Humping Her Hero

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by Emmaline Wade

  Humping Her Hero

  A Romance Novella

  Emmaline Wade



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Recipes from the Perry family gathering

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Also by Emmaline Wade


  List of Characters

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Click to Order!


  Humping Her Hero

  Emmaline Wade

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for taking an interest in this novella. I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please be aware that I am not perfect and neither are my editors. If there are mistakes in this story, I deeply apologize. Errors are human.




  “Are you hurt, ma’am?”

  Annie Perry delicately shook her head, as if trying to clear her mind of the traumatic events that had just transpired. Everything had happened so incredibly fast. She crouched motionless on the nearly deserted cold sidewalk. Bitter frigid rain continued to spew heavily from the darkened sky and now pelted her entire body. Annie shivered in the black abyss of the night, the enormity of the situation now fully shocking her senses. Annie shifted her prone body and tried desperately to regain her nearly shattered composure.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?”

  It was that voice again. The deep sound was male and showcased a tiny bit of concern. For a brief moment, Annie could only nod her head in affirmation. “Ah…ah, yeah…I’m ffff-fine.” Annie turned her attention to the man hovering near her. If the situation was not so critical, she would have laughed.

  Standing barely two feet from her was a man dressed a ridiculous looking Santa Claus suit. The familiar red and white outfit was similar to the mythical character of the holiday season, but that is where the similarities ended. The man was not jolly nor was he smiling.

  Instead, Annie locked her gaze into a pair of intense dark brown eyes and a hardened, menacing face. Fear engulfed her. With goose bumps of anxiety surfacing across her arms, a deep sense of dread began to pulsate through her vulnerable body. Annie immediately closed her right fist together and swung at Santa’s face.

  “Police!” The Santa dodged the punch and held up his arms to block the woman’s blows. “Ma’am, I’m a police officer.”

  Annie could barely hear the words as the on-set of panic continued to etch within her innocent soul. She did not back down…not for one single moment. Annie swung her briefcase at the man, intending to save herself from harm.

  The Santa Claus swore and stepped away. After reaching into the back pocket of his pants, the man held a badge near Annie’s face. “I’m a police officer, ma’am. My name is Detective John Connell. Are you okay?”

  For the first time in her adult life, Annie Perry was nearly speechless. The dire situation had occurred so suddenly…and without warning. Now, she desperately tried to focus her mind on what had just occurred. Annie carefully eyed the man, inspecting his badge and the grizzly crime. After regaining some of her composure, Annie eyed the grim circumstances surrounding them.

  Nearly ten feet away, a large man was unconscious. Annie looked from the lifeless figure on the ground to the Santa Claus. The Christmas figure was staring at her intently and Annie felt as if the man was eyeing her an extra moment. Now, she felt comfort in his presence. She noticed the detective’s short dark brown hair. His face was full of blunt angles and his jaw looked like steel, adding to his don’t-piss-me-off attitude… …and she felt safe. Protected. Secure. Comfort.

  Because it was his nature, John Connell inspected and analyzed the young woman as she regained her senses. The attack had transpired so quickly that now, even John was silently reprimanding himself for not anticipating the crime sooner.

  Damn it.

  Damn it.

  Damn it….you should have gotten there quicker, John.

  The woman had just been exiting the financial building and hailing a taxi, when a man materialized from the dark shadows. The assailant had pushed the woman to the ground and began to tug at her purse. When that didn’t work, the man had begun to hit the innocent victim. However, the woman had fought back.

  John swore to himself. He had been undercover in the ridiculous Santa suit, ringing his bell at his assigned post, for the charity fund that was established to assist the homeless. So far, John and his squad had captured crooks and busted drug deals.

  But the assault on the woman….that had been horrendous. And now, John was replaying the events over in his mind. He had run toward the giant attacker as the slender woman battled back with all of her might. The lady had kicked, shouted and punched the man. She had even managed to knee the bad man in the groin. As John’s heart rate had begun to accelerate, he knew he had to save the woman.

  Now, John continued to analyze the woman, who was still flabbergasted and disgusted from the potential deadly assault. The lady appeared tall, but it was somewhat tough to tell because she was still crouched on the sidewalk. It was the auburn colored hair that John noticed the most. The silky tresses cascaded down her back, past her shoulders in a wave of curls, causing some hair to cascade around her heart-shaped face. The cheekbones were high and lips were full, adding to the woman’s beauty. John’s gut tightened when he noticed scratches on the woman’s face and bruises beginning to form on her cheeks.

  “He attacked me!” With a sense of fierce pride and determination, Annie pointed toward the figure on the cement. “That man right there attacked me!”

  John Connell took off his Santa jacket as he tentatively eyed the young woman. Annie turned her attention to the police officer, as understanding began to register within her bright green eyes.

  “You saved me.”

  Detective John Connell ignored the woman’s whispered words and instead he walked closer to her. With a form of gentleness that surprised even himself, John gingerly leaned down and wrapped the Santa coat around her slender shoulders. His dark gaze met hers…and his entire body stilled.

  The pair continued to gaze at each other with a euphoric sense of understanding…and confusion. Annie could only stare at the man she considered her savior. Emotions of gratitude clogged her heart. For the very briefest of moments she thought of what might have been…of what might had happened if the detective had not arrived when he did.

  She watched as the man shifted his feet and stepped away from her. It was then that Annie noticed the dark red stain on the man’s white undershirt. Annie suddenly gasped, as she eyed the man’s injuries.

  “Oh, my goodness! You’re hurt!” Annie immediately took off the Santa jacket. She stood and hurried toward John. “Here is your jacket.”

  Not even realizing he was injured, John glanced down at his torso. He swore as he noticed the small blood stain that was gradually becoming wider. “It’s just a scratch, ma’am.”

  Annie bit her lower lip beneath her teeth, her eyes fixated on the man’s injuries. “But…you’re injured…can’t you press the jacket to your abdomen to stop the blood?”

  “Just stop,” John said. It was getting late and right now, John just wanted to leave. “The paramedics and other officers are on their way.”

  “But…” Annie stopped when she noticed John glaring at her. She resisted the urge to place her arms around her body, as if needing the reassurance that the situation was under control.

the damn jacket back on.”

  Annie gazed uncertainly at her rescuer. “I, ah, you need it.”

  John eyed the woman, who was trying so desperately to help him. “Put the damn jacket back on. I don’t want you going into shock.”

  Before Annie could utter a reply, several vehicles with flashing lights and loud sirens appeared. Suddenly men and women were descending upon them. Paramedics and various law enforcement personnel were running around the crime scene in an earnest attempt to assist and comprehend the situation.

  Annie walked closer to the man that had saved her. It surprised her just how comfortable she felt being around John Connell. She stood near her protector and watched in fascination as John was speaking and issuing orders to several different people at once. He was tall with a solid build…and Annie was flabbergasted that he was not seeking medical attention.

  “This man is hurt!”

  John Connell glowered at Annie out of the corner of his eye. He then ignored her and continued to issue orders. An officer stopped and glanced at John’s torso. “That’s enough, John.” The officer then motioned toward the emergency medical personnel. Two EMT’s arrived and began to hover around the tough police detective.

  “Detective Connell, we need you to lie down on this gurney so we can treat-‘”

  “Look at the woman first,” John interrupted. He motioned toward Annie. He was surprised she still stood beside him. “She was attacked.”

  “Detective Connell, we will also be checking the woman out and we will be transporting both of you to the hospital. However, I need you to sit on the side of the gurney and-”

  “Damn it! I’m busy right now.”

  Suddenly a tall, muscular man approached the difficult cop. “John, get your ass on this gurney and-”

  “Bullshit.” John ran a hand through his hair. There was a flash of pain that crested through his chest. He ignored the pain. “Now, as I was saying, this woman got attacked. Take care of her.”

  One of the paramedics took sympathy on Annie. With a kind tone, the man asked, “Will you please lay on the gurney so that I can examine your injuries, ma’am?”

  “Ah, can I stand by John?” came Annie’s quiet question. She felt John turn his attention on her, but she did not meet his gaze. Instead, Annie peered at the paramedic. She clasped her hands in front of herself as the cold chill of the night continued to infiltrate her taunt body. “This sounds silly, but…ah, I feel safer around him.”

  “Of course, ma’am,” was the paramedic’s reply. “Here.” In a few seconds, the paramedic had placed a gurney right beside Annie. He patted the top. “You can sit right here, ma’am.”

  After a brief glance in John’s direction, Annie sat on the edge of the stretcher. “Thank you.” Several people continued to investigate the area. Suddenly a few police officers began to stand off to her side, blocking her view from John Connell. Annie stretched forward a few inches, intending to keep her gaze directed on the badass detective that had rescued her.

  “John is right over there, ma’am.” The paramedic nodded his head to the right. “Can you see him?”

  “Yes…thank you,” Annie said with a soft voice. Her gaze locked on John once more. She watched as he continued to talk to police officers. Annie was somewhat comforted when she noticed an EMT lifting up John’s shirt and inspecting his injuries.

  Annie was about to turn away, when she noticed it. It was at that precise moment when John Connell directed his gaze at her.

  Their direct gazes met….and held.

  Annie sucked in a deep breath of air as tiny prickles of feeling pulsated through her soul. Never before had she felt like this…and she wondered if she would ever experience this form of feeling again. In a unique sort of way….the tough detective made her feel protected. Safe. Proud. Noble. Exceptional.

  The paramedic cleared his throat, as if trying to discreetly regain Annie’s attention. With a red tint of blush cascading across her cheeks, she turned her head away from John and focused on the EMT.

  “What’s your name, ma’am?”

  “Annie….Annie Perry.”

  The paramedic paused for a split second, but it was enough for Annie to notice. “Annie Perry….like the Perry Corporations?”

  “Will John Connell be okay? He was bleeding and-”

  “Don’t worry about John, Miss Perry.” The paramedic flashed her a small smile. “He’s a tough SOB.”

  Annie was about to respond when a police officer approached her. The female in the uniform opened a small notebook and poised a pen above the paper. “Can you please tell me what happened here this evening, ma’am?”

  John watched Annie from afar as she was being questioned by a police officer that he had worked with in the past. Even with all the chaos of law enforcement and first responders hovering around the scene, Annie sat on the edge of the stretcher. There was a certain sense of strength radiating from her, masked in a quiet and dignified sense of poise. She appeared self-assured and confident…and John was proud of that. He was proud of her.

  He took the opportunity to analyze her. She wore a black dress that ended just above her knees, showing off a great pair of legs. The long-sleeved blouse was ripped near the wrist area, and for some reason that really pissed John off. Just knowing that a man had tried to mug the lady caused a sense of anger to fester just below John’s surface.

  There was a brown briefcase now on the stretcher by the woman, along with her ruined purse. The assailant had not been able to take the woman’s money or belongings, but the strap of the purse was broken.

  “How’s she doing?”

  The question came from over John’s left shoulder and he immediately knew who was asking. John did not shift his attention away from the young woman, but answered with saying, “She’s a hell of a fighter.” John then pointed to the unconscious man that was currently laying on the gurney and about to be transported to the hospital. “She fought back and even managed to kick him in the balls.”

  “Good for her,” came Captain Brown’s reply. He waited a moment before he said, “You know who she is, right?”

  “Yeah,” John said. He glanced down at his torso. Two medics were quietly muttering to each other about his injuries. “She’s the victim of a potential mugging.”

  “Yeah…but she’s-shit! John!”

  John Connell began to fall to the ground….unconscious.

  “Annie! Annie! Are you okay?”

  Annie Perry could hear the familiar voices before the door even opened. She grinned, a small tired smile, as her parents swung through the oversized hospital door. Together they hurried into the medium sized room.

  “Mom! Dad!” Annie lay on the hospital bed, clad in a blue medical gown. Small bruises covered the right side of her face. There were faint scratches around her jaw and neck area. She grinned at her parents, pretending with all her might that she was not sore and aching. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  Margie Perry began to hover over her youngest child. She gingerly placed a hand on Annie’s forehead. “Of course we came! When I get my hands on the creep that attacked you, I am going to-”

  “Mom!” Despite the seriousness of the situation, Annie could not help but smirk at the caring woman. “I am fine, mom. Really… I am. Just a few bruises are all.”

  Like any loving mother, Margie blew out a deep breath of air and continued to inspect her daughter. The auburn colored hair appeared even brighter under the florescent lighting. The curly tresses were flattened against the pillow and one side of Annie’s cheekbones was turning a deep shade of ugly purple.

  Milt Perry remained quiet. He continued to look at his daughter as a tough block of emotion was firmly lodged in the man’s throat. Milt stood motionless near his daughter’s hospital bed as his wife continued to fuss over their child.

  Margie soothingly placed a comforting hand on her daughter’s forehead. “What happened, honey?”

  Annie bit her lower lip as a slice of fear pierced through her bod
y. Tears gathered in her green eyes, and Annie willed herself to contain her emotions for the sake of her parents. “I don’t want to talk about it just now, mom.”

  “Of course, honey.” Margie Perry nodded in understanding as she gently patted Annie’s forehead. “You just take all the time you need.”

  Annie placed her hands over her abdomen, as if telling herself to calm down. She was no longer in fear, but the horrific events of the night still lingered.

  “I’m alive because of a detective,” Annie said. She knew her words were soft, but the vivid memories of the attack were making it difficult to talk. “Detective John Connell saved me. Please find him for me…I need to know that he’s okay.”

  Milt Perry swallowed hard and looked directly at his child. “Who is John Connell?”

  “He got hurt saving me, dad,” came Annie’s explanation. Her tone resembled more of a plea. The tearful eyes contained sadness. “John got hurt saving me. I think he was stabbed.” The emotions festering through her caring soul made it difficult for Annie to speak. “I, ah, have been asking every nurse and doctor about his condition, but I haven’t been told anything.”

  Margie Perry ran a hand through her own medium length, reddish tinted hair. With a look of determination that Annie and her siblings had witnessed several times from their childhood, Margie pursed her lips and glanced at her family members. “I will find out John Connell’s status and be right back.”

  Annie wanted to grin at her mother, but lacked the energy. She was too tired and worn out from the events of the devastating day. Now, all she wanted was to know if John Connell would make a full recovery from his injuries. Her mind wandered….as images of John collapsing so suddenly to the ground, continued to haunt her conscious…. John would have hit the pavement if the other officers and paramedics hadn’t caught him.


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