Bhyr: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 3)

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Bhyr: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 3) Page 13

by Penelope Fletcher

  We shook our heads.

  ‘Oh, well.’ She slumped, shook the moment off to square her shoulders. ‘No matter. Ohx doesn’t use it much anymore. Only the first few times….’ She trailed off, staring at nothing. She fumbled to cover herself.

  Seeing our looks of commiseration, she offered a sickly smile.

  ‘Bihter is the same,’ Cristina said, subdued. ‘He used it to get me through the Testing, but hasn’t since then. We came to an agreement.’

  Ella’s face twisted. ‘An agreement?’

  Cerise splotches reddened Cristina’s cheeks. She glanced at me as if worried I’d say something about her activities on the journey to Vøtkyr.

  I kept my mouth shut.

  Her business was her business. My business of late left me no room to talk.

  ‘That’s understandable.’ Ashleigh frowned at the younger girl. ‘We’re doing whatever we need to stay safe.’

  ‘Grace doesn’t have one,’ Cristina muttered.

  ‘Who’s that?’ I asked. ‘Did she take it off?’

  ‘Never had one put on. When we were on the ship, Bihter came back with her. I had a bad moment. I thought he’d replaced me.’ She grimaced. ‘He says she’s staying with us because it’s safer for her.’ She paused. ‘He said the First’s breeder saved her life. I had no idea he was talking about you, Indie. I wouldn’t have stressed so much about you if I’d known.’ She looked irritated. ‘I asked him over and over to tell me what happened to you, but he kept saying he didn’t know any of the breeder names.’

  Nodding, I touched my bruised cheek. The pain bought something worthwhile. ‘I did nothing but point out she didn’t deserve to die. I told him to send her home if they didn’t want her.’

  ‘I don’t know, Indie. Bihter thought it was momentous the First changed his mind.’ Cristina chewed her thumbnail. Her gaze sharpened on me. ‘The bruise on your face isn’t because the First punished you for interfering?’

  I blinked at the idea of the First hitting me. The imagery rubbed me wrong. ‘He’s done nothing like that. He’s not violent that way.’

  Ashleigh cocked her head, asking if I cared to share.

  I kept my misadventure with the knife under wraps. If the First would ever beat me, the incident in the pool would have been the time to start.

  ‘You’re right, Cristina. I’m not obedient.’ I shrugged. ‘The First uses the Keeping to punish me, not his fists.’

  I thought over our interactions the day before.

  Just because he wanted to treat me as an equal didn’t mean I was free or exempt from punishment.

  ‘We haven’t come to a verbal agreement,’ I said. ‘More like an unspoken truce when it comes to the Keeping. He’s reluctant to use it now. I don’t know why.’

  Ashleigh faced Ella. ‘What about you?’

  Ella stared. ‘The alien doesn’t let me speak. All I know is I hate it.’ Her expression turned miserable. ‘I heard the others call it Arj Wyrm.’ She jerked a shoulder, expression returning to its sullen mask. ‘What a stupid name. All of their names are stupid.’

  ‘Not all of them.’ Cristina’s mild tone spelled trouble.

  She disliked Ella.

  I couldn’t ask why until we were alone.

  Cristina looked at me. ‘Our guys are related. Hel Bihter, Hel Bhyr. See where I’m going? They have the same title.’

  Did she know she sounded proud?

  Ashleigh made a negative noise. ‘That bit at the beginning? Kov, Hel, Erd, Arj? That’s not a name or title. It tells you what generation they were born in. Erd is the oldest. There are loads of them. Kov and Hel are the youngest. There are only a few of them.’ She frowned. ‘In fact, I’ve only heard of Hel Bihter and Hel Bhyr. Ohx has at least eight other warriors in his generation. I’ve met them. I think there are dozens more.’

  ‘That’s odd.’ The strangeness niggled at me. ‘Any of you seen evidence of women or children since we’ve been here? I’ve seen nothing. Literally nothing. No mothers, aunts or sisters. No pictures or mention of them. No feminine belongings. Anyone?’

  They shook their heads.

  ‘Bihter told me he didn’t have a choice,’ Cristina said. ‘He said he had to take me.’ She turned contemplative. ‘You think something happened to their women, and that’s the reason they took us.’

  Ashleigh’s eyes narrowed. ‘Makes sense. The things Ohx says and does are odd. Like he has no clue how to relate to me.’

  I tilted my head. ‘You know a lot about them.’

  ‘Ohx talks to me.’ She admitted it like she would a murder. ‘I get the impression he’s not supposed to, but he does anyway.’ She snuck a glance at Ella’s hostile expression. ‘I think he’s lonely.’

  Dropping onto the floor and crossing her legs, Ella stared into her lap.

  Ashleigh wrung her hands. She ducked her head then gasped. ‘Ella?’

  She cupped the girl’s chin to tilt it and expose the bloodshot eyes and runny nose.

  Ella jerked her head back, sallow complexion pinked. ‘Get off.’ She shoved herself back. ‘Don’t touch me.’

  Ashleigh rocked back.

  ‘What the hell is your problem?’ Cristina asked.

  ‘My problem?’ Ella scrambled onto her feet. ‘I’ll tell you my problem. You make me sick to my stomach.’

  Cristina’s eyes rounded. ‘I beg your pardon?’

  ‘What is wrong with you?’ Shaking, Ella hugged her middle. She nailed Ashleigh with a wounded look. ‘On the ship, you were like me. You hated the aliens and wanted to escape. Now….’ She shuddered. ‘Now you’re standing there talking like… like….’

  ‘It’s not that simple,’ Ashleigh said.

  ‘She knows.’ Two spots of colour shaded Cristina’s cheekbones. ‘She’s being a mean bitch because she can.’

  ‘Cristina.’ I shook my head in a firm jerk. Now was not the time for our brand of honesty.

  The girl was not dealing.

  Pushing her wouldn’t lead to anything good.

  ‘I can’t believe you,’ Ella spat. ‘Not that simple? Can’t you hear yourself?’

  Stricken, Ashleigh reached for her. ‘We have to stand together and support each other’s choices even if we don’t agree with them. None of us will make it otherwise.’

  Ella ripped her hand away. She wiped it on her thigh. ‘You three are together.’

  Rooted to the spot and losing colour, Ashleigh stared at the place Ella had wiped away her touch. As if she were contaminated or contagious.

  ‘I’m over here. Alone.’ Ella’s voice hitched. ‘I’m alone because you left me.’

  ‘Would you rather I lied?’ Ashleigh whispered, fierce with hurt. ‘Would you rather I sold you a story? Told you that tomorrow, we’ll overpower them. Steal a spaceship we can’t pilot. Cavort across the fucking universe until we magically find Earth? Is that what you want?’

  ‘I want nothing from you. I didn’t ask for this.’

  ‘We did?’ Cristina asked. ‘Instead of playing the victim, we’re making the best of a shitty situation. You’ve succeeded in making it shittier.’ Her eyes were bright with anger. ‘Thanks for that.’

  ‘Arguing is pointless,’ I said, afraid they would go at each other like alley cats. ‘Our best bet is to do what they say. Stay alive until a better option comes along.’ I remembered how nonchalant the First acted while I held a knife to his throat. How we would get free was a mystery to me, but saying so aloud would be a bad idea. ‘Something will swing our way. It has to. Patience is the name of the game.’ I gave them a bracing smile. ‘We have to be smart. We’ll meet here as often as we can to keep each other strong. There’s no shame here.’

  ‘Oh?’ Ella scoffed. She looked me up and down. ‘You would say that.’



  ‘What does that mean?’ I asked.

  ‘I saw the way you walked in together. How that devil creature looked at you. The way you looked back.’

  ‘Devil creature.’
The moniker bit at me. As did her insinuation the association damned me. ‘If he’s a devil creature what am I?’ My voice cracked the air like a whip.

  ‘The Antichrist?’ Cristina tittered. ‘Your children will be his unholy spawn.’

  ‘That’s enough from the peanut gallery,’ I said.

  Cristina smirked, mimed zipping her mouth closed.

  Understanding she was being mocked, Ella stiffened. ‘The First is the worst of them. Their leader. You’re panting after him. What does it say about you?’

  Even though I hadn’t known the First was the Grand Poobah of this carry on, her words landed close to home. Right on my front lawn, treading on private fears.

  She was right. I hated her for saying it.

  ‘Are you finished?’ I asked.

  She glared at the floor.

  ‘I’ll take that as a yes. This is scary. You’re upset, and you’re frightened. Me too.’ I dug deep for the patience I’d asked of them. ‘As scared and upset and frightened as you are, you do not get to talk to me like that. I am not something you stepped in then scraped off your shoe.’ She was silent now she’d pissed me off. ‘Do you understand me?’

  ‘Yeah, I got it. You know what? I’m done.’ Ella pushed out her palms. Her expression flickered with emotions she’d irritated me too much to give a damn about. ‘You bitches would never help me, anyway.’

  ‘Think what you like.’

  ‘Only watch the way you say it.’ Cristina crossed her arms over her chest, voice flat.

  ‘This isn’t helping.’ Ashleigh managed to be pale and flushed. ‘She’s younger than us. Vulnerable. We’re obligated to comfort her.’

  Ella’s attention returned to harassing the floor.

  How old, I mouthed.

  Nineteen, Ashleigh mimed with a pointed look.

  I rubbed my palm to my forehead, relieved and annoyed. Ella looked much younger. Not old enough to hold a driver’s license younger. But at her age, she should act less of a frightened child seeking attention. I sighed. What if I took into consideration I was a decade older with the life experience to match? I tried to remember what I was like on the cusp of my twenties.

  I was a mouthy piece of work, too.

  Blowing out my cheeks, I held up my hands. I let them fall with a smack to my sides. ‘Ella, I’m sorry if you feel we’re not focusing on your problems. What do you expect us to do? Please stop blaming us. We’re in the same position as you. Talk to us. We’ll help in whatever way we can.’

  Nodding at my words, Ashleigh cracked her knuckles. Her face pinched with worry. ‘Ella?’ She hesitated to touch the girl’s shoulder. ‘Please?’

  ‘Whatever.’ Ella flounced from our huddle. She threw herself down, back to the wall, tucking her head into the cradle of her arms.

  Ashleigh gave a look of appeal to Cristina, who snorted. ‘You want to coddle the brat, go on ahead. I will not apologise. Not for having the common sense to make nice with the alien overlord who literally has my pussy leashed. I’m not going to stand here and let her make other people feel bad about themselves either.’

  Ashleigh’s gigantic eyes turned to plead at me with the cuteness of a wounded kitten.

  I lifted my leash, so it didn’t rattle and knelt next to where Ella sat and sniffled.

  I hunted for common ground that might endear me to her. Uh. I had nothing. So I wasn’t the cuddliest person? Nobody was perfect. I had no tolerance for people too close-minded to help themselves.

  ‘Listen,’ I said. ‘It’s rough here, I know. I’m sorry you’re here, Ella. I am. You should be on Earth doing, sorry, I haven’t asked. What do you do?’

  ‘She’s an Influencer,’ Ashleigh said.

  Right. ‘That. You should be, um, influencing people to….’ I peeked at Ashleigh.

  ‘Improve their wellbeing and lifestyle.’

  ‘Yes, that.’

  ‘Leave. Me. Alone.’ Ella didn’t lift her head or say anything else.

  I’m not a nanny.

  Glancing at Ashleigh, I did what the girl asked and slid along the wall to give her space. It was the only thing I could do for her.

  Ashleigh slumped. ‘Thanks.’

  I bobbed my head.

  It was to her credit she had enough mental space left over to worry for a stranger’s wellbeing.

  ‘Thanks?’ Ella brayed laughter. ‘You know that monster is raping me. She comes along with her bullshit concern, and you tell her thanks?’ She laughed with enough force to make a vein in her forehead bulge. The sound was awful. A broken thing that escaped screaming. It echoed around the grotto. ‘Thanks.’ She howled. Fat tears wet her scarlet cheeks.

  ‘Shh.’ Cristina’s gaze fixed on something beyond our huddle.

  Blue heads with frightening expressions began to turn in our direction.

  Ashleigh looked panicked. ‘Calm down, Ella.’

  I understood the reason for their fear when a thick-necked male sauntered by me.

  His face twisted into a sneer, and his eyes had me sliding back to ensure I was out of his path.

  They were flat white.

  Serial killer eyes.

  He unhooked Ella’s leash from the anchor.

  My body went cold.

  He was Arj Wyrm, the selfsame warrior who’d taken Ella for his breeder.

  With growing dread, I looked at Cristina, who blanched bone white, a feat considering her complexion. I looked at Ashleigh. She peered back at me with shiny eyes. Suddenly, her coddling didn’t seem fussy enough.

  ‘Did I not say it should be quiet?’ Wyrm’s tone was light, but an undercurrent of menace threaded through it.

  Trembling in violent fits, Ella put her face in her hands and sobbed. ‘S-Sorry.’

  He yanked on the leash, dragging her from her huddle against the wall and onto the main floor of the chamber.

  She made a terrified whinny, scrambling onto all fours. The agonising pleasure-pain from the Keeping hit. Folding like a marionette with cut strings, Ella curled up on her side, eyes scrunched shut. She pressed at the juncture of her thighs, rocking her hips in desperate bucks.

  Arj Wyrm used a foot to flip her onto her front.

  He whipped his cock out.

  Cristina spun. ‘Shit.’

  I moved before I made the conscious choice to intervene.

  Fingers clamped on my forearm with enough force to bruise. I looked up with crazy eyes, ready to tear into whoever dared keep me from doing something. Anything.

  Cristina’s face was rigid.

  Her gaze jumped around at the sounds coming from behind her–she’d had enough self preservation to put her back to it all–but her grip was steady.

  She held fast when I tugged on my arm.

  A tremor ran through us both when a fleshy smack reverberated through the air.

  I tugged harder.

  ‘Do not,’ she said so quietly as to be inaudible. ‘Do not give the First an excuse to do the same fucking thing to you, Indie. Do not. If not for yourself, then for me.’

  My mouth opened.

  Maybe to tell her the First would never do that to me, but what evidence did I have to support it? A nebulous feeling?

  Some laughable idea that while he debased me, he also respected me?

  My eyes flew around the room to search for help.

  I expected to see barbarians cheering Wyrm on. Leering brutes salivating at the crude sight of him pressing her into submission.

  Were these not the beasts that threw us down and violated us in a mindless celebration of their mastery?

  I blinked when Kov Ohx reached Ashleigh and planted his large frame in front of her.

  She put her hands over her ears and scrunched her eyes closed, trembling.

  Many of the women mirrored her. Some were too shocked to do anything but stare. The warriors gravitated towards their breeders. They turned frozen bodies to face away. Covered unblinking eyes with a palm. Removed their females from the Gathering Grotto altogether.

  The air felt

  The First appeared at my side. His features were blank, but the tick under his eye told me he was livid.

  Isn’t this what he wanted?

  Baring his teeth, Arj Wyrm finished, then set himself to rights. He hauled up the near unconscious girl and slapped her into wakefulness. Ignoring the icy disapproval emanating from his First, Wyrm nodded to a circle of older warriors.

  They raised their fists in salute, quaffing gourds of fermented alcohol.

  With a last bold glance at his leader, Arj Wyrm left, Ella’s leash held taut. She twisted her head to look at me as she limped around the corner, swollen eyes pleading.

  Nobody moved.

  The First stirred, looking at Ohx then at Bihter. ‘Take your breeders back to nest.’

  Stone-faced, they nodded.

  Cristina spared me a warning glance. The message was clear. “Don’t be stupid.”

  Listless, Ashleigh trailed after Ohx. He glanced over his shoulder at her, raw-boned face tense and unhappy.

  ‘Come,’ the First told me.

  He retrieved the leash of my Keeping.

  I skirted a red splatter Ella left behind. The memory of her face mashed to the ground imprinted behind my eyelids. The spray of bloody fluid made me feel as if I floated outside my body. It hadn’t happened to me but seeing it, hearing it, and not to mention the smell…. The way she’d looked at me. See, her expression had said. Look what he does to me. How could I turn my face to save my own skin and not be culpable?

  A proverb about evil succeeding when people stood aside and did nothing rose past the jumble in my head. Hysterical thoughts of what I’d do if the First started beating the shit out of me to get off pushed it aside.

  I couldn’t make myself believe he’d ever do it.

  ‘You should talk to him,’ I said, hoarse. ‘Tell him not to…. Why is he treating her like that? As if… he hits her.’

  There was no need for it. Once activated, the Keeping left us begging for a fucking. Pain or humiliation wasn’t needed to force our compliance.

  Wyrm tortured Ella because he liked it.

  ‘To ask about a male’s breeder is to suggest he is unfit. It is not done. Nor may I claim a friendship with Arj Wyrm to broach such a thing without consequences for all concerned. I would have to speak as First.’


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