor that houses Skyla and those sweet baby boys. My stomach boils with agony.

  Hell, I still wish she were mine.

  I take in a sharp breath. That’s it. No more moping like a pussy. Skyla belongs to Gage, and I’m damn happy for them. Something settles over me, a calm that I can’t quite explain. It’s as if finally every single cell in my body has surrendered Skyla to Gage. A sad smile comes and goes. About damn time.

  I head on in and bump into Barron as we hop onto the elevator at the same time.

  “Congratulations, Grandpa.” I pull him into a soft embrace. Barron swims in a cloud of Old Spice, his signature scent, and something about it makes me feel safe—at home.

  “Thank you. I was just on my way to the morgue for an early appointment and couldn’t resist dropping by.” He holds up a fresh bouquet of roses. “Something for the new mother.” The apples of his cheeks plump as he squints out a smile. Barron has always smiled with his whole face, his eyes turning into half moons that are quickly swallowed up in the action.

  “Now I feel like an ass.” All I have for Skyla is a warm hug. “Gage asked me to swing by—said he needed to help Lizbeth with some stuff back at the house. The twins are coming home later.”

  “That soon?” His eyes expand with astonishment. “It’s a drive-thru delivery these days, I tell you. When Emma delivered both Gage and Giselle, she was here nearly a week.” He gives a wistful smile. “It seems like just yesterday, and here I am, a grandfather—of two no less.” His voice cracks a bit, and I pat him on the back. The elevator yawns open, and we head straight for Skyla’s room at the end of the hall.

  I give a gentle knock before peering inside. “All clear?” I whisper.

  “Come in!” Skyla sounds cheery, but more so she looks amazing, with color in her cheeks, her hair up in a messy bun, a never-ending grin on her face. Her beauty has magnified a thousand times since I last saw her. Her entire countenance is beaming. Two acrylic bassinets sit at the edge of the bed, each filled with a sleeping bundle of joy. There they are, two dark-haired angels lost in a blissful slumber.

  Gage steps out of the bathroom. “Hey.” His smile lights up the entire room. “Dad.” He lunges for Barron before he slaps me five. “Thanks for coming, man.” He looks to his father again. “I was just about to head over to the house to pick up the car seats and some of Skyla’s things.”

  “Don’t forget the coming home outfits!” she struggles to whisper. “The cute ones that Bree bought last week.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.” He jiggles her knee before reverting to Barron. “I’m really glad you’re here, Dad. Skyla and I have made the names official—in fact, just a few minutes ago we filled out the paperwork.”

  “Well, don’t keep us in suspense—what are they?” Barron’s face flushes with color. He can hardly stand the excitement. “Out with it.”

  Gage looks to Skyla and swallows hard. “The older is Nathan Gage Oliver, and the younger is Barron Logan Oliver.”

  “Barron?” My brother stumbles over his own moniker for a moment. “Barron.” His forehead creases as he bows his head into his hands for a moment and sobs. “Thank you.” He pulls Gage into a hard embrace. “I’m so very humbled by the honor. Thank you both.”

  I look to Skyla and give a playful wince. “You didn’t have to include me. Thank you, princess.” I give a tender kiss to the top of her head. “Thanks, man.” I pull Gage in and dig my hand into his back, just trying to hold it together. I’m so damn glad they included me. Didn’t expect it, but really appreciate it.

  “These are for you.” Barron hands Skyla the lavender roses, her favorite color. “I have an appointment in a few minutes, but I wanted to drop by and take a gander at my two favorite grandbabies in the world.” Tears come to his eyes as he takes them in. “So precious. Emma will be thrilled with the news.” He says a quick goodbye and speeds out the door.

  “I’d better run, too.” Gage gives Skyla a quick kiss.

  She wrinkles her nose a moment. “Make sure you’re back before they’re eighteen,” she teases.

  “I’ll be back long before then. An hour tops, I promise.” He looks to me and ticks his head to the door. “You mind?”

  I follow him out into the cool hall as an antiseptic breeze envelops us. The sound of a woman moaning comes from the left.

  “What’s up?” I ask, inspecting the fresh scar
under his left eye. He came in battered and bruised last night—still not sure why.

  Gage gives a heavy sigh and glances down the hall as if in desperate need for privacy.

  “I had a hell of an afternoon yesterday. I won’t lie. I miss my powers more than I ever thought I could.”

  “No harm, no foul. I went through a human phase once myself.”

  “And a dead phase, a Skyla phase. You always beat me to the phases, don’t you? And, apparently, the birth of my first child.” He closes his eyes a moment. “What happened yesterday—it was no accident. I went out to cut my fucking hair—put on a suit to surprise my wife for a birthday lunch, and things got botched twelve ways to Sunday.”


  “Meaning, my mother-in-law didn’t want me anywhere near the birth of my first son.”

  “What?” I inch back to get a better look at his face. “Are you kidding?”

  “No. It was supernatural. Whatever happened had to do with the fact that baby was being brought into this world. At some point, it was like a leash snapped, and I was finally able to jump into my truck and scramble here. My phone was in the glove compartment. Every turn I took I was derailed. It was a living nightmare.” He grips his hair at the temples. “After hours of trying to fight it, I realized there was no way around that bullshit. It was as if I had to endure whatever it was to eventually get to Skyla. I had no clue she was in labor—giving birth, but after a few hours of playing tug-of-war with my time, I figured something big was going down—and, of course, this was my greatest fear.” His Adam’s apple dips and rises.

  “What makes you so sure it was Candace?” I’m not really her biggest proponent. I just so happen to know that there are other celestial fish in the sea. Sharks. All of them.

  “Who else would—” he stops short. “Shit.” Gage squeezes his eyes shut as if remembering a bad dream. “About a month ago, I met up with Candace. She brought something up that I’ve been trying not to deal with. She mentioned that she wasn’t the one who pushed me off Devil’s Peak last spring. She heavily hinted that Demetri might have had a hand in it—that he did.”


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