Everlasting Kiss

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Everlasting Kiss Page 4

by Amanda Ashley

  “Oh, you, you…” She slapped one hand on the mattress in frustration. “You are the most infuriating man I’ve ever known!”

  “That may be, but at least you’re never bored when I’m around.”

  She glared at him. Damn and blast, he was the most handsome, annoying man she had ever met, and she loved him more than life itself.

  Noah laughed softly. “Irene, would you be happy married to Kevin O’Reilly?”

  With a sigh, Irene scooted closer to her husband. “No,” she admitted. “Not in a million years.”

  “Don’t worry about our Daisy,” Noah said as he turned off the light and drew his sweet wife into his arms. “The right man will come along soon enough.”

  Chapter 7

  The Vampire Council met in the wee small hours of the morning. Anger and a need to avenge one of their own filled the air like thick smoke as each vampire spoke in turn.

  Erik stood against the wall, his arms folded over his chest. He didn’t know who the Blood Thief was, but the man’s fate had been sealed when he destroyed Saul. All that remained now was to find the thief, and execute him.

  Easier said than done, Erik thought. Whoever the man was, he was smart enough to eradicate any trace of his presence.

  “Perhaps we could set a trap,” Mariah suggested.

  Rhys nodded. “Perhaps.”

  “A couple of us could set up new lairs,” Damon said. “Make them easier to find, easier to breach.”

  “Who’s going to protect you while you’re vulnerable?” Erik asked, not bothering to mask the disdain in his tone.

  Damon shrugged. “Rhys?” Of those present, Rhys was the only one who was old enough and powerful enough to venture outside his lair during the day, even if it was only for a short time.

  “He can’t be in more than one place at a time,” Erik pointed out.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think about that,” Damon admitted, looking sheepish.

  “A trap is still a good idea,” Mariah insisted. She fixed Erik with a hard look. “You can be awake during the day. You can be the bait. Rhys can back you up.”

  “We don’t need to set any traps,” Erik said. “The Blood Thief isn’t having any trouble finding us.”

  “What’s the matter, Erik?” Mariah asked, her brown eyes narrowed with contempt. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid?”

  “Why don’t you worry about your own head,” he retorted, “and let me worry about mine?”

  “That’s enough,” Rhys said, glancing from one to the other. “Erik’s right. The Blood Thief isn’t having any trouble finding us. He found Tina. He found Saul. And even if we set a trap, there’s no guarantee that the thief will fall for it. And while I’m guarding the trap, there’s nothing to stop the thief from attacking someone else.”

  “Perhaps a different kind of trap,” Erik suggested.

  Rupert leaned forward in his chair. “What kind of trap?”

  “Cameras. If we each set up a motion camera in our lair, we can catch the thief on tape.”

  “That might work,” Nicholas remarked.

  “I agree,” Rupert said. “The thief is using modern technology to mask his presence. I say we use it to catch him.”

  “We’re in agreement, then,” Rhys said. “I expect you all to have cameras in place by tomorrow night.” He thumped Erik on the back. “Good thinking, buddy. Let’s go out and get a drink to celebrate!”

  Chapter 8

  With a low groan, Daisy opened her eyes and checked the time, twice. It was almost two o’clock in the afternoon. Little wonder she had slept so late. She didn’t think she had gotten more than a few minutes of sleep last night. Every time she had closed her eyes, the image of the red-haired vampire had risen, sharp and clear, across the canvas of her mind. She could still feel the stake in her hand, the way it had slid into his flesh, like a knife through butter. See the look of astonishment on his face as it pierced his heart, see his body disintegrate into a pile of gray ash. The crimson robe, like a splash of bright blood, against the white satin.

  Gagging, she scrambled out of bed and into the bathroom. Dropping to her knees, she leaned over the toilet, grateful that she had very little in her stomach.

  Rising, she rinsed her mouth, then stripped off her pj’s and stepped into the shower.

  She stood there, her forehead pressed against the glass, until the water grew cool. Washing quickly, she stepped out of the stall and wrapped a towel around her middle, then padded downstairs. Coffee. She needed coffee. And chocolate. The world and all of its problems always looked better after a quick jolt of caffeine.

  Minutes later, she sat at the table with a cup of coffee in one hand and a chocolate buttermilk doughnut in the other. For the first time, she found no comfort in caffeine or chocolate, but it didn’t stop her from drinking the coffee or eating the doughnut.

  With a sigh, she went upstairs to dress. She couldn’t sit in the house and mope all day. She couldn’t stay in here and hide from her fears. She had to get out on the street again.

  But not today.

  Today, she was taking a vacation.

  She spent the early part of the afternoon sitting outside working on her tan. She took a nap. She read a book. She drove into town and treated herself to a full-body massage. She went to dinner at a nice restaurant. And then, feeling the need to be around a lot of people, she changed clothes, checked her make-up, and drove to the Crypt.

  She sensed Erik’s presence the minute she stepped into the club. He must have been looking for her, she thought, because he was at her side before the door closed behind her.

  “I was worried when you didn’t show up last night,” he said, his gaze moving over her face. “Is everything all right?”

  “It is now,” she said, and meant it. Just the sound of his voice, and suddenly all was right with the world again. Oh, Daisy, she thought, you’ve got it really bad.

  Curling his fingers around hers, Erik led her to a secluded booth in the back and slid in beside her. Little frissons of heat raced across her skin when his thigh brushed hers.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t make it last night,” she said. “Something unexpected came up.” Or woke up, she thought, suppressing a shudder.

  “I was afraid you were still angry because I stood you up the other night.”


  “We don’t seem to have much luck arranging dates.” He took her hand in his again, raised it to his lips, and brushed his lips across her palm. “But we’re together now. How about a late movie?”

  Her heartbeat kicked up a notch at the thought of sitting beside him in a dark theater. “All right.”

  They left the club hand in hand. Erik paused at the curb. “We can take my car,” he said. “Or we can walk.”

  “It’s such a beautiful night,” Daisy said. “Why don’t we walk?”

  “As you wish.”

  His gaze rested lightly on her face, his expression clearly saying exactly what she was thinking—that she didn’t feel comfortable getting into a car with a man she hardly knew. And yet it seemed right to be walking down the street by his side.

  “Do you have family here in town?” They were stopped at a corner, waiting for the light to change.

  “No.” Or anywhere else on earth, he thought.

  “Have you lived in California very long?”

  “Three or four years.”

  “Where did you live before that?”

  Erik chuckled. Technically, he hadn’t “lived” anywhere for over three hundred years. “I move around a lot. I’ve lived in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Atlanta, Nashville.” And Rome, Paris, Transylvania, and just about every other city in the world.

  She looked up at him as they crossed the street. “Got itchy feet, do you?”

  “You could say that.” It didn’t pay for a vampire to stay in one place too long. People got curious, and then suspicious, about neighbors who were never seen during the day, and who never got any older. “What about you?” he asked. “
Are you a California girl?”

  “I am now, but I was born in Oregon. We lived there until I was six, and then we moved to Boston.”

  “Why did you leave home?”

  “I like the West Coast. And I wanted to be on my own.”

  They were at the theater now. Erik bought two tickets and they went inside.

  “Do you want anything to eat?” he asked as they neared the snack bar.

  “Just a Coke.”

  They entered the theater just as the lights went down. Moments later, they were sitting side by side in the dark while movie trailers flashed across the screen. Daisy knew a little thrill of excitement when Erik reached for her hand. Just a simple touch, his fingers curling lightly around hers, and yet it made her feel safe, protected. Which was odd, she thought, since she wasn’t in any danger.

  She glanced at Erik. His profile was sharp and clean. He was easily the most handsome man she had ever met. And the sexiest. Just looking at him aroused a longing deep within her. A longing to feel his body against hers, to run her hands over his shoulders, to wrap her fingers around his biceps, to run her tongue over his skin, to touch him and taste him…all of him.

  A rush of heat warmed her cheeks when she realized he was watching her. Thank goodness he couldn’t read her mind!

  Dragging her gaze from his, she turned her attention to the screen, surprised to see that the movie had started. How much had she missed? How long had she been staring at Erik like some lovesick calf?

  Leaning toward her, he whispered, “I like the way you look, too.”

  Startled, Daisy drew back. Lordy, maybe he could read her mind.

  She met Erik at the Crypt the following night. As always, just seeing him made her heart skip a beat. Tonight, he wore a pair of snug black jeans that hugged his long legs, a navy blue striped shirt unbuttoned over a white tee, and a pair of scuffed black boots. Just looking at him made her mouth water. If she had created him, he couldn’t have been more perfect.

  He smiled when he saw her. “You’re early.”

  Daisy glanced at her watch. “So are you.”

  He closed the distance between them. She could see the heat in his eyes now, feel it as his gaze moved over her. Her stomach quivered in response. “I guess I was anxious to see you again.” His voice poured over her like honey.

  “You guess?” She had intended to sound flippant and worldly wise; instead, her voice came out in a breathy whisper.

  “All right, I admit it. I couldn’t wait. So, what would you like to do this evening?”

  “I don’t know.” His nearness, the warmth in his eyes, made it hard to think of anything but her yearning to be in his arms. “Anything you want to do is fine with me.”

  He smiled, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. “How about a moonlight swim?”

  “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

  “It’s dark.” His gaze moved over her from head to foot. “No one will know.”

  The words “but me” hovered in the air between them.

  For once in her life, she decided to be daring, spontaneous. Foolish, maybe. Throwing caution to the wind, she said, “Let’s go!”

  “That’s my girl.” Taking her by the hand, Erik led her outside to his car.

  He drove a sleek black Trans Am convertible with black leather interior. Daisy grinned inwardly as she settled into the front seat. Everything about the man was dark and sexy, including his car.

  She watched him slide behind the wheel. He moved with a grace and economy of motion she had rarely seen in a man of his size.

  He slid the key into the ignition and the engine turned over, purring like a contented cat. “Ready?”


  Daisy’s heart skipped a beat as he peeled away from the curb. Minutes later, they were on the 101 freeway headed toward the beach. Daisy stared out the window as Van Morrison crooned “Someone Like You.” It was one of her favorite songs.

  She slid a sideways glance at Erik. Why had she agreed to this? Last night, she had been reluctant to get in a car with him; tonight, she had done it without a qualm.

  She was trying to figure out what had changed since last night when he said, “You’re very quiet.”

  “Just listening to the music. It’s one of my favorites.”

  “Yeah, Morrison’s got a great sound.”

  Daisy nodded. What was she doing, driving off to the beach at night with a man she hardly knew? What was it about him that made her good sense fly right out the window whenever he was around? If she told him she had changed her mind, would he take her back to the club?

  Her stomach was in knots when Erik pulled off the freeway forty minutes later. There were no other cars parked off the road, and no other people on the beach, as far as Daisy could see. Once again, she asked herself what she was doing there.

  She looked up when Erik opened her door and there, in his eyes, she saw the answer to her question. Right or wrong, for better or worse, for reasons she didn’t pretend to understand, she knew her fate was somehow tied to his.

  Daisy took off her sandals; Erik removed his boots and socks, and they walked hand in hand along the shore, the damp sand squishing between their toes.

  It was a beautiful night. Millions of stars twinkled brightly overhead, reflecting their light on the gently rolling waves that kissed the shore. A bright yellow moon smiled down on them.

  “So, how about that swim?” Erik asked.

  “I don’t think so. I’m not into skinny-dipping on public beaches.”

  “No? Then how about a quick dip in your underwear? It probably covers as much as today’s swimwear.”

  Daisy weighed the pros and cons for a moment, but in the end, it was the cool water lapping at her ankles that made the decision. At least that’s what she told herself. And it was partly true. But mainly, it was her desire to see Erik in the buff that made her agree.

  She turned her back to him while she undressed. This was so stupid. If a shark ate her, she would have no one to blame but herself.


  She turned at the sound of his voice. Clothed, he was gorgeous. Clad in nothing but a pair of black briefs, he was a Greek god come to life. His body was muscular without being bulky. His legs were long and firm, his shoulders broad. His abs looked rock hard; his biceps tempted her touch.

  He grinned under her blatant regard. “Like what you see?”

  She nodded. What was there not to like?

  “Good. I like what I see, too.” He took a step toward her. “You’re beautiful, Daisy.” His fingertips glided down her cheek, along her neck, across her collarbone to settle in the hollow of her throat. “Truly beautiful.”

  A blush warmed her cheeks, more from the admiration in his eyes than his words. “Thank you.”

  “Come on,” he said, and taking her hand in his, he turned and ran toward the water.

  Daisy shrieked as she followed Erik into the waves. The water had felt cool on her bare feet; it felt downright cold when it reached her knees, and higher.

  She was thinking of turning around and swimming back to shore as fast as she could when Erik grabbed her hand. Floating on his back, he lifted her onto his chest so that her body covered his.

  “What are you doing?” she exclaimed, certain they would both go under, amazed when they didn’t. It was like surfing on a human surfboard.

  “You okay?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “Yes, but…”

  “Relax, I won’t let you drown.”

  He floated out past the waves to where the water was as smooth as black glass.

  “Still okay?” he asked.

  She glanced to the right and to the left. No fins that she could see. “I guess so.”

  “Are you afraid of the ocean?”

  “Ever since I saw Jaws.”

  Erik grinned at her. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Animals avoided him, especially those that hunted for their food. Something about one predator recogni
zing another, he supposed.

  Nothing to be afraid of, Daisy thought, except drowning or being stung by a jellyfish, or attacked by a shark.

  It was oddly exhilarating, and a little frightening, floating there, just the two of them, alone in the vast ocean at night. Gradually, Daisy relaxed enough to rest her cheek on Erik’s chest. Lying there, she noticed the reflection of the moon on the water, the way the moonlight glistened on the waves.

  For all that it was exciting to drift on the sea with Erik, she was relieved when, at last, he made for the shore.

  It was good to feel solid ground beneath her feet, Daisy thought when they reached the edge of the water. Dropping down on the sand, she gazed up at Erik. He was truly a remarkable human being, she mused, and certainly stronger than any man she had ever known. She would have bet her house and everything in it that Erik couldn’t float and carry her at the same time.

  He sat down beside her, his thigh brushing intimately against hers. The touch of his damp flesh sent a shiver down her spine, a shiver that had nothing to do with his cool skin and everything to do with his nearness, and the look in his dark eyes.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  The thought had no sooner crossed her mind than he was leaning toward her, his hand curling around her nape as his mouth covered hers. The touch of his lips, though cool and slightly salty, ignited a fire deep within her.

  She moaned softly as he eased back on the sand, carrying her with him, so that her body lay sprawled across his, their legs entwined.

  Erik slid his hand up into the thick fall of her hair, his fingers tangling in the damp strands. A deep breath carried the scent of strawberry shampoo and warm, womanly flesh with an underlying scent of musk that told him she was as aroused as he.

  He kissed her again, his hands sliding restlessly over her bare back, her shoulders, skimming the curve of her breasts. She moaned low in her throat, a primal sound that aroused his senses. All of them. The hunger stirred within him. She was here. She was his for the taking. He could steal a taste, or take it all. When his fangs brushed his tongue, he turned his head away.


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