Alpha Bully: Wolf Ridge High, Book 1

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Alpha Bully: Wolf Ridge High, Book 1 Page 10

by Rose, Renee

  I push her to her back, then roll her to her belly. She lets me.

  It’s fucking glorious.

  “Looks like today’s the day I’m going to fuck your ass,” I tell her.

  When she squeezes her butt tight and whirls to look over her shoulder in alarm, I smirk, fisting my erection. “Just the cheeks, though.” I straddle her thighs and grip her two asscheeks. She’s still tense, so I smack one side. “Relax them, Pink. You can squeeze after I slide my cock in.”

  She’s confused, which doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think girls watch porn like guys do. Or at least, if they do, it’s probably not the shit I’ve seen.

  “Take it easy, babygirl.” I pinch a wide section of her ass and shake it. “I’m not going to put it in you. Just between, like I did with your thighs.”

  She peeks back at me her big doll eyes swimming with heat and vulnerability. “Promise?”

  “Promise, baby.”

  She relaxes and I tuck my cock between her cheeks with a dollop of spit. I push them together around my length, my thumbs meeting over her crack to keep me from popping out as I glide back and forth.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” I groan. The visual is smoking hot. The sensation, even better. I snap my hips, tunneling through her asscheeks, glorying in this hot-as-fuck act. It feels taboo and filthy. I’ve had sex with three girls before Bailey, but nothing’s come close to this, and I haven’t even been inside her yet.

  I want to keep it up forever, but it’s too late. I was way too horned up when I started to last. “Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey.” I return the favor of chanting her name just before I erupt, coating her lower back with my spunk. “Holy fuck, that was hot.” I don’t have anything to wipe her off with, since she’s lying on my shirt, so I settle on my side beside her and rub my cum all over her ass. Marking her.

  She hasn’t moved. I pull her hair back from her neck and bite it. Just a love-bite, although for a moment, my wolf surges to life, like he thinks I’m going to mark her.

  As if.

  She’s a fucking human.

  Why does that idea make my body tingle all over?

  I settle onto my back and rest my hand on Bailey’s ass. She rolls over onto her back and we stare up at the blue sky.

  “Next time I want to give you a blowjob.”

  I choke a little. My cock surges back out of my open jeans. “You can’t just say something like that to a guy.” I lace my fingers through hers, joining our hands on the table.

  “Why not?”

  I give a mirthless laugh. “Because now I won’t sleep or eat until it happens. I’m gonna be all horned up fantasizing about what those pouty lips of yours look like stretched around my cock.”

  “Jesus, Cole.”


  “Do all guys talk like you with their gir… partners?”

  “Oh.” I laugh. “Probably not. Sorry, Straight-As. You get the unedited version.”

  We fall silent for a moment, then I observe, “It’s a good thing you’re not in journalism anymore.” The truth is, I miss sitting next to her every day. Even though the sight of her used to piss me off, she was always my obsession.

  “Why is that?”

  “I’d be hard the whole time.” It’s true, if she were in class, I’d have a tent in my jeans the whole hour.

  “Wow. Is it painful?”

  “Fuck, yeah, it’s painful. And it would be embarrassing as hell.” I lift our entwined fingers in the air, staring at this unexpected development. Have I ever held a girl’s hand before? I don’t think so. I never felt this bond before. This extreme attachment. “You could come back if you wanted. I would make sure he never looked at you, never spoke to you. You should see him, Pink. He gets all sweaty-templed every time I walk into the classroom.”

  Her hand gets colder.

  “Of course you don’t want to come back,” I answer for her. “Sorry, that was a stupid idea.”

  “I’m still thinking about doing the newspaper thing,” she says. “Rayne and I brainstormed article ideas.”

  “Yeah?” I realize I don’t know enough about this newspaper thing, which is stupid, since even before I kissed her, I made it my business to know everything I could find out about Bailey. “So how will you do it?”

  “Well, I don’t know. Originally, Bru...Brumgard—”

  “—Asswipe,” I interrupt when she stumbles over his name.

  “—Asswipe was going to assign the class the articles and then I would just edit and put it together. But I figure between Rayne and I, we can write them all.”

  I contemplate that for a minute. “Nah, you should still make him work for you. Let’s email the fucker. Where’s your phone?” I demand, climbing off the table and retrieving her purse, which dropped to the ground when I pounced on her. I toss her panties and shorts up, too, because I’m feeling generous. I unsnap the purse and unsheathe her phone, then hand it to her. “Open your email.”

  “Why?” She’s wary, which annoys me. I know I haven’t given her reason to trust me, but I want her to anyway. I guess I want it both ways. I want her to trust me while I continue to torment her. I snatch it back from her and swipe my thumb over the buttons to open email. “Pink, when I give you an order, you’re supposed to answer yes, sir.”

  She snorts derisively. “In your dreams, buddy.”

  We turn our heads toward each other on the table and I grin, because it does sound ridiculous. “Yes, daddy?”

  “Ew.” She punches me. “Weirdo.”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t fucking like taking orders from me, babygirl. Your body doesn’t lie.”

  She blushes and I take a mental snapshot of how beautiful she looks right now with the pink stain on her skin lighting up her warm brown eyes, picking up the pink swath of her hair.

  “Anyway, I’m emailing Asswipe. I’m gonna tell him how it’s gonna go.”

  Her nipples get hard. I swear to fate, they tent her little halter top. (And holy shit—that halter top!) I sprout a chub knowing she’s turned on by something I said.

  I open her account and start an email to Asswipe, reading it out loud as I go:

  Mr. Asswipe,

  Bailey grabs my wrist and pulls it down to read the screen where I actually wrote Brumgard. She grins and releases it.

  As you’ve noticed, I am no longer attending your class. I’m unwilling to forego my education, however—

  I roll my head to grin at Bailey. “Did that sound Straight A’s enough?” She smiles back with a warmth I haven’t seen in her eyes before. It does something shifty to my chest. “You didn’t know I had it in me, did you? Thought I was flunk-out material?”

  She smacks my ribs with the back of her hand. “Go on. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Therefore, I plan to continue with publishing the student newspaper. The following are articles I would like you to assign to the class:

  I hand the phone to her. “Now you fill them in.”

  She takes the phone, her eyes still on me, like she’s thinking it over.

  “He’s your bitch, Pink. Treat him like he’s fucking staff. You give him the assignments now. Get it?”

  Her pulse flutters at her throat, like she’s excited by the idea. Or maybe she’s just excited by me, because her nips are still hard. I pinch one through her shirt and she jerks and tries to cover it with her forearm.

  “Uh uh.” I catch both her wrists and straddle her, pinning them beside her head, her phone still clutched in one hand. “These are mine to torture. Remember?”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t recall agreeing to that.”

  I shrug. “I’m your punisher. I decide what torment you get.”

  She flushes and the scent of her arousal drugs me. I lower my head and lick up the side of her neck, from her collarbone to her jaw. The sound of her soft panting arouses me further.

  “If you don’t watch out, I’m gonna call in that blowjob right here and now, Pink.”

  She fake-struggles. “What am I
watching out about? I didn’t say anything.”

  Right. She doesn’t know I can smell her arousal. She probably can’t even scent it, herself, which strikes me as slightly tragic. I make a mental note to watch myself with her. I’m getting way too comfortable.

  I drop my gaze to her titties. “You’re nipples are hard, little girl. It’s turning me on.”

  “Oh.” She flushes some more, lifting her head to look. “I didn’t, erm, know you could see that.”

  I waggle my eyebrows. “Oh, I can. I definitely can.” I take mercy on her and roll off to the side. “But you have other work to do. Make that list, babygirl.”

  Chapter 10


  Shit. I think I’m falling for Cole Muchmore. Since last night, hell since our first kiss, I’ve had a giddy, almost manic bubbly sensation in the pit of my stomach and it won't go away. Is this lust? Love? Infatuation? It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Cole is a jerk—was a jerk. I don’t know. He’s quickly flipping my whole existence on its head.

  Which isn’t a bad thing.

  It’s a wonderful, exhilarating, incredible thing.

  And that’s definitely the problem.

  I sneak a sidelong glance at him as I recreate the list of articles Rayne and I came up with from memory. He looks beautiful. His bare, muscled torso is tan and gorgeous in the sunlight. His hair is rumpled and he’s wearing that lopsided grin that makes my heart speed up every time he flashes it at me. I could combat his good looks, though. What I can’t fight is the way my body feels—both satiated and hungry for more. Every secret place he’s been today is still awash with sensations, still tingling with awareness.

  What I’m completely exposed to is this protective thing he has with me against Brumgard. I’d like to say I’m a big girl and don’t need him to fight my battles, and I think that’s mostly true. But it sure satisfies me to have the school bully in my court. To watch him turn his art of intimidation on the teacher who wronged me. I f-ing love it.

  So much.

  I finish with my list and hand the phone back to him without hitting send. He reads through it and nods. Then types a little more:

  We will correspond via email, as I don’t want to see you in person. Please have the articles to me in two weeks.

  Cole looks at me. “What else do you need?”

  “Um, okay. I want to know how we actually print the paper. Like if I need to get quotes on printing and who pays for it. Oh, and how we format it.”

  “Okay.” He returns to the screen. Also, please let me know how the newspaper will be printed and formatting requirements. I expect to maintain my perfect grade point average throughout this process, and I’d appreciate those letters of recommendation by the end of the week. Cole arches his brows. “Anything else you want to include?”

  He’s right. My nipples are totally hard. It turns me on to watch him wield his alpha-hole power. Confidence is sexy. So sexy.

  He smirks and tweaks one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, letting me know he doesn’t miss my arousal.

  Crap! I am so screwed.

  I meant it, though, about wanting to give him a blowjob. I’ve never done it before, but he’s eaten me out twice. And he’s been super respectful about not pushing for sex. Or full penetration—whatever. So I want to give back.

  And that gives me excited flutters. I like that it’s a promise we’re doing this again, too. I don’t know what our relationship is—especially considering his dad would kill him if he knew about it—but I’m definitely considering us a thing now.

  Not that defining relationships ever did anything but box people in.

  “Cole?” I don’t look at him. I stare up at fluffy white clouds against the pale blue sky.


  “I wasn’t supposed to like you.”

  “Don’t start now,” he says, almost immediately. There’s no teasing quality to his voice, either. “You would definitely regret it.”

  Ouch. If my wariness fell away with his promise that we hold each other’s secrets, it screams back in full force now. I sit up, wanting to flee as fast as I can. I try to scoot to the edge of the table, but Cole’s strong arm bands around my waist and he drags me back to sit on his lap.

  “Don’t run.” It’s a soft command, his lips moving against my ear. He bites my neck, then kisses the same place. “I don’t want you to run.” He shifts the arm around my waist to slide his palm up my side and cup one breast. “I don’t know what we’re doing, but I fucking love the way it feels. And so do you. We both need this. Admit it.”

  Because I’m still butt-hurt, I keep my lips firmly closed, even though he’s definitely right.

  He releases my boob at my lack of response and turns me on his lap, threading my leg across so I’m straddling him. His strength is stunning. I’ve never felt so light and petite before. I definitely don’t worry about being too heavy for his thighs.

  “I’m not going to be your boyfriend, Pink. I won’t hold your hand in the hallways or ask you to the prom. You saw”—he gestures in the direction of our homes—“I can’t even drive you home without a shitstorm. I’m barely keeping my life together, Bails.” He strokes one hand up and down my thigh, as if to soften the harshness of his words. “So don’t sign me up for love. Or like or anything. Don’t have any expectations of me. All I can promise is what we have. This.” He waves his hand at the picnic table and park.

  I still want to run. He’s being honest with me. I should appreciate it, but instead it’s like being broken up with. And I’m way too raw after what we just did for this. I nod and try to swing my leg off, but he catches it.

  “Bailey.” He catches my gaze and holds it, intensity glittering in his dark eyes.

  “What?” I’m pissy, and I don’t bother hiding it.

  “I wasn’t supposed to like you, either. I was pissed. You moved in next door right when things were at their worst with my dad. He’d just been fired and replaced by your mom and he seriously tried to drink himself to death. He’d been prone to drinking and violence since my mom left him two years ago, but it got so much worse.”

  My stomach tightens into a knot listening to Cole. He’s baring himself to me—something I never expected.

  “Pretty much my life sucked and I wanted someone to blame for it. I picked you. I’m sorry. Nah, fuck that, I’m not sorry, Pink.”

  I stare, mouth open in surprise, the knot in my stomach moving up and lodging under my ribs.

  “I’m not sorry because I know we both needed this. I didn’t understand my obsession with you then and it came from a dark place, but now—now it seems so clear. The darkness is gone. I satisfy my need to punish you and you release your guilt. We fit. Maybe just for this moment in time, this one blip in our lives, we come together. We find absolution. In each other.”

  My mouth is dry. I try and fail to swallow. “So… this is just sexual?”

  “No way. I’ve had sex before and it was nothing like what happens with you. Definitely more than sexual.” He finds my hands and twines his fingers between mine, holding our hands up by our shoulders, like we’re meeting at an invisible wall. “But do we have to define it? I fucking know you feel the same way. Just admit it.”

  I nod mutely. “I’m driving now. I could always transfer to Cave Hills. Get a boyfriend who’s happy to acknowledge me in the halls at school.”

  “But you’re not going to.”

  “No. I’m not going to.” For better or worse I’m locked into a twisted dance with Cole. I have to see it through. And it may be messed up, but right now I’d rather see him, have him near every day, in any capacity that I can have him, than go to Cave Hill.

  I’m surprised to see relief flicker over his expression. Was he sweating me ending things? That, almost more than his speech, loosens and melts all the places I’d frozen up inside. Is it enough to just have this—whatever this is?

  Maybe. For the moment.

  I can’t seem to turn away from Cole, even though
he’s like the car crash you see coming but can’t seem to stop. No, bad analogy. Nothing is like that. Even when we crash and burn, Cole Muchmore will have been worth it.

  * * *


  When I get home, my dad’s still sleeping on the couch where he passed out last night.

  I head straight for the shower. I’m supposed to work at Bo’s uncle’s auto shop today, but when I saw Bailey take off in her mom’s car, I texted that I was going to be late. My phone’s blown up with texts from Bo, but I don’t give a shit. I wouldn’t trade this morning for anything.

  I bump into Casey coming out of our shared bathroom upstairs. Her nostrils flare at my scent and then her brows slam down. She grabs a fistful of my t-shirt and pushes me into the bathroom and shuts the door. As if our dad could hear anything in his state.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she whisper shouts. “You have her scent all over you.”

  I ignore her and peel off my shirt. “Get out, Casey.”

  “Cole, I’m serious. You can’t do this. Are you nuts? Of all the humans you could pick to fuck, you pick her? Do you want to die?”

  For some reason, it angers me that she assumes I’m just fucking Bailey. Like she’s the usual random human the alpha-holes use to practice sex on. I must show some teeth when I growl because Casey flinches and steps back, the instinctive submission to alpha dominance immediate.

  “Fates, Cole,” she sounds stunned. Frightened, even. “You really like her.”

  “Get out, Casey,” I snarl.

  She skirts around me and opens the door, slipping out. “Cole, you better stop this shit before you get us all kicked out of the pack. We’re only hanging by a thread as it is. Alpha Green probably would’ve done it already based on Dad’s fuck-ups if you and I weren’t still in school.”


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