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Transcriber's Notes-------------------
Spelling and hyphenation have been retained as in the originalpublication, except as follows:
Page vi, 'Manuela Sanchez appears as a minor character' replaced by 'Manuela Sancho appears as a minor character' Page 19, 'the place bordered on the Muella road' replaced by 'the place bordered on the Muela road' Page 94, 'such as Don Mariano, Cereso the priest of Sas' replaced by 'such as Don Mariano Cereso the priest of Sas' Page 198, 'thou my patron, Saint Domenguito del Val' replaced by 'thou my patron, Saint Dominguito del Val' Page 240, 'details of those struggles in the Calle de la Pabostre' replaced by 'details of those struggles in the Calle de Pabostre' Page 244, 'not one Frenchman will be left alive.' replaced by 'not one Frenchman will be left alive."' Page 260 'One of them, the one in the Calle de la Sombre' replaced by 'One of them, the one in the Calle de la Sombra' Page 278, 'Don Marquis Simono, the distinguished' replaced by 'Don Marcos Simono, the distinguished' Page 285, '"One must not speak ill of one's neighbor," said Don Jose."' replaced by '"One must not speak ill of one's neighbor," said Don Jos?.' Page 328, 'and from the the same person whom' replaced by 'and from the same person whom' Page 345, 'but her national permanancy is and ever will' replaced by 'but her national permanency is and ever will' Page 352, 'I continued in the compaign of 1809' replaced by 'I continued in the campaign of 1809' Jer?nimo/Jeronimo ("Jer?nimo" was regularised to "Jeronimo" since the former was used 2 times versus the later 17 times)
Zaragoza. English Page 33