Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3) Page 8

by Heather Lyn

  Henry Cole

  Husband. Father. Son.

  November 22, 1962-October 14, 2001

  Evelyn Cole

  Wife. Mother. Daughter.

  January 19, 1964-October 14, 2001

  Together forever in life and death.

  I swear my hearts stops beating. Stella’s crying, but not as hard as she did last night. She takes a minute to compose herself, and then she looks at me.

  “Jace, meet my mom and dad.” Resting her head against my shoulder, she continues to cry, her grip on my arm tightening. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I support her as best I can, my own knees wanting to give out.

  “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  Together we kneel in front of them, and Stella reaches out to run her hands over the smooth stone. She sniffs loudly and then comes back to my side.

  “What happened?” I ask, unsure of how to ask the right questions. I don’t want to hurt her.

  “House fire. I was fourteen, at a sleepover at my friend’s house. The next morning, my mom didn’t pick me up, Mason did. He was a freshman at the University of Tennessee. He brought me to his dorm room and I didn’t think anything of it, because I’d been up there a few times to visit him since he had his own room. He broke the news to me there, and I don’t know, I just always felt this weird peace that they were together. They’d been together since they were sixteen. That epic love story, you know?” She laughs through her tears, and my lips turn up in a small smile.

  “The coroner said they didn’t suffer, that it happened in their sleep. The smoke overwhelmed them, and that’s what the official cause of death was. We lost the whole house, faulty wiring from some asshole who cut corners fixing something.”


  “Mason got me through high school and college. He’s done everything for me, and he’s all I have in this world. It’s been almost twenty years, and while I’ve found peace and comfort, there are still times it hits me head-on.”

  “Katy,” I whisper, realizing she had also lost both her parents at the same time. Not the same kind of circumstances but heartbreaking nonetheless.

  “I know I was much older when I lost them, but looking down into her scared eyes, I felt like I was looking at myself.”

  Stella moves so she can look into my eyes, and I know mine mirror pain. I hate even the idea of Stella losing someone she loved, and I hate knowing she’s hurting right now.

  Her soft hand comes up to grip my jaw, and I lean my forehead down to hers.

  “Thank you for trusting me with this,” I whisper to her.

  “I care for you, Jace. More than I ever have for someone else, and I know eventually I would have told you. But this just felt like the right way. And now you’ve met my whole family. I felt so alone for so long, but I don’t feel like that anymore.”

  “You’re not alone. You have Mason and Jules. And now you have me, baby. And you have my family. I know once you meet them, they’ll love you.”

  “I want that so much.” I’ve never heard Stella be so open and vulnerable with me, and while I hate the circumstances behind it, it only makes me care about her even more.

  Fall just a little harder.


  “Congrats, you two. She’s beautiful.” Holding my new niece in my arms, I run my finger down the side of her tiny cheek, her skin softer than anything I’ve ever felt. Hadley Nacole Walker came into this world only a few hours ago, and I couldn’t be happier for my best friend.

  Being careful with the precious bundle in my arms, I lean down to kiss Sadie’s cheek, the smile on her face permanent.

  “Thank you, Jace. I’m glad you were able to sneak over here,” she jokes, motioning to my work uniform. I was out with Eli when we got the call that Sadie was in labor, but Garret told me he’d call when she was born. There was no need to rush over.

  She’s got a full head of dark hair, and even in her sleep she looks just like her mommy. I’d bet my life that she’ll have Garret’s blue eyes though.

  “So Garret tells me you met someone. When do we get to meet her?” Sadie asks, her eyes full of love.

  “Soon. It’s only been a month or so, but she’s something special. I could totally see myself ending up with her.”

  “Damn, man. Falling in love already, huh? Such a sap,” Garret jokes, and if it wasn’t for his baby in my arms, I’d smack him upside the head.

  “No I’m not, jackass. But for the record, you were in love with this one for months before anything even happened. At least I’m dating Stella.”

  “Watch it, fucker.”

  Chuckling, I pull Hadley closer to me and whisper, “It’s okay, sweetheart. Your daddy has a filthy mouth, but Uncle Jace will teach you manners.”

  Sadie laughs, and Garret tries like hell to narrow his eyes at me, but he loses the battle. The little pink bundle has everyone wrapped around her finger when her eyes blink open and she lets out a tiny sigh.

  Yeah. I’m a complete goner.



  “Sorry I’m late. There was road work on the street next to my house, but I’m here.”

  Apologizing profusely, I give Ashley a squeeze and sit down across from her. We’re at Walker’s Taphouse for dinner and drinks. It’s been a few weeks since we closed out the Katy James case, and my heart still aches thinking about it. But getting the call just a bit ago from Jace that Garret and his wife had their baby was a reminder that there’s still a whole lot of good and beautiful in this world. Jace sounded like such a proud uncle, and I have to admit, it turned me into a big old pile of mush.

  “No worries, girl. I was just enjoying the eye candy at the bar,” she jokes, and I follow her line of sight to see a group of guys who all look to be in their midtwenties sharing a pitcher of beer.

  “My best friend’s a cougar. Who could have guessed?”

  Feigning hurt, she tosses her hair back, and we both burst out laughing.

  Our waitress comes to the table, and we each order a glass of wine and decide to share the chicken nachos for dinner. When our drinks arrive, we clink them together and I take a sip, the chardonnay the perfect end to the day.

  “So, how’s Jace?” she asks, taking a drink from her own glass.

  “He’s great. Busy with work, but we know how that is.”

  “I have no idea what you mean.” Ashley laughs, twirling the stem of the wineglass between her fingers.

  “I’m going to his parents’ for dinner tomorrow night,” I tell her, and her eyes widen.

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “Honestly?” I ask, and she nods, reaching out to grip my hand for just a moment. “I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve known from pretty much the beginning that Jace comes from a tight-knit family. He talks about them all the time. And the truth? Losing Mom and Dad doesn’t mean I can’t handle meeting other people’s families. Yes, it makes me sad, and I know deep down that they would have loved Jace. He’s so much like my dad. They’d have been fast friends.”

  I pause to drink some more wine, and Ashley doesn’t say anything, just waits for me to continue.

  “I can’t change my past, Ash. It’s been a long time, and I’ve come to terms with it. I miss them something fierce, but they’re gone. I can’t change that. Maybe this is my chance to have my own family again.”

  My friend gives me a warm smile, and we both look up to see our waitress coming toward the table with our food. Handing us small plates and napkins, she asks if we need anything, and Ashley tells her we’re all set.

  The rest of the night is filled with laughter and catching up on what’s going on in Ashley’s life. She tells me that she’s still seeing that guy from the bar, not that I’m surprised. She did nothing but gush about him after that night.

  We’re waiting for the check to come when my cell phone beeps with a text, and I steal a glance at my phone to see it’s Jace.

  “Do you mind?” I ask her, and she shakes her head at me.
  Jace: Hey, you excited for tomorrow?

  Stella: Can’t wait. I’m gonna bake some brownies to bring, if that’s okay?

  Jace: Dad will love you if you put walnuts in them.

  Stella: Done.

  Jace: I really wish I hadn’t agreed to overtime. I miss you.

  Stella: Miss you too.

  Jace: I’ll call you tonight. Have fun with Ashley.

  Stella: Be safe.

  Sighing, I tuck my phone back into my purse and watch Ashley swipe the check from the table. “I got it this time. You can pay next time, babe.”

  “Sounds good,” I agree.

  “What’s wrong? You didn’t seem so happy just a second ago.”

  “I miss him. Is that normal?”

  Humor glints in her eyes. “Normal? To miss your boyfriend? I think so.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  She gives me an “Are you fucking kidding me?” look, and we both laugh.

  “Okay, he’s my boyfriend. But still. I just saw him two nights ago, and we spend every free moment we have talking on the phone or texting.”

  “Yes, goofball. It’s normal to miss him. You’re starting to fall in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am,” I sheepishly admit.

  As we’re walking outside a few minutes later, I give Ashley a hug and tell her I’ll see her Monday at the office. Getting into my car, I go to plug my cell into the charger when I pull up my texts and send another to Jace.

  Stella: My spare key is under the blue potted plant on my porch. I don’t care what time you get off, come over tonight.

  Jace: It’s gonna be well after midnight.

  Stella: I don’t care. Please?

  Jace: Okay. Don’t stay up for me though. I’ll be quiet when I come in.

  Stella: See you later.

  It doesn’t take long before I’m pulling into my driveway, tired and ready to hop in the shower. Grabbing my keys and purse, I head inside, locking up as I go. Kicking off my heels at the front door, I walk back toward my bedroom and switch the light on. Stopping at my bureau to grab an oversized shirt to sleep in, I go right into my bathroom and turn on the water. Making sure I tie my hair up in a knot, I take the fastest shower possible and jump out, drying off and changing into the shirt I laid out.

  Throwing the wet towel into my hamper, I grab my cell from where I left it and plug it in, setting it down on my end table. Shutting my light off, I pick up my Kindle from the top of my desk and climb into bed, getting comfy so I can settle down with the latest book from my favorite author.

  When my eyes start to grow heavy, I switch the device off and set it on the table next to my phone. I check for any new messages, and when I don’t see any, I roll over to my side and close my eyes, sleep taking no time at all to overtake me.


  I have no idea what time it is when I feel my bed dip behind me, the room still dark but for the sliver of light coming through the window. Rolling over, I can just make out Jace’s face in the dark, and I smile.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” His voice is low and husky, and he sounds exhausted.

  “It’s okay.”

  He slides his arm under my head and tucks my body into his, his lips coming down on my forehead. They linger and then he pulls away to kiss my mouth.

  “What time is it?” I ask, unable to stop the yawn that comes out after.

  “Just after two. Was everything okay tonight?”

  “Fine, why?”

  “You wanting me to come over even though it was this late.”

  I bury my face against his neck, and his arm comes around my back and holds me to him tightly. “I just missed my boyfriend. That all right with you?”

  His chest vibrates with a chuckle. “Boyfriend, huh? Yeah, I’m real good with that.”

  Closing my eyes, I inhale the smell of his bodywash, glad he’s in my bed. I sleep easier with him. Only two months and I’ve grown so used to having him with me most nights.

  “Go back to sleep, baby.”

  I don’t bother fighting it and do as he says, falling back into a deep sleep.


  Waking up, the room is sunny and bright, and I find myself still wrapped in Jace’s arms. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I get a fabulous view of Jace in just a white T-shirt and navy boxer briefs. He’s still sound asleep, so I take the moment to just lie there and look at him.

  He must have shaved before work yesterday, because there’s only the faintest layer of stubble on his face, and his blond hair is messy all over the pillow. He’s gorgeous, and all mine. Unable to resist, I lean forward to kiss his neck. When I pull away, I watch his eyes flutter open, a sleepy smile growing on his face.

  “That’s my new favorite way to wake up,” he mumbles, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “Morning breath. Let me go brush my teeth,” I laugh, trying to pull away from him, but he glides over me, pushing one of his legs between mine.

  “Fuck morning breath.” Jace’s lips are back on mine in a second, but this time they’re more urgent and forceful, stealing my breath away with every touch. His tongue traces the seam of my lips, and I open for him, gasping into his mouth when he gently thrusts his hips, his cock hard as hell and right where I need him to be.

  Gripping his face, I lift my one leg that’s not pinned and wrap it around his back, digging my heel into his ass, needing him closer. Jace devours my mouth, not rushing any of his movements, his hips still rocking in tune with his tongue.


  “Yeah, I know exactly what you need, sweetheart.” Burying his face in my neck, he trails his left hand down my stomach, leaving goose bumps as he goes. I expect him to tease me or make me wait, so when he yanks my underwear down my legs and immediately uses his thumb to work my clit, I cry out, back arching against his ministrations.

  “Fucking soaked,” he grunts.

  “I need you.”

  I wind my arm around the back of his neck and kiss him roughly, nipping and biting at his bottom lip. Jace keeps our mouths fused while he fumbles to remove his boxer briefs, and then he leans over the side of the bed, coming back with a condom that he tears open with his teeth.

  In seconds he has it rolled down his solid cock, and then he’s back between my legs and pushing inside me, both of us crying out into each other’s mouths. He begins a punishing rhythm, his hips slapping against mine, my legs tight around his waist.

  “Fucking hell, baby,” he groans loudly, his labored breathing matching mine.

  “Harder, Jace. Please—” I break off when he does as I ask, changing the angle in his hips to rub across that spot inside. My back arches, and I bite the back of my hand as I come, the orgasm hitting me completely out of nowhere. My legs shake and I chant his name, his grip on my hips brutal.

  “Christ, I’m coming,” he grits out, his head falling back as his hips punch forward, his movements becoming jerky and fast. Through heavy-lidded eyes, I watch him bite his bottom lip as he climaxes. The low growl that comes out of him has me shaking with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

  When he’s spent, he drops down onto me and rolls us to the side. He brushes the sweaty hair off my forehead, and I start laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Just that we only woke up about five minutes ago. That might be the quickest quickie in the world.”

  Jace laughs, kissing me with a fierce intensity.

  “You’re cute, Stella.”

  “Cute, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Wrapping his hand around my hair, he pulls my neck back and begins to kiss his way up. “I find it cute that you think I’m even close to being done with you.”

  My desire for him immediately ramps back up, and after carefully pulling out, he hauls me up into his arms and carries me to the bathroom, where we don’t leave until we’re both completely spent.


  Hours later, I’m spraying some hairspray into my lightly curled hair. I fluff it up
and look at my reflection in the mirror. I went for very light makeup, just mascara and a natural lipstick, and decided on a long navy skirt and a black tank top with thick straps. It’s early August, so it’s still hot out, but I want to look nice for meeting the parents.

  I’m double-checking everything when I hear my front door open, which means Jace is back from running home to get changed. We spent most of today outside on my back deck, just talking and relaxing. After I got some coffee in me, I ran to the grocery store to get walnuts for the brownies, and I pulled them from the oven only an hour ago.

  I’m spraying my favorite perfume on when Jace comes into the room in tan shorts and a white short-sleeved button-down, white Converses on his feet. He comes over to give me a kiss, and I groan when I smell his cologne.

  “Do I look okay?” I ask, smoothing my hands down the front of my skirt.

  “You look perfect.”

  With another soft kiss, we walk from the room, Jace waiting for me while I slip my feet into a pair of flip-flops. After I lock up, we walk out to his car, and like always, he holds my door out, making sure I get in safely. Buckling my seat belt, I watch him drop behind the wheel, and he smiles that signature smile at me.

  “Ready to roll, baby?”

  Nodding, I reach out to settle my hand on his thigh, and he links his fingers through mine. Rolling the windows down, I enjoy the breeze blowing and smile over at him. I’m not even the slightest bit nervous to meet his parents, and when he assured me that Drew would also be there, that made me even more excited to be going. I’ve seen Drew a few times these last couple months, and we get along great.

  Tonight is going to be amazing, I just know it.



  Pulling into my parents’ driveway, I park alongside Drew’s black F150 and look over at Stella. “Ready to do this?”

  “Absolutely.” Her smile is infectious and makes one spread over my own face.

  Grabbing the container of brownies off the back seat, I climb out of the car and go around to let her out. Handing her the glass container, I take her free hand and walk her up the front steps.


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