Humping Her Hero

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Humping Her Hero Page 12

by Emmaline Wade

  Rae thought that sounded exactly like something Ellie would say and right now, she found comfort in those reassuring words. “That is why Ellie is such an expressive writer.”

  “Oh, I agree.” There was a ting of sibling pride within Brisa’s dark brown eyes. “Ellie is a word artist. She has such a unique gift of not only creating welcoming places in her stories, but also developing such fluid characters that everyone can relate to.”

  Rae was about to respond when she noticed Julia Sherry walking toward their table. The young woman strolled beside a man clad in an all black suit. It was the man’s neutral expression that garnered Rae’s attention the most. There was no smile and no frown, just a delicately disguised face that reminded Rae of a professional poker player.

  Stack McGregor was reevaluating the situation. He should not have agreed to accompany Julia Sherry to the charity event this evening. He was the head of the security detail for the Sherry family and that meant to guard the Judge and Julia….from a discreet distance. That did not mean to parade into the grand ballroom like he was proud that a woman like Julia Sherry was by his side.

  Stack knew, that if he had been thinking with half a brain, he should have created some quick excuse and maneuvered himself out of the crappy situation he was in now.

  The Judge was not feeling well.

  Julia was still planning on attending the charity event.

  Stack did not come up with an excuse for another member on the security team to accompany Julia. Now Stack was stuck being around Julia Sherry the entire evening ….and that was a problem.

  Julia Sherry was a darling.

  In the years that Stack had guarded the Sherry family, he had seen firsthand just how lovely Julia Sherry was. The young lady was several inches shorter than his own six-four frame. Of course, like any single male, Stack noticed the woman’s voluptuous body had curves in all the right places.

  Even right now, Stack noticed how her dark colored purple gown fit snuggly over her body. The shimmering brunette hair was styled elegantly past her shoulders and Stack swore at himself because he wanted to touch her hair and know exactly if her tresses were similar to silk.

  Because he was certain that he should not be thinking of Julia Sherry, Stack glanced around the area with a professional sense of duty. He noticed the usual set of wealthy families that he was familiar with. It was from vast amounts of experience that Stack could tell the charity do-gooders from the people who only wanted status and to be featured in the society pages of the press.

  Stack was thankful that Julia was a philanthropist who actually contained a deep concern for others. It was Julia Sherry who had the knowledge and ability to create life-changing events for others who were struggling. Although Stack would never acknowledge it, he was very proud to be standing by the person beside him and yet ….Stack knew he had no right to feel that way.

  Wanting to distance himself from the woman he was in charge of protecting, Stack shifted his gaze to Julia. He saw the wide smile on her face. The glimmer of enthusiasm showcased within her dark brown, coffee colored eyes. “I want to check the exits. I’ll be back in a little bit.”

  “Of course,” came Julia’s reply. She grinned at her bodyguard, the man who she entrusted with her life. “I will be sitting at the Carrie family table, unless someone asks me to dance.”

  That stopped Stack dead in his tracks. He turned his full body toward Julia and noticed that the woman was serious. Damn it.

  “Dance?” Stack questioned, as if the idea was foreign to him. “You are going to dance?”

  Confusion crossed Julia’s beautiful features. “You make it sound like no one would want to dance with me…”

  “No.” Stack swore under his breath. “No. That is not what I meant at all.” He just did not want to think of Julia Sherry dancing with anyone tonight. Stack knew he had not anticipated that….and knew he should have. Any red-blooded male would want to dance with her. Damn it.

  Julia Sherry could make his mind completely blank and Stack loathed that. He was a professional. He was ex-military. He could plan about any form of mission. He could plan vast amounts of security. And right here….right now….he was irritated that he had not been thinking about this entire night more clearly.

  Julia Sherry eyed her bodyguard with interest, wondering if she had said something to offend him. However, she knew it took a lot to offend Stack McGregor…but she did wonder why he appeared quite agitated now.

  “Are you okay, Stack?” Julia quietly inquired. Her concerned tone and sense of politeness did not surprise him. “Are you feeling well?”

  Stack resisted the urge to swear. Instead he continued to look into the sweet brown eyes that were now clouded with worry. “I’m fine.”

  The words came out in a clipped tone and Julia nodded her head, wondering about the man standing directly in front of her. With a small thudding within her heart, Julia took the opportunity to gaze at the man she had known for years.

  Stack McGregor.

  Badass bodyguard.


  She watched as Stack ran a hand through his dark brown hair. No one would consider Stack handsome because his strong jawline could intimidate nearly everyone. His face was full of sharp angles, manifesting the man’s don’t piss me off attitude.

  Now was no different. Julia knew she was getting under Stack’s skin, she just didn’t know why, so she tried again. “Stack, it’s not too late to take me home.”

  For the very tiniest of moments, Stack thought of taking Julia back to the Sherry mansion, both of them getting undressed-no. Obviously that is not what Julia Sherry had in mind.

  After clearing his mind of the images of them together, Stack shook his head from side to side and glanced at Julia. “What is it that you’re saying?”

  “I was only saying that if you’re not feeling well, we can leave so you can rest and feel better. I can certainly make you my famous chicken noodle soup…” Julia noticed that Stack was looking at her in a peculiar way, so she began to flounder her words. “Okay….well, my soup really isn’t famous…I was just teasing.”

  “I really think this is one of the most unique conversations we have ever had,” came Stack’s reply.

  Julia agreed. “Maybe it’s because Judge isn’t here or because you may or may not be feeling well…” It was now that Julia was examining the changes in their evening.

  It was just them.


  No Judge.

  No other bodyguards.

  “I’m fine,” Stack said, not bothering to force any enthusiasm in his voice, which Julia knew the man would never do. It was not in Stack’s nature to be something he wasn’t. Julia appreciated him for that.

  “Okay,” Julia slightly hedged. “I’m going to be at the Carrie family table…”

  “I’m going to double-check the exits.” Stack began to turn away and then stopped. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  Stunned by the question, Julia blinked for a moment.

  “You don’t need to look at me like I just grew a set of antlers on my head,” Stack said. “I’m just asking if you want a glass of champagne or an ice water with a slice of lemon.”

  “Ah…an ice water would be lovely,” Julia managed to say. “Thank you, Stack. It was very kind of you to ask.”

  The intense looking bodyguard only spun on his heel and walked in the opposite direction…leaving Julia to wonder about their behavior. It was never like this between them….not this….this......tension.

  “Want a beer, Stack?”

  Although Stack was thankful to be asked, he shook his head. With his quiet sense of scrutiny, he watched as Damon Carrie ordered himself another beer. The man then took a seat on a barstool beside Stack.

  Damon noticed that Stack was staring straight ahead, at Julia Sherry sitting beside Rae Rally. Even though the women were quite different, they were conversing at the designated Carrie table near the front of the room. For a mere moment, Damon took the
opportunity to examine both women from a distance.

  Rae Rally continued to sit in her ill-fitting dress. No one had asked the young woman to dance this evening, except his own father, Samuel Carrie. Damon had seen Rae blush and quietly refuse his dad’s offer.

  Instinct told Damon that Stack was not looking at Rae Rally, but had kept his focus on Julia Sherry. Damon had known Julia for several years and they had grown up together because their families were dear friends. Damon noted that Julia had been asked to dance by a couple of different men, but she had politely declined.

  Instead, the pair of friends, continued to converse with each other, content on not dancing. It was Mrs. Rally who lingered on the far end of the round table, quietly talking with another woman of a similar age.

  “What’s new, Stack?”

  “Just another few minutes and then we can leave,” came the man’s blunt reply. After the words had left his mouth, Stack shook his head. “I didn’t meant it like that. Tonight’s event is for a very good cause and a lot of money was raised, but I want to get the hell out of here.”

  “Big plans after this?”

  “I just want to get Julia back to her house.”

  Damon did not question Stack any further. Because even though the youngest Carrie male had known Stack for a lengthy portion of time, Damon knew not to press Stack McGregor about anything.

  Stack raked a hand through his short hair. “Did your dad hire any security yet?”

  Damon shook his head. “Not to my knowledge. The last I knew he was looking into it.”

  “Your dad is becoming a higher profile figure….bend his ear about hiring some security not only for himself, but for your entire family.”

  “Do you really think we need it?” Damon questioned. “I mean I can see dad getting some security for himself….but the rest of us? Mom is at her design firm. Brisa teaches preschool and Cray is very busy analyzing patients. Ellie and I are still in college so-”

  “I would not mention hiring a security detail if I did not think it was warranted.” Stack kept his gaze on the young brunette in the purple colored dress. He noticed every time when Julia Sherry would glance in his direction and Stack gave her credit for being alert. However, it was as if the lady were checking in on him….instead of the other way around. Not even wanting to entertain that thought, Stack shifted his body on the barstool. “If your dad wants input on any type of security personnel, let me know.”

  “Will do.” Damon took a sip of his beer and then another of his whiskey. “After this event, some of us are going to a club downtown. You and Julia are more than welcome to join us.”

  Automatically, Stack shook his head. The way Damon phrased it, made it sound as if he and Julia were a couple and he hated that. Even the thought of Julia at a club was irritating. “No. Julia will not be at any sort of club.”

  Damon accepted that with a nod.

  Stack needed to reiterate his role in Julia’s life. “I’m going to see that Julia gets home okay.” And then Stack wanted to fall asleep, within his own living quarters on the Sherry property and selfishly, he wanted to think of Julia Sherry….even though, he knew he shouldn’t.

  Damon Carrie was about to say more when he noticed the blonde that he had been dancing with earlier, had singled her gaze directly upon him. Sensing a trap, Damon stood and wobbled a few centimeters.

  Knowing he was tipsy, Damon zeroed his attention to the table across the room. “She found me….see you later, Stack.”

  Slightly amused by the situation, Stack nodded his head as he watched Damon Carrie very carefully stroll toward Julia Sherry and Rae Rally. With both hands occupied; one with a beer bottle and the other hand clutching a small glass of whiskey, Damon steadily put one foot in front of the other.

  Julia Sherry noticed Damon Carrie advancing in their direction. Because she knew Damon and his antics, Julia noticed the look of quiet determination on his face. The blonde woman quickly trailed behind him, hell-bent on catching up to him. It was then that Julia glanced toward the bar area, locked her eyes with Stack McGregor, and a knowing look passed between them, as if they were experienced lovers instead of their client-bodyguard relationship.

  As if silently communicating about their evening, and Damon Carrie, Julia shared a small, private grin with her protector. Even though Stack continued to scowl, Julia did not care. This evening had just gotten more interesting.

  Rae bit the inside of her lower lip. Damon Carrie now stood just in front of her and Julia. Thankful that her friend was nearby, Rae took the opportunity to eye Damon Carrie.

  He stood, slightly off balance, in a tuxedo with the bow tie now unfastened and hanging around his neck. Certain that he was going to ask Julia to dance, Rae shifted her gaze away from the man. She briefly glanced in her grandmother’s direction, somewhat surprised that they were both still at the party. It was Mrs. Rally that often pointed out that anyone staying up after a certain hour was bound to commit a sin or get into trouble.

  Absently, Rae thought both of those circumstances might occur for Damon Carrie before the night was over. She could easily envision him getting into some sort of trouble or committing a sin.

  “Would you like to dance?” came Damon’s question.

  Rae looked at Julia, wondering if her friend would accept Damon’s offer. To her surprise, Rae noticed that Julia was peering at her.

  “Rae….Damon is asking you to dance,” Julia politely pointed out.

  Stunned into near shock, Rae was suddenly speechless. Whipping her head around, Rae thought her neck was going to be permanently out of place with the whip-lash motion. “Ahh…huh?”

  Damon Carrie placed both of his drinks on the table. His eyes were serious, which surprised Rae. She knew the man was full of private jokes and his mischievous nature was always engulfing one person and then another.

  “I’m asking you to dance, Rae Rally,” Damon said again. His dark green eyes fixated on Rae, making the inexperienced young woman still stutter her response and shake her head with denial.

  “You want to dance?” Rae asked as if she needed to be absolutely certain. “With me? You want to dance with me?”

  “Yes,” was Damon’s patient reply. “With you.”

  “Ah…why? Why not with Julia?” Rae blurted out before gasping and placing a hand over her mouth, in fear that more words would very suddenly stumble out.

  “Rae!” Julia placed a soothing hand on her friend’s wrist. “Damon would much rather dance with you….now go and have fun.”

  Rae nearly died a little inside. Without saying a word, Rae stood. She kept her gaze locked on Damon, wondering if this was a cruel joke that he was about to play on her. But, she knew better. Rae knew that even though Damon loved to tease her, he was not remotely capable of asking her to dance and then decline…all to embarrass her.


  Damon Carrie was not that sort of man.

  She knew that much about him.

  With a profound sense of gratitude, as if winning the grand prize in a contest, Damon smiled. This is what he had wanted to happen all evening….to dance….at least one dance with Rae Rally.

  When he reached for her hand, Damon noticed a slight shutter cascade through the woman’s body. With the gentlest of touch, Damon curled his fingers around Rae’s soft hands. Her skin was like the softest and most expensive silk.

  “Come dance with me, Rae.”

  The words were spoken so quietly that Rae had only just imagined that Damon had uttered the words, but then she heard him say it again, a little louder as his grin spread a bit wider.

  “I would love-”

  “So this is who you’re going to dance with?” The blonde woman that had been by Damon earlier, now appeared by his side. The young girl with the thick make-up glared at Rae. The look of malice was obvious. “So Damon is going to dance with you….the ugly girl in the hand-me-down dress that-”

  “That is enough,” Damon interrupted. He did not bother glancing at Thick Make-Up Wo
man, but instead, kept his gaze on Rae, as if she were the only woman in the room. He tugged Rae toward the dance floor. “Come on, Rae, it’s time for us to dance.”

  Thick Make-Up Woman twisted her lips together in a sneer that would cause most rattlesnakes to back down. “If you think you’re going to dance with this sad looking creature over me, you have another thing coming and-”

  “Stop.” Damon pulled Rae closer to his side, trying to shield her from the horrendous words that Thick Make-Up Woman was continuing to spew. “Don’t you ever insult Rae again or-”

  “Damon, enjoy your dance with Rae.” Julia interjected as she stood up to assist with the situation. She then turned toward the blonde with the heavy make-up. “Would you care for another glass of champagne? I would be happy to get you-”

  “Oh, my goodness!” Rae felt the warm liquid hit against her skin. The shock of having Thick Make-Up Woman throw a glass of whisky on her was nearly unthinkable …until it actually happened. With deep horror etched within her soul, Rae felt like the most embarrassed person alive. Unable to move because of the wretched shock, Rae stood by Damon as the whiskey dripped down her dress. Pure mortification swept across her face, causing Rae to blush with humiliation.

  Thick Make-Up Woman continued to sneer with contempt. Her eyes began to bug out in rage. “Of all the heartless-”

  “It’s time for you to go, miss.” Stack McGregor was by Julia’s side. He could still smell the light flowery scent of her perfume and for some reason he found that familiarity comforting. Stack discreetly signaled to a man that had been stationed near an exit. Two seconds later, the man was there.

  Stack wasted no time. “Paul, take security detail Lisa with you and I want both of you to make certain this young woman gets home.”

  “Right away, Mr. McGregor.”

  Sensing that several people were glancing in their direction, Rae peered at the floor as Thick Make-Up Woman was led from the room by various staff members.

  “Rae, would you like to follow me to the ladies room and I can help you get that drink off your dress before it stains?” Julia asked her friend. “It will only take a moment and then you can come back out and dance with Damon.”


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