Galactic War

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Galactic War Page 8

by Gerry A Saunders

  However, Intrepid’s sensor grids converted the received data into a visual representation that showed a sizeable, and fuzzy looking pear-shaped vessel with several nodes set around its surface.

  Apart from that, no other information was available.

  Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen, waiting to see what would happen.

  Then, “Good day, Captains,” came a soothing greeting over the ship’s comms system, which was heard by both Adams and Captain Sitrea.

  On realizing it was Alex’s voice, Adams breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Alex Richardson,” Captain Adams enthusiastically greeted.

  “So, would that be Frank Richardson’s son?” Captain Sitrea asked as he joined in the intership linkup.

  “Yes, Captain Sitrea.”

  Then Alex’s life-sized holographic image solidified in the center of the Intrepid’s bridge.

  Adams was surprised to see such a young-looking man standing before him. As, even though he knew Alex was only about sixteen or seventeen years old, he had seemed very mature for his age.

  Alex was dressed in white, and his fluorescent green eyes seemed much brighter than Adams remembered from their last meeting on Earth. However, Alex was now roughly one point-eight-meter-tall and had an air of maturity and calmness about him.

  “How is your family, Alex?” Adams asked.

  “Operational,” Alex replied, then looked at Sitrea. “I’m sorry we’ve never met Captain Sitrea. But, I have heard of both you and your father’s achievements.”

  “Thank you,” Sitrea returned. “Tell me, your ship. It’s not known to us. What is it?”

  “She is an experimental vessel and is named Discovery. And before you ask, we have little in the way of weapons, but she has a great heart and a few impatient space-marines.”

  Both Adams and Sitrea smiled at that. But inwardly, they were sure that Discovery had to have something secret and perhaps deadly.

  “So, no doubt this so-called experiment was just a cover to get us here, is that right?” Sitrea asked Alex.

  “I’m afraid so, Captain.”

  Then Adams sensed another mind like Alex’s on the Discovery.

  Alex smiled knowingly at him. “Correct, Captain Adams. But, we are as we are,” he said.

  Then Alex blocked any more questions.

  “You probably don’t know this Captain Sitrea, but all new Earth Starships have a security feature built-in. So that, if the central ship’s security AI receives a special secure code, followed by Track, from one of that ship. Then that ship’s AI will continually Hyper-link its location, condition, and what it deems as critical information to us,” Alex said.

  “So, we should know where and what the ship's situation is at any one time,” Adams explained to Sitrea.

  “That’s right,” Alex said.

  “And, according to Commodore Earhart’s security AI’s covert channel, the Invincible group of five ships will be intercepting a group of three brand new Crillon Battle-Cruisers, that is just out from the Crillon’s Starship construction facilities on Tapin,” Alex informed Sitrea.

  “Earhart’s AI has designated the group as CR37,” Alex added.

  “Well, we couldn’t take on that many ships, Alex,” Sitrea stated.

  “No. Especially Invincible,” Adams pointed out.

  “Agreed, but we’re not expecting to anyway. And, there’s no way that we can help the three Crillon vessels either. However, our Galactic Intelligence Center believes that Charlotte is not with them. Just her two children.”

  “Even so, no doubt both have the same powers as you, Alex,” Adams pointed out.

  “Possibly, but GIC believes that the children have split up. We think the sibling Tara, is now on the Invincible.

  GIC also believes, from information gained from the covert data link, that the Trexis will split into two groups to build up their fleet faster.”

  “If they do split into two, I understand that Sitrea and I are to cause a distraction for one of the groups. While you and your marines, reclaim the Invincible. Is that correct?” Captain Adams queried.

  “Spot on…. I assume it’s do-able?”

  “Yes. So, let’s get on with it,” both Captains said in unison.

  “No. You need to be patient,” Alex cautioned. “If, and when they split, we’ll be there.”

  “Let’s hope Garth goes with the other group,” Sitrea added, as an after-thought.

  “That’s what I hope. If Garth and Tara decide to stay together, it will be dangerous for them as they won’t be able to keep tabs on both groups,” Alex pointed out.

  “True enough,” Captain Adams agreed.

  Chapter 16

  A Delay

  Captain Gerry Stevens now knew that the rejuvenation process at Delta had indeed increased Cindy’s ability to conceive, by turning back the years. And they had both finally put behind them Gerry’s thoughtless rejuvenation and propagation comments.

  Now, without any other woman in the way, he had allowed himself to fall for Cindy, big time.

  In fact, even their original idea of finding out more about the ship’s capabilities had gone out of the window. Instead, both had spent most of the last fourteen hours in getting to know each other better.

  Until, finally, about an hour ago, they had gone to his cabin. And, finding it to be quite warm, had undressed and laid on the floating bed that Gerry had already covertly raised up from its daytime position beneath the floor.

  Then, almost before he knew it, their bodies were passionately locked together. And, for a time, nothing else mattered.

  After almost twelve hours, Ronin re-emerged from the ship’s primary control interface, instantly appearing in the Captain’s cabin and interrupting Gerry and Cindy.

  Ronin stayed still while the two of them, embarrassed and naked, scrambled for their clothing and quickly dressed.

  “Did you really have to watch us?” Gerry irritably snapped when both had their clothes on.

  “As long as you can perform at the end of the day. What you do with each other is of no concern of mine,” Ronin answered.

  “He certainly did,” Cindy said with a smile.

  “Concentrate on your task,” Ronin coldly stated.

  “Ok-ok. I get your point.… When do we drop out of warp?”

  “We did, five minutes ago,” Ronin told them then vanished again, reappearing in the central control-room area.

  Gerry was stunned that he hadn’t felt their exit from the worm-hole.

  Then he and Cindy hurriedly joined Ronin in central control.

  “Ronin, this other ship, when is it supposed to rendezvous with us?” Gerry asked.

  “Two minutes ago,” Ronin replied.

  Gerry was startled at hearing this, and looking at Ronin again, felt sure that the front of the interface sphere seemed to show a concerned human expression across its surface.

  “They’re not very late yet, Ronin,” Gerry remarked while wondering if he should be worrying.

  “Timing,” Ronin said as he drifted back to the control location and partially merged with the ship’s primary control interface again.

  Gerry knew what Ronin meant. So, was there supposed to be a delay, or not?

  Of course, there was no way of knowing which way would be correct or might be detrimental to the human timeline.

  Then another question entered his mind. What if Delta itself was the reason why the timeline was flaky?

  “No!” Cindy exclaimed, her voice shocking him back to reality.

  Chapter 17

  An Uncomfortable Moment

  As Andromeda sounded her two-second exit warning, Frank, Susanna, and their Marines readied themselves for a fight in case Charlotte’s hidden meaning had meant a trap.

  Everything around them foreshortened, and their stomachs felt as if they had been shot out through the front of Andromeda, as she exited her Hyperspace wormhole. Then suddenly, they were in normal-space again, and their stomachs were okay.
  It seemed to take forever, to Frank. But in fact, it was only two seconds before his tactical display finished updating. Glancing at his main viewing screen, Frank could see Charlotte’s Garoden vessel hanging just off their starboard bow, and twenty-three kilometers in front of Andromeda.

  What kept you, Frank? Came Charlotte’s mental voice.

  We’re here Charlotte, aren’t we? Frank sent back.

  Then to Andromeda, “Ships Comms only Andromeda,” he ordered, wanting to let the ship’s complement of Marines hear Charlotte, as well.

  Charlotte’s image appeared on Frank’s main screen.

  “I need you to come over, Frank…. It’s important.”

  “Don’t trust her Frank,” Susanna cautioned.

  “That’s nonsense. I can sense that you’ve had more brain-cell enhancing injections than me, Frank. A lot more…. You are only using just over thirty percent of your brain capacity. So, you’re in no danger from me.”

  “What about your Garoden troopers, Charlotte?” Susanna interjected, trying to convince Frank not to go.

  “They will not interfere, Frank. Trust me.”

  “I did once, and look what happened,” Frank couldn’t help pointing out, his voice sounding cold.

  “That was before my error of judgment,” Charlotte reminded him.

  He didn’t answer her.

  “If you must go, then I’ll come with you, Frank,” Susanna told him.

  “Sorry, Susanna. But this is only for Frank’s eyes,” Charlotte firmly stated.

  “Why, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte ignored Susanna.

  “Frank, you must trust me…. If Susanna sets foot on my ship, she will have killed all of us.”

  Frank was torn between the two of them. Then he touched Charlotte’s mind, and finally understood the reason for her fear.

  “I’m coming,” Frank stated. “Prep a force-craft now, Andromeda,” he ordered.

  “One will be waiting, Frank,” Andromeda confirmed.

  Marine Captain Thomas Reece and Sargent Masson waited by the designated force-craft in Andromeda’s holding bay.

  “We really should accompany you, Captain,” Thomas tried to insist as Frank approached the craft.

  “Thanks, Thomas, but no,” Frank firmly replied as he stepped onto the force-craft’s platform. “As you heard, Thomas, Charlotte is adamant. No one can accompany me… and I think I know why.”

  “Very well, Captain. While I think it’s risky. It’s your call.”

  “I know.”

  As the Force-craft powered up, both Marines left the bay and sealed the airlock behind them. Moments later, when the holding bay had de-pressurized, and its outer door opened. Frank’s force-craft left Andromeda heading for the now open hanger-bay of Charlotte’s vessel.

  Three minutes later, and once inside the hanger bay, the ship’s hanger-deck re-pressurized. Frank then de-activated his force-craft and stepped off. And, with two Garoden troopers escorting him, joined Charlotte in what appeared to be the ship’s Astro section.

  “Hello Frank,” she greeted as she stepped over, and surprised him by kissing him hard on his lips.

  “Charlotte. No,” he said as he felt her hands feeling him through the front of his pants.

  Then, deciding it was a waste of time arguing with her, Frank quietly stood still and let her get on with it.

  Then Charlotte caressed it. No response.

  “So, Frank. You’re over me then,” she said dropping her hands away.

  “I was never on you, Charlotte.”

  “Rubbish, our two children prove that you were actually on top of me.”

  Frank couldn’t help smiling at that. Then as he took in her flimsy cream one-piece suit. The tantalizing rise and fall of her breasts brought back just how good it had felt, being in her.

  In a way, he still fancied her, he thought to himself.

  “Ah, I see it in your mind… You’d still take me if it weren’t for Susanna?”

  “Maybe,” he agreed. Then, too late, he remembered that Susanna was probably listening to his thoughts, in case he needed help.

  Frank felt the turmoil in Charlotte’s mind and her bitter disappointment with their two children.

  “So, Charlotte, I understand our children have disowned you, and aren’t behaving as you planned.”

  “That sounds about right, Frank,” she muttered.

  “So, what is so important that only I can see?”

  “Watch,” Charlotte ordered Frank, as her Orb floated in and stopped in the middle of the cabin. It then projected a Hologram of what appeared to be a flat, misty disc.

  “Impressive. So, is this Delta’s Orb technology? Was it really developed in your time?”

  “No, we are looking at 2725. Like, nearly 400 years in the future,” Charlotte pointed out.

  “Okay, continue.”

  Charlotte mentally adjusted the Orbs presentation.

  “This is a copy of Delta’s temporal overlay?”

  “Is this a total overlay?”

  “No. Delta’s overlays are vast and consist of two layers, overlapping each other. This is only a representation. But it has all the relevant lines we need.”

  “Okay, so what are we looking for?”

  “The centerline of the overlay matches the underlay, up until.… here,” Charlotte said, pointing her finger at a definite point of deviation.

  “What year is that?”

  “2033.… Then, another deviation here. See, in 2085. Another in December of 2108.”

  “Sorry Charlotte. I have no idea what happened in 2033 or 2092. But, December 2108, was when the settler starship Acarea was launched.”

  “Ok,” Charlotte replied. “And I’m not sure about 2033. However, in 2092 or about then, Cindy and I had to give brain-cells to a young girl.”

  “Who was she?”

  “Irrelevant. We only knew the girl as Judith Morante.”

  “Her name’s not familiar to me, Charlotte. Okay, so where are we going with this?”

  Charlotte adjusted the scene.

  “2309, Frank. The Garodens first skirmish.… And here, the second, covering 2313 to 2314.”

  “Hmm, I think I see what you’re driving at. Every time Delta has intervened, the deviation overshoots,” Frank said, realizing that these corrections were making it worse.

  “That’s what I think. Now, Delta’s brought a ship from 2620 to this time-period. Why? It just doesn’t make sense. How mad is that?” Charlotte asked.

  “On the surface, I would agree. But, we don’t know what Delta can see, that we can’t,” Frank pointed out.

  “Like, humans will be extinct by the year 2773,” Charlotte stressed.

  “How did you get all this information, Charlotte?”

  “Delta’s Orbs can get any information you need. If you ask in the right way, Frank.”

  “Hmm. If this is true. Then maybe Delta itself is causing unwanted changes, by their own actions in trying to correct the timeline overshoots that they previously made.”

  “Agreed, Frank. And I believe that has been going on for centuries.”

  “What do you see happening now, Charlotte?”

  “For me? I can’t do anything about my children. So, I’ve decided to return to Delta using my Orb as a distress beacon.”

  “And what do you see happening to me?”

  “You. Well, you are apparently about to join the ship from 2620.”

  “Then, I’d better get back a bit smartish.… Will I see you again, Charlotte?”

  “Perhaps, Frank. I’m still valuable enough for Delta to make use of me, and not execute me as a traitor.”

  “Geeze,” Frank uttered. And with that, he headed back to the Andromeda.

  Chapter 18

  Galactic Empire Update

  Location: Delta Pavonis.

  Galactic Empire’s central intelligence and tactical HQ.

  The Invincible, was now covertly monitoring the group of Earhart’s ships that were
under the control of Charlotte’s twins.

  While Admiral Nick Hartington was in tactical HQ’s briefing room on Delta Pavonis, with Helen Richardson, David Patterson, and two Tri-Axis high ranking officers. All of them busy studying the latest communiqué that had been sent from Commodore Earhart’s security AI on the Invincible. Though Helen Richardson was beginning to get annoyed by the length of time all of this was taking.

  Frank and Susanna’s other daughter, Helen, had taken a while before deciding to have a more active role in the family’s Enhance program. Since which, she had received more than the usual number of brain-cell injections, to enable her to catch up with the mental ability of her twin sister, Carina. Both twins were stunners, with blue-green eyes and coppery colored hair. But, Helen was the most aggressive twin. Manipulating and using men without hesitation to further her standing in the Galactic Empire.

  Helen’s face was getting redder by the minute. As far as she was concerned this meeting needed to be over pronto, as her shuttle was close-by and ready to take her up to the Speedster, Arrow, which was waiting for her in orbit.

  It was vital that she was on the Lexington by the time it reached Monitor station, MV210, 427 light years out from Earth.

  Helen waited impatiently for them to digest the new information, before adding her contribution. She knew Admiral Hartington’s mind was an open book, so she gently probed the other three, one at a time.

  She had seen Tripicac, one of the Tri-Axis officer’s, many times over the last few months and had found him easy to work with. His rank was the equivalent to that of a Navy Admiral, and he was the head of the Crillon intelligence service.


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