Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories) Page 14

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Because you guys raised them.” Stefan crossed his arms.

  “I was in here with her, yes. And I kissed her, but we did not have sex. We talked for a long time and when she fell asleep in my arms, I just couldn’t leave.” Landon sat down on the bed and waited for his punishment.

  “Awww that’s so sweet, honey.” Kyle smiled at Landon.

  Dante moved forward and Landon moved backwards. Dante relented and pulled him in. “I’m not happy but I’m not going to hurt you, Landon.”

  “Oh, I know you’re not,” Jay assured him. “She’s just as guilty.”

  “Yes, I am.” Katiana put her arms around Landon. “So, you punish us both.”

  “I object.” Lily called out from the doorway.

  “What are you doing in here?” Jay looked startled.

  “I have a bone to pick with all of you.”

  “Oh?” Dante arched a brow.

  “Are you sure you’re Caleb and Heath’s daughter?” Kyle cracked up. “You sound like a lawyer.”

  “I say that if you are going to let the guys who are dating sleep in the same tent, then we girls should be allowed to as well.”

  “Okay, family discussion on the deck in ten minutes,” Stefan announced.

  Most of the guys were back from their run and Joshua saw Landon sitting on the picnic table and joined him. “What happened?”

  “Got caught in bed with Katiana.” Landon sighed.

  “And you’re alive?” Joshua chuckled.

  “For a second I didn’t think I would be when Uncle Dante saw us.”

  “Holy shit, dude.” Josh propped back on his hands and stared. “What did Kat do?”

  “Defended me, of course. Nothing happened – well not sex sex, but I fell asleep with her.”

  “Damon was just saying he had Lily in his tent with him.” Joshua smiled.

  Landon looked up. “Really?”

  “Yeah, they didn’t have sex either but she was pissed that all the guys in relationships get to share a tent.”

  “She has a point.” Landon glanced at everyone coming out on the back deck.

  “Well, let’s go.”

  Everyone was on the deck and Stefan and Jordan were proud of them all; they were good kids. And it was probably a miracle they hadn’t had to have this talk earlier.

  “Lily has brought up a valid argument,” Stefan began. “She feels it’s not fair that the girls have to be segregated while you guys get to sleep with your significant other.”

  “But there’s a difference!’ Dante looked at Lily.

  “Oh, really, Uncle Dante? Do tell.” Lily narrowed her eyes at him.

  “None of them can get pregnant.”

  “Let me get this straight: I can’t sleep in the same tent with Damon because I have a vagina?” Lily planted her hands on her hips.

  “I agree.” Katarina stood up. “This is not fair by a long shot.”

  “You. Sit down.” Jake narrowed his eyes at her.

  “I will not, Dad. This is so sexist!”

  “We’ve never given you a reason not to trust us.” Juliet looked earnestly at her fathers. “We know the rules and we would never be disrespectful.”

  Jordan looked around at the guys; none of them had said a word. “Any of you guys have anything to add?”

  Damon shook his head. “I like breathing, thank you.”

  Caleb chuckled and Heath smacked him. “I, reluctantly, have to agree with Lily.”

  “What?” All the fathers’ jaws dropped.

  “It’s not fair that Colin and Nikolai share a tent or Jensen and Hunter.”

  “Or me and Ryan.” Evan waggled his eyebrows.

  “Zip it, Evan.” Chris glared at his son.

  “We trust them not to break the rules.” Heath crossed his arms. “Besides, it’s nothing they can’t do when they’re all away from us.”

  “But, but…” Dante was trying to find an argument.

  “Oh, chill babe.” Kyle smiled at his husband. “We raised our daughter right.”

  “And you have to trust me. I’m going to have sex one day and wouldn’t you rather know about it than not?”

  “Babe, she said the ‘s’ word.” Dante covered his mouth as his stomach contents started the trip up his esophagus.

  Kyle covered Dante’s ears. “I would definitely want to hear all about it, honey.”

  “A little creepy but I love you, Daddy.” Katiana hugged Kyle.

  “So, until you go back to your own houses, dating couples can share a space. Or not if they don’t want to,” Stefan decided.

  “I am going to be sick.” Lorenzo looked at Juliet.

  “Oh, Daddy. Relax. It’s Conner.” Juliet smiled.

  “Yes, and Conner is aware of the rules.” Paul stared at him, passing along an unspoken message in no uncertain terms.

  “I am.” Conner smiled. “That is correct.”

  “Conner?” Lorenzo raised an eyebrow. “A moment, please?”

  “I know, I’m coming.” Conner winked at Juliet and walked off the deck with Lorenzo.

  “He won’t kill him, right, Dad?” Juliet looked nervously at Reece.

  “No, of course not.” He bit his lip. “I’ll be back.” Reece ran after Lorenzo.

  “Dad?” Heath looked at Stefan.

  “You disagree?”

  “No. The kids are of age. I was going to say you’d better fan Dante.” Heath chuckled.

  Katiana was running an ice cube over her dad’s forehead. “Don’t you trust me, Daddy?”

  Dante looked into his daughter’s eyes and saw the hurt there. “Oh, honey.” Dante grabbed her and held her tight. “Of course, I trust you. I have to remember you’re not my little girl anymore.”

  “I will always be your little girl, Daddy,” Katiana whispered in his ear.

  Dante held her close, remembering when she was a little baby and all he had to worry about was whether she had a clean diaper and was fed. Now his little girl was all grown up and dating Landon Reynolds.

  “I’m glad it’s Landon, sweetie.” Dante smiled at her.

  “Yeah, you should be,” Jay snorted.

  “I don’t see you getting all huffy about Nikolai in the same tent with Colin.” Katiana tapped her foot at Vince and Paul.

  “Yes, not to mention Jensen and Hunter.” Katarina looked meaningfully at Brandon and Justin.

  “I’ve got no problem with you guys sharing space with the guys,” Brandon admitted.

  “Because you don’t have a daughter.” Jake narrowed his eyes at Brandon.

  “Oh, that’s right. I don’t. Sucks to be you, Jake,” Brandon chuckled.

  “Brandon, I swear.” Dante sighed.

  “You swear what, Dante?” Justin smiled wide and flexed his bicep.

  “I’m not even going there.” Parker laughed.

  “Combatives in the front yard?” Vince chuckled.

  “Oh, darling.” Andrei palmed his face. “You know I will kick your ass.”

  “Wow, Dad. You said ass.” Nikolai chuckled.

  “I can say plenty of curse words.” Andrei smiled.

  “I’ll bet.” Viktoriya laughed.

  “Are you on my side?” Katiana looked at Nikolai.

  “I will always be on your side.” Nikolai hugged her.

  Dante saw Landon on the picnic bench alone and, with a nod from Kyle, he joined him. “I’m sorry if I overreacted, Landon.” Dante put his arm around him.

  “It’s okay, you’re her father.”

  “But I should have known you wouldn’t do that, especially in your grandfathers’ house.”

  “I wouldn’t do that until both of us were ready anyway, and we’re not.” Landon looked at Dante. “I love her.”

  “I know you do.” Dante smiled and hugged Landon hard. “You’re a good kid, Landon.”

  “That’s what my dads say.” Landon smiled as Jay and Greg approached.

  “Done interrogating my son?” Jay smiled at Dante.

  “I’m sorry, Jay.
” Dante stood up and hugged him.

  “It’s all right.” Jay smiled. “I’ve just never been so happy to not have a daughter.”

  “Smart-ass.” Dante smiled.

  Kyle went over and hugged Landon. He smiled and palmed his face. “I’m all for you and Katiana getting it on.”

  “Kyle!” They all looked horrified.

  “Pfft, how we all forget how we were as kids.”

  Greg smiled and thought back to when Jay was 15 and they were waiting for him to be 16. Landon was already past that age and still a virgin. “Oh no, I remember it well.” Greg smiled. He pulled Landon into his arms and squeezed him.

  “Dad. Air.”

  “Oops, sorry.” Greg smiled at him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  chapter eight

  The rest of the day was spent in the pond as the fathers talked about their kids getting together. Vince and Paul were laughing at their sons playing in the water together. Colin would dunk Nikolai and Nikolai would grab him and kiss him every time.

  Paul smiled at his son. Colin never really spoke much as a kid until he became friends with Nikolai, then you couldn’t get him to shut up. They had been inseparable for years and if he’d thought anyone would be gay it would be Conner.

  Paul looked at Mark and smiled. He was sitting with Damon and they were watching the kids play. Mark and Damon had stayed close, and Vince and Tyler had become best friends. Andrei split his time between Russia and Fort Worth and the way things were going, he could tell Andrei and Vince were considering staying in Fort Worth on a more permanent basis. They had all stayed close, just as Paul knew they would. They had each other’s backs and they always would


  Paul looked over his shoulder and saw Conner. “Yes?”

  “You trust me, right?”

  “Well, considering you haven’t done anything to break my trust, this is about Juliet?”

  “Well, yeah. Uncle Lorenzo said he would chop my nuts off if I tried to push Juliet into anything.”

  Paul laughed loud. “Oh, did he?”

  “Relax, Conner. I am amusing myself.” Lorenzo chuckled. “Mostly.”

  “Daddy! Really?” Juliet stared at her father.

  “What?” Lorenzo looked at her.

  “Ugh!” Juliet took Conner’s hand and huffed off.

  “You know I would not harm your son, Paul.” Lorenzo smiled.

  “I know Reece would kick your ass if you did,” Paul chuckled.

  “That is not funny.” Lorenzo looked serious, then laughed. “But it is true.”

  They both busted out laughing and Lorenzo sat down next to Paul. Andrei joined them, smiling at Nikolai and Colin playing in the pond with Evan and Ryan. “They are happy.” Andrei smiled.

  “You and Vince are going to move here for good, aren’t you?” Paul asked.

  “I believe so. Ivan is very adept at doing my job, and if they need my face for any reason I can go.”

  “Well. considering we have how many jets now?” Paul laughed.

  “I lost count.” Vince sighed. “I feel lazy.”

  “Haven’t killed anyone lately?” Jake handed him a beer and sat down.

  “Ha ha.” Vince took a sip.

  “It is summer.” Andrei kissed his forehead. “Relax.”

  “How is the job as head of security?” Paul looked at Vince.

  “It’s easy once they hear the name Vince Markov.” He snapped his fingers and chuckled. “It’s done.”

  “He is very scary,” Andrei said with admiration.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Vince kissed Andrei’s cheek. He had seen Andrei in action and they were definitely on equal ground in the vicious department.

  “So, tonight the kids are shacking up,” Mark mused.

  “I do not find this funny.” Lorenzo looked at them.

  “Lighten up, babe.” Reece kissed his forehead.

  Colin was wrapped up in Nikolai’s arms and they were both watching the deck. Colin smiled and looked at Nikolai. “You think they are talking about all us kids?”

  “Of course, they are. They think we are a bunch of horny teenagers.” Nikolai smiled.

  “We are.” Colin laughed.

  “I am right with you.” Nikolai palmed his face and kissed him softly. “I want you all the time.”

  Colin ran his hand down Nikolai’s chest. “I want you too.”

  The feelings Nik got just from Colin touching him were amazing. “I can’t wait until bedtime.” Nikolai chuckled.

  “I’m already tired.” Colin laughed.

  “Oh, quit.” Lily laughed from behind them. Damon came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I get you all to myself tonight.” Damon kissed her cheek.

  “I know.” Lily turned and put her arms around his neck. “I can’t wait to wake up with you.”

  “Awwww.” Phoebe smiled at them. “I get to wake up with Stefan.”

  “That’s if you let me sleep.” Stefan laughed, joining them.

  “I will. A little,” Phoebe giggled.

  “The girls are worse, I swear.” Conner sighed.

  “Ha!” Juliet laughed. “We are only as bad as you guys.”

  “Um, I think he’s right.” Stefan laughed.

  Phoebe pulled him away and ran her hands up his chest and kissed him softly. She felt Stefan’s hands stroking up her back and looked into his eyes. “What do you want to do tonight?”

  “Is that a trick question?” Stefan laughed.

  Phoebe wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, her tongue trailed his bottom lip and Stefan let out a soft moan.

  “Stop that.” Stefan blushed.

  “Is it turning you on?” Phoebe whispered.


  “Get a room, people,” Landon called out, swimming by.

  “Yeah, I heard you did.” Stefan chuckled.

  “Stefan Youngblood.” Katiana gave him a head slap. “It could have easily been you and Phoebe.”

  “Yes, it could,” Phoebe agreed.

  Joshua had Katarina in his arms, holding her close. “Are you sleeping with me tonight?”

  “Yep.” Katarina smiled.

  Josh smiled and kissed her. “You keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Pffft. Yeah, right.” Kat laughed and hugged him hard.

  “You okay?” Josh looked at her.

  “I feel so stupid,” Kat whispered.


  “I was so scared to lose our friendship I missed out on all this for so long.”

  “Well then we have a lot to make up for.” Josh smiled.

  The girls' fathers dragged their goodnights out forever. Lily smiled at her father and palmed his face. “Daddy, relax.”

  Caleb smiled at her. “I’m trying.”

  “Have fun, hon.” Heath kissed her forehead.

  Phoebe had been in Paul’s arms for what seemed like hours. “Daddy, please help me.” She looked somewhat desperately at Mark.

  “Come on, Paul.” Mark untangled his husband from their daughter.

  “Okay, but if he tries anything, you kick him in the nuts,” Paul instructed.

  “Nik!” Vince called for his son.

  “Yup, right here.”

  “Just in case.” Vince slipped him a condom.

  “Oh, please. Go home.” Nikolai kissed his cheek. “I’m not ready for that.”

  “Then give it back.” Vince smiled.

  “Night, Pops!” Nikolai ran off laughing.

  “It is you he takes after.” Andrei put his arm around Vince.

  “Hunter and Jensen!” Justin’s loud voice boomed.

  Roman chuckled. “You sound so authoritative.”

  “Shhh. I’m trying to be the bad dad.”

  “Trying?” Brandon laughed.

  Jensen ran up with Hunter and they looked at their smiling fathers. “Is this the ‘don’t do it’ talk?” Hunter chuckled.

s Caleb’s speech,” Brett pointed out.

  “Just wanted to say goodnight.” Justin hugged his son. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  “Night, Hunter.” Brett hugged him hard.

  “Night.” Hunter hugged both his dads. “See you for breakfast.”

  They watched the boys running down the hill to their tent and Justin pulled a five-dollar bill out. “Five bucks says they do it by the end of the summer.”

  “You’re on, Justin.” Roman laughed. “I say by the end of this month.”

  “Well, neither one of you will know because they don’t talk to you, they talk to me and Brett,” Brandon pointed out.

  “That’s so unfair.” Justin pouted.

  “Yep.” Brett smiled and he and Brandon walked to the car together.

  “Phone taps?” Justin looked at Roman.


  Josh lay back in his tent with his arms behind his head. Katarina had gone to the house to shower and he had already taken his. The thought of being able to hold her in his arms all night was making Joshua crazy.

  “Hey, I brought you some lemonade.” Kat smiled, unzipping the tent.

  “Oh, wow.” Her hair was wet, and she was wearing boy shorts pajama bottoms and a tank top.

  “Not so bad yourself.” Kat smiled at his bare chest and joined him on the air mattress.

  “God, you feel good.” Josh sighed and ran his fingers through her hair.

  “I always loved it when you did that; it always relaxed me.” Kat smiled up at him.

  Katarina couldn’t stop looking at him. He was so damned gorgeous. She lifted her face and kissed him as Josh tugged her in, parting her lips. Kat wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. Josh’s hand was running up her thigh and she felt the warmth spreading throughout her body.

  He couldn’t stop kissing her; he licked her bottom lip and bit it gently before taking her mouth again. Kat’s hands were running down his chest and his dick was already rock-hard.

  “I want to feel you,” Kat whispered.

  The kissing was more passionate and Josh maneuvered between her legs. Kat bit his bottom lip and grabbed his ass, pushing him in between her thighs.

  “Oh shit, Kat!” Josh felt the heat coming off of her as he ground his erection between her legs.

  “God, that feels good,” Kat breathed. She took Josh’s hand and pulled her shirt up, placing his hand on her breast.


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