Releasing the Gods

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Releasing the Gods Page 18

by Leia Stone

  We passed a small white chapel, and Cronus stared at the lineup of couples out the front, some of them swaying on the spot, others bouncing excitedly as they waited their turn.

  “They’re getting married…?” He seemed confused. “On the street?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, people get married here all the time. Often by Elvis.”

  He probably had no idea who Elvis was, and with a shake of his head turned back to the street. Most people got out of his way, and mine too, as a thankful side effect of standing in his shadow.

  “We should stay here,” I said, pointing to a huge, luxurious hotel. Last time I’d been here it had been the fanciest on the Strip, but I knew a lot of new resorts had sprung up since then. Either way, this would do.

  “Got any of those gold dick bars left?” I asked Cronus.

  The smallest of smiles played at the corner of his lips. “Yes.”


  If there was one place in the world we could cash a gold bar pulled from his pants, it was Vegas.

  Thirty minutes later and forty thousand dollars richer, we were back at the hotel, and now in possession of a penthouse for the night. The VIP concierge who personally cared for our suite was more than happy to find us tickets to Jessell’s sold-out show.

  For some monetary compensation of course.

  “What about backstage passes or private shows?” I pressed. “Does Jessell ever make an exception for … a higher price?”

  I needed him to say yes; otherwise my Titan was going to cause a scene that evacuated the entire building, all so he could get his hands on this seer who had betrayed him and sent him into a dank gray prison for a thousand years.

  “I’m not sure,” the concierge squeaked, looking flustered. His slicked-back brown hair almost had a strand come loose in his agitation. “I’ll find out and get back to you asap.”

  He hurried off, after I’d paved the way with some Benjamin Franklins, and I turned around and explored the penthouse, because why the hell not. Probably be the one and only time I could say I’d stayed this lux in Vegas.

  Cronus perched himself against the window, staring out at the world below, and I ran through the three bedrooms, the bowling alley, the corner bar suite, and the huge private pool and Jacuzzi. “Well, shit,” I said softly, “the other half lives nice.”

  Really nice.

  But if I had to choose, I’d still rather spend gold dick bars on saving my whales and other marine life. This had been a necessity so we could get the private concierge service to get the tickets … so I wouldn’t feel too guilty … but not gonna lie, I was liking it. Still, tomorrow I would talk to Cronus about donating at least a grand to my favorite dolphin charity.

  A knock sounded on the door and I rushed over to find a smartly dressed woman, her dark suit designer, blond hair slicked back from her sharp, angular features. “Hello, Mrs. Parker. We have procured both backstage passes for Jessell’s show and appropriate clothing,” she said. Her eyes were a dark blue, piercing as they assessed me like I was some sort of bug. I could tell she was wondering how I’d managed to afford the penthouse, and it was only when Cronus left his perch, silently crossing to stand at my side, that she seemed satisfied.

  Like I was only here because the god of a man at my side paid for me.

  Fuck you, lady. You’re right on the money, but no one needed to be judged this early in the morning. #Yeah #Okay #ItWasAlmostNight #ButStill

  Cronus took the garment bags, all ten of them, and an envelope that she handed over, letting her fingers drag slowly across his. The giant oaf didn’t even seem to notice her change in attitude. Another hundred bucks on her flirting with him in three … two … on—

  “I can extend your stay a few nights for a comped price,” she purred at Cronus, shifting closer. “We value guests such as yourself.”

  He shot her that look he did so well, the one that said all humans should bow down and worship him. He was good at it because he really believed they should. Since he was a god to them and all of that. But blondie here didn’t know that.

  “He’s not interested,” I told her bluntly, and her face went even more pointy as she glared my way.

  She wanted to say something, her lips opened, but then she must have realized that she was in no position to abuse people paying thousands a night to stay in the hotel she worked for. I smiled sweetly, before I basically slammed the door in her face.


  Cronus was grinning when I turned to him, and it was lucky he was holding all of our current available clothing or I would have punched him in the dick too. #LikeFatherLikeSon #ManWhore

  “I didn’t know you ordered clothes,” he said to me, still wearing that fucking smile.

  “I like to think ahead,” I replied shortly, not really sure why I was mad at him. He hadn’t been flirting, but he also hadn’t told her to fuck off and he wasn’t even mine to worry about.

  This was why falling for this … Titan … was a bad idea. We were from two different worlds. If I let him, Cronus was going to smash my heart.

  And if I was really honest with myself, it might already be too late to prevent it.

  Jessell’s event room was huge. A round, red velvet-lined space with two levels of seating. By the time we arrived, it was almost full, the lights dim with just some purple and blue mood lighting flashing around the edges. There was a stage with a dark red curtain across it, but no sign of the seer yet.

  Cronus and I were in the upper VIP section, where only twenty seats—much wider and more luxurious than the lower levels—were grouped together. After the show, we’d get to use our backstage passes to meet her. If I could keep Cronus in check that long.

  Cronus and I had not spoken much, and I tried not to feel hurt that he hadn’t bothered to comment on my appearance. Mostly because I’d never had a chance to dress up for him, and the silver sequined dress hugged my boobs and had a giant slit up my right leg, exposing most of my thigh. It was probably the sexiest thing I’d ever worn, and he’d barely even acknowledged it. I’d braided my hair over one shoulder like a slutty Elsa and he hadn’t said a word. #FuckingMen

  Of course, I hadn’t commented on the black suit he wore, that they’d somehow found in his size, with the dark gray open-collared shirt that exposed enough of his hard, tanned chest to kill most red-blooded women. In my head, I’d ripped it off him five times already, and even now it was hard to keep my hands to myself.

  He looked so different. Taller, more mysterious. And beyond beautiful.

  My chest tightened, and I preferred to pretend it was because I was carrying around some asshole sins and not because Cronus was destroying me from the inside out.

  Thankfully, the lights changed near the stage, and I could focus on the show and not Cronus. Our seats were great, right near the front balcony as I leaned forward to see everything that was happening below.

  I’d forgotten that the back of my dress was basically nonexistent, most of my skin exposed. His hand landed on my spine and I closed my eyes, everything inside of me tightening, while moisture pooled between my legs.

  One touch. One fucking touch and he about had me a puddle at his feet.

  That spicy dark scent, masculine and intoxicating, caressed my senses as he leaned over, his voice a rumble in my ear. “You look fucking spectacular by the way,” he murmured. “Beyond human and god. You’re as stunning as a Titan.”

  I knew that was the highest level of compliment Cronus was capable of, to see me as an equal, and it undid me.

  His hand started to caress my back; my eyes closed as I fought the moan wanting to escape from my mouth. Jesus, was he just touching my back? Because it felt a lot like he was touching other places. I wanted to grab his hand and shove it between my legs...

  “Maisey,” he said, lips brushing my ear. I made a noise in my throat but didn’t turn to him.

  “Look at me,” he asked with more force, and no matter how hard I fought the pull, I had to look at him.

  Blazing blue eyes, the gold in them like a melting pot of secrets. “Why do you turn away from me?” he whispered, that hand still stroking my spine, igniting other parts of me.

  Swallowing hard, I tried to find moisture in my mouth. Pretty sure it had all gone south.

  “You’re … too much,” I finally choked out. “I don’t think I can have a taste and then walk away when this is all done.” There. I’d laid myself bare. I said it.

  An angry rumble rocked the balcony we were on, shaking it slightly, and I could see the other guests looking around like they were worried about earthquakes, but I knew it was all Cronus.

  “Why would you walk away?” he asked, his voice low enough that only I could hear.

  A sad laugh left me. “You’re a god, Cronus, and I’m … me. How could it work? For one thing, you’ll live forever, and I will die in eighty years, if I’m lucky.”

  For another … he was a fucking god.

  He went to speak and I shushed him with my fingers across his lips. “For another, you’re only with me because we are bound. Once that fully breaks apart … you’ll leave.”

  My heart was beating so hard in my chest that I could barely breathe. I’d never spoken so honestly with someone.

  He reached up and pulled my fingers from his lips, “In the beginning, I was only with you because of the bond. Not anymore.” He paused and his eyes glowed a supernatural gold. “I’m a Titan,” he said shortly, “and I will not let death take you from me. Trust me, Maisey. You’re going nowhere.”

  My breath hitched at his declaration.

  Music burst to life around us as the show started. One might have expected that to break the bubble surrounding Cronus and me, but it didn’t. He pulled me against his side, holding me like I was precious, adored, cradled against his chest as everything went briefly dark in the theatre.

  Lips pressed against mine, so fast I wasn’t even sure I’d felt it, but then he went back for a second kiss, pressing into the corner of my mouth, lingering for a moment, as our energy mingled together.

  My eyes burned at the perfection of the moment, and the fear that maybe everything was too perfect. If my life experience was anything to go by, something was surely about to come along and destroy it all.


  Bright lights burst to life across the stage and the background noise of chatter died off as the curtains parted. There was a hushed sort of energy, and even me, wrapped up in the Titan beside me, noticed.

  A live band was the first thing to appear, setting off into an upbeat number, drums and bass the defining beat. It was designed to pump up the audience and I could already see them wiggling and bouncing in their seats as the beat took hold.

  “Magic,” Cronus said with a shake of his head and short laugh. “Typical Jessell.”

  Magic? It wasn’t until a few moments later that I realized exactly what she was doing. The emotions of the audience, the higher they ran, the more energy she stole from them. The music was enhanced, the atmosphere electric. I realized then that she was a witch or crone or whatever you call them. Just maybe a different kind.

  And she hadn’t even stepped onto the stage yet.

  The music died down and everyone appeared to hold their breath … waiting. Waiting for the appearance of the seer.

  Cronus was unnaturally still beside me, his heart steady under my ear, but I felt his tension. “Fuck,” he muttered, and then he was up, pulling me with him.

  Locked on the stage, as they were being magically pulled to do, no one turned to us.

  “What—?” I barely got the word out before he pulled me behind some curtains and then we were zapping away.

  Wherever we landed, it was dark, and I blinked trying to orientate myself. Cronus meanwhile had let me go and appeared to be in some kind of scuffle. As the lights flared on suddenly, I blinked against the dots dancing before my eyes.

  What in the fuck was happening?

  “You were running, old friend,” I heard him say around the time my vision returned.

  Cronus held a petite young woman up against the wall, pressed just inches from her terrified face. She was mid-twenties, curvy in all the right places, and had long, dark red hair that hung over one shoulder. Do these fuckers ever age? So far only the Fates had looked old, and that was because they wanted to.

  “I had my energy hidden,” he continued. “How did you know I was here?”

  Huge, light brown eyes shifted to me for a blink, before they turned back to Cronus. Her voice was husky and breathy, words spilling out of full lips. “I’ll always know your energy, Cronus,” she said, body trembling. “I could scent you in the room. That distinct smell of power and sex appeal.”

  Fuck, she was all kinds of perfect, and the way he held her had me feeling the sort of anger that not hours before had black shit streaming out of my fingertips. I needed to dial it back. Especially after he’d just told me he wasn’t going to let even death break us apart.

  #Mine #Mine #Mine

  Cronus moved back, just enough that she could breathe easily and stand on her feet. She barely even reached his abs she was that tiny, and the way he crowded over her had my body reacting. #EyeTwitch #PunchASeer #INeedTherapy

  “Why are you here, Cronus?” she bit out, and I forced myself to look away from them, needing a five-minute breather.

  The room was painted a light dusty pink, filled with fluffy white lounges and about a million cushions. It was Jessell’s dressing room, and judging from the mess of papers and makeup on the floor, she’d been trying to flee when Cronus had zapped us here. He’d known she was running. Somehow.

  “You owe me,” he was saying now, arms crossed as he glared at her. Personally, I thought he was far less angry than he should be considering she betrayed him and got him thrown into prison. “Your defection was unexpected, Jess,” he continued on, the slightest confusion creeping into his voice. #Jess? #OhHellNo

  Jessell, her hands still shaking, pushed back her red curls. Yep, bitch had perfect ringlets falling to mid back. “You know why I had to walk away,” she told him in that raspy sex voice. “I gave you every chance to stop me.” She suddenly shoved him, and he didn’t move, but he looked surprised. “Why didn’t you stop me?” she shouted, eyes brimming with tears. “I couldn’t be in the middle of the war without a side, and you made it clear that I was not that important to you.”

  Cronus looked confused, but I got it now.

  She was in love with Cronus and he’d had his head too far up his own ass to notice. Typical. I’d bet my left tit that she’d gone for a dramatic last stand and Cronus hadn’t even noticed, so she’d had no choice but to take the other side. Otherwise, she’d have ended up dead or heartbroken or both.

  The tiny seer tried valiantly to pull herself together. All the while, the Titan watched her like a science experiment that hadn’t done what he’d expected. “Why are you here?” she asked him, sounding tired. “I’ve stayed out of all the politics for a thousand years. I’ve reinvented myself so many times I barely even know who I am now.”

  He looked around, noticing the huge “Jessell” written across the wall. “You kept your name.”

  Her laugh was morose. “It was all I could keep. Last names, appearance, life … all of them change. But I kept the name so I had something that was mine.”

  Cronus gave me his entire attention then and my heart started to beat harder, like it was going to jump at him. “Mais,” he said softly, holding out a hand. “Come here.”

  #Hah #NicknameForMeToo #TakeThat

  Still, he was lucky his tone was nice, because I didn’t like being ordered around like a pet. Moving on shaky legs, I stopped before our bodies collided. Everything about me was out of whack. I could barely control my limbs right now.

  “Jess,” Cronus started, “this is Maisey. We have a life bond, and she’s the one who’s going to save the world from the sins this time.”

  Jessell’s eyes were even richer this close, a c
innamon color that looked fake, even though it was probably real. “I need you to read her,” he said, nudging me forward. “We need to know how the sins will go as she adds more. I—” he cleared his throat. “I need to know her fate.”

  Jessell’s gaze ran across me and I finally noticed that we were dressed similarly. Her dress was gold and even skimpier than mine, but the same low cut across the breasts, same sequin shine, and an even higher slit up the thigh. “You know the Moirai control fates. That’s not my forte.”

  Cronus slammed a hand against the wall, right beside her head. She jumped, before annoyance descended over her perfect features. “I’m not asking you to control her fate, I’m asking you to read it. You will do this for me,” he said, a slip of demand in his tone. “You. Fucking. Owe. Me.”

  Je-sus. I would not have said no to him if he’d spoken to me in such a way. #DeathWish

  “What exactly do you want me to tell you?” Jessell asked, some of her confidence returning. “I’m a seer, not a fate.”

  “Just tell me how to keep her alive,” he said suddenly. “Tell me how to save the world without sacrificing Maisey.”

  It was that second I earned her eternal hatred as she turned her furious gaze on me. We both heard the emotion in his voice. We both knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t usually so concerned or caring. Not about someone that was virtually human.

  I had the one thing she’d probably wanted for hundreds of years: Cronus’ concern. His attention. His ... heart, maybe? If his display in the balcony was anything to go by, or my sex plans for later tonight, then I’d have his heart and his #DickGold

  Jessell’s hand zipped towards me and I flinched, thinking she was going to punch me, but she just grabbed my chin tightly. It wasn’t painful, but it also wasn’t pleasant.

  Heat flooded through me and I fought against the urge to jerk myself away from her. Everything about this chick made me uncomfortable, from her too perfect lips and Shirley Temple ringlets to the malice deep in her eyes.


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