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His to Protect

Page 7

by S Alexander

  “Thank you Catleya,” I say and turn off the holo screen.

  “There’s more general. We have captured two females from a species our system identified as ‘humans’. They come from a faraway planet the species calls Earth.”

  “Good. Show them to me.” Catleya pulls up the holo screen again and the divided screen shows two alien females. I gaze at the one with red hair that flows fluidly over her shoulders. Her skin is light, and she wears a beautiful Valkryan dress that reveals her slender body. Her face is kindled with gentle features and her breasts appear much larger than the females of our species. My heart beats against my chest, my kahuni flickering at the sight of this female. I feel like I’ve known her all along.

  “They’ve been cleaned and prepared for mating,” Catleya tells me and closes the screen. “According to our research, these human females can procreate for an extended period during their lifetime.”

  I cannot take my mind off the redhead. It’s something beyond me and an urge to be next to her, to feel her large mammary glands against my chest strikes me.

  “The one with red hair shall not be mated until further orders. Is that clear? Catleya’s eyes open wide but she bows her head with respect for her general, the queen’s brother.

  “Of course, my general. May I ask what plans you have for her?”

  “That will be all. You may retreat. And no, you may not ask.” I open the door and wait for Catleya to exit. I’ve never felt this attraction toward anyone and I’ve never had my kahuni flicker this much for any female before. If anyone has to mate this one, it will be me. I want to taste her body before anyone else does. And if Catleya is right, she might provide me with a much-desired heir.

  I cannot stop thinking about the redhead. There is something about her that seems so familiar and yet I have never seen her before. The way her hair wraps around her shoulders, the fullness of her mammary glands, the curves of her body invade my mind. My cock stiffens at the strong urge to taste her, to smell her all over. I shake my head, but I cannot rid myself of these sensations. They are so strong and vivid. It feels so real. It feels like I have already tasted and mated her. And I want it again. I want more of her. Pictures of us mating roll in my mind, but it cannot be real. I must be fantasizing. Catleya said they were captured on our planet, but I do not remember any of this. I can’t escape the sensation that something is not right. I don’t feel like myself, but I don’t understand why.

  I stroll through my quarters, unable to relax. The image of the fire-haired female haunts my mind, her scent filling my nostrils as if she were here. What is it with this female? Why can't I take my mind off her?

  "Access request solicited," the system voice sounds in the speakers. "Who is it?" I ask the computer and adjust my posture, my shoulders held back, my chest forward.

  "Commander Veekhal requests access."

  "Let him in."

  "Permission granted."

  In no more than a few seconds the doors slide open and Veekhal enters my quarters, his brows frowned.

  "General Ka’el. I'm glad to see you're awake." He bows his head in respect, but I can sense his tensed body. His face reveals there's more to his visit than his apparent courtesy.

  "I was told you restricted mating for the human female. Is that true?" Veekhal tells me, his head still bowed. "May I ask why?"

  "I am your general. How dare you question my orders?" I approach him, my breath inches away from his face. He does not lift his head and yet I can see his fists clenching.

  "Very well. However, I took the liberty to inform the queen, and she was not so pleased to hear that. She wants to speak to you."

  I grab his chin and slowly tilt his head backward, his gaze locked onto mine. "You did what? Disobeyed my orders? You know that's unacceptable, commander Veekhal." He pushes my hand away, his gaze still fixing mine. "You're starting to remember, don't you Ka'el?"

  "Remember?" I ask him, my eyes open wide. My heart pumps hard against my chest as I grab his collar and pull him close to my face. I could break his neck with a twist of my hand easily. He's no match for me, but he knows something... something I need to find out.

  "Remember what?" I shout to him, my body so tensed with fury. "Answer me, you idiot!"

  "I guess erasing your memory didn't go as planned." He responds and grins. So I was not crazy. I thought I was losing my mind, but no, it's all real. They must have done something to me, but everything is so blurred. There are bits and pieces that flash through my memory, but nothing more. Mostly I remember her scent, the fire-haired human's scent. My kahuni does not lie. It flickered when Catleya showed me this female, and it flickered as if in the presence of my mate. Now I am more than certain we're not strangers. I've met her before.

  I feel a sharp sting in the back of my neck, a needle. "I'll make sure we won't fail this time," Veekhal whispers in my ear. That's the last thing I hear, my body collapsing to the ground.

  Chapter 13


  I pull on the straps restraining my hands and feet, but without success. I'm trapped and I don't remember why or when or how I got in this place. My head is covered in sensors stuck to my skin, my mind empty. Who am I? That is a question I cannot answer. Black thoughts invade my mind, females screaming while I pump into them, not caring for their suffering. My only purpose... to breed them. I don't feel pity or empathy, only pleasure.

  "You're awake... good." A male, whose name I cannot recall, approaches, and pats my shoulder. He's my kind. At least that's what I think. He looks like me.

  "Where am I? Why am I restrained?" I growl at the male in front of me. "Release me."

  "All in the right time," he says and walks around, his hands resting behind his back. "What do you remember?"

  "Not much... pieces."

  "Good," he grins.

  It's frustrating to be clueless about who you are. And he does not seem to help me that much with it. "I demand to be released," I shout at him.

  "You're in no position to demand anything, soldier." He comes closer to me and speaks, the air expelled brushing against my face. "I am commander Veekhal and you are a soldier on my ship. Your sole aim is to breed... fuck females until your seed procreates. Now... that doesn't sound so bad, does it?"

  "I see these pictures in my mind... I see myself fucking females, but..."

  "No buts. That's all you need to know. That's your purpose... FUCK."

  That's my fuck females and breed them. That's what I need to do. It's an urge stronger than anything. My cock stiffens at this thought, my mind invaded by the sweet scent of female cunt.

  "Your name is Ka'el, by the way. In a few moments, someone will come and release you. Clean yourself and prepare for your next job... a human female. I expect you to follow orders and mate this female until she'll carry your offspring. Refuse and you both die." Veekhal groans, his eyes narrowed into slits.

  "Human? I have not heard of this race before."

  "It does not matter. Just FUCK her,” he orders and leaves the room.

  My mind remains still for a moment, but the urge to mate this female grows stronger by the minute. It is like a force that builds up inside me, waiting to be released… and it can only be released by mating this female. I do not know who she is or what she looks like. I do not care. I only care about fucking her, pushing into her breeding slit until my seed fills her inside and her belly with my offspring. Only then will I be released of this urge that torments me.

  I try to free myself once again, but without success. The straps are tight and all my struggle leads to bruises on my wrists. I can’t escape even if I wanted to. But do I really want to? A voice in the back of my head whispers: FUCK THE FEMALE. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.

  Maybe I don't want to be free. Maybe I just want to breed this human and push into her in all imaginable ways. This desire builds stronger by the minute and I find myself eager to meet her, smell her and enjoy her. My breath quickens at the thought, my cock pushing against the tightness of my pa
nts. The sound of the sliding doors startles me. A slender alien female enters the room. She approaches me without speaking a word. She appears shorter than me, her skin a lighter shade of blue.

  "Get me out of this stupid chair," I growl, my muscles tensing at her closeness.

  "Take it easy, soldier." She stands back, her gaze fixing on mine. Her arm holds a white ceremonial robe, the ones used in breeding ceremonies. I wonder what's that for. Is it for me? Does she expect me to wear that?

  "Get me out of these straps. I can barely feel my wrists and my legs hurt so much." I ask her while pulling on the straps again to free myself. I use all my force until the straps cut into my flesh. Warm blood flows down my skin until I hear the sound of blood dripping on the floor.

  “Settle down soldier. See what you did here?” The alien female walks near the restraining chair where I'm trapped and leans over, sending shock waves through my body with a shock rod. My muscles tense up and contract uncontrollably. The stinging sensation runs all over, leaving me unconscious for a few moments. I come to my senses in less than a minute and spit on the bitch. “Fuck you!”

  “No need to waste your seed soldier. You’ll do some fucking, but I’m not the one who needs it. Now, what do we do with your disobedience?” She takes her hand up, her fingers rubbing the protruding chin. She takes a few steps and lays the ceremonial robe on a nearby table.

  “Connect cerebral sensors,” the female instructs the system computer using her wrist communicator. I watch her without saying a word because I know what’s about to happen. The sharp pain of needles piercing my forehead sends me to complete darkness.


  My vision is still blurry, my breath slow. I no longer feel the desire to struggle or free myself. I am a soldier and soldiers need to obey orders. The female is still here, waiting. I remember struggling. The wounds on my wrist are a constant reminder of me trying to escape. I don’t want that anymore. I need to serve and obey.

  “Forgive me. I need to be punished for disobeying,” I tell her, my gaze to the floor. “I deserve to be punished.”

  “And you will… that is if you try anything else.” The female stands and grabs my chin, pushing my head up. “From now on I expect you to behave. You know what you need to do. I’ll take you to the human’s cell and you’ll stay there with her. Your sole mission is to rut and mate this female as much as you like until she’s pregnant with your child. Persuade her, force her, make her fall in love with you… it’s up to you. Just don’t fail or you both die. Is that clear?”

  “Crystal clear. I’ll do what I’m supposed to do. I won’t fail my mission.”

  “You’re doing it for your kind, for Valkrya.” The female presses a button on her communicator and the straps restraining me retract. I’m free. I can barely stand, but I try. My legs are numb, my wrists bloody. “Clean yourself in the gamma shower and put on this robe.”

  I take a few steps, struggling to keep my balance. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and grab the robe sitting beside. The urge to rut this female grows stronger with every second that passes. It’s something stronger than my will. My cock hardens and it almost hurts. The pain can only be relieved by pushing into her clit until every drop of cum fills her. My breath quickens and my heart races like a craft lining the night sky. I am prepared. I am ready to fulfill my mission. I am ready to get this female pregnant with my child. “Give me a minute in the gamma rays,” I say to the female next to me.

  ”I’ll clean myself and put on the robe and you can take me to her. I’m ready.” The female nods in approval and smiles, the corners of her rigid mouth slightly stretching. Her gaze follows me and I enter the gamma chamber. I take off my pants and throw them to the side. “Activate gamma procedure.” My body is bathed in the glowing light of the gamma rays, every single drop of blood or dirt vanishing into thin air. I’m clean and ready to dress into the ceremonial robe. It’s usually worn by males who find their mate at the first breeding encounter. It’s a long soft fabric, fitted around the waist, with a strap going over the right shoulder. My cock grows hard again at the touch of the soft fabric. I wait a minute for my erection to subside and return to the alien female.

  “Good. Now follow me. Remember. FUCK her. I’m sure it’s not such a terrible thing. I bet you’ll even enjoy it. She does not have to approve.”

  “I’d rather she submitted.” The female leads the way out of my isolation chamber and heads straight for the elevators. The way looks so familiar and yet I don’t remember having been here before. It’s a strange déjà vu feeling. I must push these thoughts aside and concentrate on what I need to do.

  My breaths are quick and short and I feel my palms sweating. I'm nervous. I know I shouldn't but I can't help sensing this is just wrong. I know my purpose. I know my mission. I should feel proud of myself. They make it look like I'm the savior of the entire Valkryan race. But I don't feel that special. I feel like I'm forced to do something against everything I regard as being fair. I may not remember who or what I am, but deep down inside there's a part of me that screams NO. No, I'm not gonna fuck an innocent female, I'm not gonna force her.

  "We're almost there... one more floor. Remember Ka'el: do your thing and she lives, fail, and she dies." Her face and tone express no emotion. She speaks of killing another creature like it's not a big deal.

  "I know. I won't fail Valkrya," I tell her, my gaze to the floor. I know I'm lying. I can't look at her. I'm afraid she'll know I'm not convinced... that I'm just saying it to please her. I'm almost certain I'm not who they say I am. For the moment, I can't do anything. I'm stuck in this situation and a loath it. "I'm more than happy to serve my people. You've said it... I'm just going to mate a female. Who would complain?"

  "Good. I know you're a loyal servant, but just to be certain..." A sharp sting in my arm wakes me from the endless monologue in my mind. I take my hand and press it hard on the back of my arm. A drop of blood stains my fingers.

  "What's that for? I think I should have a saying in any shots being given to me."

  "I'm in charge of you and no... you do not have a saying in this. I just made sure you won't fail. It's not like I don't believe you. I'm a perfectionist and I hate failing."

  "What did you give me?" I ask her as I rub my fingers on my robe. The fabric stains with the shade of my blood.

  "Nothing... just a little something to make sure you'll breed this female. I gave you an arousing drug. In a few minutes, you'll enter a mating fever and you won't be able to stop even if you wanted to. You'll feel the need to breed over and over again until its effect slows down." She flashes a grin and pats my shoulder. "Be a good boy and surrender to this urge."

  I don't answer her. It's not something I would've agreed with. I like to be in control of my impulses and I hate it when others make choices for me.

  Soon the elevator stops and the doors open. The female gets out first and I follow right behind her. Her footsteps break the silence of this dimly lit corridor. From time to time, the electronic system flashes a blue light. I follow in her footsteps without speaking a word. The drug she gave me must work because I feel very aroused and all these pictures of mating flash in my mind. My cock swells and it almost hurts. It longs to push into female clit and spill its seed inside the warmth of her body.

  "We’re almost there. Another turn and you'll get with her. Complete your mission. Make us proud."

  I nod my head as the female turns toward me, expecting an answer. I can't answer her. I don't believe I can even think straight. My mind is blurred and all I can think of is fucking this human. Human? I don't even know what this race looks like. And honestly, I don't even care. All I want is to push into her until my cock doesn't hurt anymore.

  "We're here. Let me get in first and make the introductions," the female says bursting into laughing. Her laugh is loud and the ridges on her nose vibrate with every sound she makes. I don't find that funny at all. Why is she laughing? I'm not.

  "Ok. Let's get inside. I can't hold m
yself anymore."

  "I told you that drug makes wonders. You'll be begging for more."

  She presses the control panel on the right side of the metal door and enters the code. 112635. Remember that. 112635. I try to repeat the code one more time, but my arousal is stronger than ever before. I don't think I've ever been this horny in my entire life. Not even in my boyhood years when males of my kind think of nothing else than mating females. It's like a rite of passage to manhood.

  I look at the female in front of me and study her body. She's very good looking by all means. I picture her bending over and preparing herself to receive me. I'm dizzy and my heart drums against my chest bone like crazy, like it's trying to get out of my body. I don't know how much more of this I can endure.

  Chapter 14


  I sit near the window and watch the abyss beyond me. Its endless darkness feeds my loneliness. I don’t know how long I’ve been in this room. Maybe two weeks, or three, or maybe a month. Watching the space is what I do to pass time. I’m lonely. My eyes fill with tears until I can no longer hold them and they flow down my cheeks, meeting under my chin. I have no idea what happened to Emma. Is she still alive? Have these brutes raped her already? So many questions and so few answers. Come to think about it… no answers at all. Nobody has spoken to me since they put me here like a prisoner. They just bring me that disgusting paste they call food and water. An alien female brings it every day and I cry and beg and shout but she never answers back. She just leaves the tray, and she’s gone. I run my fingers through my hair and wipe away my tears. I’m going mad in here.

  I fall to my knees, my gaze to the floor. I’m hurting inside. How could he? He told me I was his fated mate, his ONE AND ONLY. I didn’t take it seriously when he said it, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like being told such words. But no. I shake my head from side to side, locks of hair covering my face. He’s just like all the other cavemen on this fucking planet. He’s a monster, a beast without feelings or a soul or a heart. He’s a brute. I cover my face with both my hands and my mind goes numb… just like my heart. I’ve cried so much I don’t have tears anymore, or feelings to hurt. I simply breathe and eat whenever I faint from hunger. I simply exist. I don’t live anymore. I’m just a memory of the old Jessica. That woman is long gone.


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